LET WHACK de famous geylang horfun … 9 July 2012

calling hiah ti ji mui ( bros & sisters ) ,

come come let re visit de famous geylang for a nite siow siow outing…

now 1st we whack de durains stall , after de makan we stroll into de RED LIGHT ared

see for yrourself de ayam ,pimp xxx shop selling all kinds of stuffs on so called  tian soo lua tai IT product..

after about 2hrs of look see look see ..den pak toh ( stomach ) yeow yeow ( hungry ) liao..we whack de food nearby kopi shop…sell many makans ..only worry no seat ….for those hiah ti ( brothers ) ,

DATE ; 09th july 2012

TIME ; 2000hr

MEETING POINT after lavnder mrt ..dun know de name of de stn cos me no take mrt..will check & revert back lor…maybe KALLANG mrt stn , if cfrm den we meet @ de information counter ( upstair or down stair har )

need not ve to pay 1st..what ever makan ,drinks u whack u PAY lor…

so ai mai cheong lah !!!

cheers from sam huat huat huat

17 thoughts on “LET WHACK de famous geylang horfun … 9 July 2012”

  1. hahahahha ah hiah terence ,

    de 3 ladies…didnt know there is a damn good asam laksa ,

    we 1st whack de asam laksa..damn sedap lah….gravy was den thick man!!! we had durians aso..only 2 fruits FT…

    we den walked to de red lights , 1 of de ah jie so chicken heart..talked softly dun point here n there ..hahahaha happen by chance we saw CNB caught 1 suspect in handcuff..dat ah jie aso scared ..hahahha so chicken heart 1… aiyo ai TLS liao lah…..

    sam huat huat

  2. Hi Sam and Geylang shoppers,

    It’s two days since your walk. I wasn’t able to join you, but I am itchy to heard your experience. Quick Quick, anything exciting?

    Terence Seah

  3. ah roselind jie ,carly frsina ,

    as cfrm thru our SMS this afternoon…time & place ve been change to ajunild mrt stn..time is 1930hrs….

    sorry roland tong , me no ve yr tian wei ( h/p )

    so , i hope to beg yr pardon lor…..

    since only 4 ladies coming hor….den i will drive my hong chia liao…see u ladies later lah….

    sam huat huat

  4. Sam didi! URGENT! URGENT! Please sms me and the rest as to the confirmed place of meet-up and also the time. Sms better cos arbo we bo eng to check this post how ah?


  5. In that case, ah huat, dont forget to bring your skirt. we ladies will do make up for you (just in case running out of $$$ after eating all the expensive durian)…we can put you to stand on a lamp post and be your pimp!!

  6. hahahha ah pauline ho ,

    ai hua yee hua yee tio ho.. ( happy can )…dun slog 2 much

    until ve NO time for yr dao huey..if lao chui nuao hor..den i ve answer 4 u lah..mine still in operation ..still going STRONG can produce twice day lor.hahahaha…

    ah roselind jie ,

    wow wow i ,will be accompany by de 3 ladies…carly & frsina
    if only 4of us ..den i might pick u all..den use my hong chia ..instead of kia lor ( walk )..dat tua pai chim bo eng 2 response 1…more ever i only ikan bilis..so i am nowhere to compare lah….we will hit lor 18 & 20..sekali see until peh TAHAN…den i CHEONG HOR….hahahahha.. me no cheap skate lah…not worth lowering my pride & risk of AIDS…

    when i was in de FORCE..during my youngster day..i was detail by my senior for escort duty..seen how these ppls suffer kena VD..oredli chia lark…so not worth calling it only 15mins song den u suffer whole life…

    sam huat huat

  7. liu lian I want!!!!
    Monday night right? will meet at kallang mrt. but if cancel must msg me hor.
    had seen the ayam and the red light but not the pimp. you won’t be acting like one for me carly and Ros right?

  8. Ah dui…Sam ah…

    Geylang’s dao-huey oso very nice… Now, I lao-chui-nuao (saliva drooling) liao… (T_T)

    Wish I can join but weekdays a bit kan-kor (difficult) ‘cos after work, just wanna go home n rest as next morning gotta wake up early to “catch the worm” (cho-kan) again… (>o<)

    Am keeping my fingers cross that one day, you’ll organize a weekend makan there, den I’ll quickly bo-mia oso…


    Cheers – Pauline

  9. Sam didi, Lor Si Leng here join you. Got Carly and Dolly mei mei as women companion, no lao ah pek will disturb us…hehehe


  10. Karen

    OK will try the beef hor fun if the event is on.

    OH! OH! Xiao Di, no more special rice for you for calling our sweet mei mei ding dong bell :(

    Have a great weekend!


  11. Carly

    Beef hor fun there is v nice .

    The one who used DING DONG BELL hor – sorry hor Ah Sam Ah Pui – no more salted Egg/sausage rice for u anymore .

    You take Care!

    Karen Thio

  12. ah terence hiah ,

    can say so lah…i want 2 be naughty boy again liao.KENA stress ..chim pek chek !!! kena blame lagi jiak lark….

    carly jie , dun worry tis is open 2 hiah ti jie mui not as ding dong karen say i want to show offhow well i know geylang hor…when young , i use to stay 1st in bugis st den shifted to very near geylang..so happen to be in de HOT spot territory… u , not greddy lah…we can click ma !!!

    sam huat huat

  13. Sam

    The way Terence said – U naughty boy ….some of our fellow members to Geylang Area ….

    I am still wondering – are u only inviting the Guys Only ????? To show how well u know Geylang huh???

    Carly – U raised b0th yr hands too fast … hahahaha


  14. Hi Sam,

    Naughty boy. I am not sure whether to support your event, but I guess you have good intentions, to expose some of our fellow members to the Geylang area. Of course, the durians, the horfun and the food are the other attractions.

    I like to join you; but unfortunately, I am travelling. Please enjoy the durians on my behalf.

    Teence Seah

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