SHC Monthly meeting for the month of June 2022

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to let members know that we will be holding the June monthly meeting on Sat 25th June 2022 from 2pm -5pm at the City Square Mall food court Food Republic 4th level.

Location is a short walk from the Farrer Park mrt station using exit I.

Our founder the honorable Terence Seah Birthday coincidentally falls on the same day ie 25thJune and we will buy a Birthday cake to celebrate his birthday. Other programmes include having a short talk cum clinic on maximising the use of your mobile phones. We can share knowledge on some useful apps and how to increase the capacity of your mobile phone etc. Other topics like usuage of our CPF, travelling overseas and JB etc can also be discussed.

There’s a corner near the HJH MAIMUNAH MALAY CUISINE and outside there’s an open air dining area and I guess since it is open air area maybe we can use that area with less restrictions and have some fun there. Please register your name and come to join in to celebrate our founder birthday at the same time. I look forward to see all of you. Cheers.

Bobby Bok

Venue: City Square Mall Food republic 4th Level

Date: Saturday 25th June 2022

Time: 2pm-5pm

Registration List:

1. Bobby Bok (EO)
2. Terence Seah
3. Jean Lim
4. Howard
5. Helen Chiew
6. Winnie Tong
7. May Lee
8. Cola
9. Lydia Chin
10. Shirleen Kao
11. Sherry Wong
12. Chan Keng Ngee
13. Melissa Khng
14. Karen Thio
15. June Peh
16. Annie Seah
17. Maria Tan
18. Michelle Sim
19. David Ong
20. Lilian Chua
22. Cheng Whye Kee
23. Doreen Ho
24. Maywoon
25. Charles Wee
26. Catherine Soon
27. Jessie Ow
28. Catherine Ho
29. Roland Leow
30. Sandra
31. Theresa Seow
32. Agnes Seow
33. Kelly
34. John Chua
35. John Howe
36. Estee
37. Tony Ang
38. Richard
39. Barbara Ong
40. Ah Nee
41. KL Lee
42. Bobby Yee
43. Pataiya
44. Marg
45. Frisna
46. Pearl Wong(replace Eunice Tay)
46. Iris
47. Vincent
48. Diana Ng
49. Louis
50. Rosalind Koh
51. Grace Kang
52. Bernie Chung
53. Anne Boey
54. Victor Chee
55. Steven Yuen
56. Maggie
57. Peter Goh
58. Jasmine Wong
59. Violet Choo
60. Douglas Chan

61. Marie Chong
62. Judy Lim
63. Helen Kuek
64. Debbie Oh
65. Kuan
66. Daisy Wee
67. David Low
68. Bernard Chia
69. Wenko
70. QLinda
71. Judy Chia
72. Jimmy Tsen
73. Henry See
74. Jennifer Soh
75. Nellie Lee
76. Ng Fook Weng(Edwin)
77. Cath Yeo
78. Jennifer Wu
79. Rosalyn Khoo
80. Juliet Say
81. Victory Tan
82. Mega
83. Thomas Loh
84. Edward Lim
85. Yoon
86. Harry Lim
87. Charles Chia
88. Jeffrey Gan
89. Francis Mangalam
90 Victor
Registration Closed

Dear members:
1. When you arrive at Food Republic this Saturday from 2pm onward, please look for out for our 2 lovely ladies Frisna Tan and Lydia Chin to sign your names on the birthday card and any voluntary contribution (Please note it not compulsory)

2. We will have the cake cutting ceremony by Terence at 2.45 pm-3pm at the open court area. There will be some group photos taking after the cake cutting session. Please go back to your tables or where you are seated and we shall distribute the cut cake in an orderly manner.

3. If you would rather like to contribute earlier you can also PayNow or Paylah here’s the number…93803808 (Bobby Bok).
Thank you for your generous support and kind understanding.

Author: Bobby Bok

semi-retired, in real estate, play the ukelele, interest in cycling, stock market, dancing , swimming now senoir citizen.

58 thoughts on “SHC Monthly meeting for the month of June 2022”

  1. Hi Bobby, due to last min work arrangement, I can’t attend this Sat gathering. My apology !

  2. Hi Bobby, my name is Victor Khor, I would like to attend on the 25 June 2022 SHC monthly meeting at 2pm . Please register my name. Tq and have a great weekend ahead.

  3. Bobby..sorry i will not be able to join this gathering I will be away on trip. Please pass my place to someone else.

  4. Welcome Frisna, Marie, Douglas, Judy, Helen, Debbie, Kuan, Daisy, David, Henry, Winnie,Jeffrey and everyone to our 25June Monthly meeting cum Terence Birthday celebration. The registration is now closed and those not in the list are not allowed to join the event. We have almost 90 members coming to the gathering and we hope that on this Saturday it will not be overly crowded and the place can accommodate all our members. Please put on your masks and practice the covid19 social distancing measures as this food court is opened to the public and we do not wish to receive any complaints from the public or anyone regarding whether it is the consumption of outside food, noises or covid19 social distancing measures etc. Please note that we welcome everyone to contribute to buying the cakes and buns and a token Ang pow. No amount is too big or too small for the contribution for this birthday celebration and any excess of fund received we will give it as Ang pow to our birthday boy Terence . On that day Lydia Chin and Frisna Tan will be going around for members to sign on a Birthday Card and collect contributions at the same time. In the meantime members can also paylah their contribution to my mobile number 93803808 as quite a number of members namely Charles, Marie and Sandra have generously done so. We look forward to meet each other physically at the meeting and celebrate our founder Terence birthday with 2 cakes – 1 is a carrot cake specially cater for people like Terence who are encouraged not to take in any sugar. We also order another mango cake for the members. We would like to appeal to members for your kind understanding that initially we just order a cake mainly for symbolic purposes or “ Yir Ze” in Chinese so if there is not enough cake to go round please bear with us and maybe alternatively just accept a small birthday bun specially prepared by Jean for this occasion. We are also looking for a Treasurer to handle the contributions from members for this occasion. Thank you once again for your generous support and kind understanding. Cheers..Bobby Bok

  5. Hello Bobby,
    Love to join in the June monthly gathering.
    Please register me and looking forward to seeing you and everyone.

  6. Bobby,

    Plse have Edwin Weng contact 9489 4360. We have no records of his membership.

    Terence Seah

    1. Hi Terence,
      Please note Edwin Weng registered name is Ng Fook Weng(Edwin). He is a new member. He msg me that he would like to come for the 25 June SHC meeting. Thank you.

  7. Hi Bobby,
    I will like to join the gathering. Please register me. Regards David Low

  8. Hello Bob, i would like to have the cake and eat it! Please put my name on your honorable list. Thanks. My name is frisna Tan no more seow seow ha2

  9. Hi Bobby, I will like to come join the gathering. Pls include my name Kuan. Thank you.

  10. Hi Bobby..pls add mine name n debbie oh if others cancel their slots..thank you

  11. Welcome Grace, Bernie, Anne Boey, Victor, Steven Yuen, Maggie, Peter Goh, Violet, Weng and Jasmine Wong to our June monthly meeting cum celebration. Due to the seating capacity of the place, also social distancing measures and not to draw unnecessary attention or complaints from the public or any authority we shall capped the gathering to a maximum of 60 members. Anyone not registered will not be allowed to join in the gathering cum celebration.
    Members register late will be put on the waiting list. Will appreciate if those who have registered earlier and unable to come please let us know so that those on waiting list can take over the place. We also welcome members who would like to contribute so that we can buy a bigger cake for the celebrations. Thank you for your support and contribution.
    Bobby Bok

    Above is my earlier comment regarding the capping of the number of participants coming to the meeting to 60 but upon discussion with our founder Terence and due to relaxation of the covid19 social distancing rules we shall not capped the number of participants coming. As you maybe aware that the food court do not allow comsuption of outside food so we would be serving the cut cake in serviette so that it is not so obvious. Please patronise the drink/food stall there so that Food Republic people will be happy and hopefully will not have any complaint about our event. We look forward to see everyone there soon. Cheers

    Bobby Bok

  12. Hi Bobby

    Wenko and Qlinda have requested to be in this June meet.
    Names not in the list, did you receive ?

  13. Hi Bobby,

    Please add me to 25th June’s gathering. Tq!

    From: Anne Boey

  14. Hi Bobby,

    I will be attending the June monthly gathering.



  15. Hi Bobby, please include Pow TK and I for this gathering.


    1. Ok noted, welcome Helen, TK Pow , Diana Ng and Ah Nee. Look forward to meet up with you all.

  16. Welcome Roland , Cheng, Catherine Soon, Mega, Catherine Ho, Jessie Ow & Charles Wee. We look forward to have some fun at meeting cum celebration. Cheers

  17. hi bobby
    pls sign me in for june monthly gathering , i hv missed the may n don want to miss june , again , thks

  18. Hi Booby,

    Please add me as Catherine Soon in for the June Monthly meeting on 25/06.
    Thank you .

    Malyne Suen cum Catherine Soon

  19. Hi Bobby,
    Please register me for this SHC gathering.

  20. Thank you Bobby

    Please help to register:
    Doreen Chan
    Anne Choy
    June Peh

    1. Welcome Karen, June and Anne. We look forward to meet up and have some fun. Cheers

        1. Yes David & Lilian, we look forward to see you at the monthly meeting cum birthday celebration. If you like to drink we got plenty of kaki there like Mega, just bring your own favourite drink.

    1. Hi Melissa will register u & look forward to meet you & many of the members.

      1. Hi, Bobby.
        My name is Yoon, pl sign me up for tomorrow gathering to get to know members. let me know if it still possible. thank you

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