Monthly Gathering in February 2023 – CLOSED

DATE|TIME: Saturday, 11 Feb 2023 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm

LOCATION:- Essen @ The Pinnacle

1 Cantonment Road #01-01, Singapore 080001.

Alight at EW16 | NE3 | TE17 | Outram Park MRT

Exit towards Exit G – Police Cantonment Complex

Walk about 313 meters from Exit G – Police Cantonment Complex to Essen at The Pinnacle, walking time is around 6 mins.

Opening Hours (Daily): 10:30am – 11:00pm

Average: S$10 – S$20 per pax

EO: Howard Yong

Come join us for a meet up bonding session. Let’s try a different theme for this monthly event with happy mood and good seating capacity with wide varieties of cuisine. For those who are driving, do park below The Pinnacle and easy entry to the Atas Food Court.

Green arrow shows you the way to enter from Car Park.

Attendance (closiing at 5th Feb 2359hr)

  1. Thomas Loh
  2. Yvonne Loo
  3. Kat Wong
  4. Joanne Khoo
  5. Winnie K-Tan
  6.  Florence Seah
  7. Jennifer Goh
  8. Maggie loh
  9. MIA
  10. Doris Tan
  11. Bobby Bok
  12. Jasmine Lim
  13. CarolineGee
  14. DollyLim
  15. Catherine Soon aka Malyne Suen
  16. Vincci Lee
  17. GingkoT (update :27jan14.25pm)
  18. Dorothy Loh
  19. Christine Chan
  20.  Ng Fook Weng
  21. Helen Chiew
  22. Catherine Sng
  23. Alice Tan
  24. Alan Ang
  25. Lorelle Lau
  26. Melissa Khng
  27. Sally Too
  28. Rina Tay
  29. Sandra Lee
  30.  Irene Wong replaced Stan Ang
  31. Veron
  32. Ivy Lim
  33. Nancy Ang
  34. Tansy Fong
  35. Jenny
  36. Birdy Loh
  37. Kelly
  38. Cola Tan
  39. Ros Khoo
  40. Diana Ng
  41. SPTan
  42. Eileen Tan
  43. Maria Tan
  44. Katherine Yap
  45. Cindy Ho
  46. Pattiya
  47. Joanna
  48. Rekha Devi
  49. Catsy Teo
  50. Amy Ng
  51. Michael Woodworth
  52. Replace by May Lee for Aminah Bee
  53. Kheng Lim         Maggie Loh (double register to submission)
  54. Teresa Fong
  55. Chris Tan
  56. Florence Tay
  57. May Cheong
  58. Charlie’s Chan
  59. Christopher Tan
  60.  Linda Soon
  61. Benny Low
  62. Agnes Seow
  63. Grace Kang update on 28 jan 1140am
  64. Francis Raj Mangalam
  65. Sherry Wong
  66. Joan Ang
  67. Mavis Mok
  68. Sandra Chuah
  69. Henry Chong
  70. Chye Hua
  71. Alice Tan
  72.  Audrey Woodworth
  73. Simon Wong
  74. Esther Ng
  75. Daniel Tan
  76. Winnie Tong
  77. Sue Chan
  78. June Peh upated on29jan1pm
  79. Charlie Lim
  80. Terence Seah finale closed request to extend
  81. Irene Poh
  82. Westly Ong
  83. Leon Lau
  84. Anne Choi to replace Vincent Hee
  85. Simon Lam Chor Ngai to replace Iris Lim
  86. Anne Boey
  87. Irene Wong
  88. Phyllis Loh
  89. Kelly
  90. Lucy Tan
  91. Reserved
  92. Reserved
  93. Reserved
  94. Reserved
  95. Reserved

Author: Howard

SHC1312 Update : Host for Daily Lunch @zoom meeting retired due to fatigue in zoom. I joined in 1995 but low profile until 2017 one night in batam D&D committee member 2018 went for evaluation trip in Chiangmai. 2019 evaluation trip road 2 @khao yai 2020 resurface to host @Zoom meeting (Membership Reinstated 27.5.2018) from then on the road of no return to SHC. Sunshine personality with happy mood - sudoku game alway on my mind. Listen/watch to all gene of music and film with great passion. Eat all kind of food with no limitation except human organ.

132 thoughts on “Monthly Gathering in February 2023 – CLOSED”

  1. Hi Terence,
    Sorry I m not able to attend this gathering on 11/2 beco i have a bad flu. I have sent my apology via Ros & Diana.

    Send here today, reconfirming my apology
    Thank you

  2. Howard

    Please remove my name as I am unable to come

    Many thanks

    Francis Raj Mangalam

  3. Hi Howard, thanks for organising the gathering. Wonder what time is the gathering and do we need to pay in advance

  4. Hi Howard, please remove No. 76 Winnie Tong from the 11 February 2023 gathering as I’m having sore throat and cough

  5. Hi Howard,
    We did not register for Feb gathering. We registered for Mar gathering. Must be some mistake somewhere.
    Plse free up the 3 slots in the Feb list.
    84. Vincent Hee
    85. Iris Lim
    86. Jesslyn

    But plse let our names in Mar list remain.

  6. Xin Nian Kuai Le to Howard & All

    Please register irene for this Gathering.

    Thank you.

  7. Hello Howard,

    Please. register me and June Peh. We are keen to try out this new venue.


  8. Hi Howard,

    Pls discard my previous two posting.
    Both myself & Alice Tan already registered.


  9. Hi Howard,
    Joan Ang has asked me to register for her.
    I confirm that she is a SHC member since 2011.
    Thank you.
    Regards, Winnie K-Tan

  10. Hi Howard

    Please register me for monthly meeting
    Francis Raj Mangalam

    Thanking you


  11. For 11th Feb. Monthly gathering.
    Hi please kindly register for the lists below-
    1. Chris Tan
    2. Florence Tay
    3. May Cheong
    4. Charlie’s Chan
    5. Christopher Tan

  12. May I have the confirmation for registering for the monthly gathering. Thank you, Catsy

  13. As i see the list growing up – request for 5 ambassdor to help the members introduce themselve to other members.

    1. Myself
    2. Bobby Bok
    3. Dolly

    1. Ok Howard, I can help to introduce the various members to each others. Cheers..
      Bobby Bok

  14. Hi Howard
    Please register for Katherine Yap
    No.22 Catherine Chng. Not Catherine Sng
    Thank you very much

    1. Hi please r kindly register Aminah Bee and Kheng Lim to the 11th F3b. Monthly gathering. Tks.

      1. As much as I love to go to that gathering, I unable attend as I busy returning from my Chiang Mai tour on 10th February. Please delete my name from the list attending.

  15. How can I.not supporting you my dear buddy.
    Just in time coming back from my chiangmai trip…
    Don’t forget to register me ok or o.go without registration haha

  16. Kindly assist those SHC member to enrol if having diffculty to log in here.
    Plse include name with surname to avoid duplication of the same name.

    Since i m running on One Man Show so i greatly appreciate everyone to ease my admnistration work with simple task.

  17. Hi Howard,
    Appreciate if you could kindly register for Ng Fook Weng who got difficulty in logging into the website. Thank you

  18. Hi,EO Howard
    Please let me join on Saturday, 11 Feb 2023 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
    Essen @ The Pinnacle.
    Alan Ang

  19. Hi Howard,
    Please also register for Lorelle Lau, who is also not familiar with the website. Thank you

  20. Hi Howard,
    Appreciate if you could kindly register for Rina Tay and Sandra Lee who got difficulty in logging into the website. Thank you

  21. Gong Xi Fatt Cai, Howard.
    Please register me as Catherine Soon aka Malyne Suen for the February monthly meeting .
    Thank you

      1. I was asked by SHC member Katherine Yap to sign up for her too.
        Appreciate if you sign her up. Tku

        1. Are you going if yes, can have your name with surname too !
          Bcz i can’t see your name only email

  22. Iitenary/Programme:
    1.Enquiry on WordPress forum on password reset.
    -requirement bring your mobile/laptop with wifi.

    2.Recruitment for EO volunteer with informal sharing.

    3.Q&A on SHC activities.

    4.Q&A on Zoom enquires.

    Planning in process…..

    *20 of Mysterious Gifts will given away for lucky SHC members – subject to discretion.

    closed on 5 Feb 23 at 2359.

    Let me stretch abit more to increase to

    1.Those registered on behalf must ensure that they are registered SHC Ordinary members.

    2.Quota Limit @80pax instead of 100pax due to solo operation by myself.

    1. Hi Howard, I would like to join the event on Saturday, 11 Feb 2023 from 2:00pm to 4:00PM. Essen @ The Pinnacle

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