Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei) – refurbished and new renovated, a sequel to Shanghai night

Cabaret Night can come alive again this year.

I wonder whether those who attended the last “Shanghai Cabaret Night 2010” still remember the event of glamour and nostalgia. Well, perhaps we can revive the occasion.

The owners of the last SHC Cabaret Jeffrey and Geraldine have just sold off their stakes to a rich tycoon couple.  Together, the couple run a few nightclubs in Shanghai. Hongkong, Singapore and Taipei.  The guests are mainly the rich and well-to-do and those who love drinks and songs.  Each night, limousines and rolls royce would stop at its main entrance.  A MRT train runs by the Cabaret.  Elegantly dressed ladies and huge pouch men, accompanied by body guards would turned up nightly at its doors.

There is fun and lots of money roll around each night. The stage is well set, with Chinese decor and dimmed lights.  Beautiful singers come on stage each night and they would sing songs to bring out memories of love, the past and nostalgia. There are also free lance ladies and guy dancers who can dance with the guests, for USD 5 per song.

Cabaret Night 2013 is a sequel to Shanghai Night 2010.  This is an evening of drinks, dancing, chit chat and business deals.  It’s also an evening to entertain your clients, whether you are a rich business tycoon or a lady boss running a chain of restaurants.

Of course, there is room for those who want a night out for drinks only, so as to forget the world of saddness, revenge and love loss.  Guests can end the evening with more drinks and Taiwanese porridge at the night market.

Guys and gals, this Cabaret night is a theme event.  The city is Taipei. Most Taipei people speak Mandarin, Min Nan (Hokkien) and some English.   This event is strictly and exclusive to SilverHairsClub members. The cabaret serves drinks, no food.  Tips of one USD is common to all service staff.  Mainly there will be songs, drinks, dancing and anything the worldly earth brings us.  Strictly no line dancing. Songs are mainly Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese and a few English.  The era is 1970s.  Bouncers will be at the door, so good behaviour, proper dressing.

Please note this event is themed around a nightclub cabaret, and not intended to support perceived negative morals.  The idea is to bring back the good old days, listen to old songs, good fun and enjoy the company of fellow SilverHairsClub members.

No details of the event yet.  Let’s plan together,perhaps over the next two months, and make it an event to relive past memories of the 70s.  Nothing has been set yet.  There is a likelihood this event will be held in June or July 2013, at the previous place where Shanghai Night 2010 was held.

Shanghai Night 2010 was held without conducting a single meeting, except for a couple of live singing trials. I look forward to Cabaret Night 2013 being conducted without a single meeting too. The exact date of the event will be announced, once the place and date are confirmed. All discussions will be held at the Club  You are invited to participate.

Terence Seah

Latest updates:

  • Date:  Sat 20 July 2013
  • Venue:  The Tanjong@One-North, Nanyang Technology University Alumni Club, #08-02, 11 Slim Barracks Rise (Off North Buona Visa Road), Singapore 138 664.
  • Time:  6pm to 1am
  • Co-owners – Lim Tian Soo and Chee Lai Fong.
  • Price charge:  $20 per pax (if registered before closing date), $25 per pax (if registered after closing date).  Non-Members $30 per head.

Registration List:

  1. Terence Seah – EO
  2. Mega Abudullah – Co-EO and coordinator with The Tanjung, and dancer.
  3. Lim Tian Soo –  Owner of the new Taipei Cabaret Club, No 12A, Sec 21, Tun Hwa South Road, Taipei
  4. Chee Lai Fong – Co-owner of the new Taipei Cabaret Club
  5. Lee Ah Nee – making a contribution to the cabaret opening, ribbon-cutting ceromony
  6. Gabriella Chua – Allocation of seats/tables, based on priority.  Read the criteria in the comments.
  7. Patrick Oei – Co-stage manager )  Talented husband and wife team ~
  8. Linda Chua – Co-stage manager)   Sure crowd-pullers
  9. Live Music – Edwin Chen
  10. Song and music coordinator – Judy Lim ensuring songs meet the theme, criteria, and schedule.
  11. Treasurer:  Barbara Lim
  12. Registration desk manager – Gabriella Chua
  13. Mamasan (Wild flower team)
  14. Mamasan (Moon over the lake team)
  15. Max: 100 pax.  Strictly members only. 

Participants registration list (Names must be available asap or by 31 May 2013)

  2. Patrick Oei
  3. Linda Chua
  4. Joe Choo
  5. Veronica Lee
  6. Edwin Chen
  8. Edwin Tan
  9. Philip Yeo Tiang Hai
  10. Catherine Lee
  11. Susan CH Tan
  12. Myra Chia
  13. Dan Huang
  14. Eilean Thean
  15. Charles Wee
  16. Ann Lim
  17. Jeffrey Gan
  19. Alice Teo
  20. Sunny
  21. Bee Gek
  22. Lam
  23. Lin Chuah
  24. Janet C
  25. Ronald Lam
  26. Peri
  27. Thomas Loh
  29. Caroline Gee
  30. Janice Leong
  31. Sally Kang
  32. Pauline Khoo
  33. Evyonne Chew
  34. Lilian Teo
  35. Helen Kuek
  36. June Koh
  37. Catherine Ho
  38. Pauline Ho
  39. Malcolm Chen
  41. Frisna
  42. Catherine Koh
  43. Richard Ong
  44. Shirleen Kao
  45. Sarah Kassim
  46. Freddie Liew
  47. Tan Sim Seng
  48. Robert Ong
  49. Dennis Tan
  50. Ronnie Sow
  52. John To (non-member)
  53. Iris Leet (non-member)
  54. Vincent Leet (non-member)
  55. Mike Tan
  56. Alicia Soh
  57. Lai Fong
  58. Ivy Lim
  59. Ten Choy Leng (not a member of SHC yet)
  60. Margaret Tian
  61. LILY HO (TABLE OF 13)
  62. Ah Nee
  63. Lina Ng
  64. Suzhang
  65. Norlinda
  66. Jane Tan
  67. Molly Chua
  68. Jway
  69. Hou Chong
  70. Michael Tan
  71. Mega
  72. Rene
  73. Bira
  74. PEARL WONG (2ND TABLE OF 12) ~ Judy Lim
  75. Johnny Pow
  76. Annie Tan
  77. Dorine Tan
  78. Catherine Yeo
  79. Sally Tan
  80. Doreen Lau
  81. Anne Loh
  82. Jose Chew
  83. Ron Wei
  84. George Chew
  85. Lim Hoe Seng (not a member of SHC yet)
  86. PEARL WONG (3RD TABLE OF 10) ~ Lydia Chin
  87. Barbara Lim
  88. Grace Wong
  89. Bobby Bok
  90. Bernie Chung
  91. Peng Peng
  92. Janet Loo
  93. Clara Chay
  94. Christina Tan PG
  95. Calvin Chow
  96. TABLE OF 5 (MAKING A TOTAL OF 100 Guests) ~ Tan Seow Mai
  97. Vincent
  98. Theresa Seow
  99. …..
  1. Please reserve your table asap.  Price charge:  $20 per pax (if registered before 31 May 2013), $25 per pax (if registered after closing date).  Non-Members $30 per head.


123 thoughts on “Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei) – refurbished and new renovated, a sequel to Shanghai night”

  1. Hi fellow SHC members,

    As mentioned in Terence’s post, I have accepted the role of Treasurer for the Cabaret Nite event. This is my first time taking on a role in SHC and I look forward to members for support and encouragement.

    The following are some of the ways you can help to make my task simpler:
    * Make payment as early as possible, starting from tomorrow. You can make
    payment to my account, details as follows:
    Account Name: Tan Wah Cheng A/c # 020-013689-8
    Bank: DBS Account type: Autosave
    * Pay through Internet transfer, ATM or Quick Cheque deposit
    * Please notify me through this blog once you have transferred payment so that I
    can confirm receipt. Pl indicate the amount and mode of payment.
    * If you are making payments on behalf of your friends, please inidcate all their names in your notification. Pl indicate if there are any non-members.
    * Finally consolidated payments are preferred as it mimises the number of bank transactions.

    Please feel free to highlight if I have omitted any pertinent points. Thank you for
    your cooperation.

  2. Barbara Lim will be taking up the role of treasurer and collection for the new Cabaret Club in Taipei. Barbara is relatively new, but she is definitely a bubbly and outspoken person.

    She was initially concern of the role of Treasurer; but after some review of previous events, she agreed to volunteer for this role. You will hear from her soon.

    SHC registered members rate for the event is $20
    Non-SHC members rate is $25.

    Meantime, Gabriella will be receiving the map of the lounge soon. Soon, she will be opening table reservations, based on the order of the registration list.

    Today, Judy Lim, Janet Chan, together with co-EOs Mega and Terence will meet up one-man Band and musician Edwin to discuss the songs and music needs. We will try to get through the songs lists and planning schedule this afternoon.

    Thank you to all the committee members who have come forward to organise the event for other members.

    Terence Seah

  3. Hi Terence

    Ten Choy Leng is BL’s friend. BL told me that her application has been approved. Sori, wrong info given to me. (BL – please note. Tks).


    1. Apology for the late info. Ten Choy Leng is now a member.

      As for the cabaret night, please note there is no meals provided. Hungry folks can have noodles or western food at the restaurant, next to the Cabaret Lunch. You may also eat earlier before you come to the event. Some drinks will be provided. We will announce this later.

      Terence Seah

  4. Hi Pearl

    Included Lim Hoe Seng accordingly.

    Hi Boon Liang

    I’ve updated for Ten Choy Leng accordingly. Noted that her application for membership has been approved.

    Warm regards,

    1. Pearl,

      Ten Choy Leng membership has not been received and approved.

      Terence Seah

  5. Hi Gabriella,
    Please include Lim Hoe Seng ( a new member ) to my 2nd table.
    He just registered to join SHC, waiting for approval.
    He’s a new recruit for my drama group.

    Xie Xie!

    1. Pearl,
      Please request hoe seng to contact admin. Application has not been received.

      Terence Seah

  6. Hi Pearl

    Included Calvin Chow.


    Hi SHCians

    HURRY :-) only 3 vacancies left.

    Have a splendid weekend,

  7. Hi Terence

    Pl see Karen’s query above. Wd appreciate your advice.


  8. Hi Helen

    Deleted both Catherine Heng and your name from the list.

    Gabriella (on behalf of Terence)

    PS Pl note that there are 4 seats left

  9. Dear Terence

    Please cancel Catherine Heng and I from this Taipei Night event.

    Thanks n regards

  10. Hi Terence/Boon Liang

    Wd appreciate your advice whether Ten Choy Leng’s membership has been approved so that I can update the name list accordingly.


  11. Hello Malcolm

    On behalf of Taipei Cabaret, I wd like to welcome you for the event. As requested, I ‘ve put you at the table with the 11 Eastern Beauties.

    Front Desk

  12. Hi Gabriella,
    Please register me and include in Karen Thio’s Table No 12.


  13. Hi Guests of Taipei Cabaret!

    I’ve updated the list of guests. The following are now included:

    Tan Seow Mai
    Theresa Seow

    C u all at the Cabaret,
    Front Desk

  14. Hi Terence,

    Thanks for reply.

    You may have record of my joining SHC since 2005 but sorry to say I’ve NEVER participated in any SHC events until sometime last year on a very adhoc basis. You may wanna ascertain this. As such I qualify myself as pretty new, not to
    SHC but to SHC EVENTS as indicated.
    Hope to get to know more fellow members @ this event!!
    Theresa Seow

  15. Hi Theresa,

    Interested to hear that you are pretty new to SHC events. I just noticed you have been a member since July 2005. Welcome to the gang.

    Terence Seah

  16. Hi Hi,

    I’m pretty new to SHC events. Heard much about this Cabaret Night from some fellow walkers during my last monthly walk and am persuaded to join. Please include me.

    Theresa Seow

  17. Hi Pearl

    Updated accordingly. Added Clara Chay and Christina Tan PG to your third table.


  18. Hi Gabriella,
    Yes, you are correct to exclude my two classmates from Sweden.
    I had put them on ‘tentative’ as they cant confirm their flight back yet,
    so .. its ok that they cant join us.

    Yes, Christina Tan PG & Clara Chay can be seated at my 3rd table.
    Thanks Clara for joining us and thanks Gabriella for the corrections
    and additions. Appreciated!


  19. Hi Gabriella,
    Do register me too .. i can be seated at Pearl’s 3rd table . Cheers,.

  20. Hi Pearl

    As requested, I have excluded Catherine Soh and Esther Tan. Hope my understanding is correct.

    May I suggest that Christina Tan PG be seated on your third table which has 9 guests now? Would appreciate your advice ASAP.

    Tks & regards,

  21. Hi Boon Liang, Ann, Edwin and fellow guests,

    First, I must apologise to participating guests who have been inconvenienced by my position on restricting participation to “Strictly members” and the “Non-members”. Right at the beginning, I had wanted the Cabaret night event to be open to SHC members only. However, I was concerned that the numbers may be too few, and that I may have to allow in non-members at a later date. This was how we peg the rate for non-members at $30. Edwin did raise this confusion, but at that time, I felt that I would still keep a difference between members and non-members rates, if our participation rate is low.

    Second, a few members wrote to me, highlighting that my confusion has caused unnecessary confusion and they were inconvenienced as they have supported the event, and have informed their friends who were non-members. The reasons they gave me were valid. I guessed I was too rigid on this position.

    On this note, I shall honour what our members have committed to their friends; and accept the non-members as our guests during the Cabaret night. The non-member rate applies.

    On going, no further non-members will be accepted. Again, my apology for the confusion.

    Terence Seah

  22. Hi Gariella,
    Since Terence changed his mind on non-members,
    please exclude Catherine Soh & Esther Tan from my Table 3.

    Thank you!

  23. Hi SHC members (Guests of Taipei Cabaret)

    I know there are quite a number of VIP guests who have not booked yet …….

    Hurry while seats last !

    Looking forward to your booking ASAP.

    Fondest regards,
    Front Desk
    Taipei Cabaret

  24. Hi Terence,
    Ten Choy Leng has already signed up as member on 10 April 2013.

    1. Hi Boon Liang,

      Please request Ten Choy Leng to contact the re membership.
      Thank you.

      And, I shall remove the $30 for non-members fee. Apology for the confusion everybody.
      I was not expecting such good response. The Cabaret night is strictly for SilverHairsClub members.

      Terence Seah

  25. Hi One Eye Tycoon Terence!

    Wd appreciate if you could advise where the Cabaret Owner, Lim Tian Soo will be seated? What about Edwin Chen, our musician? Sitting at your table?

    Thanks & regards,

  26. Hi Christina Tan PG,

    Good to know you are easy with the sitting arrangement.
    Will show you where to sit on the event night, meanwhile…
    do email me your contact number so that we can stay in touch.
    Mmm… we are not allowed to post contact numbers here.

    Thanks for joining us!

  27. hi Pearl,

    I am an easy person, you decide I will blend in. Thank you so much!

  28. Judy Lim and Janet Chan must have been doing a lot of work in the background, organising the singers and the song list. I am not aware. Thank you for the effort.

    Next, we are going to visit Edwin Chen, our musician and we hope to finalise how we are going to handle the live music and songs. This will help us plan some practice sessions.

    Last call, if you would like to sing Hokkien or Mandarin songs of the 70s, or a couple of Cantonese or English songs, please indicate here or let Judy know.

    Terence Seah

  29. Hi Boon Liang,

    Ten Choy Leng is a non-member.

    Non-members names are not allowed on this forum. So, their names will be replaced as “Non-members”.

    Terence Seah

  30. Hi Guests,

    I’ve updated the name list. Wd appreciate if you could let me know if I have inadvertently omitted any guest. All of you are very important to us.

    Tks & warmest regards,
    Gabriella Chua
    Front Desk
    Taiwan Cabaret

  31. Hi Terence

    Noted your comments above.

    Yes, just found the edit button. Will try soon and have fun!


  32. Hi Terence

    Noted your comments above.

    Not sure how to use the edit button. Unable to find any.

    Perhaps, you or someone can come to my rescue – ie advise on the procedure on this blog?


  33. Hi Gabriella,

    I guess we are all wating eagerly for the lounge map. Let’s wait for Mega to come and he will follow up on it.

    Meantime, my table will be 5 ie Terence Seah, Joe Choo, Veronica Lee, Patrick Oei and Linda Chua.

    You have access to make changes to the guests list.

    Terence Seah

  34. Hello Christina Tan PG,

    Welcome to SHC and Taipei Cabaret Night!!
    Since you are new, especially not knowing who to sit with at our Taipei Cabaret Night, I would like to invite you to sit with my group at either Table 1, 2 or 3. Our sitting arranging is not fixed, therefore I can let you sit with a group that you’ll be comfortable with… what say you?


  35. Calling all our Taiwanese guests!

    Register quickly. There are only 8 vacancies left.

    Remember Saturday, 20 July 2013! You’ll have loads of fun, laughter, dancing and drinking to your heart’s content ~ don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! Haha.

    The seating plan will be out very soon.

    Gabriella Chua

  36. Hi Christina Tan PG

    Noted that you wd like to join in the Cabaret night. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.

    WELCOME TO THE SHC FAMILY ~ with loads of fun and laughter.

    You can join in the remaining table of 9.

    There are now 8 vacancies left.


  37. Hi Pearl
    Noted your note above.
    You now have 3 tables of 11 each.


  38. Hi Gabriella,
    Please include Janet Loo to my table 3 please.
    That’ll make 11pax for this table.

    Xie Xie!

  39. Hi Taiwanese guests

    Further to my comments #66#67#71

    Since one of our VIP guests has another important appointment and will not be attending, we now have another 4 seats available.

    Hence, total number of vacant seats is 9.

    Hurry ~ please send in your booking ASAP.


  40. Hi Sue Chan #68

    Noted your comments that you’ll not be able to join in the Cabaret Night. Will delete….


  41. Hi Lily

    Ref your enquiry, please see Terence’s comments at #69.


  42. Hi Gabriella and our Taiwanese guests,

    Yes, the venue will charge $20 per bottle as corkage. At the same time, duty free liquor is not allowed.

    Terence Seah

  43. Dear Gabriella,

    I’m unable to join you folks as that date coincides with my other engagements; appreciate your promptness in editing our names in your Attendees List.

    My apologies…do enjoy the night of fun & entertainment, my dear!


  44. Hi members,

    Oooooo .. we’ve almost reached full capacity!

    So hurry for those who have not booked a seat.

    So far, we have 95 clients. Another 5 seats left.


  45. Hi VIP clients of Taipei Cabaret!

    A warm welcome to all of you. You are very important to us ~

    Thought I’ll just give a summary of the reservation of tables in order of priority as given above. However, this summary is not cast in concrete as the seating plan is still not ready. The bookings may have to be broken up into smaller tables if there aren’t enough big tables of 10 or more:

    1 One-eye Terence Seah (table of 5)
    2 Gabriella Chua (table of 10 for The Young at Heart)
    3 Tycoon Big Eyes Tan Boon Liang (table of 10)
    4 Karen Thio (table of 11 for The Eastern Beauties)
    5 Sue Chan (table of 4 for The Gold Members with Big Wallets)
    6 Pearl Wong (table of 11)
    7 Tycoon Big Eyes Tan Boon Liang (2nd table of 10)
    8 Lily Ho (table of 13)
    9 Pearl Wong (2nd table of 11)
    10 Pearl Wong (3rd table of 10)

    Please let me know if I have left anyone out. Tks.

    Hi Terence

    A summary of all bookings made so far given in order of priority as shown on the forum page. This is done as per your instructions and that no personal emails or messages should be entertained. For your advance info.

    Btw, our clients are also enquiring whether there’ll be any corkage charge.


  46. Hi Mega and Gabriella,

    I’ll have a 3rd table of 10 pax please.
    1. Lydia Chin ( registered earlier above )
    2. Barbara Lim
    3. Grace Wong
    4. Bobby Bok
    5. Helen Wong
    6. Catherine Heng
    7. Bernie Chung
    8. Peng Peng ( transfer from Table 2 )
    9. Catherine Soh ( non member – tentatively, depends on flight schedule )
    10. Esther Tan ( non member – ” ” ” ” ” )

    Thank You!

  47. 1) Ann To
    2) John To (non-member)
    3) Iris Leet (non-member)
    4) Vincent Leet (non-member)
    5) Mike Tan
    6) Alicia Soh
    7) Lai Fong
    8) Ivy Lim
    9) Ten Choy Leng
    10)Margaret Tian

  48. Hi Gabriella

    Please register two more places for Rene and Bira. I know I have exceeded the original no. of pax and there may be more coming. Are the tables all for 10 pax each?

  49. Hi Karen dear

    Thank you so much for including me in your table… I promise I try not to occupy too much space ya… **d(^o^)b**

    Hi Terence

    As you mentioned, participants must “boh-mia” personally, I now “kee-chew” here ya… *(^_~)*

    Cheers – Pauline

  50. Hi EO

    kindly include Pauline Ho to my table . We will hv 11 paxs for my reserved table . Tks.


  51. Hi Terence, Lynda & I, Veronique & Jo will join your table…so that it will be easier for us to go up and down stage…

  52. Aiyah .. i miss one again …

    Hi Terence and Mega,
    Please include Lydia Chin.

    Xie Xie!

    1. The cabaret night has now recruited two very talented members to be part of our
      Cabaret. They are Patrick Oei and Lyndy Chua. In fact, they are a husband and wife team.

      I met Patrick at a badminton lunch and Lyndy at one of Johnny Pow’s eat sessions. Both of them are fluent in
      Chinese and dialects, are friendly and crowd pullers. I like to thank them for being our stage managers. I am sure the Cabaret night will be fun.

      Please book your tickets. Gabriella will confirm the seats when she is back.

      Thanks too to Mega for making this event possible.

      Terence Seah

  53. Hi Terence and Mega,

    I’ll have a 2nd table for 11pax please.
    1. Judy Lim
    2. Johnny Pow
    3. Annie Tan
    4. Dorine Tan
    5. Catherine Yeo
    6. Sally Tan
    7. Doreen Lau
    8. Anne Loh
    9. Jose Chew
    10. Ron Wei
    11. Peng Peng

    ps: Ronnie Sow will be at Table 1 ( also 11pax )


    1. Hi Pearl,

      Gabriella Chua is now in charge of table sitting. She is away and will be back in a week time. Please continue send in your requests for tickets; she will use the registration priority as on this form. I believe the seating map is in.

      Pearl, please request Jose Chew and Ron Wei to register personally. Thank you.

      Terence Seah

  54. Hi EOs and Team

    I would like to reserve a table for 11 please. Members on this table will be :
    1. Lily
    2. Ah Nee
    3. Lina Ng
    4. Suzhang
    5. Norlinda
    6. Jane Tan
    7. Molly Chua
    8. Jway
    9. Hou Chong
    10. Michael Tan
    11. Mega

    Will there be any corkage charge if we bring our own bottle?
    Please advise. Thank you.

  55. Hi Terence,

    My booking @ #40 refers. Me & Co has moved over to join Boon Liang’s Table #2. Please cancel my booking for a table of 4.

    Thank you.

  56. #29 & #50:
    Hi EO Mega & Terence,

    Tycoon(who gave me this title, don’t Monopoly$$$Tycoon haha)
    Ah Tan here would like to book another 10 pax for Table#2:
    1) A#1
    2) A#2
    3) A#3
    4) A#4
    5) Mike Tan
    6) Alicia Soh
    7) Lai Fong
    8) Ivy Lim
    9) Ten Choy Leng

  57. Hi EO Mega & Terence,
    #29 – Table of 10 are
    1) Alice Teo
    2) Sunny
    3) Bee Gek
    4) Lam
    5) Lin Chuah
    6) JanetC
    7) Boon Liang
    8) Ronald Lam
    9) Peri
    10)Thomas Low

  58. Ooops! I got one more –

    Hi Terence & Mega,
    please include Ronnie Sow.

    Xie Xie!

  59. Hi Terence and Mega,

    I’ll have a table for 10 please.
    1. Frisna
    2. Catherine Koh
    3. Richard Ong
    4. Shirleen Kao
    5. Sarah Kassim
    6. Freddie Liew
    7. Tan Sim Seng
    8. Robert Ong
    9. Dennis Tan
    10. Pearl Wong


  60. Hi EdwinT #46,

    You are right. The rule is SilverHairsClub EO events are always for members only. So, the rate for non-members is contradicting.

    I am not sure what was in my mind when I put it up there. I must have a reason after I went over the feedback from our last Shanghai night a few years ago. Getting old. Let’s leave it there for now.

    Teremce Seah

  61. Hi EOs,

    I would like to ask a question. Since this event is “Strictly members only”, why is there a need to say “Non-Members $30 per head” Is it not a contradiction ? Or does “Non-Members” mean something else ?

  62. Hi Terence and Mega

    The following members have been recruited to help me man the registration desk:


    Application for this post is now closed.

    Tks & regards,

  63. Hi Ann Lim #43

    Welcome to my table. You’re the 10th member ~ last seat.

    Thanks, also noted that you’ll be helping me at the registration desk and helping to direct the wealthy towkays to their relevant seats for some FUN.

    I have three beautiful gals to help me. Tks.


  64. Hi EOs,

    Pls include me for this function.

    I’ll take the last seat at Grabiella’s table
    Thanks Gab, am glad to help out at the registration.

  65. Hi Myra #41

    Noted that you’ll be sitting at my table and you’ll be joining in the FUN at the registration desk; and also helping to direct the tycoons with deep pockets to their respective cosy corners to be entertained. Ha2

    June Koh will also be assisting at the Front desk (JUNE KOH).

    Welcome to both of you,

  66. Hi Terence & Mega

    Please register me and I will be assisting Gabriella at the registration desk during the night of the event, and of course seated at her table of 10.


  67. Hi Terence,

    A table for 4 please. I will supply the names later.

    Thank you & wishing every success for this event.

  68. Hi Terence

    Further to my earlier postings, the ninth person on my table is:


    Warm regards,

  69. Hi Terence & Mega

    Another SHC member for my table:

    Eilean Thean

    Btw, would appreciate if you could advise whether it is still necessary for each member to personally register themselves on this forum page?

    Also, take it that my booking is in the Platinum category?

    Tks and regards,

  70. Hi Terence,

    You mentioned on your comment #24 that a table of 4 seats can be reserved by a Gold Member with a big wallet, am not sure if that means we ought to give big tips? Or can I still qualify to book for this category of seats since I do not have a big group.


    1. Hi Sue,

      You are definitely qualified for the Gold member category. Form a group. The key is priority of registration.
      This is to enable you to pick your table, once the map is available.

      Who are you tipping?

      Terence Seah

  71. 10 beauties for this table.

    1. Carly
    2. Janice leong
    3. Sally Kang
    4. Pauline Khoo
    5. Yvonne Chew
    6. Lillian Teo
    7. Helen Kueh
    8. June Koh
    9. Karen Thio
    10. Meow- u coming ?


  72. Hi Terence/Mega/members,
    Thank you to 8 ladies and 3 gentlements who are indicated their interest to participating in the role be the singers.

    The event is open for registration and the closing date will be 20 April. Please email me your name and the songs you would like to song if you are keen to participate. Appreciate if you can reply asap, so that I will consolidate all the songs and submit to Edwin.

    I will announce the name of the singers and the title of all songs for this event in the post once finalise.

    My email:

    Thank you


  73. Hi Terence and Mega

    Further to my #30, Dan Huang will also be seated on my table.

    Hi Dan: Kindly register your attendance on this forum page yourself.

    Tks & regards,

  74. Hi Terence and Mega

    The following SHC members will be attending the Cabaret Night and will be seated with me on the same table:

    1 Gabriella Chua
    2 Edwin Tan
    3 Philip Yeo Tiang Hai
    4 Catherine Lee
    5 Susan CH Tan
    6 Myra Chia

    I am also registering attendance for the following members:

    Gabriella Chua
    Edwin Tan
    Philip Yeo Tiang Hai
    Catherine Lee

    Can Susan CH Tan and Myra Chia please register your attendance on this forum page.

    Warmest regards,

  75. Ah Tan shall be coming a party of 10, may I have table for Taipei nite 2013?

  76. Cabaret Night 2013 has just recruited Gabriella Chua to take charge of the tables and seating. However, we are awaiting the map of the newly furbished lounge before allocating the seats and tables. Thank you Gabriella for volunteering and agreeing to help in the event.

    Gabriella will also be in charge of the registration desk during the night of the event. Should you wish to assist her, please let us know here or contact her directly.

    Priority will be given as per comment #24.

    Do form your tables as soon as possible.

    Terence Seah

  77. Hi Terence & Mega

    I would like to book a table for 10. TQ

    Latest update on my job application in the cabaret:

    I realise that I cannot accept the post of naughty girl/freelance dancer and wishes to withdraw my application.

    Will submit the names of the kakis on my table soon.

    Thanks & regards,

    1. Due to interest in getting reservations and registration done, please indicate your interest on this Post. For fairness, reservations via email would not be accepted.

      Hi Jassmine, I am not sure if we can move the beams or the speakers, or the positions of the tables and sofas. Seat and tables will be based on registration and payment, and confirmed names. I assume most participants will be on the floor.

      terence seah

  78. Hi Terence
    You mentioned some unhappiness over seating…I also heard grumblings.
    Hope this venue gives all tables an unobstructed view of the stage.

    2-cts’ worth

  79. The registration for tickets for Cabaret Night 2013 (Taipei) starts today. If your diary is available, do join other members for this once-in-a few-years event.

    A map of the seating arrangement at the newly rennovated nightclub will be sent to us soon. Members are encouraged to book the seats once the map is available. In other words, if a sofa lounge can take 10 people, you are encouraged to book your table of 10 (with 10 names). If the table sits 4, then book a group of 4.

    If you are coming alone, you may choose your seat, whichever is available.

    From experience with the last Cabaret night, we had some unhappiness over where the nightclub guests sit. To avoid unhappiness, priority will be given as follows, based on registration:

    1. The Platinum mmeber of each table. He/she forms a table, of at least 10 members, based on the table plan. FCFS.

    2. The Gold member who has a big wallet, with a minumum of 4 guests at the table.

    3. The Silver member who is in the committee or a singer. He/she can form any number of guests at the table.

    A treasurer will be appointed soon.

    There will be other new announcements soon for the program. This Cabaret night will be based on the theme of night entertainment in Taipei during the 70s. This is organised specially for you, so do share any ideas you have, so that we can put them into the program.

    Do offer to raise your hand, if you wish to work in the committee. This is the best way to know and meet more friends.

    Terence Seah

  80. Last night, both Mega (co-EO) and myself met up with the manageress of The Tanjung at One North, Slim Barracks Rise. We had confirmed the booking of the dance hall for Sat 20 July 2013. This was the venue of our last Cabaret night (Shanghai).

    Here’s a few points to share with you.

    1. We are making arrangements for SHC members to sing to live music during the night. This music segment will be played by Edwin Chen, a one man keyboard musician. This is still subject to our approval, after Mega, Judy and myself meet up with Edwin after the 19 April.

    We intend to focus on an all night singing and dancing until 1am.

    Members who wish to sing, please contact Judy Lim and the people who have helped to assist her.

    2. It is likely that we will also engage the services of the local DJ who has been playing at the venue on Saturday night. Thank you to Mega for the recommendation. As seen from last night, I am impressed. The DJ can play 70s Taiwanese (Hokkien) songs, Mandarin songs, Cantonese and English songs. However, our focus will be Taiwanese songs and dacning non-stop.

    3. We are likely to charge $25 per head, excluding hard drinks. We are also considering a simple buffet, but currently, the plan is for “No dinner”.

    For those who register before the closing date, the price is likely to be $20 per head, based on the registration list on this Post. All participants must be registered SHC members. Non SHC members rate is $30 per pax.

    The closing date for registration is 31 May 2013.
    Last day for payment is 10 June 2013 ($20 per pax). Thereafter, at $25 for members.

    Thank you for those who have offered their help to make this event workable.

    Terence Seah

  81. The Cabaret night (Taipei 2013) is scheduled on Sat 20 Jul 2013.

    1. Mega and myself will be going to the Tanjung which is the venue for our Cabaret night this Friday. We plan to work on the drinks and the use of the premises and equipment. It is likely that we will be able to decide on the cost price per pax for this evening event.

    A number of members are working in the background to make this event a truly memorable and enjoyable event. They have been doing the coordinating work and planning.

    2. Some of the planning committee will be meeting up with Edwin Chen who will be playing for us during the Cabaret night. We hope to discuss the songs and music concept next week.

    If your diary is free that evening, keep a date.

    Terence Seah

  82. Hi ChristinaT #20,

    Judy Lim will announce the details for the singers soon. I am sure it will be exciting for both singers and dancers.

    You might like to know that this event is strictly for members only.

    Terence Seah

  83. Hi Terence,

    I can sing (Mandarin & Hokkien) & dance. I am not too sure what dance you require but I am keen to pick up a new dance if required. I am familiar with Social, Latin & Ballroom dances. I also do K-pop dances. I have a group of ladies who does performances. Let me know how can I fit in?



  84. Hi everybody, and singers,

    If you would like to sing live during the Cabaret night (Taipei 2013), please do let us know as soon as possible. You may also contact Judy Lim. There is a closing date, likely 31 May 2013.

    Terence Seah

  85. Hi Terence,

    AS I was busy this morning in the office, I am not aware that Terence had mentioned in the post that I will be taking over the role in the music and songs condinator.

    Fist of all, I would like to emphazise that the EO for the “Hokkien Karaoke Night” should be Sally Tan and instead of me, I only assist in the registration.

    When I receiving email by Terence to help up in the Cabaret Night 2013, my intention is to help up show my appreciation to his efforts and hardwork contributed to the SHC all these year. Althought I am familiar with the Mandarin and Hokkien Songs, I am not too sure what are the songs in the year of 1970. I was thankfuly the encouragement by sister – Susan Chan and the kind offer by Ronnie and Susan C.H.Tan to help me up in the role. I will do my best to assist with all the committee in this event and hopefully to achieve another success event in Cabaret Night 2013.



  86. Caroline Gee has realised that she wont be available during the Cabaret night. This is understandable. Thank you for volunteering in the first stage.

    I am pleased to announce that Judy Lim will be taking over the role of Music and song condinator. Some of us may know that Judy was the EO for the Hokkien karaoke event. Thank you Judy, and I look forward to meeting up with you with Mega and Edwin Chen (our musician) when I get back to Singapore before the end of March.

    Thank you Judy.

    Terence Seah

  87. The role of the Song and Music coordinator has now been assigned to Caroline Gee.

    Our theme for this year’s cabaret Night is Night entertainment at the new Cabaret in taipei. 70% of the songs will be in Mandarin and Hokkien and 30% English and Cantonese. All from the 70s.

    Caroline sings Hokkien and Mandarin songs; especially those from the 70s. Since the idea of the Cabaret night 2013 was mooted, she has started to research on the popular songs. I appreciate the effort and time spent. We can now ask our HR department to put up advertisements to engage singers.

    The role of the song and music manager is to select and choose appropriate songs for the Cabaret. Songs should be romantic, sad, hateful, lustful, love and nostalgic. Important also is the songs must be danceable to the music of the then 70s. I have no dancing queen, so Caroline will issue most of the guidelines.

    I think I will be back to Spore in 3-4 weeks, will meet Edwin Chen with Mega (co-EO) and Caroline. Likely practice sessions will be held at Edwin’s place.

    For Cantonese songs, Caroline is liaising with Janet Chan.

    So, singers, the HR department will announce soon. Most details will be up in the Club.

    Thank you Caroline for volunteering to take up this role.

    Terence Seah

  88. Now, that we have Edwin Chen who will be playing and accompanying our singers at our coming Cabaret night, we can move on quickly.

    I like inform everybody that Mega Abdullah is now the co-EO of our Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei). Mega was the person who raised the idea of having another Cabaret night. At that time, it was also called Shanghai night. He mooted the idea, and we had a very short discussion during our trip to Thailand/Laos.

    After coming back from the holidays, he quickly contacted the management of The Tanjung, quickly choop the date and have a review of the place. Mega has been in touch all this while, and now that many of the key roles are filled, we can move on.

    Thank you Mega for volunteering to be the co-EO of his highly exciting Cabaret night, this time in Taipei. Feel free to chat and talk with him too.

    The HR department is now looking for two mamasans, 1 co-stage manager and one song and music director.

    Do write to me if you would like to take up this role. I am very sure you will do a good job.

    Terence Seah

  89. Announcement on the Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei):

    We have a number of responses for a live band to perform at our Cabaret night 2013. Thank you to those who have made the effort. It has taken us a long time to make our minds up. If we do not use your service this time, keep in touch, and we will do so another time.

    I now like to confirm Edwin Chen, whom we will contract to perform for our Cabaret night (Taipei) 2013. He will be our one-man band, fluent in Hokkien and Mandarin songs. He has also been asked to play a few Cantonese and English songs, all from the 70s. I think he is 70; but he is fantastic and good at what he does, playing music.

    No, this solves the question of whether we will have live music. Our plan next is to have live singers. We should now be looking for someone to coordinate this part of the work. I am aware many members complain and feel that I can only talk and delegate, and do not do the actual work. Well, this is true; but that is because I am not good at singing, play music or even do other thing at all. But also, i am always not around most of the time.

    I am now looking for a song and music coordinator. Male or female, over 45. The person must be familiar with popular Hokkien (Min Nan Hua), Mandarin, some Cantonese and some English songs, all from the 70s. Songs should be romantic, hate, sad, memorable, able to inject good emotions, and popular. Must read up on the Taipei Entertainment scene in the 70s.

    As we will be having live singers, the coordinator must be fair, and able to accept and reject appropriate songs suitable for the mood and environment.

    Of course, the coordinator can also sing if he/she likes to. Time is limited; I can roughly see we have a time frame from 7pmm to 1am. What we hope to have is non-stop music, non-stop dancing, non-stop songs and non-stop drinking. So, guys and gals, please apply. Write to me at

    Let’s move on.

    Terence Seah

  90. HI Terence/Patrick-O.

    Do u need singers? And can sing english song or not?

    Cheers, Lydia.

    1. Hi LydiaC #11,

      We have not decided on whether we will have a live band or a DJ. Discussions are still going on. If we have a band, the band should be familiar with mainly Mandarin, Hokkien and some Cantonese/English songs. No decisions yet.

      Once decided, we can decide if we have singers. This explains why no announcement on singers yet.

      Keep your suggestions coming, you may also send your suggestions to Mega.

      Terence Seah

  91. Taipei Cabaret is inviting applications for two mamasans. There will be two teams.

    a) Mamasan (Wild flower team)
    b) Mamasan (Moon over the lake team)

    Each mamasan will be in charge of a group of young ladies. Applicants are required to exercise strict control over the behaviour and performance of their team. Mamasans should be fair to their team; while at the same time, ensure that Cabaret clients are kept happy and keep spending throughout the night.

    Applicants may contact the owners, and write direct to the HR department.

    Terence Seah

  92. Today, we have a new applicant coming in to apply for the job of Registration desk manager. She is Wong Yoke Meng; and you will see her during the Cabaret launch night.

    Yoke Meng will be look for assistance to help her with registration; please raise your hand to join her team. Registration basically involves preparing the name list, tick attendance, selling dance tickets and accompanying the guests to their tables.

    Thank you Yoke Meng for taking on this exciting role, during our Cabaret night 2013.

    Terence Seah

  93. Last Thursday, while meeting the badminton group, I chanced upon meeting Patrick Oei, who appears to be the right foreign talent. He speaks well, I think, in Min Nan (Hokkien), Cantonese and English. Confident and outgoing too.

    As the new HR manager, I asked if he would work for the Taipei Cabaret, which will open on Sat 20 July 2013. He looked at his diary, and agreed to be the Stage manager during the opening night. I think he is going to practise his Hokkien and Cantonese.

    The HR department is looking for a co-Stage manager, preferable a lady, semi-fluent in Hokkien, Cantonese and English.

    Both roles involve working with one another, follow up on the who’s who, the schedule, introduce the people coming to the stage, plus an element of making adjustments incase, things go wrong. You never know. We might have a blackout the whole night.

    Thank you Patrick for taking up this role.

    Terence Seah

  94. While the interior designs are going on, there is a signboard outside the Cabaret. “Role opportunities available, please apply inside”.

    Gabriella Chua, age 23, is the first lady to apply for the role of freelance dancer. She takes this opportunity to learn how to be naughty. There are many available positions for freelance dancers. Those who have worked for the previous Cabaret owners are invited to rejoin.

    The owners are also looking for 2 mamasans to handle customer relations. Papasans also invited.

    Please do not be offended; we hope to make the theme as close to the cabaret or nightclub entertainment scene in Taipei in the 70s.

    Terence Seah

  95. Here are some happenings with the Taipei Cabaret Night.

    Taipei has always been an attractive city to many Singaporeans, especially the bright lights, the Asian culture, the similar languages and dialects, the food and the songs.

    The owners of Taipei Cabaret Night got together last year. Two members have accepted playing the role of co-owners. They are Lim Tian Soo and Chee Lai Fong, both known to a number of SHC members. They have decided to build a new business in nightclubs and cabarets. We look forward to seeing them on Satu 17 July 2013 during the opening night.

    Hi Tian Soo and Lai Fong, thank you for agreeing to play the roles of co-owners. It would be nice if you introduce yourselves to your clientele, and how you got into the night entertainment business.

    And, to all fellow SHC members, please share your ideas too, fun and crazy ones too.

    Terence Seah

  96. Hi everybody,

    The soon-to-be completed Cabaret, located in Central Taipei has just announced its launch date. Mega, whom many of you know, is the interior designer of the Cabaret; and he has been discussing with the owners for a possible start date. Well, the opening date for the Cabaret is Sat 20 July 2013.

    Thank you Mega for the initiative.

    Now, let your thoughts and ideas roll. We definitely need members to play different roles. We need many different roles, for example owners.

    For those who have been to Taipei, especially during the 70s, and who may have experience with nightclubs and cabarets, share with us if you like to take up a particular role.

    Terence Seah

  97. Wow…hahaha….Geraldine, it was really FUN! Beside those big ribbon balls, the beautiful flower bouquets for the great singers too. :)

    Wonder who will be the new owner of the Nite Club after the renovation completed. It should be an ideal place for the rich “tow kay” to meet for business deal and drinking session with the beautiful hostesses. Oh wow…..the non-stop music and songs of the 60s. :) :)

    Thanks to Terence creative imaginary idea……I would be glad to sponsor those big balls for the grand opening of the new Nite Club and the beautiful bouquets again if this event is on. :) :) :)

    Ah Nee

  98. Great, Terence, do let us know if all goes well.

    I am pretty certain members will support this event as they did with Shanghai Castle Nite Club.

    Still remember Ah Nee’s ‘big balls’ kekekekee ribbons for the ribbon cutting ceremony and Sweet Nor’s silver dish and scissors and all the members who helped out to make the event a success, not forgetting the EO Lily (whom you conveniently ‘assigned’ cuz you were busy with your used condoms, whatever, wherever you were at that time – what else is new? Bwahkakakakaa)who was very helpful to me across the miles.

    Your only ‘instruction’ to me via email was to do my opening speech in CANTONESE. FINE!! I delivered.

    Anxiously waiting, darling.

    ?????! Bet you don’t understand this. Mwah.

  99. Hi Geraldine,

    The new Cabaret is undergoing rennovation, and hopefully, it will be up and ready by June/July.

    One of our members will be going down to the place to have a look and have a chat with the owners. If all goes well, we can firm up the date, sometime next week.

    Terence Seah

  100. Time certainly flies……’s been 3 years since.

    The opening nite was a full-house with our patrons turning up dressed up to the nines, our mamasan Sue with her lovely hostesses, our talented and awesome singers who joined us from other posh nite clubs. Sweet memory, indeed.

    Jeffrey and I wish the new owners the best of luck, the performers and patrons tons of fun.

    We are still showbiz and entertainment!!

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