The Westerly wind beckons – July 27, 2012

Another opportunity for the Westerlies to meet again. This time round we hope to introduce more activities for you, Swimming as usual from 10:00am follows by lunch and bowling from 2:00pm to 4:00pm and karoeke from 4:00pm to 7:00pm.emoticon

We hope to order nonya foods for lunch, those in favour please indicate early as prior booking is required. We  have booked a room from 12:00-4:00pm, after lunch we can play games, and chit chats. I will share about a trip to Penang and will be getting Pat to share on his experiences as a senior Toastmaster member.

Kaoreke will be another exciting time for us as the room is free of charge and we only need to order a soft drink or beer at $5.50.emoticon

There is fun for anyone, we look forward to your participation.

Venue:   Singapore Polytechnic Graduate Guild, Dover Road, enter by gate 4, nearest MRT Dover Station

Parking is free!

Time: 10:00am Swimming/12:00pm Lunch/2:00pm Bowling/Karoeke 4:00pm.

EOs, Dan & Patemoticon

Those coming"

  1. Dan
  2. Pat
  3. Susan Tan
  4. Terry Tang (No lunch?)
  5. Barbara Lim
  6. Tan Seok Wah
  7. Lim Tian Soo
  8. Gabriella Chua
  9. Charles Wee
  10. Ron Teo
  11. Tan Li Li
  12. Peng Peng
  13. Goh Ah Lam
  14. Gingko Tay
  15. Cat Yeo
  16. Richard Kee
  17. Jane Kee
  18. Primrose Kok
  19. Angela Kok
  20. Shawn Soh
  21. Grace Wong
  22. Feztus
  23. Jacqueline Han
  24. Evelyn Ong
  25. Johnny Pow (No lunch)
  26. Annie Pow (No lunch)
  27. Caroline Gee – tentative
  28. Simon
  29. Pearl
  30. Bobby Bok
  31. Lydia Soh

93 thoughts on “The Westerly wind beckons – July 27, 2012”

  1. Hi folks, I think I wasn’t a member yet when the westerly wind blew past me. So when can I expect the next westerly wind to come by?

  2. Hi Pat

    I believe you’ve taken some photos during the Westerly meeting. Wd really like to see them when ready.

    Thanking you in advance.


  3. On a separate note – to DAN –
    HI Dan – you had asked for feedback regarding a day-trip to JB sometime in September. So sorry, I had to leave early, and did not get a chance to speak with you.

    So here are my feedback –
    I prefer weekdays so as to avoid the weekend crowd. No point in queuing for hours at checkpoints during weekends.

    While a large number of participants would indicate the popularity of the day-trip, large group tend to break off into smaller groups… some people want to buy medicine,
    some want to shop, some want to relax and enjoy a massage…
    Can be quite a headache for the EOs.

  4. Dan and Pat –
    Thanks a lot for organizing this gathering.

    Besides the good food at reasonable price, I learned something!

    Pat – the talk on your ToastMaster experience was informative and interesting. I learned “PREP”, and “VD”!!!

    When delivering a talk, remember PREP. PREP stands for “Point” – make your point (make your statement).
    “Reason” – give your reason for making such a statement. “Example” – support your reason with an example.
    “Point” (again) – conclude by stating your point.

    At all cost – AVOID VD!!!

    What’s VD?

    VD stands for Verbal Diarrhea: Some people start to talk, and cannot stop talking. AVOID VD. Once you’ve made your point, shut up.

    What an eye-opener. Pat – thank you.

  5. Hi Mr Oei

    Only managed to grab a pc with internet access right now.

    Thanks for your kind invite but really could not make it. By the way, it’s Old Cow, not Goat. Old is rite, though, just a wrong species. Kakakakaaa.

    Take care,

  6. Yea my personal thanks to Dan and Pat for taking the time and effort to organise the wonderful outing. Enjoyed the food, and also meeting all you people for the first time. Will be there when you all meet again! – Shawn Soh

  7. Yea my personal thanks to Dan and Pat for taking the time and effort to organise the wonderful outing. Enjoyed the food, and also meeting all you people for the first time. Will be there when you all meet again! – Shawn Soh

  8. Hi Dan and Pat,

    Congratulations. You all had an enjoyable time ,full of activities and the makan2 at the Poly’s Guild House today.

    The makan2 according to Gabriella was good and value for the $13++ each had paid.

    I hope that there will be another opportunity for you to organize another Peranakan makan2 (lunch/dinner) for others who can’t attend week day lunch because of work.

    Thank you.

    Geok Suan.

  9. Hi Pat & Dan

    Thank you for everything! I had a whale of a time.

    Yes, Carly, the lunch was indeed delicious – $13 for a v sumptuous Peranakan meal. I’m sure everyone enjoyed it.
    C & G.

    Pat’s talk on Toastmasters was interesting and an eye-opener for me. May wish to give it a try if time permits. Hee2

    I also enjoyed the karaoke singing. Fun and entertaining.

    Warmest regards,

  10. Hi Dan & Pat

    Thanks for organising the gathering. I had fun bowling and singing. A pity I missed the lunch. Heard that it was very good.


  11. Hi Pearl Kwan,

    Thanks for your offer to furnish extra taxi at the MRT – In this case, both you and Dan wait there while I await the others at the Guild House esp for the 1st timers.

    See all of you…
    And OLD GOAT….Geraldine….if you can come even for a while…would be great….


  12. Hi Pearl,

    Noted Simon not coming. Wat do you mean extra “taxi”?

    Yes Shawn, will be there at 11:45am to pick you and Ron Teo.

    Welcome Lydia Soh, glad you are joining us too.


  13. Hi again Dan,

    Since I am very unfamiliar with SP campus think it would be best for this time that I take a lift from you, so be waiting with the rest at the MRT taxi stand at 11.45am tomorrow. Thanks.

    Shawn Soh

  14. Hi Gabriella, Li Li,

    Yes, wait at the exit nearest the Poly at the taxi-stand going in the direction of Clementi.

    Thanks Susan CH for the link, last time did you have a good workout trying to find your way in the sprawling complex?

    Bobby, welcome, always a late bird better than no bird!


  15. Last time I thought it was so easy – just walk from Dover MRT and cut through the Singapore Poly Campus (after all Poly Guildhouse is inside Poly what). But it is so s-p-r-a-w-l-i-n-g and I trekked through hills and valleys, labs and workshops, and nearly got lost. Did some research today and Ureka! hmm… quite easy to get there through the above route #74. You all check hor, see whether I’m correct!

  16. Hi Lili re: #70.

    Just saw your comments as I was sending a note to you. Telepathy?

    No, don’t know how to drive there…. taking mrt and getting a lift from Pat or Dan.



  17. Hi Simon and Pearl,

    Looking forward to meet both of you.

    Carly, hope to see you too.

    Gabriella, Primrose and Angela, Pat and me will be waiting at Dover MRT taxi-stand in the direction of Clementi at 11:45am to pick you all. Anyone not certain of the venue may indicate here that you need a lift.


  18. Thank you Dan.

    Please put me in as tentative. If I can make it for lunch and if there is a seat available for me, I will join in. Otherwise, I am happy to chat and sing :)


  19. #60…oops it happen again…

    should read:
    Of Course, I’ve arranged the use of the Private Room till 4pm now so that we can proceed to the Newly renovated KARAOKE..

  20. Hi Susan CH Tan,

    “Subaru” in Japanese means a “Consternation of Stars”..this song is a very nice song w really nice melody…and great genre..thats why the Subaru car logo has a consternation of stars…

    Unfortunately, there is not much meaning in the song, in that it is neither sentimenal or tat meaningful as one would like it to be..I think the chinese versions has better meanings…

    Good nite…

  21. Dear all,

    Oops just realised cos of the typing on the Handphone…some of the words look like goobledeguck!!!
    Malay Damsel got spelled wrongly…paiseh…

    The Nonya lunch is actually available for weekends at the this is specially cooked for us…and I guess the balance goes to the weekend…

    As some of you may know – quite a lot of the Peranakan food has to be cooked in advance & left overnight again to warm up to get the true savour to whet our appetites.

    Of Course, I’ve arranged the use of the Private Room till 4pm now so that we can proceed to the Newly renovated

    Dan was asking if we should collect $ first.
    I’d like to trust all who signed up will come.

    O yes,To call the food Nonya Food or Peranakan food is correct

  22. Ooooo.. nearly “Gotcha!” har, Dan. But I’m the real blurrrr sotong here ;). Yezyez, I did a peep through Youtube – a popular song, I see.

    So Subaru also means Xing (star) – no wonder the car name. Thanks to Jasmine, Yew Kwong and Daniel for their commentaries. It was also Pat Oei’s song at last month’s session, so I was told … beg your pardon Pat, din pay attention. Dont know the lyrics – it seems like a love-lorn song from the f-e-e-l-i-n-g of Teresa Teng’s beautiful crooning (Youtube), so I will take my half-day leave this Friday, to eat, sit back and enjoy it this Friday.

  23. Hi Pat #55 & 56

    Tks for the concise yet enlightening info on ‘Peranakan’.

    C u there this coming Friday…..


  24. Peranakan refers to the special breed of Chinese
    Who either descended from Admiral Cheng Ho and his dignitaries or the subsequent batches of chinese who brought their chinese wives along to Malacca. Some Do marry the beautiful mlay dameels.

    They assimulated their chinese culture and adopted some of the good malay cultural and custons.. and out come the special blend.

    The special food is one good blend.

    The men are called Baba and the women called Nonya.

  25. Dear all. Looking forward to see u all.

    Have ordered 4 sets on nonya lunch for 24pax.

    We can accomodate two more persons for lunch. AsIvevgotten the pte room for us till 4pm.


  26. Hi Dan #53
    i just remembered another Chinese song (mandarin) that has the same melody as ‘Subaru’. It’s ?????(meaning: another kind of homesickness). This title appears often in the Mandarin karaoke song catalogue. The other song ‘Xing’ i think is usually sung in Cantonese. Their lyrics are different.

    Have an enjoyable get-together! :)

  27. Hi Susan,

    I am not blur sotong after all, there is this song ‘Subaru’ written by Tanimura Shinji in 1980. The chinese version ‘Xing’ which mean ‘star’ and not a car is popularly sang by Teresa Teng.

    Thank you Daniel Kang for coming to the rescue!

    Barbara, have not a clue whether ‘Nyonya’ and ‘Peranakan’ are the same. We shall discuss further.

    Johnny and Annie, noted both of you coming after 3:00pm. Yes, we really look forward to the famous clay pot rice.

    Yew Kwong and Jassmine, thanks also for sharing.


  28. The Chinese song ‘Xing’ (?) has the same melody as the Japanese song ‘Subaru’. Beautiful melody.

  29. Hi Dan,

    Annie Tan and me will come around 3pm for bowling, games and meet-up. We will arrange to have dinner like last meet. This time will go for Singapore famous clay pot rice which is only 10 mins drive from the club. See you all this Friday.

    Stay Healthy! Be Happy! :)

  30. Hi Dan

    I thought Nyonya and Peranakan food are the same – apparently you don’t think so. May be we can talk about it
    over lunch. Just to confirm, any lunch is good for me. I think good company is more important.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone on Friday.

  31. Hi Susan,

    You are right it ‘Sakura’ and not ‘Subaru’. Getting old lah and trying to pull a fast one, glad someone is awake!


  32. Dan #42 –

    Hi Dan – don’t mind me….

    I was simply speaking “off-the-cuff”, and I hit the “submit comment” button without too much thoughts….

    “The Minority Report” was a 2002 movie that got stuck in my mind. It was a sci-fi about a country that has no crime. The criminals were caught BEFORE they even commit their crimes. This system had a moral dilemma. Is it right to punish someone even before they have committed the crime? On the other hand, countless (innocent) lives were saved because the “potential” crime was prevented….

    ahhh… i think I’ll sit quietly, and listen to your sharing on your Penang trip, as well as listen to Pat’s ToastMaster experience….

    With best regards,

  33. Hi Tan Seok Wah,

    #8,Please confirm whether you are joining us for lunch?

    #3,Terry, you are coming for karoeke and not joining us for lunch?

    Hi Feztus, Jacqueline and Evelyn, lovely that you can join us.

    Jacqueline, we will have ample opportunity to share with the group your thoughts on the ‘Avenger’, ‘the Dark Night rises’ and wat is this about the ‘Minority Report’?


  34. I didn’t log in for a while…..

    Wah … this looks interesting….

    A good swim before a scrumptious lunch….

    Methinks …. I ought to refrain from flaunting my trim and slim physiques…. kekekeke ( In case you think I’m serious, please substitute the words “trim and slim” with “flabby and saggy”….)

    Dan and Pat – I’ll join you for nonya lunch. Can?

    I can’t sing and I can’t bowl… Think I can handle chit chat ? What to chat about…. any one who’s enjoyed reading “the hitch-hiker’s guide to the galaxy”? Or enjoyed movies like “the avengers”, and “the dark knight rises”…. “the minority report”….

    Or – we can swap stories about how cute our grandchildren are! Yep – I got THREE.

    Dan and Pat – Thanks for organizing this. See you there!
    With best regards,

  35. Mr Dan and Pat, reading that you need to pre-order the food, i should better indicate my plan to join in earlier, i thought i will confirm only on 26 July at the badminton session. I love nonya and peranakan food, if it is all the same. see you. btw, i am planning a yunnan trip from 18 to 27 September this year, those interested please email me. details are very much the same as previous years.

  36. Welcome to Grace Wong who will also be joining us.
    Restaurant opens at 12noon…so we can wait for Susan…

    $78 NETT.
    Hi all, May I proposed we all take the Peranakan Food.
    I need to order it tomorrow as its not available on weekdays..

    I think we all be prepared for $15~18 each or so …we probably can order extra fried eggs which they do very well…and which we all enjoyed last month too.

    Warm Regards

  37. Hi Tian Soo,

    Lunch start at 12:00pm.

    Susan, if you can be there by 12:30pm we may put you together with another group of six coming at this later timing, how dat?


  38. Would love to join in for lunch but I have work commitment until 12 noon. I’ll miss lunch and join you at 2.00 pm.

    Enjoy your yummy lunch!

  39. Hi Shawn,

    Welcome to the Club, we look forward to meeting you.

    Barbara, noted your preference.

    Do note that we will be having peranakan cuisines for all unless you specify otherwise.


  40. Hope I can show my face for the swimming and lunch, will be my first time attending a SHC event since signing up so do look forward to making some new friends.

    Shawn Soh

  41. Hi Primrose and Angela,

    Indeed we are looking forward to a day of fun and enjoyment,

    Here to tempt you further I present the peranakan cuisines:
    1. Ngohiang Babi
    2. Ayam Buah Keluak
    3. Babi Panteh
    4. Ikan Panggag Daun Pisang
    5. Udang Kuah Pedas nanas
    6. Nyonya Chap Chye
    7. Bodoh Terigu (Dessert)
    8. Coffee or Tea
    Cost: $78.80+ for 6 pax

    Pat, is the member’s 15% oredi discounted?


  42. Dear Dan & Patrick,
    Primrose & Angela will be joining all of you at the Nonya lunch and hopefully in the karaoke session too. Cheerio!

  43. Hi Richard and Jane,

    Nice to have both of you joining us again.

    It confirmed that we will have nyonya dishes for lunch at $78.80 per set for 6 person and come with coffee or tea. We will inform you the dishes soon.


  44. ChristinaP,

    Last time when I was there swimming, it was only Pat and me. Pat did not ask me to pay, guess I got a free ride.

    Pat, please verify the entrance fee for us?


  45. I been to guild house many times but as a guest
    are you sure swimming is free…you have to pay a guest fee of $3 if I am not wrong
    I paid $5 for the use of steam room, hot/cold jacuzzi and swimming

  46. For lunch we are proposing nyonya cuisines for all. Pat will check on the dishes and cost and revert.

    Swimming is free, a private room for lunch and chit-chats is free (4 hours), so is the karoeke room (3 hours). Parking is free and Dan and Pat at your service to pick you from Dover MRT.

    Wat are you waiting for?


  47. Welcome welcome Mother Gabriella,Charles,Ron,Peng Peng,LiLi, Ah Lam,

    Welcome also to Gingko who jus SMS her confirmation and to Cat Yeo, both of whom can’t log in..


  48. Hi Dan & Pat

    A westerly and a first timer.
    Please include me for the nonya lunch, will be staying for chit chat

    Thanks and regards

  49. Hi Tan Li Li and Peng Peng,

    We welcome both of you for a day of fun and fellowship.

    Dan and Pat will be available at the pickup point at Dover MRT on the side heading towards Clementi at 11:45am.


  50. Hi Dan,

    I’ll like to join for lunch, chit chat and karaoke. I’ll like to join the nyonya lunch if you are ordering it.

    Can I get a ride from Dover MRT? Thanks.

  51. Hi Pat & Dan

    Pl count me in for lunch, chit chat etc and karaoke.

    Dan – we spoke and you’ve kindly obliged abt the shuttling arrangement from Dover MRT station to Poly at 11.45 am.

    Thanks to both of you for organising this interesting event.

    Cheers and looking forward to the meet,

  52. Thanks for confirming: Susan SH & CW Tan, Seok Wah, Tian Soo
    and Barbara…

    Wow…3 Tans, 2 Lims and 2 Huangs..(Oei in chinese is Huang)
    will miss the Tings – Geraldine, good to know you will be back….Yes will miss that duet with you…

  53. Hi Dan

    Would love to join the k’ok but am busy on that day. Sigh…..

    Wanna do a duet with Pat, I think is Mr Oei? A pity.

    Have fun!

  54. Thanks Susan for your early response and support.

    StevenC, wish we could do it on a Saturday but chances are other may not be able to come.

    Terry, looking forward to see you at the karoeke room. Sing for us the japanese song, ‘Subaru’ can?


  55. If ever there’s a need to shift the Westerly gathering to a Saturday, we have to keep in mind to avoid every fixed 2nd Sat. of the month when our SHC Walk Group supremo Chris Chan leads her mostly regular participants including myself.

    To-morrow, 2nd Sat of this month, there is such a walk activity.


  56. Hi All,

    The last – also my first – time there I lost my way. I had to take lunch at another cafeteria inside the Polytechnic. Dan Huang finally located me somewhere and brought me to the Graduate Guild. Thanks a lot Dan. This time round I ought to know the place.

    Since I have no other appointments later in the afternoon, I’ll join in the karaoke. I’m not good at ball games including bowling, and the only balls that I like most are fishballs that roll inside my stomach.

    Please count me in. Thks.


  57. Hi Dan H,

    I would like to join these interesting activities but you always fixed on Fridays where I have 2 tuition assignments on the same day.

    Is it possible to fix it on Saturdays instead of Fris ?

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