wow, ive wasted tons of time just figuring out how WordPress works! Everything I’ve typed just disappears! My patience has been tested and tested. If this one disappears again after I finish, it’s definitely God’s Will to find another group of friends elsewhere!
1) I will turn 55 Sept 11 this year. I dont remember how I found SHC, was about 6 years ago, I think, prob just stumbled in.
2) I participated in a cycling event once. Taught roller blading to 2 of the lady members here. Sort of just lost track of the happenings here.
3) I play table tennis with a group of TT enthusiasts most Sunday afternoons.
4)I will stop here before I say more, or I might get so frustrated this page might disappear again!
till next time
Hi Hannah
Our Ladies Skype is on Sat Aug 25 from 9pm to 11.30pm, not this Sunday.
Let me know if you can join us.
Hannah, you comment is transferred here. Terence
I dont come in here often , bc I still work, have alot of past problems with this website, and dont have loads of time to spend reading every post … but I noticed my name in my posting (one and only successful one) is spelt wrong … supposed to be H A N N A H….
thank you all, esp Ah Nee and Carolyn for remembering me !!
I may join some of you ladies on Skype this Sunday!!
Carly and Suzhang….
Sometimes LLP and forgetful is a blessing! Remembering the past especially the unfavourable one can be very stressful. So far my memory is very good leh…hehehe :)
Seems like no response from Hanniah…don’t be afraid, your post won’t diappear lah, hope you don’t mind we post our comments here. ;)
Ah Nee
Welcome back Hanniah! Ah Nee told me you were super good at blading & hv taught them before.
Carly, I vividly remembered meeting someone at EC, very sporty. Not sure if it’s Hanniah though.. Hehe… Me too very forgetful !
Yes, it was Ah Nee and me. I was trying to recall if it was Sue Chang and me or Ah Nee and me.
LLP – hiaz….
I agree with you Ah Nee. Too afraid to fall thats why never thought of roller blading again. But it was fun :)
Hi Hanniah,
You have been missing in action…….welcome back to Singapore and to SHC!
Those were the days, Carly and me were “rolling” the blade at East Coast Park under your care and instructions. Wow….now that we are a few years older, better not roll the Blade, can’t afford to fall….there’re other more important things to do…LOL :)
Why not cycling, hehehe…..hope to meet you this Friday.
Cheers! Ah Nee
Hi Hanniah,
Welcome to SHC.
Just FYI there is a group cycling in Bedok Reservoir on Friday night. They chose the date as it is the start of the August Ghost month. So it is auspicious to welcome them on the first day, much like CNY, I guess.
Details available in the post by our intrepid leader, Douglas Chan.
Hi Hanniah
Welcome back to SHC. I was one of your roller blading students at the ECP. Thought you had gone to the USA by now.
Glad you finally managed to get your write up posted.
Hope you will find the friends and company here worth your effort in posting your comments LOL!