SHC 16th anniversary in Fri 22 Oct 2021 8pm

This year, we have to celebrate our anniversary on Zoom. This 1 hour program will feature songs, members’ reflection and cake cutting.

Some members have already responded to contribute an item, of less than 5 mins each. It is not late, so plse respond asap.

More details soon.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


5 thoughts on “SHC 16th anniversary in Fri 22 Oct 2021 8pm”

  1. Anniversary update

    1.16th anniversary 22 Oct 2021 Program 8pm

    7.45 pm Open song video old pictures

    8.00 pm Gate closes, Mute On during singing.

    8.05 pm Wekcome speech

    8.10 pm Musical

    8.20 pm English Song

    8.20 pm Song

    8.25 pm Member share experience with SHC

    8.30 pm Musical guitar and song

    8.35 pm Anniversary cake cutting, Sing together

    8.40 pm Song

    8.45 pm Sharing old and new days

    8.50 pm Song

    8.55 pm A member sharing experience at SHC.

    9.00 pm Official Close, followed by networking

    ** If you have a program to contribute, plse reply by 20 Oct.

    Terence Seah

  2. SHC 16th anniversary 22 Oct 2021 Tent Program

    7.45 pm Open song video old picturers

    8.00 pm Gate closes, Mute On

    8.05 pm Welcome speech

    8.10 pm Musical and song

    8.15 pm Song

    8.20 pm Song

    8.25 pm New member share

    8.30 pm musical guitar and song

    8.35 pm Anniversary cake cutting

    8.40 pm Song

    8.45 pm Sharing okd and new days

    8.50 pm song

    8.55 pm Sharing okd days

    9.00 pm Networking

    9.10 pm close

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