September 2022 Monthly Gathering

BRITISH HAINAN @ Purvis Street

23 Purvis Street #01-01, Singapore 188600 /

Location View of 23 Purvis Street, 188600

With the blessing of the founder, Mr Frederick Puah, we are able to clinch a super great deal of $15 nett per person – Menu as per Chef’s Choice.  Any additional orders, eg ala carte, snacks and beverages to be paid on the spot by individual.

Date/Time:- Sunday, 18 September 2022 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm (timing changed due to overwhelming business pick up)

Free seating – Limited seats of 35.

For Confirmed Attendees – Click on the link to join the What’sApp group by Howard Yong –

Confirmed Attendees: 

  1. Howard Yong (EO)
  2. Sally Foo (Co-EO)
  3. Dolly Lim (Treasurer)
  4. Terence Seah
  5. Jean Lim
  6. Susan CH Tan – Mia Cheong
  7. Melissa Khng
  8. Douglas Chan
  9. JoJo Wong
  10. Maria Tan
  11. Pat Oei
  12. Linda Chua
  13. Susan SW Tan
  14. Daniel Chan  Jasmine Wong
  15. Jennifer Lim
  16. Myra Chia
  17. Judy Lim
  18. Rina
  19. Birdy Loh
  20. Mega
  21. Jane Tan
  22. Caroline Gee
  23. Simon Lee
  24. Pearl Kwan
  25. Julie Ong
  26. Lydia Poh
  27. Sherry Wong Daisy Wee
  28. Marie Chong
  29. CH Teo
  30. Bobby Bok Maria Boey Thomas Loh
  31. Lee Ah Nee
  32. Explore SG MRT Winner – Vincent Hee
  33. Explore SG MRT Winner – Iris Lim
  34. Explore SG MRT Winner – Kelly Ng
  35. Explore SG MRT Winner – Sam Chua

Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

75 thoughts on “September 2022 Monthly Gathering”

  1. Final account expenditure for this event:

    Total collection of 35pax x $15 each = $525.00
    Total payment to BritisHainan = $525

    I also wanted to express a big thank you to SallyF for giving token sum as tips to BH staffs without our knowledge but when approached, she had expressed that she dont intend to claim at all. Muacks muacks.. SallyF

    Based on the lovely pics received from the respective members, this is indeed an enjoyable with plentiful getting to know each other (pioneers and new 1s), food was delicious with nice ambiences and entertaining owners. Thank you all

  2. Wow, what a wonderful afternoon well spent. A total of 34 pax attended this closed-door private gathering at British Hainan and we believe most of them enjoyed each other’s company and authentic Hainanese flavoured food as well as being entertained by the founder, Mr Frederick Puah.

    We talked and reminisced, caught up on old time’s sake. We are so happy to see each other and appreciated this opportunity.

    Put on your thinking cap and gather together yet another monthly gathering with our SilverHairsClub members for the following months.


  3. Kindly note that there will no last minute cancelation, however, if you can get any replacement (must be SHC Oridinary Member), please let me know so that I can update accordingly as this place is specificially request from 2pm – 5pm for closed door event for us to get to know each other and mingle around..


  4. SHC September Monthly Meeting just around the corner – are you all kancheong to meet up again? This time round, super good, we have a roof all to ourself (ie SHC members only) mainly due courtesy and endless follow-ups of our member, SallyF, long time kam-cheng with the founder Mr Frederick Puah at a one-time favour only.

    Looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday, 18 September @ 2:00pm sharp.

    Cheers.. Dolly

  5. Hi Alan,
    I got an appointment on Sunday afternoon so I can let Alan to attend the lunch. Cheers..

    1. Bobby, please liaise with Alan on this issue as there is no more reserved list at my end. Cheers.. Dolly

      1. Hi Dolly,
        Please note that Maria Boey confirmed that she will be attending the lunch and take over my seat instead of Alan. Thanks

    1. Sorry, Alan, as this is a closed door event coupled the fact that we had reached our maximum paxs allowable set by the BH hence, we sincerely do not encourage any gate crashers. Kind understanding much appreciated. Hope to see your participation in our next event.

      Cheers… Dolly

  6. DaisyWee to replace Sherry Wong as she just realized that she got a class on Sunday.


  7. Mia Cheong and Jasmine Wong will replace both SusanCH Tan and Daniel Chan respectively.


  8. Oops, Daniel, there gone my drink again ya… Nevertheless, take care and get well soon ya meanwhile, I will continue to “wang chuan chew sui” lor…

    Cheers.. DollyL

    1. Yes Dolly. I promised to buy you a drink or two.
      Cannot let you “wang chuan qiu sui mei you sui”

      JW shall buy a drink for you at British Hainan.
      On my account (wo men qiu hou suan zhang)

      I will certainly buy you another drink on another occasion.
      “liu de qing shan zai…….”

      ( Aiyah….we used to be able to type and send Chinese characters, before the “upgrade”.?


      1. Thanks, Daniel, will await for you to buy me instead lor.. like you said “liq de qing shan zai….. never afraid of no wood for burning lor”

        Sorry for the late reply not sure why I can missed your reply earlier but is always beta late than never at all… tio bo..

        Cheers and take care… Dolly

  9. I will not attend this upcoming gathering at British Hainan.
    Main reason is Susan CH Tan’s medical condition. Worrying.
    The other is I am still recovering from a serious GOUT attack.
    My right foot was swollen to twice its size two weeks ago.
    Gradually returning to normal.
    But no red meat and all those stuffs associated with enhancing gout.
    Have to give this a miss. Jasmine Wong has kindly consented to take my place. Have fun, all of you.


  10. Regret to confirm that SusanCH (watapps msg recd frm her son) is unable to attend this SHC monthly gathering and a refund had been given back to she. Hence, based on the waiting list, Mia Cheong will be to replace Susan and I am in mid of contacting her now. Will update once finalised.

    Cheers… DollyL

  11. Dear All

    As F&B business activity picks up and bounce back after the announcement on further easing of Safe Management Measures (SMM), businesses in British Hainan have picked up tremendously.

    The founder, Mr Frederick Puah, just called me to change the starting time to half an hour later but the good thing is he has extended our meeting place till from 4pm to 5pm.

    The new timing shall be…
    Date/Time:- Sunday, 18 September 2022 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm


  12. Hi Dolly,

    The Explore Singapore MRT game ended end July. The winning team goes to Vincent Hee, Iris Lim, Kelly Ng and Sam Chua. Shortest time 1 hr 30 mins.

    Pls include them in the British Hainan gathering. Tq.

    Terence Seah

    1. Yes, Terence, I believed that SallyF had already updated their names for September monthly gathering liao.

    1. I am overwhelmed with work today and just saw your request. Do u still want to be on wait list or ignore.

  13. Hi EOs
    Please waitlist the followings if still can.
    1. Anne Choi
    2. Doreen Chan
    3. June Peh

  14. THANK YOU CH, for securing a precious place for me.
    I have just returned from a long trip in Malaysia.
    And thank you Howard and Sally.
    Renowned and exquisite Hainanese food. Yummy.
    Hope they will have the stewed ox-tail.
    I think there is a similar outlet in Joo Chiat area.

    Dolly – the lady in charge of $$$.
    A tedious thankless task but somebody has to do it.
    Noted you did it for O N I T, and doing it here now.
    For your hard work and dedication, it is my pleasure buy you a couple of drinks at Purvis.


    1. Hi Daniel

      Welcome back from your trip. At $15 nett price, menu will be Chef’s Choice. As for Oxtail Stew, it is their signature dishes for all 3 outlets and it is priced @ $32.90. You are most welcome to order ala carte and other beverages.

      Just to let you know, the good deal is a location to gather at an accommodative price tag per pax. Their average check is $30-$35.

      Have a good night rest.

    2. Thank you with warm welcome on that monthly gathering on September. Would prefer bigger crowd but notice since covid reopen , everyone register but no show while some as usual just gate crash without register. This time we try paid event and reduce hassle on planning administration. Simple swift and easy.

  15. Hi Sally

    I am interested, but too late to inform you. Can put me on wait list. Thank you.

    Ah Ner

    1. Sure, we will put in wait list and if there is any last minute withdrawal. You will be first on the list.

      **Ms Dolly to take note

  16. Dear All members going to this event, kindly note that there will be no refund but a 1 to 1 replacement is allowed should you are unable to attend in mid of unforeseen circumstances. All replacements must be SHC Club members and the Treasurer must be informed of these changes to avoid any disputes later on.

    Your kind understanding much appreciated. Thanks…

  17. Hi Howard/Dolly,
    Please register me for the September meeting and lunch. I will pay now. Thanks

  18. Booking via PayNow still ongoing until we hit the 35 pax mark!

    We will announce again when we HIT it!

    1. Omg finally hit 35pax within a day !

      Thank you everyone for this support !

      Our very first paid monthly event !

  19. If another 35 pax , let do another session from 6pm onward since $35 menu for $15 at one time special.

    Really a good deal to me !

    Let watch how the response ! Didn’t expect within a day sell like hot cake !

  20. Dear All,
    I will be very very much grateful that SHC members signed in and registered and/or pre-alert on any payments to every SHC events if possible. Right now, both Sally and myself are receiving watapps messages from many which can be very confusing right now especially for events that selling like hot cakes.

    Kind understanding much appreciated. Thanks..

    1. Thanks to Dolly for the update. Much appreciate even though she had a very tight schedule.

    2. Thank you Ms dolly for the task as treasurer , didn’t expect to be selling like hot cake for first paid monthly gathering..
      Thank to Sally for the special deal !

      Looking forward to see everyone soon!

      1. Thanks for being there. U get yourself hooked up and do your PR like always…

  21. Sally, pl add on:

    Julie Ong (paid direct to Dolly)
    Jennifer Lim

    I’ll PayNow to Dolly on behalf of Daniel Chan, Susan SW Tan and Jennifer Lim.

    Thanks, dear.

    1. Done – confirmed by DL

      As for Julie Ong, she need to SMS Terence regarding registration.

  22. Hi Sally,.

    Pl add Daniel Chan and Susan SW Tan. They’ll pay direct to Dolly.


  23. Sally..pls register me for this gathering. Will paynow to dolly. Thanks
    Maria tan

  24. Hi Sally, already make payment of 30.00 to Dolly. Together with Douglas’s payment. Please reserve a seat for me. Thanks

  25. Hi Sally can register me fir the Sep Gathering Even my name Josephine Wong (JoJo Wong) Douglas’s friend. Later I will paynow together with his payment through paynow also. Thanks

  26. Please update if response overwhelmed will extend for another 35pax for different timing or location.

    1. Hi Howard

      Unable to extend coz the small cozy restaurant outlet maximum seating capacity is 35 pax indoor and 5 pax outdoor at the patio… if you dont mind the hot weather and sitting outside, why not? Extension will be depending on the response.

      1. If another 35 pax , let do another session from 6pm onward since $35 menu for $15 at one time special.

        Really a good deal to me !

        Let watch how the response ! Didn’t expect within a day sell like hot cake !

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