BOARD GAME, 4 August (Saturday)


Dear Members

Next "Board Game Day" will be held at:

MEDZS: Orchard Central #B2-01 (across Centre Point)
MRT: Sommerset
Date: 4 August (Saturday)
Time: 3-6PM
Cost: a) may order any drink
          b) $8.50 High Tea (3-6PM) or
          c) have dinner there after the game (mediterranean style)

For those not on my mailing list but would like to play, please register here (please don’t just show up in case there’s last minute changes…)

Author: Frisna Tan (Seow Seow Channel entertainer)

enjoy sports, travel, reading,gardening and mj. currently working at Changi Airport and volunteer as table tennis trainer for BDAP (Beat Dementia n Parkinson)

6 thoughts on “BOARD GAME, 4 August (Saturday)”

  1. Frisna,

    Sorry, something urgent came up on the last min so need to cancel my participation.

    Hope to make it next time and maybe we can play a game of skip bo. Learned this during my last US visit at a friend’s place and they bought me set to bring home but have no chance to share and play this with many yet ;0(


  2. Dear Ros
    you forgot to wear lau hua glasses izzit? it’s 4th (not 1st) saturday. so can you make it tomorrow? it’s confirmed. 9-12 members will be there

  3. Hi Frisna

    TQ for arr this event for us. I’ll join in the Board game at 3 pm. Probably, join in the high tea. However, have to leave at 5 pm for another function.

    Also would like to mention that I’m a novice at Board games. Can handle snake and ladder only… kekeke

    C u all then,

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