Thanksgiving open house cum charity carnival in JB Sat/Sun 31/8 & 01/09

Brothers & sisters ,

I am helping out this disable centre in one of their Branch in johor. This 31/8 ( sat ) & 01/09 ( sun ) is their Thanksgiving open house cum charity carnival day. Time 1000 hr To 1600 hrs both days.There will be clown ,games and zumba dance , Maybe some western dance too…lastly not forgetting plenty of foods On sale too.please take note of the followings :

Tickets at s$100 with transport two way pick up & back only at Jb city square shopping centre.come with s20 coupons for meal or games.  If time permit us , i will also pamper u with shopping & massage.

On saturday ,dat if time permit we hit one of de johor biggest nite market
In skudai… So here right now i am looking for a treasurer to help me.. Any kind soul can help bo ?

Those who re not free to come ,may help me to buy the coupon at s10 each.
Thanking you in advance.
Brother Sam Goh

4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving open house cum charity carnival in JB Sat/Sun 31/8 & 01/09”

  1. Ah gab jie & may woo jie ,

    Wow on dat day at suntex event…i now acknowldge yr donation of two booklets …..pai sei pai sei..totally to bo eng…

    The charity home will be held @ jaya mas known as dual blessing handicapped centre…. Cheers bro sam goh

  2. Hi Sam,

    Thank you for your call and clarification. On this note, the Club supports your ideas and concept. All the best, and see you as a clown, this Sat at the Expo.

    Terence Seah

  3. Hi Sam,
    Your charity activities with the Johore homes are good acts.

    In order for me to approve this and future posts, please contact me via email asap. Meantime, this post is suspended.

    Terence Seah

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