Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei) Sat 20 July 2013 – tickets and sitting updates

Hi fellow SHC members,

Meeting musician Edwin with Judy Lim, Janet Chan with Mega and Terence.

Updates: We have the latest change with our  plan to have Edwin Chen as our musician.  Instead, we are now having Jeffrey Gan who will play the live music for us during the Cabaret night.

Janet Chan
Judy Lim






The latest updates include the sitting arrangements and the payment updates.

1.  Payment:  Barbara Lim has accepted the role of Treasurer for the Cabaret Nite event. This is her  first time taking on a role in SHC and she looks forward to members for support and encouragement.  Here are her comments:

The following are some of the ways you can help to make my task simpler:
* Make payment as early as possible, starting from tomorrow. You can make
payment to my account, details as follows:
Account Name: Tan Wah Cheng A/c # 020-013689-8
Bank: DBS Account type: Autosave
* Pay through Internet transfer, ATM or Quick Cheque deposit
* Please notify me through this blog once you have transferred payment so that I
can confirm receipt. Pl indicate the amount and mode of payment.
* If you are making payments on behalf of your friends, please inidcate all their names in your notification. Pl indicate if there are any non-members.
* Finally consolidated payments are preferred as it mimises the number of bank transactions.

Please feel free to highlight if I have omitted any pertinent points. Thank you for
your cooperation.

2.  The map of the lounge will be provided by Gabriella soon.  Details will appear soon.


Payment registration (By Barbara):

  1. One-eye Terence Seah (Table of 9) (Paid)
  2. Patrick Oei (Paid)
  3. Linda Chua (Paid)
  4. Joe Choo (Paid)
  5. Veronica Lee  (Paid)
  6. Pearl Kwan (Paid)
  7. Simon Lee (Paid)
  8. Jonathan Ong (Paid)
  9. Eileen Ong (Paid)
  10. Gabriella Chua (Table of 11 for The Swingers) (Gabriella Paid)
  11. Edwin Tan (Paid)
  12. Philip Yeo Tiang Hai (Paid)
  13. Catherine Lee (Paid)
  14. Susan CH Tan (Paid)
  15. Myra Chia (Paid)
  16. Dan Huang (Paid)
  17. Susan Tan (Paid)
  18. Charles Wee (Paid)
  19. Ann Lim (Paid)
  20. Jeffrey Gan (Paid)
  21. Tycoon Big Eyes Tan Boon Liang (1st Table of 12) (Paid)
  22. Alice Teo (Paid)
  23. Sunny      (Paid)
  24. Bee Gek (Paid)
  25. Lam Hoy Tzee (Paid)
  26. Andrew Yeung (Paid)
  27. Geraldine Ting (Paid)
  28. Ronald Lam (Paid)
  29. Perilla Liew (Paid)
  30. Thomas Loh (Paid)
  31. Paul Kong (Paid)
  32. Peggy Kong (Paid)
  33. Karen Thio (Table of 12 for The Eastern Beauties/Handsome)  (Karen Paid)
  34. Janie Leong (Paid)
  35. Sally Kang (Paid)
  36. Pauline Khoo (Paid)
  37. Evyonne Chew (Paid)
  38. Lilian Teo (Paid)
  39. Helen Kuek (Paid)    Unable to attend
  40. June Koh (Paid)
  41. Catherine Ho (Paid)
  42. Pauline Ho (Paid)     Replaced by Richard Wong
  43. Malcolm Chen (Paid)
  44. Steven (non-member)  (Paid)
  45. Pearl Wong (1st Table of 11) (Paid)
  46. Frisna (Paid)
  47. Catherine Koh (Paid)
  48. Richard Ong (Paid)
  49. Shirleen Kao (Paid)
  50. Sarah Kassim (Paid)
  51. Freddie Liew (Paid)
  52. Tan Sim Seng (Paid)
  53. Robert Ong (Paid)
  54. Dennis Tan (Paid)
  55. Ronnie Sow (Paid)
  56. Tycoon Big Eyes Tan Boon Liang (2nd Table of 12) – Ann To (paid)
  57. John To (non-member) (Paid)
  58. Iris Leet (non-member) (Paid)
  59. Vincent Leet (non-member) (Paid)
  60. Mike Tan (Paid)
  61. Alicia Soh (Paid)
  62. Lai Fong  (Paid)
  63. Ivy Lim  (Paid)
  64. Ten Choy Leng (Paid)
  65. Janet Chan (Paid)
  66. Nina Choo (Paid)
  67. Lim Tian Soo (Paid)
  68. Suzhang (Table of 10)  (Paid)  Replaced by Sam Goh
  69. Lina Ng (Paid)   Unable to attend
  70. Jane Tan (Paid)
  71. Hou Chong (Paid)  Unable to attend
  72. Mega (Paid)
  73. Rene Leong (Paid)
  74. Lydia Poh (Paid)
  75. Lily Ho  (Paid)  Replaced by Peggy Yap
  76. Jway (Paid)  Replaced by Arthur Yap
  77. Chua Seng Chong (paid)   Unable to attend
  78. Pearl Wong (2nd Table of 12) ~ Judy Lim (Paid)
  79. Johnny Pow (Paid)
  80. Annie Pow  (Paid)
  81. Dorine Tan (Paid)   Replaced by Doreen Cady
  82. Catherine Yeo (Paid)
  83. Sally Tan (Paid)
  84. Doreen Lau (Paid)
  85. Ann Low (Paid)
  86. Jose Chew (Paid)
  87. Ron Wei (Paid)
  88. George Chew Paid)
  89. Lim Hoe Seng (paid)
  90. Pearl Wong (3rd Table of 11) ~ Lydia Chin (paid)
  91. Ronald Swee (Paid)
  92. Grace Wong (Paid)  Replaced by Robert Cady
  93. Bobby Bok (Paid)
  94. Bernie Chung (paid)
  95. Peng Peng (Paid)
  96. Bira (paid)
  97. Clara Chay (paid)
  98. Christina Tan PG (Paid)
  99. Calvin Chow (Paid)
  100. Barbara Ong (Paid)
  101. Tan Seow Mai (Table of 10) (Paid)
  102. Vincent (Paid)
  103. Theresa Seow (Paid)
  104. Audrey Wong (Paid)
  105. Terry Leow (Paid)
  106. Barbara Lim (Paid)
  107. Lynn Tai (Paid)
  108. Moly Quek (Paid)
  109. Kent Chan Yuk Lun (Paid)
  110. Christina C L Chan (Paid)
  111. Bessie Lam (Table of 6) (Paid)
  112. Andrew Tan (Paid)
  113. Vinna Tay (Paid)
  114. Hudson Swee Yew Siong (Paid)
  115. Richard Lean (Paid)
  116. Peter Tan (non-member) (paid)


                       ~ ~ ~      R E G I S T R A T I O N     IS    NOW     C L O S E D     ~ ~ ~

CLICK HERE to view photos  (part 1)


Charges: SHC members who sign up by 31.5.13 ~ $20;   SHC members who sign up after the closing date (31.5.13) ~ $25

Non-members will pay $30     


Seating Plan (approved by Terence Seah) ~ Click on the plan for a full view


Seating Plan 1



Author: Terence Seah


283 thoughts on “Cabaret night 2013 (Taipei) Sat 20 July 2013 – tickets and sitting updates”

  1. Dear Frisna

    You’re most welcome. Tks v much for your kind thots. Really appreciate :-)

    So glad that you’ve enjoyed the event.


  2. BIG thanks to Mega Gabby and all committee members for job well done and special thanks to Jeffrey for helping the drama team back ground music at last minute request.
    cheers to Terence and MC Pat+ Lynda!!

  3. hi Geraldine thanks for your compliment. looking forward to your night club opening hee hee. glad to get several chicks order that night and quite happy to meet and see all the pretty ladies singing and dancing including you. who said its silver hair? all look so young and sexy!

    Terence: good stuff must hide and bring out only at right moment!

  4. THE party is over. Back to the classroom. It is lesson time again.
    Have fun with English.
    What do a bitch and a witch have in common?
    They both have an itch that will never ever go away.
    And use both hands if you have to type – putting a finger there certainly will not take away the itch.

  5. Hi everyone,

    Cabaret Night has come and gone. Hope all of you had an enjoyable time last night. A big Thank You to everyone for your support. All of you have contributed in one way or another to the success of the Cabaret Night.

    Thank you Stage Mgr Pat and your co-Mgr, Linda. You did an awesome job for bringing the Taipei Cabaret to life with your vibrancy, gift of the gab plus your ‘naughty’ sense of humour. One can’t ask for more!

    Of course, Jeff Gan ~ you did an excellent job on the keyboard. I don’t think it’s an easy task to put through so many songs with your one-man show. Hip, hip, hurray!

    Our DJ, photographers Sebastian and Boaz and our videographer, Boon Liang – well done guys.

    The singers have sung very well indeed ~ so professional ~ and kept us a-dancing all night long.

    Yes, of course the Drama team – Well done and keep up the good work!

    Also thanks to June, Myra and Theresa who helped at the Registration Desk.

    Of course, the Guests ~ Without you, there will be no party right?

    Thank you Terence for giving me this opportunity to learn new skills eh? I’ve really learnt loads through this experience. This wouldn’t have been possible if not for your kind invitation in roping me in. Really appreciated.

    Last, but not least, I would like to apologise for any shortcomings or unintentionally offending anyone through my lack of experience in handling such an event. Please accept my apologies for this is my VIRGIN project.

    Let me end with the following quotes:

    1. Choose to be happy
    2. Don’t forget to play
    3. We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we
    stop playing.

    Cheers and Warmest regards to everyone!

    1. Hi Gabriella and fellow guests of the Taipei Cabaret night,

      Gabriella has summed up alot of what I wanted to say. Thank you. In short, I would like to say every lady looked as pretty as 30-40 years ago, and every man as virile and handsome 40 – 50 years ago. Both guests, singers, the drama team and the committee participated activitively and with full of dedication. Thank you for making the event so entertaining and successful. Personally, I am glad to see our members getting to know one another better. This is exactly the club’s objective.

      I had another task that night, and that was to spot talents. Lai Fong was qa great singer, entertainer and dancer. Frisna, I was impressed by your equal half Peter. Where have you been hiding him?

      I am getting to know Jeff Gan, our live musician better. Leading to the night and on the night itself, he has been patient, creative and a skilled musician. I shall be considering using more of his services.

      Quiet and playful, and keeping a record of the night, I noticed Boon Liang. He volunteer as a videogapher,, even though is equipment went upside down. Had to borrow just for the night without my asking. BL has always been supportive of SHC, and we appreciate his good intentions.

      And to the two young boys Sebastian and Boaz, thanks to the contributtion from Lai Fong and Susan Tan.

      I have got so many things I want to say, but slowly, let me catch my breathe.

      Karen, where were you? I missed your presence last night. I am gladd to see that most on Table 1 turn up looking beautiful, handsome and enjoying the chatting.

      And, as for Geraldine, not that I am encouraging you, but I do note yourr comments. I wish you are as sweeet in your words, as you were during the evening.

      A bit of insight into next years’s Cabaret night. We shall be launching the opening of “Sawatdi Sabaidee”, one of the largest Thai discos in Bangkok. Typically, a Thai disco has only round high tables. The drinks are on the table. No food. Guys and Gals, dance around the table. Generally, there is no sitting,and if there are, they will be high stools.

      Thai Disco is likely to be 1 to 1.5 hours only, all thai music, great for dancing. All other times, it will be non-Thai music.

      That’s all for now.

      Terence Seah

  6. Nice meeting you SEBASTIAN (mwah mwah) n BOAZ!!!

    Boring Terence, you WERE the only ONE to have your frigging name tag, as if you were non-existent or rather, as if NO ONE IN THIS FRIGGING WORLD TO KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE!! Perhaps for whoever to know of your existence?? Poor darling. WHATEVERRRRRRR!!!!

    Anyways, I had a blast WITHOUT my FRIGGGING name tag, whatever that means……………a reeli reeeli pleasant happening to this old cow.

    Thank you to all who organized this (except Terence who still has his finger up his ass), sooooo happy to meet old and new frens and Pearl, still waiting for you………..- don’t count on you-know-who (eyes rolling).

    Gosh, so happy Lai Fong (mwah mwah) reeli reeli was THERE and TS who…….let’s not go there……..

    I am glad I was the substitute (yet to pay, kekekekekeeee, BL, please don’t charge me interest).

    Janet, both TS and I reeli reeli appreciate your being there. Thumbs up!!! Luv you!

    Linda, I am soooo impressed by your mcee skills! Another thumbs up. Go girl!!

    Seriously, I had more than I wished for.

    Christina (walk group), nice meeting you again and I hope you will welcome me in your future walks.

    Yes, SS, I am happy to see you again and reeli happy to have one dance with you!

    Frisna, boy, I was sooooo impressed with your mamasan acting and I would want you to join me should I ever have a niteclub.

  7. HI Daniel,
    Very nice of you. Beautiful song. And a real surprise.

    For our Taipei guests tonight, please note we have two young photographers coming. One is Sebastian and the other is Boaz. Let’s thank them for contributing to the event’s excitement.

    I am looking for nice portraits and full head to toe sots. Please do ask them if you wish to have a shot. Bigg smile and eyes into the camera.

    See you tonight. Bring your name tags.

    Terence Seah

  8. Hi everyone,

    Just a gentle reminder to bring along your name tag if you have one. If not, we’ll give you a sticker with your name written on it.

    Thank you.

  9. Hi SHC members

    Just to inform that there are four vacant seats as at now ~ any takers?

    If anyone is interested, please let me know by 6 pm today (latest).

    Thank you.


  10. Hi Janie

    Sue informed me that Bernard Chan has messaged her that he will not be attending the cabaret night on Saturday.

    I’ve deleted his name accordingly.


    cc Sue (fyi, please)

  11. If there is one requirement which we need for the cabaret night, and which we did not have at hand yesterday, and that is the photographer and the videographer. For such an event, every body wants to enjoy and not work. I thought I had to do the shooting of the pictures.

    Well, some members came up with an offer to help. They too want to enjoy and not work. So, on Sat night, we will see two young photographers. I am sure we will have some nice portrait and body shots, and also a nice video of the video.

    Thank you to the members who offer the photo and video services this last minute.

    Terence Seah

  12. Hi Paul Kong

    Ref your note to me in the latest blog, please refer to the name list given above.

    Confirmed the two seats for Peggy Yap and Arthur Yap as shown.


  13. Janie,

    Your communication with BC was dated back 2 weeks ago…Its only ETHICAL not to block seats unless you are DOUBLY SURE that Bernard could make it for this event. From what has been transpired via smses between me & BC few mins ago, he’s still in BKK! Since BC has his membership reinstated last month, why don’t you ask him to register himself to avert further inconvenience to the EOs?

  14. Hi Martin
    2 weeks ago, Bernard Chan requested me to register for him n you but registration had closed then. Then I saw there are places available n went ahead to register but did not know that you do want to attend now. However, BC had told me that he is attending.
    EOs – my apologies for any inconvenience caused.


  15. Ref to Janie’s comment above, I’m surprised my name is included in the list? Please delete my name and if I’m able to attend, I will register myself…not sure about BC, let him decide himself!

  16. Hi Gabriella

    Richard had made payment liao. Kindly replace my name wif his.

    Richard, thanks once again n hv fun ya.

    Pauline .. d(^_^)b

  17. Hi

    Helen Kuek and Chua Seng Chong will not be able to attend the event.

    Hence, there are two vacant seats on their respective tables.


  18. Dear Guests

    Registration for this Saturday’s (20th July) Cabaret Night will commence at 5.30 pm.

    Each guest will get a lucky draw ticket and the relevant coupon for soft drinks or beer upon registration.

    See all of you on Saturday.

    Gabriella Chua
    Front Desk

  19. Hi Suzhang

    I’ve updated the names of those taking over the 5 tickets. FYI.

    It will be good if I can have their surnames as well. Perhaps, Janie and Paul Kong can advise.

    Tks & regards.

  20. Bro terence ,

    If time kam kam for me ,i ,rush back to my sg house & grab a bottle of wine or hard liquor…

    Bro sam huat

  21. Hi Susan and fellow guests,

    Allow me to be a bit funny. Actually, I had also been looking at the entire club forum to see when we had put the start time. 2 days ago, I realized there were no start times. Gosh, then I started to worry how come nobody asked. I thought I was the only one who didnt know the start time. Maybe, Mega went ahead with me. Then I thought Tian Soo or Lai Fong decided to kick me out. Or maybe the stage managers had quit and went to work for the new Cabaret in Bangkok.

    Well, it goes like this. Most of us usually go for dinner first. Then, after a good dinner, we start our night entertainment before we actually go home. Perhaps, dinner at 6.30pm and then go to the Cabaret at 9pm. Aiayah, nobody goes to a nightclub at 7pm. The fun starts after 10pm.

    Thanks Susan for raising this question. Being the Cabaret’s opening night, we shall start registration at 5.30pm. Ladies, speak nicely to the men. And, men, come early and speak to the ladies. Tian Soo is buying his new shirt today, and Lai Fong is trying out her hair at the saloon.

    The singers are singing everyday, and the drama team are rehearsing their scripts. Paul Kong, our Batu Pahat night expert will be showing us how to do the 3 or 4 finger games. I wont dare say too much, forgot whether his wife is coming. Dont take dinner too long, as we need your flower balls from Ah Nee. And, Mega, dont forget the snacks and two bottles of wines. Who else is bringing duty free liquor?

    Susan, come as early as 5.30pm. It will be nice to see you in red short skirts.

    Terence Seah

  22. De 3 MAS angel ,su chang

    If got one ticket for me …
    I ,cheong all de way from johore & back again lor……

    Kam sia kam sia jway jway…..

    Brother sam

  23. Hi Karen and members,

    I am very pleased that everybody is coming. I wish everybody will enjoy themselves, and most important let your hair down. Ok, also if the dresses are down too.

    Cabaret night is intended to let our memories go back 30-40 years. Music helps brings back old feelings, of love, romance, lust, and youth. It also brings back feelings of hate, sadness and jealousy. Maybe out 1st partners, or even 2nd partners. Let’s all bring ourselves back in time this coming Saturday.

    Please imaging yourself in the 70s, and attending a cabaret, cha cha’ing and rock rolling the whole night.

    I have decided to be the official photographer. So, I shall be looking out for portraits shorts, two’som and full head to toe shots too.

    So, guys and gals, share the dream theme. I look forward to seeing you and everybody at the cabaret.

    Terence Seah

  24. Hi SHC members

    There are 5 seats up for grab if anyone is interested to join this Sat. It’s FOC ! Kindly register yr name here with the committee.

    My sincere apologies to the organizing committee, Mega & Jane. The 5 who cant make it : Lily, Jway, Lina, HC & myself.


  25. Terence

    Everything no change. I m in charge of booking the table but if any member at my table are unable to make it or want to cancel, they will do it individually.

    Thanks U !


  26. Hi Karen,

    I refer to your cancellation of $240 on 28 June. I have also agreed that your table can be switched to Table 1.

    Please confirm if you still wish to cancel the table booking or withdraw the cancellation. This will help the organisers adjust accordingly.

    If we don’t hear from you by noon Wed 17 June, we will take your instruction to cancel the booking, as requested. I hope you will come and make a party of the evening.

    Terence Seah

  27. Hi Richard

    Thanks for taking over.

    My email address is : Could you pls drop me a note with your email address and I’ll provide the bank account details to you tonite when I’m back from work.

    Thanks…. **(^_^)**

  28. Hi Pauline

    Noted yr note above. Yes, Richard Wong can take over your seat.
    Can you liaise with Richard direct re: the payment. Pl keep me informed when the deal is done so that I can update the seating plan.


    cc Richard Wong – please liaise with Pauline Ho direct.

  29. Hi Gabriella & Committee

    Sorry to inform that I’ve some personal matters to attend to on next Sat’s evening so have to “give up” my space. If there’s someone on your waiting list, could you pls “match” us so that, that someone can get to enjoy the event too ?

    Thanks… ^o^

  30. hi Gabby, Mega n all
    2 of my friends (SHC member) would like to join. if any one last min withdrawal let me know please. thanks

  31. Hi Terence
    Taipei Night will come and go. But I am looking forward to “One Night In Bangkok” at Sabadi Savatdi. I’ve never heard of this place but it sounds exciting. I think I’ll be OK for three nights in Bangkok!

  32. Wahpiangz,
    Only get to know what was happening for this event thru’ buddies while having outing for kaypoh chit chat as bo log in since many many moons liao… too busy and nursing backache again.. But today, eng eng bo tai zhi cheo, so login 2 be kaypoh as Ros had put it lor… May be will also kena kicked out also…

    I bo kei cos bo eng that day.. but Karen mei mei, just read the last few current comments and from these concluded that your group n you had been upgraded to Super VIPs hor from standard seats to circle seats.. lolz… ho sei liao.. cheers.. Dolly

  33. OH dear, I must have hit the “paste” button twice. Sorry for that “double dose”.

    Finally, the “management” has spoken, instead of leaving Gab to face the music alone. Yes, Pat, we are ALL friends. Hence many choose to remain silent for obvious reason. Besides the few “kay pohs”, including me, who care (and dare) to speak their minds out of principle, there must be hundreds perhaps thousands, watching this development intently.

    This serves as a PR exercise for all, particularly EOs and helpers. Always think of possible consequences, eventualities and reactions. Managing damage control, if needed, is equally important. It can be very frustrating that after contributing so much, you find yourself in the “defence corner” explaining things.

    Terence, in HDB flats they pay a premium for the corner unit. Have fun. Hope Pat’s suggestion will be an amicable solution for all. Every person who has paid shall attend this function. Participants ought to move around, hence it does not matter too much, choice table or not. Sing and enjoy.

    Taipei is a mesmerizing and vibrant city. Please sing this song to all members who cannot be there for various reason s (click the link at the bottom of my previous comment)

  34. Really, what should I say or agree on? All three of my committee members, Mega (co-EO), Gabriella (Regitration) and Pat Oei (Stage manager) have publicly suggested that I quit Table 1. Can I say NO? Yes, I would like to insist on a NO, because I was the first person to register. But, then 3 of our key committee members say I should move aside my table, for not giving fair instructions to my team. If there is something we can learn from, I will always try to say yes.

    I have not seen the haze since it started sometime ago. Didn’t really know that the haze was this bad until when I work up this morning. I only read about the haze on the internet, but it looks alright to me today. To cut all stories and excuses short, Yes, I shall move to Table 4, and Karen’s group can move to Table 1.

    Karen has raised a case of unfair seating and table allocation. It’s good she raise it before the actual event, or else we might have an unhappy night of knives and parangs or a scene being enacted from my favourite hokkien drama on Sat 7pm Channel 8. Karen, I hope you will accept that we have not allocated the tables based on favoritism or not following the briefs given by me, as EO. Even Mega had to be contented to be allocated to sit besides the speaker.

    Maybe, some members were shy to say that Gabriella gave favoritism to Terence and put him on Table 1. She just followed the briefs. I guess Geraldine knew me too well to know I would not care, and let everybody sit in the toilet or in the car park. Geraldine, this is not true, I will always care you, Karen and other members.

    As pointed out by Andrew, it is true the task of seat or table allocation is not easy. Gabriella had spent a lot of precious time with Mega, going over the lounge seating. Would anyone believe that no one and I mean no one in SHC offer to take this role of registration and table seating. This is something that bothers me too, and I believe that we would have to address this issue soon.

    It’s nice of Patrick Oei to bring up this solution of swapping Table 1 and 4. I can only suspect many members have this idea in mind, although few would want to voice out. And Rosalind, the Club does not kick out any member, just because of raising a difficult issue. We would only do so if one breaks the Club’s taboos.

    Cabaret night is a night entertainment event. We have themed this Cabaret night, around the 70s, in the city of Taipei. The Cabaret new owners are Tian Soo and Lai Fong, both who have bought over the place from Jeffrey Lim and Geraldine Ting. I heard that the new owners are planning to buy up a piece of land at Rachadapisek Road, in Bangkok. Some news have leaked out that they are planning to open “Sabadi Sawatdi” and this will be the largest and newest Thai disco in modern Bangkok. It wont just be a “One night in Bangkok”. Keep in touch.

    Let’s have an enjoyable evening during Taipei night.

    Terence Seah

  35. Hi Pat

    Tks for your kind thoughts. Really appreciate.

    Yes, we spoke and I agreed also to a swop between T and K’s tables. Any comments from Terence and Mega?


  36. As stage managers, it’s ok for us to take a few more steps to the stage, I need that exercise to help tire that spare tire round my big belly. Haha

  37. Wow wow.
    Have not been reading for so long.

    I can see a lot of passion for this event.
    Karen is my friend. Gabriella is my friend.
    We are all friends.

    I know Gabriella has worked so hard for shc of late.
    Objectively, she did indicate table allocation by Booking.

    However in all events, no money no talk. I would have thought those who pay first gets first priority esp in this case Karen. paid for whole table first.

    Having said that, I like to suggest that Terence table be swopped w Karen.s table..and since a few of the organizers.. are in this table..

    However I think Mega and Terence will be afraid others may want to change too…so with everyone.s permission.. No other swopping. hoh.

    We are here to enjoy right…and party.. Lets put our hair down.. And have a blast..l

    I’m sure with this swop, it will be ok..right.
    Mega/Terence.. Lets be flexible in this for once..
    Spoke to Gabriella on this and she also like to see this swop.

  38. Gabriella Chua on May 1, 2013 at 9:23 pm said:
    Hi Barbara
    I’ve just transferred $100 (ref: 5721 from ATM at NTUC Lk Tiga) for the following members on my table:

    karen thio on May 2, 2013 at 8:49 am said:
    Hi Barbara
    Hv TT $240 (12 pax) at my table.

    The above are the first 2 comments for this extravaganza event. Scroll to the very top to see. The good thing about records in cyberspace – nobody, perhaps except the owner, can change it (if he wants). And they will stay there as long as the owner sees fit. Remember Mr. Snowden – he took advantage of this “weakness” in the system and stole the limelight, among other things.

    Back to our nitty gritty – over a silent night and $340 in the kitty. Not bad for a start. The situation then was – Karen running closely behind Gabriella in a race. The third was quite a distance behind.

    Fast forward and we are now at the prize giving ceremony

    For all intent and purpose, the sofa sets 2, 3 and 1 are 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively (picture the Olympic-winner rostrum). Hence, Terence, Garbriella and Karen should be at Sofa sets 2, 3 and 1 respectively. Of course, having said that, “every seat is a good seat”. But there is this thing called, “it is a matter of opinion” and opinions certainly do not differ much here, I believe.

    If everything fails, we have this thing called balloting – or “lucky draw”. Remember the allocation of places in Pr. 1?
    Too late to change anything? Not sure. The organizer(s) always has/have the final say.

    And I would like to dedicate this song to all concerned,

    Gabriella Chua on May 1, 2013 at 9:23 pm said:
    Hi Barbara
    I’ve just transferred $100 (ref: 5721 from ATM at NTUC Lk Tiga) for the following members on my table:

    karen thio on May 2, 2013 at 8:49 am said:
    Hi Barbara
    Hv TT $240 (12 pax) at my table.

    The above are the first 2 comments for this extravaganza event. Scroll to the very top to see. The good thing about records in cyberspace – nobody, perhaps except the owner, can change it (if he wants). And they will stay there as long as the owner sees fit. Remember Mr. Snowden – he took advantage of this “weakness” in the system and stole the limelight, among other things.
    Back to our nitty gritty – over a silent night and $340 in the kitty. Not bad for a start. The situation then was – Karen running closely behind Gabriella in a race. The third was quite a distance behind.
    Fast forward and we are now at the prize giving ceremony
    For all intent and purpose, the sofa sets 2, 3 and 1 are 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively (picture the Olympic-winner rostrum). Hence, Terence, Garbriella and Karen should be at Sofa sets 2, 3 and 1 respectively. Of course, having said that, “every seat is a good seat”. But there is this thing called, “it is a matter of opinion” and opinions certainly do not differ much here, I believe.
    If everything fails, we have this thing called balloting – or “lucky draw”. Remember the allocation of places in Pr. 1?
    Too late to change anything? Not sure. The organizer(s) always has/have the final say.
    And I would like to dedicate this song to all concerned,

  39. I will probably get kicked out of SHC for being kaypoh and giving my comments even though I am not attending this event. As Taipei Night is all about cabaret in Taipeh with Hokien and Mandarin songs, I feel I will be like a fish out of water – not understanding Hokien or Mandarin songs.

    Anyway, I must applaud Terence for initiating this event of the year.

    I feel that barring committee members, SHC members who have booked and paid are given the right of ‘first-come-first-serve’ in table selection. From what I’ve read it is apparent that priority of tables are given to those who book more tables, whether they book earlier or later. Perhaps it should be clearly clarified right from the start that members who book more table will be given choice tables and seated in close proximity with all their friends.

    Am I stirring a pail of s**t? Oh well…words do get around and somehow somewhere something is just not right.

    Good luck to the EOs


  40. Although I am not attending this event, I do peep in once in a while to read the latest. Karen, I remembered you were very supportive by being the first to jio your kakis to join the event and the first to pay for all your kakis.

    Wow! congratulations Karen! You’ve been made a VIP so you get to sit at Gabriella’s table?


  41. Hi GT, my lady boss

    You mentioned a word “transparent”, I am not quite agreed with. “Transparent” cannot make everyone happy, after the “transparent”, someone will still unsatisfied. “Transparent” can also be very time consuming.

    I think the problem occurred is due to Gabriella and Mega do the allocation of the tables for the others. Yes, they have put a great effort and be as fair as possible on this, but what they think good may be the worst for the others. Why not let them to choose???

    When Gabriella has the floor plan, she can ask the people who booked the table (s) to choose by themselves according to some criteria – e.g. who book the table first or who pay up the money first, etc, etc.

    For example, if the criteria is who book the table first, then the choosing sequence should be: Terence, Gabriella, Boon Liang, Karen ….. In this case, even the people choose the worst table, he/she shouldn’t many thing to say.

    Sometimes we are working hard for something and want to get the best from it, but we will ?????. The opinion from an 63 old man.

  42. Good morning everyone

    Geraldine – TQ for your comments.. appreciate as it gives me an opportunity to explain once and for all.

    I would like to clarify how we came up with this seating plan.

    Just reiterating what I’ve written above in my reply to Karen Thio. The tables have been allocated according to the priority of registration i.e. booking of tables as given in the registration list above (MAIN CRITERION). This criterion was stated from the very beginning when Terence started the bookings on this blog. Terence was the first to book, followed by Gabriella, Boon Liang, Karen and so on until the last table. (I booked my table before I was tasked to do the seating plan anyway).

    Besides the main criterion, there were also a few critical points for us to consider before the allocation:
    – nearness to the speakers (noise)
    – tables with high stools and benches (Tables 8, 9, 11)
    – bunching together those who booked more than one table (viz: Boon Liang and Pearl Wong) within close proximity
    – number of people per table – some tables can accommodate 10-11 people, some 7, two small round tables of 3 each).

    All the tables/sofa are arranged in a circular pattern surrounding the dance floor and all seats are unobstructed.

    Sofa 1 – Terence
    Sofa 2 – Gabriella
    Sofa 3 – Tan Boon Liang
    Table 4 – Karen Thio
    (these 4 are straightforward .. allocated in order of registration given above)

    Table 5, 8, 9 – Pearl Wong (allocated within close proximity since Pearl has booked 3 tables for her friends.. Table 8, 9 can accommodate 7 people each + small round Table 8, 9 which can accommodate 3 each)

    Table 6 – Tan Boon Liang (allocated within close proximity of his sofa 3 since he has booked two tables for his friends)

    Sofa 7 – Mega (took this because of nearness to sound system)

    Table 8, 9 – explained above

    Table 10 – Tan Seow Mai (allocated this table as there were no more tables of 10 left)

    Table 11 – last table for the late registrants (can accommodate only 7 people)

    We feel that we’ve tried our best to give everyone the best vantage view, and, of course, meeting our rationale in seat allocation.

    I would like to reiterate that Mega and I met twice to discuss this seating plan. Thereafter, Mega discussed with Lisa, the Club Manager. When everything was finalised, it was submitted to Terence for approval. Only Terence, Mega and I have access to this seating plan before it was released on the SHC forum page for all to view (None of us divulged to friends or relatives ..).

    I hope the above clarifies on how the seating plan was derived and I trust that you’ll appreciate that we’ve tried our best to ensure everyone will be happy, enjoy and have fun. It was never our intention to show any favouritism or create unhappiness or division among members. We are all above 45 and we know not what tomorrow will bring ~ so let’s sing, dance and enjoy the wine, women, men and songs ~ (haha)

    Looking forward to seeing everyone of you at the Cabaret Night on 20.7.13. All of you are VIPs! (VIP Karen – expect to c u ok?)

    Till we meet again :-) Be Happy, Stay Healthy

    Cheerio ~~~~

  43. Hi all

    Allow big mouth old cow here to say something.

    I understand where both Karen and Gabriella are coming from; as a participant and a front desk co-ordinator.

    Karen has her point and Mega/Gabriella should have made it transparent in terms of how the seating is going to be (Gabby, just indulge me).

    Let’s leave Terence out of this CUZ he does not care if we end up on the toilet seat or in the carpark – which is why I can’t stand him and he hates me, whateverrrrr……….

    Point is, we can’t read the committee’s mind and Mega/Gabriella must tell us before the seating plan is finalized.

    That said, I totally agree that the seating plan should not change and I hope Karen and her frens will join us – table 4 is still alright (unobstructed and away from the speakers); just ignore Terence.

  44. Hi everyone

    After hearing some comments this evening, I have discussed the matter with Terence. He said that the seating plan is final and we will not change.

    However, the table leaders can contact me direct if they need an explanation.

    Thank you once again for your support and understanding.


    “Be Happy. Be Yourself. If others don’t like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody.”

  45. Hi Karen

    My apologies if you have been upset with the table arrangement. Nonetheless, just come and enjoy with your friends… ok? Can I take it that you’re coming dear?

    Actually, some hiccups as such are expected. After all, we are only amateurs trying to make do with whatever little skills we have.

    Have a nice day :-)


  46. Dear Karen

    Your ‘accusation’ of the table arrangements based on ‘FAVOURITISM’ is indeed uncalled for.

    For your information, I have not entered into any conversation with any members re: the table arrangement. You can ask all the members around. Only Terence, Mega and myself have seen the seating plan before it was released on the shc blog.

    I’m a person who don’t indulge in unnecessary gossips with anyone – male or female.

    Nonetheless, no hard feelings….however, ONLY THE TRUTH SETS ONE FREE.


  47. Hi Karen

    Your rationale on the table and seating arrangements is 360 degrees away from the instruction given to me.

    I also wish to say that I’m a fairly new member in SHC and I’m not aware of any history on table arrangements done before.

    Perhaps, Terence and Mega can explain ..

    Thank you.

  48. Gabrielle

    I m more surprised by the unfair arrsngenent of the seats/table.

    I booked the table for my group n upfront $240 payment the moment the committee gave Barbara account detail . If I m.not wrong. I did the transfer the next following day ..why the rush of be the first to book a table n make the full payment ? I want get a better seats for my Fren.

    Anyone who look at the table arrangement can tell Orbison planned out of favourism n not first come first serve basic.

    In a party even w a live band n stage ..who son want to have a better view of the performance. It does not matter his big is the place . I was at this place more than 10 times,

    During a DND org by. Francis few year back . He arranged the best seats to all his dancing kaki n there were hell of complaints n unhappiness in this event.

    EO n committees should have learnt a lesson n not to make the same mistake.

    Since I m the one who name full payment $240 fot this table , I like to cancel the booking . Individual members on by table will sign in on theirvown n make the payment to u on their own.

    I will like to do a table arrangement this way


    EO n Fren. T1. COMMITTEE n kaki T2. OWNER n kaki T3

    Drama n kaki T4 Drama n kaki T5 Drama n kaki T6

    Table at the back ….new members / last min booking / balance members.

  49. Dear Karen

    I’m indeed ‘surprised’ by your remarks above.

    The tables have been allocated according to the priority of registration as given in the list above. Terence is the first to book, followed by me, then Boon Liang and you are the fourth (No. 4). You have been given the 4th best table. Both Mega and myself have discussed at length before we allocate the tables as given in the plan above.

    You may not be aware that there were a few critical points for us to consider before the allocation :
    – nearness to the speakers
    – to try and bunch those who have booked two or three tables (viz: Boon Liang and Pearl) within close proximity
    – number of people per table ~ some tables can accommodate 10-11, some 7, two small round table can accommodate 3

    However, for any dancing function, the tables/sofas are all arranged in a circular pattern surrounding the dance floor and I can assure everyone that all guests will have the best view from their tables ~ just viewing from a different vantage point.

    Last but not least, we’ve not tried to squeeze in as many people as possible. The lounge has a capacity for 120 people and we’re just trying to take advantage of this and allowing as many members as possible to join in the camaraderie and fun.

    You can trust that I’m doing this ‘thankless job’ so that everyone can enjoy and have a great time. That’s my goal and not for personal glory ~ I’m just returning back what I’ve gained so much from Terence’s selfless gift of the SHC. Hahaha

    However, no worries, just feel free to air your views … on this note, I would like to thank Karen for her frank views.


    Warmest regards,

  50. Hi Karen,

    I note your comment, and I hope you would not feel any prejudice over the table allocation. Do let me know, if you feel there was any unfairness.

    As with a similar Cabaret event held at the same premise, the sitting arrangement was considered optimal to accommodate SilverHairsClub. Do let me know what is the bad seating, and we shall see if something can be done.

    As discussed with the Lounge manager, the venue could accommodate 120 pax. As EO, I don’t see any intention on the part of me or my committee to over-stretch the number of tables. Again, if you have heard anything that I may not know, feel free to let me know.

    It is my belief that we keep everybody informed of as much as we can on the forum. We update the Club regularly. However, I hope you and your table members appreciate the difficulty of this task, and we have tried to manage the sittings of group preferences, despite changes and changes. Personally, I have tried to get volunteers for this task of handling registration and table arrangements, but the response was not forthcoming. On this note, I thank Gabriella for helping me as EO with this task.

    At this stage, we are very close to the event date. While I note your comments, I would think we should keep to the seatings as drawn, as we still have a lot of details to finalise. My apology if my explanation is not satisfactory.

    Terence Seah

  51. Hi EO

    Just asking – should it be first come first serve basis on the table arrangement?
    I was the first few to book a table and why am I getting such bad seating ??

    Or U are only servicing The Big Boss with More tables reservation ?????


  52. Dear Guests

    You can view the seating plan (approved by Terence Seah) as given above.

    Just click on the plan for a full view ~


  53. Dear Guests

    Since a total of 116 guests have signed and paid up, we would like to close the registration now.

    Thank you v much for your support and we look forward to seeing all of you on 20 July 2013. Do look up for more surprises on this blog.

    Cheerio till we meet again ~

    Fondest regards,
    Gabriella Chua
    Front Desk

  54. Hi Richard Lean

    Thank you for your sms advising that you’ve transferred $25 to the acct number given above (ref: 6411). Our Treasurer, Barbara is currently away and she’ll ack receipt of the payment when she returns on 7 July.


  55. Happy Monday!

    The seating plan has been finalised.

    We can take in 2 more guests – viz: 1 on Terence’s table and another on Bessie’s table.

    Hi Richard Lean
    We have not received your payment yet. Wd appreciate if you could confirm your attendance. Tks.


  56. Hi Gabriella,
    I have just transferred $50 for 2 of us ( Moly Quek & Lynn Tai). We are both SHC Members.

    Date of transfer: 23/6/2013
    Reference no:0809

    Thank you! !

    Thank you!

  57. Hi Gabriella,
    I am very sorry. ..I have been very busy lately & have forgotten all about it. Millions apolopy!!!
    I will go ATM to do a fund transfer tomorrow for both Moly Quek & myself. I really appreciate your
    Thank you! !

  58. Hi Moly Quek,
    Lynn Tai
    Richard Lean

    Last call for confirmation at Cabaret Night ~

    As I’m finalising the name list and seating plan, this is a gentle reminder that we have not received your payment and hence, your confirmation of attendance at the Cabaret Night. Your urgent response would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    (Front Desk)

  59. Dear SHC Members
    3 more days to payment cut-off date of 20th June, as announced previously.
    For the few members who have yet to submit payment, please do so asap to enjoy the ‘privilege’ rate of $20.00.

    After June 20, the rate will be $25 for SHC members i.e. same rate as those who registered after May 31.

    P.S Non-members, please submit payment early to secure your seat.
    Thank you.

  60. Dear EOs & committee members

    Thank you for all the work, co- ordination. ….a tough job.

    Hi Geraldine
    You r great…..if not I #tot ku yat hock# and yes, red red wine:-)

    TS – I wanna hold your hand le…finally we can welcome the guest together. If not I “yam kong lor” “ko lian”..

    Looking foward to fun n laughter ….

    Lai Fong

  61. Terence

    As the previous co-owner, it’s not acceptable to me to see the pleasant, sweet Lai Fong all by herself so I fiddled with some testosterone and now we will all have huge hard-ons and have an awesome blast! Bring it!

    The clincher was when TS realized he can hold Lai Fong’s hand; he perked up and looked very happy.

    Do make sure you have enough red wine for all of us; Lai Fong is my drinking buddy.

    You are welcome. I am still useful to the club, rite? Bwahahahaaa………mwah.

  62. Hi Tian Soo
    I went through the blog and noticed your registration was after 31 May. So payment of $25 is in order.
    In my earlier comment , I just wanted to make sure I am collecting the
    correct amount, especially from the Co-Owner – I don’t want to risk being fired from my job.
    Looking forward to meeting you again,

  63. Hi Tian Soo,
    Confirmed receipt of $25 from you and I have updated payment record accordingly.
    However, I am not sure why you are paying $25 instead of $20. Did you sign up after 31 May?

  64. Terence

    Sorry for being indecisive, my testosterone finally decides for my brain. It is men’s vulnerability.
    My only excuse to you and consolation for myself is to know that my hormones are still healthy and passion is still there. I believe dirty old man have more fun.

    You should have also told me earlier that I am allowed to hold Lai Fong’s hand.

    I transferred $25 this morning from DBS at IMM. Ref.0017.

    1. Hi Tian Soo,

      We are all very happy that you and Lai Fong have bought over the Cabaret from the previous owners, and that both of you will be present at the launch night. Your singers have been practising for this evening, and we hope you will enjoy TAipei Cabaret Night 2013.

      All tickets for the Cabaret night have been sold. The evening promises lots of dancing and singing, and we have Jeffrey Gan and the local DJ to bring back old memories of the 70s, with plenty of Hokkien and Mandarin songs, sprinkled with Cantonese and English songs. Your two co-stage managers are for the first time a couple, Patrick Oei and Linda Chua. They will draw the best of the evening from the guests and the singers.

      Gabriella Chua and her team will be at the registration desk and will make sure you and Lai Fong are red carpet to your table. Barbara Lim is our treasurer and you can be sure the tills are full on opening night.

      A videographer is in place, and he will capture your cutting the ribbons, after both of you have welcomed the guests with your opening speeches. The flowers and ribbons are specially donated by Ah Nee, though she won’t be present.

      The entire idea of Taipei Cabaret Night was conceived by Mega, while he was on holidays in Loas. He is our co-EO. Mega has also been doing the job of cordinating with the Tanjung’s manager, looking at the drinks list and the venue.

      The event is coming together well, and our guests will be coming with glittering dresses, high slits, all made up to the days of the 70s. The men will be big spenders and they are looking forward to enjoy an evening of good music, song, and dancing.

      Thank you Tian Soo and Lai Fong. And to the members behind Taipei Cabaret 2013.

      Terence Seah

  65. Hi Barbara,

    This is on behalf of George Chew (No. 88).

    He has transferred $20 to your account no 14/06/2013 @ 18:26.
    Ref. 2024.
    Location : NTUC UE BIZHUB.

    Kindly update paid status beside his name.

    Lydia Chin.

  66. Hi Hi Frisna

    Yes, non-members will have to pay $30 (sori, didnt know Peter Tan is’nt a member).

    The amount paid by each guest will entitle him/her to one drink and tidbits (viz: crackers, nuts and sweets). However, Fairy Godmother will be providing grasshoppers and silkworms too!!!

    I’m sure everyone will have a fantastic time.


  67. hi Gabby
    peter aka p.j tan is not member hence will pay $30.
    please refresh my memory:
    what does the fee entitle us to is it for snacks and 1 drink only?

  68. Hi Geraldine

    Welcome to the Cabaret Night ~

    Nice hearing from you :-) Glad that Tian Soo will be coming. He’ll be seated at Boon Liang’s table 2 as requested.


  69. Hi Gabriella

    Please register Lim Tian Soo for this epic event and seat him at Boon Liang’s table 2. He will also be the co-owner to hold Lai Fong’s hand.

    Hi Barbara

    TS will transfer $25 soon.

    1. Hi Geraladine,

      i wasn’t able to convince Tian Soo to come to the Cabaret. You definitely have your charms to convince him. We are now able to see the new owners of the new Cabaret on stage that night. Thank you.

      Terence Seah

  70. Hi Frisna

    I’ve registered your guest, Peter Tan. He will be seated at Bessie Lam’s table of 6. Welcome Peter ~

    Take it that he is a SHC member and he will be charged $25 since he has signed up after the closing date of 31.5.13 (pl see Terence’s instruction above).

    Tks & regards,

  71. Dear SHC Members.
    Todate, 95% of the members who have registered have already submitted their
    For the remaining 6 members who have not made payment, please note that
    the last date for making payment is 20th June i.e. 1 week from now.
    Thank you for your cooperation, especially those who have made early payments.


  72. Hi Boon Liang,
    Thank you for the confirmation. Receipt of $40 is confirmed. I have updated
    payment for Peggy and Paul Kong.
    Thank you,

  73. Hi Barbara,
    Have checked & confirmed with Paul’s txt reply that his payment of $40 was done on 6 Jun 2013 at 14:25, Bedok Central branch to DBS Current acct# 020-013689-8 (ref#1437). Please check and revert.

    [Barbara Lim on June 9, 2013 at 12:22 pm said:
    Hi Boon Liang
    I don’t think I have received notification of payment for Peggy and Paul Kong.
    Can you please advise the date when payment was made into my account so that I can confirm payment receipt.
    Thank you,]

  74. Hi Gabriella, Barbara,

    I have successfully transferred $20.00 to the DBS Auto Save A/c no. 020-013689-8.

    Date : 11/06/2013; Time : 19.51 p.m. Ref : 2316. Location : StarHub Green.

    Please acknowledge receipt thereof.



  75. Hi Gabriella, Barbara,

    Today, I tried unsuccessfully to transfer payment for the Cabaret night. Then , I just realise that the DBS account is an Auto Save one & not Savings Plus. I had pressed the wrong button. I will try the transfer again tommorrow and update you again.



  76. Some updates for our member who are attending the Taipei Cabaret night.

    1. We have a change of the live musician. We are now having Jeffrey Gan who will play live music with our singers. Jeffrey is known to many singers and dancers. He is fluent in Hokkien and Mandarin songs. To date., he has done one practice session with the singers. Another practice has been scheduled closer the date.

    2. Judy Lim, assisted by Janet Chan, is in charge of the singing segment. I understand there will be about 15 singers who will entertain us during the cabaret opening. I like to thank them for the effort and time spent coming for the practice. We can be sure they will bring our the best of good old memories of love, hate, romance, joy, sadness and revenge. And that, together with Jeffrey, the singers will help us enjoy a night of dancing and drinking.

    3. A special slot has also be allocated for a short drama. The story line is related to the life and style in Taiwan. Unfortunately, I dont have the details, although the group has been in correspondence with me; It will be a nice surprise, and I look forward to the show, while having some brandy. Thank you to the guys and ladies in the team.

    4. A special need for the night is a videographer. I have asked him, and he has told me that even if I did not ask,he will still videograph the night. He is Boon Liang. Thanks BL.

    5. We need one or two photographers during the night. Please raise your hand if you can shoot for us.

    6. Very soon, we will be hearing from our two co-stage managers. Please keep track.

    7. I am hoping we can have a game during the Cabaret night. A lady member has been approached, and she has agreed to consider. Let’s look forward to her getting us all hot up.

    8. Payment: For those who have paid, thank you. If you have not, please do so, so that we can complete our organisation work.

    9. Our co-owner Tian Soo has informed he is not able to make it during the night of the Cabaret night. This leaves Lai Fong alone as the other co-owner. Would you like to hold Lai Fong’s hand and come on stage to welcome the guests?

    10. Guys and gals, look forward to seeing everybody in the best of dress into Taipei night.

    Terence Seah

  77. Hi Boon Liang
    I don’t think I have received notification of payment for Peggy and Paul Kong.
    Can you please advise the date when payment was made into my account so that I can confirm payment receipt.
    Thank you,

  78. Hi Barbara
    According to Boon Liang (sent message to me), he said that Peggy and Paul Kong have paid. Tks.

    Hi Bira, Bernie, Lynn Tai, Moly Quek, George Chew, Audrey and Richard Lean, ~
    I’m finalising the seating plan and name list for the Cabaret Nite and would greatly appreciate if you could transfer your funds soon. Tks.


  79. Hi Guests of Taipei Cabaret

    Our latest update on the Cabaret Nite – only ONE seat left. Hurry and sign up for those who are still thinking about whether or not to attend. I assure you that there’ll be lots of excitement, dancing, drinking and socialising. I’m sure you dont wanna miss the FUN?

    I’m also finalising my seating plan and name list and would greatly appreciate if all those who have registered (but have not paid up yet) could do so ASAP.

    Thank you very much for your co-operation.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you on 20 July 13.

    Gabriella Chua
    Front Desk

  80. Hi Richard Lean

    Welcome to Cabaret Night.

    I have registered for you as indicated above. Since you have registered after the closing date (31.5.13), the charge will be $25. Wd appreciate if you could transfer the funds ASAP.


  81. Hi Christina CL Chan

    Ref your email to Anne Chee which has been forwarded to me for reply.

    You wanted details of the Cabaret Nite. They are as follows:

    Sat, 20 July 2013

    The Tanjong @ One-North
    Nanyang Tech University Alumni Club
    11 Slim Barracks Rise (Off North Buona Vista Road)
    Singapore 138664

    Time: 6 pm – 1 am

    Tks & regards……………….

  82. Hi Barbara

    Pl see my comments to Vinna above.

    I’ve updated his name accordingly and removed the remarks I’ve put earlier on to ‘Paid’.


  83. Hi Vinna

    Noted. Updated Hudson Swee’s name in the name list.

    Fees charged @ $20 is correct for members.

    C both of u at the cabaret.


  84. HI Barbara Lim.

    This is on behalf of Barbara Ong. She has transfered $20 to your DBS Current Account No. 020-013689-8 on 01/06/2013 at 17:42, location Kembangan MRT. Ref. No. 7887.

    Pls update the Paid status.

    Thank you.

  85. Hi Kent

    We have registered you for the event. There are only TWO vacancies left.

    All details are given in this blog.

    Thank you.

  86. Dear Cabaret Event Administrator,

    As of now, there are vacancies for guests or potential guests attending Cabaret Taipei Entertainment Event in July 2013. By the way, how many guests are allowed this time, and what are the charges if they wish to join in as members? Henceforth, please resend me the POSB savings account for final transfer before 31 May 2013. My email address is Thanks for your reply. Posted by Kent Chan.

    Look forward to your prompt reply.

    Posted by Kent Chan.

  87. Hi Pearl
    Tks for your prompt reply.

    All guests:
    Pl note that there are TWO vacancies left.

    Fondest regards to all,

  88. Hi Christina and Seow Mai,

    Confirmed receipt of payment for Christina, Seow Mai and Vincent.
    I have updated payment accordingly. Thank you,

  89. Hi Gabriella,
    Thanks for reserving the 2 seats.
    Our decision is – we dont need the 2 seats now as some might withdraw last minute. If thats the case, our present sittings will be eased.

    Xie Xie!!

  90. hi barbara

    i, tan seow mai had made internet transfer of $40.00 into your autosave account 15min ago for both myself and vincent. thanks.

  91. Hi Pearl

    Noted your request above. Pl confirm asap.

    Some of the tables are for 7 and we have broken up a group of 10 into l table of 7 + a small table of 3 or 4 (side by side to each other), making a total of 10 or 11 for the group.

    Tks & regards,

  92. Hi Gabriella,
    I might need to reserve the 2 seats at Bessie Lam’s table to ease my 3 tables of overflowing frens, kekeke. Will let you know soon once we’ve rearranged ourselves nicely ya.

    Thanks much!

  93. Dear all

    There are only two vacant seats left on the last table of 6.

    Thereafter, registrants (if any) will be put on the Waitlist.

    Thank you & warm regards,

  94. Hi Christina CL Chan

    Welcome to the Taipei Cabaret Nite!

    As spoken, I’ll put you on Tan Seow Mai’s table. Currently, there’s a vacant seat on her table. The tables/sofas provide comfortable seating for 10 or 11 guests.

    Have FUN…

    Warm regards,

  95. Hi Gabriella,

    I heard your call…. wish to go Taipei again hahaha
    Please register me for the event. I can join either LydiaC or Siew Mai’s table, if available.
    ChristinaCL Chan

  96. Hi Vinna
    Reference Gabriella’s comments above, I have updated your name as “paid” and
    “partial paid” for Hudson Swee. Appreciate if you could arrange for transfer of the
    remaining $10 for Hudson as the ticket for non-member is $30. Thank you.

  97. Dear all

    As can be seen from the tables above, there are only 3 seats left:

    Tan Seow Mai’s table – 1
    Bessie Lam’s table – 2

    Pl register quickly (last call). Don’t miss the fun.


  98. Hi Vinna

    Welcome ~ I have registered you for the event. As Hudson Swee is not a member, I have included him as a non-member as suggested by Terence Seah.

    The charge for non-members is $30/-


  99. Hi Vinna
    Confirm receipt of $40 transferred to my account on 25 May. However, I am not
    able to update payment as I do not see your names being registered for this event.
    Awaiting further instructions from you,

    1. Hi Vinna,

      We have no record of Hudson Swee as a member. If there is availability, he can be considered a non-member.
      Have fun.

      Terence Seha

  100. Hi Lydia and Gabriella,

    We are targetting a cuf-off date of 20th June for payments i.e. 1 month before
    event date. However, we would appreciate very much if members can pay as
    early as possible, at their convenience.
    Thank you and Rgds

  101. Hi Lydia
    Terence, EO decides on the terms of payment.

    Thought Terence has said something about a cut-off date for payment. Can’t remember exactly what he has said as I’m not in charge of the payment part.
    Perhaps, you can advise Lydia.

    Thank you.


  102. Judy.. Thanks for posting on our behalf… i just can’t seem to post comment from my samsung smart phone yesterday! I’m now on my home computer.. so ok!

    hi Gab & Barbara .. for those who hv registered but pay after 31st May .. do they still pay $20 only? There are some people on my list who can’t confirm their attendance to this wonderful event, due to other clash of event happening on same night. They trying to reschedule their other events, so that they can join us, but that will take some time.

    Can we extend the 31st May deadline?

    Pls advise.

    Thanks, Lydia.

  103. Hi Judy,
    Confirmed receipt of $80 being payment for Catherine Koh, Richard Ong,
    Lim Hoe Seng and Lydia Chin. I have updated “Paid” for these names.
    Thank you,

  104. Hi Barbara,
    Payment done by Lydia under trans ref no: 1694 paid by the following persons:

    1). Catherine Koh (38)
    2). Richard Ong (39)
    3). Lim Hoe Seng (89)
    4). Lydia Chin (90)

    Thank you

  105. Hi Barbara

    Ref Caroline Gee’s note and yours above, I have deleted Caroline Gee from Karen Thio’s table.

    Pl go ahead and update payment for Nina Choo accordingly.

    Thank you.


  106. Hi Gabriella,
    Referring to Caroline Gee’s message above, can I Ieave it to you to make the name change?
    Appreciate your advice,

  107. Hi Doreen and Judy,
    Confirm receipt of $100, and I have updated payment for the following:
    Sally Tan, Jose Chew, Ann Low, Doreen Lau and Ron Wei.
    Thank you,

  108. Hi Barbara,

    Pls refer to the following msg by Doreen Lau to me as few of them having problem log in the website.
    Thank you

    Hi Judy pl help us to log in to info re our $100/-payment done for taipei nite event for 5 persons Sally,Jose Chew, Ann Low,Doreen Lau & Ron Wie reference 10936196512 @ DBS autosave Tan Wah Cheng @ 1045am. Tks :)

  109. Hi Jonathan

    I’ve registered for you and Eileen Ong to be seated at Terence’s table. Welcome to the Cabaret!


  110. Hi Gabriella,
    Please register Jonathan & Eileen Ong for the event.
    Can be seated at Terence table to fill up the two seats.

  111. Hi Barbara, I will not be attending the function. Nina is taking over my ticket and since its already been paid for, we will settle the payment between us.

    Many thanks.


  112. Hi Gabriella,
    I will update “paid” against Dan Huang’s name as he is taking over Irene Poh’s
    ticket, which was paid for earlier.

  113. Hi Guests

    I wish to inform everyone that the tables/sofa sets provide comfortable sitting for 10-11 guests.

    There are vacant seats at the following tables:
    Terence’s table – 2 vacant seats
    Tan Seow Mai’s table – 1
    Last table – 5

    Please let me know urgently if anyone of you would like to shift to these seats before I finalise the seating plan for Terence/Mega’s approval.

    Thank you.


  114. Hi Gabriella,
    Please include Paul, Peggy Kong & Nina Choo in table 1 & 2.
    Final arrangement will be sorted out later.
    I’ill arrange payment shortly. Thanks

  115. Hi Barbara

    A friend of mine, Chua Seng Chong has asked me to register him for the event as he is unable to access his pc.

    He will be sitting at Mega/Suzhang’s table.

    I’ve told him to transfer $20 to your account.


  116. Hi Dan

    Noted that you’ve taken over Irene Poh’s ticket for the Cabaret Night. Yes, you’ll still be sitting at my table.Will delete Irene Poh from the name list.

    Warm regards,

    cc Barbara – Pl note. Tks.

  117. Hi Gabriella,
    Please note that Irene Poh not able to attend and i will be taking over the ticket from her. I will still be seating at your table.


  118. Hi Barbara,
    I’ve just transferred $40 to your DBS Autosave Acc via ibanking, being payments for Joe Choo(4) and Veronique Lee(5). Pls update the payment status.

  119. Hi EOs,

    ref Eileen’s comment above, payment already made. Pls update accordingly.

    Eileen, thanks.

    Hope this confusion resolved.

    Susan Tan

  120. Thanks Barbara & Gabriella for following my instructions.

    Susan Tan: I spoke with Douglas and he is trying to contact you as this is between you two now. Suggest you transfer to Barbara the $20 and case close since it is not Douglas who pay for you.

    Thanks everyone. Case close.

  121. Suzhang/Susan Tan/Douglas

    Pl see comments above. The key points have been highlighted for easy reference by all parties concerned.

    Thank you dears.

    Warmest regards,

  122. Suzhang

    Both Barbara and myself have taken your instructions re: Lily, Douglas and Susan Tan and take it as final.

    Thank you!

    Warm regards,

    cc Douglas and Susan Tan – pl sort out with Suzhang if you have problems re: her instructions to me on the blog,,,

  123. Hi Gabriella & Pearl,
    Noted the change. I have updated Lily Ho (Paid) and deleted ‘Paid’ against
    Susan Tan’s name.

    I have updated payment for Judy Lim.

    Thank you

  124. Hi Douglas,
    I have already given $20 to Eileen Thean. She will pass to you when meet.

    Eileen, thanks.

    ops sorry typo error. Don’t mean to change your name, lol.

    thanks for putting my name in your table.

    As agreed with Douglas, I will takeover his payment.

    Susan Tan

  125. Hi Suzhang

    Tks for your quick clarification above.

    Noted that Lily will take over Douglas payment. In view of this, Susan Tan will have to transfer funds direct to Barbara’s account.

    I hope all parties involved are clear about this latest development.


    cc Barbara – pl note for payment update. Tks
    Susan Tan – pl note Suzhang’s note and do the necessary.Tks

  126. Hi Gabriella

    Yes you are correct. Lily will take over Douglas and hence Susan Tan will hv to make her own payment.The payment for Jway will be forthcoming. Hope this clarifies.

  127. Hi Barbara,

    Thanks very much for the update.
    Please note another of my atm transfer of $20 to your DBS AutoSave Acct today at 21.32pm .. ref 0543. Payment for Judy Lim.

    Thanks once again!

  128. Hi Barbara

    Pl see the latest update by Suzhang and my reply to her above.

    For your attention re: the payments for Lily Ho and Susan Tan.


  129. Hi Suzhang

    Ref your latest update above, I have noted that Lily Ho and Jway will now be attending the Cabaret Night. I’ve updated the name list and both of them will be sitting at your table.

    I’ve also noted that Lily Ho will now be replacing Douglas instead of Susan Tan.
    Hence, Lily will take over the payment made by Douglas and Susan Tan will have to make her own payment direct. Have you or Douglas informed Susan Tan of this?

    Thanks & regards,

    cc Susan Tan (pl note the latest update by Suzhang and my note to her above)

  130. Hi Gabrille
    Latest update !
    Lily wiil replace Douglas now. Please add her back to our table & include Jway too. Payment to follow for Jway.

    Sorry for the confusion. Thousand apologies..


  131. Hi Barbara,

    Please note my atm transfer of $220 to your Tan Wah Cheng DBS AutoSave Acct #020-013689-8 last nite at 22.11pm .. ref 6834.
    Payments from:
    1. Sarah Kassim
    2. Frisna
    3, Shirleen Kao
    4. Christine Tan
    5. Calvin Chow
    6. Robert Ong
    7. S S Tan
    8. Ronnie Sow
    9. Freddie Liew
    10. Dennis Tan
    11. Pearl Wong

    Thank you!!

  132. Hi Barbara

    Kindly note that Susan Tan is taking over the ticket bought by Douglas. Susan Tan will be seated at my table.

    Tks and regards……

  133. Hi Barbara

    Thank you for your clarification above. No worries, everything’s OK now.

    BL has made further changes to the sitting arrangement for his friends and I’ve just updated the name list for his two tables accordingly.

    Reason for asking guests to send in their changes etc on this blog is for transparency purpose to avoid dispute between the Taipei Cabaret and our VIP guests so that everyone can have an enjoyable and fun night on 20 July.


  134. Hi Eileen Thean & Susan Tan

    Eileen – tks for your note above. I have deleted your name from my table and included Susan Tan instead.

    Sad that you’re not able to join us.


  135. Hi Douglas

    I’ve noted your comments above and that Susan Tan will be replacing you.

    However, she will be sitting at my table instead of Suzhang’s.


  136. Hi Boon Liang

    I’ve updated the namelist for your two tables as per your note above.

    Changes are: Geraldine Ting and Andrew Yeung are at Table 1 and Janet Chan has been shifted to your Table 2.


  137. Hi Gabriella

    Susan Tan has agreed to replace me, she will be sitting with Edward and Philip. Please remove her from table 10.

    Thank you.

  138. Hi Eileen,

    Why are you not coming to join in the nite of fun? I believe you have your own reason for not going. Anyway, thanks very much.

    Edward, Philip,
    Here I come, I will be in your table. We will definitely have alot of fun.

    Cu guys!

  139. Hi Gabriella
    I am aware that you are in charge of table allocation and name list and have not made any changes so far except for the two names mentioned in Boon Liang’s message i.e. replacing Marg Tian & Lin Chuah with Geraldine Tiing and Andrew Yeung. I did the change as I was updating the “Paid” info. On hind sight, I should have let you update the names change first before I come back to update the payment so as to avoid any confusion . I am sorry for this lapse in judgement on my part, Rgds

  140. Hi Barbara

    I noticed that changes have been made to the name list without my knowledge. Wd appreciate your advice on whether you’ve made the changes to the name list and what are all the changes made?

    Tks and regards,

  141. Hi Boon Liang
    Confirm receipt of $390 being payment for 15 members and 3 non-members.
    I notice you have paid $20 for Ten Choy Leng on the assumption that his membersip will be approved.
    Thank you,

  142. Hi Gabriella,
    $390 already trsfr’d via ATM on 16 May 2013 at 12:46pm Ref#:1026 to Tan Wah Cheng DBS AutoSave acct#020-013689-8.

    Please also note that Marg Tian & Lin Chuah has opted out & replaced by Andrew Yeung & Geraldine Ting.

    Table#1 updates
    Tan Boon Liang (Paid)
    Alice Teo (Paid)
    Sunny (Paid)
    Bee Gek (Paid)
    Lam Hoy Tzee (Paid)
    Ronald Lam (Paid)
    Perilla Liew (Paid)
    Thomas Loh (Paid)
    Geradline Ting (Paid)
    Andrew Yeung (Paid)

    Table#2 Updates:
    Janet Chan (Paid)
    Ann To (Paid)
    John To (Paid)
    Iris Leet (Paid)
    Vincent Leet (Paid)
    Mike Tan (Paid)
    Alicia Soh (Paid)
    Lai Fong (Paid)
    Ivy Lim (Paid)
    Ten Choy Leng (Paid)

    Many thanks Gabreilla & Barbara, great job!

  143. Hi Susan Tan

    I’ve included you at the table with Suzhang .. there are only 7 guests at this table since Douglas has opted out.

    Hi Suzhang

    Ref your note above, please make your own arrangement to get a replacement for Douglas. I’m putting Susan Tan at your table because there are 3 vacant seats.

    Warm regards,

  144. All guests of Taipei Cabaret

    There are only 7 seats left for the event on 20 July as follows:

    Terence’s table – 2 seats
    Suzhang/Mega’s table – 2 seats
    Last small table – 3 seats

    Hurry, send in your bookings ASAP.


  145. Hi Pearl Kwan

    Ref my chat with yr friend Susan Tan, I’ll now register Simon Lee and you for the cabaret night.

    Both of you will be seated at Terence’s table. There are 4 vacancies on his table.

    C u then,

  146. Hi Pearl

    I have received the $40 in my account. However, I don’t seem to be able to find your name in the Registration List. Can you please help me to identify your Registration # listed above. Thank you

  147. Hi Terence,
    I am not attending this event. However I will still be sponsoring the ribbon balls for the opening ceremony of the Taipei Cabaret Night, unless it is not required anymore or someone has volunteered to do it. Please let me know, thank you. :)

    Ah Nee

  148. Hi Gabriella,

    Noted n you may put me n Steven to any table…thanks

    Barbara – $30 transferred as payment for Steven (ref 3636).. Thanks


  149. Gab

    Is ok with the seating arrangement w Janie n Fren in my table . Both will not be seating but dancing on the floor the whole night ..haha


  150. Hi Ronald
    Confirmed receipt of $20.00. Thank you.
    I am glad the seating arrangement worked out well for us.
    Look forward to meeting you at the event.


  151. Hi Janie/Karen

    Further to my note above, I wish to inform you and Karen that the tables provide comfortable seating for 10/11 guests. Having 13 on a table may not be as comfortable. It’s fine if it’s Ok with you.


  152. Hi Terence
    I have included Kent Chan for the event.

    Hi Janie Leong
    Steven (Non-member) is included at Karen Thio’s table.



  153. Hi Gabriella and Barbara,

    Please add Steven (non member) to Karen’s table and I will transfer money later tonight. Thanks!


  154. Hi Barbara,
    I’ve transferred $20 to your DBS Autosave A/C early this morning.
    Just want to also thank you for sacrificing your seat so that I can be seated with my friend Peng Peng.
    Ronald Swee

  155. Wrongly posted.

    From Kent Chan Yuk Lun.
    As a previous happy participant of Shanghai Night, I wish to rejoin the fun event, this time the theme being Taipei night in July 2013. Therefore, you can register me for the event, with 2 other guests or members. The payment of $20/= would bevia ATM transfer with POSB/.DBS before 31 May 2013. Please keep me acknowledged of payment. My email address is Thanks.

  156. Hi Susan
    Confirmed receipt of $60. I will update payment for Susan Tan, Ann Lim &
    Myra Chia. Thank you.

    Hi Terry,
    Confirmed receipt of $20. Will update payment accordingly. Thank you

  157. Hi Barbara,
    Internet transferred $160/- to your account for Suzhang, Jane Tan, Lydia Poh, Rene Leong, Mega, Douglas, Hou Chong and Lina Ng. Thanks.

  158. Hi Boon Liang,
    Confirmed receipt of $40 from Alice Teo. May I know which are the two names
    for this payment – Alice and …? Thank you

  159. Dear Guests of Taipei Cabaret

    In view of the overwhelming response, we’ll try and create space for another 10 guests. Hence, please continue to register here and await the Good News! All are welcome. Guaranteed an enjoyable night of wine, women, songs, fun and laughter… Haha

    Hurry ~ guests (members) need to pay only $20 if registration is done before 31.5.13.


  160. Hi Barbara,
    Alice Teo has trsfr’d $40 directly to Tan Wah Cheng A/c # 020-013689-8 on 5 May 2013, Ref#6656 at 20:28.

    Alice Teo is from my table#1.
    I’ll settle trsfr of balance $390 to your acct later this evening. Will revert after trsfr is completed.

  161. Hi Gabby,

    Please help to amend number 76 name to Ann Low as wrongly submitted to Pearl.
    Sorry for any inconvenient caused.
    Thank you

  162. Hi Pearl,

    You are right, we would have preferred to be on the same table as Johnny. However, currently, a few of us are not on the same table with him, so I don’t think he would mind me shifting to another table.

    Hi Gabriella,

    Peng Peng is having problem with her PC and has asked me to submit Ronald Swee’s name (SHC member) for this event. Ronald would like to be seated with
    Peng Peng, so I think he can take over my seat on the same table, while you transfer me to the same table as Terry.

    Tks and I hope this works well for everyone.

  163. Hi Barbara,
    I was told by Johnny Pow that all his frens prefer to sit with him.
    If there’s a need for you to sit with Terry Leow, please acknowledge JP since he added you. Its ok with me.


  164. Hi Gabriella,

    My only means of contact with Lydia and Pearl is through this blog because I have
    not met them before. My name was submitted to Pearl through Johnny Pow.
    Guess, I will have to wait for either Lydia and Pearl to respond through this blog.


  165. Hi Barbara

    Will update for Terry Leow. Pl advise whether the table leader has agreed to your transfer to Terry’s table?


  166. Hi Gabriella

    I was informed by Terry today that his membership has been approved.
    Would appreciate if you could update accordingly.
    Thank you,

  167. Hi Barbara

    It’s fine w me as I only take instructions from Guests if you all have obtained the consensus of your table leaders.

    Take it that I have to KIV this until Lydia (or Pearl) agrees?

    Wd appreciate an early advice so that I can amend accordingly.


  168. Hi Lydia and Gabriella

    If it is OK with both of you, can you transfer me to the last table to sit with
    Terry Leow. This will avoid any confusion of having two Barbara’s in the same
    table. Besides, Terry is new to SHC and I assume he would welcome a familiar
    face on the same table. Tks.

  169. Hi Boon Liang

    You enquired about the charges for non-members. I’ve clarified with Terence and it’s $30.

    Payment charges are indicated above.


  170. HI…

    New member Lim Hoe Seng’s membership to SHC has been processed & approved on 2nd May. Kindly update the comments. Thanks. He is in the drama team.

    Also, there’s another non-active member, Babara Ong keen to join this event, and she’s planning to sing some songs. She’s quite a good singer, and has taken part in TV shows. Pls put her on my table.

    We have the treasurer Babara Lim on our table, and I hope there will not be any confusion between the 2 Babaras.

    Regards, LydiaC.

  171. Hi Suzhang

    Ref your comments above, I have updated the name list accordingly.

    However, we are sad that 6 of our VIP guests are not able to attend. Some other time perhaps…..

    Front Desk

  172. Hi Gabrielle

    Please cancel Lily, Jway, Ah Née & Michael, Nor & Molly. They can’t make it. Our table now consists of : Hou Chong, Lina, Mega, Jane, R Leong, Lydia Poh, Douglas, Suzhang.
    Please update accordingly.


  173. Hi Terence

    Terry has submitted his membership application this morning. Can you please
    approve it if his application is OK.

    Thank you,

  174. Hi BL

    Noted … Lydia Poh is the 101th guest. I’ve put her on the Waiting list.

    Will transfer her to your relevant table later on ~ when anyone withdraws or if, we have space for more seats.


  175. Hi Boon Liang

    Ref yr telephone chat w me, you indicated that you’ve another guest Lydia Poh (?) for your table 1? Wd appreciate if you could put this on the blog here urgently so that I can include her as the 101 guest….

    Hurry while seats last!!


  176. Hi Guests of Taipei Cabaret (SHC members)

    So far, we have reached the 100th mark…

    However, you can still submit your names and be put on the Waitlist…. it’s not too late.
    So hurry, book quickly.

    Cheerssssss :-)
    Front Desk

    cc Terence – fyi

  177. Hi Barbara

    Included Terry Leow as requested. He has been placed on the last table.

    Perhaps, you may wish to ask him to apply for SHC membership urgently.
    (Terence – for your info).



  178. Hi Gabriella,
    If you have space for 1 more, can you pl include Terry Leow. Terry is in the process of submtting his application to SHC for membership.


  179. Hi Bira

    Lily has told me to go ahead and transfer you to Pearl’s table as you’ve requested.

    Updated accordingly.


    cc Pearl – fyi too

  180. Dear Guests of Taipei Cabaret

    There’s only ONE seat left? Who wanna take this lucky hot seat?


    Warmest regards,
    Front Desk

  181. Hi Irene Poh

    As requested, I’ve included you as shown in the name list above.

    Since Janet Loo will not be attending, you’re now the 99th Guest!


  182. Hi Gabriella – confirmed receipt of $100/-.

    Hi Karen, confirmed receipt of $240/-.

    Thank you to both of you for being the first ones to get the ball rolling.

  183. Hi Barbara

    Hv TT $240 (12 pax) at my table.

    Pauline Ho / Pauline Khoo / Janie Leong / Malcolm Chen / Catherine Ho / Caroline Gee / Karen Thio / Lilian Teo / Sally Kang / June Koh / Helen Kuek / Eyvonne Chew.



  184. Hi Barbara

    I’ve just transferred $100 (ref: 5721 from ATM at NTUC Lk Tiga) for the following members on my table:

    Gabriella Chua
    Edwin Tan
    Philip Yeo
    Catherine Lee
    Jeffrey Gan

    Kindly ack receipt on this blog.

    Thank you.

    Warm regards,

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