Hear the calling, All Newbies…. (Closed)

This is posted on behalf of Alice Tan – EO for Newbies Meet-up

Hear the calling, Yes, yes, you did not heard wrongly.

Calling all newbies, let’s gather at Shaw Centre on 16/01/2023, Monday from 6 pm to 9pm to have dinner and chat. Let’s enjoy and have a wonderful evening together.

EO : Alice Tan

Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

4 thoughts on “Hear the calling, All Newbies…. (Closed)”

  1. Hi Alice,
    I am newbies, I don’t quite understand how this wordpress works after I login.
    This profile keeps coming up its quite confusing.
    Please advise
    Thank you
    Regina Chen

  2. Hi Alice,
    As requested, have posted this on your behalf. If I am available on 16/1/23, I will meet you and walk-thru with you on create a post since we were not sucessful in our first try. Cheers..

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