Here are some updates for the month of Nov 2005.
1. SilverHairsClub founders:
We are pleased to announce the founders of The SilverHairsClub founders. They are:
* Terence Seah
* William Chew
* Richard Ng
* Margaret Lee
* Richard Kwok.
The founders are tasked with ensuring that the SilverHairsClub meet its objective of providing a platform for "over 45s" to meet and make new friends. The club taboos are activities and discussions related to sex, religion, race, politics, direct selling and MLM.
2. Match makers and event organisers:
* SHC matchmakers are SilverHairsClub members who have vibrant personalities, keen to meet people and whose main task is to identify members’ interests and introduce them to other members with similar interest.
* SHC Event organisers are also SilverHairsClub members who have their own special interests eg table tennis, social dancing, keeping fighting fish, chit chatting, having a few drinks together, Karaoke, small group remote travel, playing music together, starting a food stall together and enjoying short overseas stays together. Their key task involves getting you to join them in their activities and events.
The names will be introduced very soon, on the website.
If you like to be a matchmaker or event organiser, simple drop me an email.
3. Monthly event:
Currently, we have two places to hold the Nov monthly event. The next meeting date is Wednesday, Nov 30, starting at 1800 hrs and finishing at 1930 hrs. The location is at Shenton/Raffles area and will be informed to you next week. It is near a MRT. Please let us know if you intend to attend, and we will send you an invitation.
There will be a short topic for the evening. "What do you plan to do when you reach 55?" As a guide, the general concept for monthly meetings are inexpensive coffee/tea 50 cts to $1, no liquor and a nice pleasant place, preferably free premise. The idea is for you to meet other members. It is our belief that the monthly meeting will generate beneficial activities among members. Only Registered SHC members can participate. For both English and Mandarin speaking members.
4. Monthly online live forum:
Some members are not able to attend the monthly event. From the comfort of your home computer, you can log into A short program will download into your PC. The session starts at 0900 hrs and ends 1030 hrs. Sunday, Nov 7. Overseas members can also join in the online forum. Textchat is available this year, while the voice chat is disabled for the moment. Please observe SHC taboos. Join in, and share your ideas and meet other silverhairs online. If time or day is not suitable, please let us know.
Conference name: star-conference
Conference Password: star
User name: Your registered SHC nickname
5. Register your name in
Please take a few moments to register yourself. We only need your name, and you can create a password.
Please also write a post about your interest or yourself, under category of Member Profile. Do not include your telephone contact or addresses when writing a post or a comment.
You can also send us your profile, and we will post for you.
We will use your first name and the last name when we create the membership card. And you have to be over 45 years. This card will be used to pin on your shirt/blouse when you attend functions.
6. Deregister as a member:
If for any reason, you wish to deregister as a member, simply send me an email. No questions asked.
Terence Seah
Hi Terence Seah and others,
… In this appropriate post….
…..2. Match makers and Event organisers:
* SHC matchmakers are SilverHairsClub members who have vibrant personalities, keen to meet people and whose main task is to identify members’ interests and introduce them to other members with similar interest.
Stop wasting your breath. Look NO further .
We are indeed LUCKY to have Patrick Lee DJ as our POTENTIAL MATCHMAKER @ Mak Kay Poh. Ha! ha! :) from the comments he has made in promoting match making.
Agree Patrick Lee ?
Your comments please.