ONE NIGHT IN TOKYO – SHC Annual Dinner & Dance

Saturday, 20 August 2022

SRC FoodMenu / Beverage List 1 / Beverage List 2

SRC Seating Arrangement (rev)

Good morning, countdown to SHC DND @ Singapore Recreation Club.

We are publishing the food menu and alcoholic drinks’ price list for your info.

Kindly note that there will be a corkage charge of $30++ per bottle imposed for every bottle that will be brought in on August 20 2022.  However, AhNee has graciously agreed that all drinks ordered will be chargeable and payable to SRC to individual account but at member’s price, ie, the 10% service charge waiver.


Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

25 thoughts on “ONE NIGHT IN TOKYO – SHC Annual Dinner & Dance”

  1. Dear All,
    Final updates on expenditures for this event as follows:
    Collection from members’ participation $5640.00
    Total expenses (SRC and other misc) $5674.40
    Thus, variance of $36.40 will be subsidized by SHC Fund

    Thank you for the all members’ participation for this event. Cheers…

  2. Continue…. All these make possible with all your participations. Thank you all for your support!

    Ah Nee

  3. Dear SHC members at Tokyo night, I am very happy to see everyone having a whale of a time…..boogie boogie the night away,…..
    The super solid disco music, the scream and laughter, the photos in Japanese backdrops and costume…. what a memorable event in SHC history. Cheers and looking forward to more SHC events!

    Ah Nee

  4. This is my 1st SHC DnD, I must say a BIG Thank You to the organizing Committees for a task well done and made it a success.

    Their TIME – Organizing everything in a way that suits all is a time-consuming process.

    Their EFFORT – Décor, program list, door gifts, seating arrangement, and not forgetting PayNow/PayLah tracing is indeed a Hassle.

    The FOOD – compliment to Ah Nee having it organized with SRC at a reasonable rate.

    Gathering EVERYONE Together – Terence, our founder who constantly blasting our What’sApp on the latest news. A dining event does not simply mean EAT! EAT! EAT! It also includes bonding, sitting together talking, catching up with those good old days and of coz, building up more friendships.

    For all your goodness to SHC. This is the least we could do – Thanks a ton! If more members like the committees could stand up and organize interesting activities, SHC would be a better platform coz you all do make a difference.


  5. All guests at last night’s dinner, can you find yourself in the picture above.

    No prize, but do try.

    Terence Seah

  6. Hi All,
    Finally, we had planned, enjoyed the first SHC DND after the lift up of pandemic measures ending with many memorable photo prints taken at photo booth by Roy. These digitial prints are currently stored in the USB thumb drive and I will try to forwarded these digital prints to members that I have their mobile#. For those that I do not have your mobile# and if you need these prints, please watapps me to get these digital prints. But I may be slow in processing these hence a little patience would be much appreciated from all. Cheers..

  7. Thank you to the committee, a great shout up for the wonderful night !
    I was amazing with the zest of power and strength from the member after a long break of covid.
    The laughter and fun of getting together and meet many member that have lost contact a period of almost 3 years. I m sorry for unable recall some familiar face and wrong name. Thousand of apology but nevertheless we click back again
    It was a bless event to witness the dancing queen and king super high energy and power as the old saying quote ?????
    Looking forward for future !

    Ps stonger together ! Majulah

  8. Good morning! I slept like a log last night and woke up to a nice new day! I hear birds chirping while having my brekkie. I think my okd bones are trying to tell me something!

    My heartfelt thanks to all the people who were involved in the proposal, planning and preparations and for bringing the event to fruition. It is no easy task.
    I boogied, ate, laughed and cheered the night away. I had fun with my friends around me.

    Also, thank you Jeffrey for the music accompaniment during the games section. My apologies if I was rude because I got carried away by the excitement and I forgot my please and thank you.

    Thank you everyone who was there, for the company and merry making.

    Ganbatte! Or should I say Hwaiting for the next one night!
    Meantime, stay healthy and happy!


  9. really enjoyed myself so much after such a long break

    thanks to terence n the committees working so hard for this event

    looking forward to korea night

  10. Good morning to All, TQ for a really enjoyable evening. EZ4U Music & Dance sincerely appreciates this opportunity to be part of this awesome event.

    TQ to Terence for initiating such a meaningful project.

    TQ tto the committee (Ah Née, Dolly, Lydia, Pattiya & Jasmine) for all the planning and co-ordination work behind the scene.

    TQ to the Japanese performers (Judy, Sally, Shirleen, Marlene & Rina) for putting together the main thene of this event.

    TQ to Ben Food and Simon Wong for sponsoring the goody bags.

    TQ to SHC for sponsoring the cash vouchers as our 5 top mega draws.

    And 1 person, whom I have so.absent-mindedly omitted to acknowledge last night at the event, is our photographer ROY ONG ????????. Roy has creatively volunteered the photo booth with props that raised the bar for this event . Sincerely appreciated his service to snap our group photos.

    Not forgetting a big TQ to alll the guests for being so sporting and living up to the spirit of graceful aging.

    THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts ??

  11. Big thank to you Terence for initiating this Party . WE had a fabulous evening . Not forgetting the organising committee,Ah Nee, Jasmine & Roy for manning the photo booth it gives us a beautiful memories of our One Night in Tokyo 2022. Till we meet again let’s stay happy & Healthy.

  12. One night in Tokyo is something we all look forward.

    The 1st segment is all Japanese and we have our very own members, Judy Lim, Sally Tan , Marlene Yap and Shirleen Kao, as singers and performers. A lot of effort preparing the scripts, practising in Japanese, and rehearsing the steps. Not forgetting, our MC is Irene Lee and Jeffrey Gan on the keyboard. Thank you to the whole team.

    Ah Nee has been liaising with SRC on the venue and the food, and all other requirements to make this evening go smoothly.

    All guests, pls come in early and register your name with Lydia Poh and Pattiya, at the registration desk. They are the first persons to say hello to. There are 2 registration queues.

    The dancing hall will look pretty Japanese. Jasmine Wong has made little pcs of decor and stickers to brighten up the place. Say hello to her. She may need some help to put the decor in various place.

    Why come early. Roy Ong has set up a photo booth with different Japanese background. Come early to take your shot. Pictures will be displaced during the night.

    Jean Lim will require some help to place gifts on the every table. Pls volunteer your help to her.

    Lets look forward to an enjoyable dinner and dance.

    Terence Seah

  13. Dear All,
    We are 2 more days away from this great event. Kindly note the following arrangements:

    1) Photo booth will start at 6pm after members present and registered with either Lydia and Pattykavi. You can proceed directly inside the Photo Booth location which I have already identified in the floor plan attached.

    2) Complimentary car park coupons : As we are given only limited qty for car park coupons, apart from the committees, the balance qty will be based on 1st come 1st get basis. No reservation for members behalf. Nevertheless, for those that unable to secure 1, you still can park inside SRC but subjected a parking of fee of $5 per entry after 6pm.

    Cheers.. cu all soon…

  14. Hi Terence/Dolly,
    Please be informed due to unforseen circumstances Barbara Ong is unable to attend and I have replaced her . Thank you..
    Bobby Bok

  15. Dear Members attending this event,
    As we are coming nearer to the event day itself, kindly note that we will not accept any further replacements with effect from 15 August 2022 2359hours as the registration volunteers (Lydia Poh and Pattykavi) will need time to prepare the necessary documentation and name slips ready for both registration and lucky draws’ requirements. Your kind understanding much appreciated.

    However, in view of any unforeseen circumstances with valid reasons given that 1 may not be able to attend the event and the replacement (must be confirmed SHC Oridinary Member) ready on hand, please liaise with me directly so that I can update them as soon as possible.

    Let’s looking forward to this event together… cheers… see all soon..

  16. Dear All,
    Both Bobby Bok and Alicia Lim are replaced by Susan Chan and Susan Yeo respectively. The updated namelist is currently on the forum now. Cheers.. Dolly

  17. Both Sandra Chua and Lesley Low are unable to attend the coming DND and replacement are Howard Yong and Mia Cheong respectively. The updated namelist will be putting up soon. Thanks.. Dolly

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you for the interest shown but this event is fully booked and closed for registration.

    2. Hi Susan,
      Please contact me if you are interested to attend this dinner and dance event . My contact number is 9380 3808 Bobby Bok. Thanks..

  18. Dear All,
    We will be including the table layout plan and the allocated sitting arrangement by this month end. Your patience much needed. Thanks..

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