Welcome October – Happy Birthday to all

October is the 10th month of the year; we are now in the last quarter of 2021 – let’s brace ourselves forward to fight this battle from pandemic to endemic…we have brave through almost 2 years and looks like we have to live with Covid-19 for the time being

Now, Spring is in the air – it symbolizes JOY & LOVE… Born in October are either LIBRA or SCORPIO. Libras are charming, lovable, fair and sincere whilst Scorpios are passionate, loyal and brave.

On behalf of SilverHairsClub – we would like to wish those SHCians born to this month a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

PS – do drop a line or 2 to greet them a joyous month!


Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

4 thoughts on “Welcome October – Happy Birthday to all”

  1. Thanks Sally! Also wishing all fellow SHC members who were also born in October a blessed, prosperous and wonderful birthday too with great health and happiness with loved ones, cheers! Raymond :)

  2. For the month of October, I do know below are members who had celebrated their birthdays:-

    1. Agnes Seow
    2. Julian Mok
    3. Dave Lee Freddie

    If u do know any one who celebrated this month do wish or send them greetings coz we still have half month to go…. Cheers!

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