How to perserve my peranakan culture with simple effort.

Peranakan culture is a unique blend of Chinese and Malay traditions that has evolved over centuries in Southeast Asia. If we would like to preserve this rich cultural heritage, here are some simple efforts can take:

  1. Learn about Peranakan culture: Educate yourself about the history, customs, and practices of the Peranakan community. Read books, watch documentaries, attend talks, and visit museums.
  2. Cook Peranakan food: The cuisine is a significant part of the Peranakan culture. You can learn to cook traditional dishes and share them with your family and friends.
  3. Use Peranakan-inspired decor: Incorporate Peranakan-inspired decor into your home. You can use traditional fabrics, ceramics, and furnishings.
  4. Wear Peranakan-inspired clothing: Wear Peranakan-inspired clothing, such as sarongs, kebayas, and batik prints.
  5. Attend Peranakan events: Attend Peranakan cultural events and festivals. You can learn more about the culture, meet members of the community, and support local artisans.
  6. Support Peranakan businesses: Buy from Peranakan-owned businesses to support the community and help preserve their cultural heritage.
  7. Share your knowledge: Share your knowledge and experiences with others. Educate your family, friends, and community about Peranakan culture and its significance.

Author: Howard

SHC1312 Update : Host for Daily Lunch @zoom meeting retired due to fatigue in zoom. I joined in 1995 but low profile until 2017 one night in batam D&D committee member 2018 went for evaluation trip in Chiangmai. 2019 evaluation trip road 2 @khao yai 2020 resurface to host @Zoom meeting (Membership Reinstated 27.5.2018) from then on the road of no return to SHC. Sunshine personality with happy mood - sudoku game alway on my mind. Listen/watch to all gene of music and film with great passion. Eat all kind of food with no limitation except human organ.

8 thoughts on “How to perserve my peranakan culture with simple effort.”

  1. Hi Howard

    Peranakan kebaya one of the finest piece of art. My mum used to spent hours on her Singer sewing machine just to embroider a kebaya top. The intricate design need lots of patience and attention to detail. Now I own about 200 pcs of her craftsmanship! But sad to say I won’t need that many for my wardrobe.

  2. Hi Howard,

    It’s a good topic to share indeed! As a Peranakan Nyonya descendant myself, I am proud to share on our traditional culture observed in terms of marriages, prayers offered before and after the CNY; the practice observed when a child reaches the age of 15; as well as kneeling down before my parents to offer my Well Wishes during CNY etc.etc. We are all living in a new era now, where the older generations may have passed on, and some families may even forego such traditional practices. Not for me and my relatives since it’s passed down to us by our ancestors, and I do keep tabs with our governmental plans to promote and preserve our Peranakan Heritage too!.

    Look forward to joining you for the Peranakan museum visit once a suitable date is finalized.

  3. Upcoming : Visit to Peranakan Museum (Pending for schedule )
    Peranakan lunch estimate ($10++)
    EO : Howard
    Limited to 20 pax only due to solo EO.

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