SilverHairsClub Aug update – SHC Live! and part-time work opportunities

Dear fellow members,

This month, I shall focus on another part of Club members’ needs.

SilverHairsClub was formed in 2005 for the benefit of Singaporeans, over the age of 45. Therefore, it is important we meet your needs to meet other
SilverHairs.  If you find that the Club does not meet its objective of providing a platform for you to get to know
new and more friends, please do share with us. Your feedback would be shared with other members.  You may also want to do something which you have behind your head. 

I like to encourage you to take this opportunity to meet other SilverHairs.  If you have not visited SHC before, feel free to write to me or voice your ideas on this forum; but you must first register to enter

If you are always busy, you may like to join SHC Live!.  This is a live event, where you can meet
other members on the internet, from your home.  We have a Men’s night on Sat 18 Aug 2012.  Click here for details   There is a ladies’ night too.  Watch out for more details on when the organisers are ready with their details. 

Please feel free to organise an activity or event for other fellow members.  And, do take the lead.

For members who would like to make use of their experience and available time, and would like to take up part-time work opportunities,
please feel free to also write to me at  As SilverHairs and seniors, we can still reach
out to society and contribute to society. Currently, SilverHairs Enterprise is focused on opportunities in the
part-time area, for SHC members only, in areas of Eldersitting, errand runners, Office stand-ins, and Chinese tuition online.

I like to extend an invitation to members who can help to make our Blue Helmet projects a reality and success. 

We have started in the area of Eldersitting, and I am happy with the progress.  Two members have
volunteered as Enterprise administrators Jenny and Vivian, and a few members have already worked as part-time Eldersitters. Feedback from clients have been good. 
If you like to be an Eldersitter, read more about it in We see there is a demand for eldersitters, and we intend
to recruit more eldersitters. 

In Jan 2012, a few members have suggested we attempt govt or public funding.  We tried, and with the
help from participating members, we submited our proposal.  Unfortunately, the deciding department felt
that the SilverHairsClub members are not a disadvantaged group, and in Mar
2012, notified us that it could not support our project.  Nevertheless, under the SilverHairs
Enterprise, we decided to proceed on.  We pursue the eldersitter project because this project is our way of contributing to the elderly society. Fit and healthy seniors providing eldersitter services to the less fit elderlies.

We recruited fit seniors from SHC from April to June.  Members are interested
in part-time work, and all of them have experience looking after their elderly
parents and many have worked in eldercare organisations. Besides a part-time work income, we also want to interact with society. We are definitely wanted by society.

In May, after reviewing various systems, we went ahead to purchase and design
an online service booking system where our clients can book for eldersitters on
the internet.  Besides recruiting eldersitters, we also took in two administrators working Mon to Wed and Thur to
Sat to take calls, take online bookings, and pair clients with our eldersitters.  While we do face snags here and there, I am happy with the progress.

In June and July, we launched a series of advertisements in the Straits Times, Today newspapers and classifieds to test the effectiveness of advertising, and
which days are worth our spending advertising money.  We trial tested our procedures from system
tests, advertising, liaison between administrators and eldersitters, payment, live accounts, handling the clients and managing returning clients. We have
almost completed the basic steps.  Of course, more needs to be done.

During this period, we determined public needs, relative to services we
provide, and our eldersitter services are mainly companionship-type services.  We have no plans to go into nursing or
medical support services.  Following the good advices of supportive members, we are now venturing out to make links with
organisations whose patients require after care assistance.

This is the stage we are in now.  If the eldersitter srevices continue to meet our needs, we will quickly move into
other part-time work opportunities for members. If you are interested in any part-time opportunities for SHC members, please write to me.

We are now into the second half of 2012; and would be celebrating SilverHairsClub 7th anniversary in Oct. Give it a thought.

Terence Seah

SilverHairsClub &
SilverHairs Enterprise

Author: Terence Seah


5 thoughts on “SilverHairsClub Aug update – SHC Live! and part-time work opportunities”

  1. From Annie & Aaron Lee,

    I really would like to share my East Timor experience but have not gone into SHC website to organise it. Don’t really know how to go about promoting the presentation to the SHC members. I know it will interest many as we shared with several friends & organisations and they were so I interested & fascinated with the culture there. The powerpoints, photos are all ready as I have shared with several organisations. Anyone of the members I can contact to help organise?

    Otherwise, KIV first, as I knkw you are a very busy man.

    Take care…..keep in the loop,

    Anne & Aaron

  2. From: Tan Eng Kiat,

    I had the opportunity to meet and join the golf group for the 1st time last year however it was stopped after a few sessions due to some restriction from the driving range which disallow private coaching. Raymond Tang was good in sharing his knowledge and get everyone together for training. I hope to see this golf session resume.

    Thank you. Regards


  3. From Patrick Koh,

    Was thinking of posting the following Dog Adoption Drive which is held coming saturday. Please advice. Yes I will be there as well to help out.

    Thank you in advance.

  4. From Lim Kwee Khim

    Thank you for your updates. Though I still have not met up with members of silverhairsclub but I always read your emails and felt that I am also in the community. I also make it a point to go into your website and view the activities/photos etc.

    Thanks so much again for not leaving me out!

    Best Regards,

    Mrs Lim Kwee Khim

  5. From: Joseph Varkey

    Thank you for your news letter. I read it with great interest.

    One thought comes to me in terms of giving to the members of the SilverHair Club. I am a certified Yoga instructor from India; have been practicing/teaching Yoga for more than 40 years.Recently I gave a talk at a leading Rotary Club in Singapore. Also , another Rotary club is organizing a talk on Yoga. I also taught yoga classes in USA/ Canada/India etc.
    I will be glad to discuss it further; if you feel like it is a good activity we can introduce to SHC.

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