What will life with COVID-19 be like in 2022?  The coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, complications leave questions outstanding but our life still goes on. Stay POSITIVE!

As we begin to enter the New Year 2022, I just pray that all SHCians family and friends stay healthy, happy and blessed. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.


Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

2 thoughts on “THE FINAL COUNTDOWN TO 2022”

  1. A Brighter New Year (Original song : Auld Lang Syne) Performed by Jean Chang. New Lyrics by Francis Choi and Connie Leung
    English :
    Mandarin :

    The World Health Organization classified Covid-19 as a “global pandemic” in March 2020. The virus continues to mutate and the epidemic that has lasted for two years has changed the life trajectory of millions of people. Every country and region in the world has been profoundly affected.

    At the end of 2021, Francis Choi, Chief Executive Officer of EquipToServe Christian Networks, adapted the original song Auld Lang Syne, together with Jean Chang and Connie Leung, wrote new lyrics in Mandarin and English as “A Brighter New Year”, to encourage people to walk hand in hand into the new year of 2022. The entire process only took a day and a half, started with inspiration, to lyrics written, sound tracks recorded, mixed, videos created and edited. We apologize for the imperfections. Wish you a healthy and happy New Year!

    We invite every friend to repost and share, and invite your friends to share the song, so that more people will be encouraged.

    aka Catherine Soon

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