SHC May monthly gathering@Vivio Republic Food, Sun 22 May 2022

  1. As Singapore relaxes its Covid rules, we are planning a few more free & easy monthly gatherings.

For May 2022, our monthly gathering has now been set for Sun 22 Matly from 2pm to 4pm. Members are encouraged to meet other members and find common interests.

Place : Vivio city Top level Food Republic

Time: 2pm register to redeem door gift while stock last 20pax. 

EO Howard Yong

Registration list:

1. Howard Yong (Give away gift)

2. Terence Seah Give away gift)

3. Jean Lim

4. June Peh

5. Doreen Chan

6. Anne Choi

7. Steve Seah

8. Hew Lee

9. sherry wong

10. Michelle sim

11. Annie Seah

12. Cheng WK

13. Winnie

14. May Lee

15. John Chua

16. Cat Yeo

17. Sue chan

18. Daisy

19. Yew Kong

20. Charle wee

21. Cola Tan

22. Henry See – closed door gift redemption part 1

23. Karen thio

24. Dolly Lim

25. Caroline Gee

26. Jessie ow

27.David Ong

28.Lilian Chua

29 Ginko

30. Mega

31.Doreen Ho

32.Lee Ah Nee

33.Theresa Seow

34. Agnes Seow

35 Cat Ho

36 Richard wong

37. Barbrella

38.Tony Ang

39. Lilian Teo

40. Eileen

41. Nellie

42.Vincent (not coming)

43. Kelly ng

44. Catherine Soon

45. Marlene

46.Doreen cady

47.Iris lim 

48.Doug CHAN 

49. John Howe


51. Marg

52. Ronald Lam

53:John chua

54.Patttiya Thommuted

55. Chan keng Ngee

56. Sandra chuah

57.  Henry cheong

58. EveSQ

closed at friday !

Please take note – closing on friday 2359. No more update on saturday onward due to last minute register.

Author: Terence Seah


53 thoughts on “SHC May monthly gathering@Vivio Republic Food, Sun 22 May 2022”

  1. Thank Howard for organising this monthly gathering.
    Surprising we can managed to be together with 4 long tables.
    I was thinking all will be separated.
    Last min I manage to know 2 thai ladies also new shc members but forget to get their contacts.
    You done a good job.

    Keep it up
    Will support your next events

    Muak muak !

    Cola Tan

  2. Hi Howard ,
    Please register me for the event. Looking forward to meet all our SHC friends there both old and new. Cheers..
    Bobby Bok
    EO for June Monthly meeting

    1. Closed and sorry can’t take last minute register due to exceeded headcount.

  3. Not many members know our EO Howard Yong. He is a classic example of a shy young uncle. I see he loves to be involved in community work, especially with the Muslim community.

    May look shy, although if anyone steps on his toes, he will bite back hard.

    Pretty generous guy, I think he won’t mind buying you a tao huay drink. He lives out of town, in North Singapore, and comes regularly downtown to enjoy good food, massage and wine in Chinatown.

    You will see him this Sunday. If you have not met him, do say hello.

    Terence Seah

  4. Doreen Cady is our SHC member, located in Brisbane Gold Coast. Her husband is Robert Cady. Coming to our May mthly gathering, do get to meet Doreen. If you wish to know more about the famous Gold Coast, catch this opportunity to kmow Doreen.

    Terence Seah

  5. I like to intro John Chua. He is one of our most senior members. He is very chatty. Very updated on govt issues. Good points of course. Loves wine and very much a family man, during weekends. Haha, and married to a lovely wife.

    Do invite him to join your chat.

    Terence Seah

  6. Howard is very pleased that almost 50 participants are coming to the monthly gathering at Vivo. He is concerned Vivo Republic is too tight to house so many members. He is considering adding another food court at the lower floor.

    Our mthly gatherings are designed for you to meet new and old friends. They also enable you to find common interests in dancing, cycling, walking, movie going, coffee outing, crafts, ukulele, pets, etc, etc.

    Don’t sit down fixed. Move around, as we are lucky covid restrictions have been relaxed.

    Make a tag with your name and fix it to your shirt/blouse. Big enough for some one to see 1m away.

    Terence Seah

    1. Aiyo, I think no need to add another venue, I am very sure lots of members will be confused as to where they should be especially the new members. The Food Republic is definitely spacious enough to host 60 members except that they will be more likely to be scattered around North, South, East and West dinning areas. But still easy to move around to meet the peoples’ session. If not, EO Howard, will need to perform the duty of mama-san (or papa-san :)) busy running in between first and third floors to ensure there is no missing of little lambs lor..

      I reckoned that most members would prefer to move around within the same location. New members will also be happy to get to know other new and pioneer members. Interesting topics within the tables’ discussions that caught the members’ attn, just squeeze for networking lor… If not, move to another table for another topics.. be dancing, cycling, walking, kelong, tours or fine dinning. I am sure that there will be at least 1 topic that members will be keen on. Of cos, if members like to be in their own comfort zones, then let others take initiative to join them instead. Afterall, now that borders had opened, more likely this monthly gatherings will be here to stay for good once an EO is identified to proceed, right?

      My 2cents worth lor… cheers…

      PS: As for those new members that need help to understand more on SHC forum, please look out for me and I will walk thru this process with you. But if the place is too crowded, we will take this issue online ya…. Cheers..

  7. Hi Howard,
    Kindly register Pattiya Thommued for this May gathering too. She is a new member, but was not able to login yet.


  8. Hi Howard
    Count me in for the May gathering.

    Chan Keng Ngee

  9. Hi Howard ,

    Please add me into this monthly meeting group as
    Catherine Soon .
    Thank you

  10. Hi Howard.
    Sorry, accidentally touch the Post Comment and it was send before I could finish the sentences.

    Please register me for this monthly meeting. Thank you for being the EO.
    See you.

  11. Hi Howard

    Do register the following members who had difficulties in logging in to their SHC password account.

    Catherine HO
    Richard Wong


  12. Hi Howard,
    I have keyed myself in the list for the coming gathering on 22 May.
    Am I suppose to info you to put in the list or can I add in myself.
    Good to know for future events.
    Kam Siah.

  13. Hi Howard,

    Thank you for organising, pls enrol me for this gathering.

    Ah Nee

  14. Hi Howard

    Please register me for the 22 May monthly gathering. Miss all the old friends. Looking forward to seeing all….
    Thank you

  15. Weiwei Howard-EO,
    I poh mia for Caroline Gee and myself for this meet up… Thanks.. Dolly

  16. Hi pls add the following as we are unable to register our names :-
    1) sherry wong
    2). Michelle sim
    3). Annie Seah


  17. Dear Howard

    Congrats for being an EO

    I managed to login.

    Can you please register Doreen Chan and Anne Choi

    As above, we would like to chope No. 5 & 6. Haha

    Thank you in advance


  18. First 20 register members will receive door gifts compliment from Terence to be redeem while stock last in first come first served.

    1. Hmmm, interesting, 20 door gifts… I wished that both CarolineG and myself can chope these door gifts but at this present, still unable to commit our attendences. But rest assured that we will still support if we are able to attend.

      Happy organising, Howard… Cheers… Dolly

    2. Hi Howard,
      Pls count David Ong & Lilian Chua in for the 22 May SHC monthly gathering..

  19. Greeting to all SHC members !
    Date : 22 May 2022 – Sunday from 2pm onward
    Venue : Food Republic – Vivo City – Level 3, (next to Sentosa Express Monorail)

    The Food Republic in Vivo City is 27,000 sq feet, with 900 seats and 27 stalls. This food court offers glimpses of life during the 1900 to 1940s period in Singapore. Diners eat in surroundings that are built with aged wooden beams, floor tiles and roof shingles. The high ceilings are illuminated with hanging light fixtures within old bird cages. Suspended old bicycles add to the ambient old world charm of the space.

    1. Howard EO

    1. Hi Howard,
      Both Doreen Chan and Anne Choi could not log in to the forum and thus were unable to reply to the EO for the registration.
      Please register them for this May gathering.

      Thank you.

    2. Hi Howard,
      Vincent here.
      Sorry, I am unable to attend this coming sun monthly gathering due to something crop up.
      Plse delete my name and insert Iris Lim in my place.
      Thank you so much.

    3. Hi Howard,
      Plse register the folliwing for the May monthly gathering.
      1. Sandra Chuah
      2. Henry Cheong
      3. EveSQ


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