
Life is never all that smooth.  For the lucky ones, they have planned their long awaited retirement.  But, for many, we still have to work, probably till we cannot work.  Then, there are those who just love to work, and cannot reason to themselves how they can spend their Silverhairs years mentally and physically relaxed.

Some may be looking for a job.  Some of us may be able to help. Bear in mind, life is never that simple or that easy.  But, this is the section.

Terence Seah

Outdoor activities

We have all lived a good 45 years.  The desire to feel young still runs in our blood.  We see our children or grand children active in sports and outdoor activities. Some silverhairs have expressed wanting to go camping, track forest and climb mountains.  Others looking for friends to share swimming sessions.

I am game to go camping. Well, this Outdoor activities category is the right area for you.

Terence Seah

Living in Thailand

I have lived in Thailand since 1990.  In Thailand, Singaporeans have two communities, Singapore Club of Thailand and Singapore-Thai Chamber of commerce.

Many Singaporeans are expatriates, though there are also equally long stayers who have lived, worked or have business in Thailand.

As for me, I travel alot in Asia, and so I spend many weekends in Bangkok.  If you are interested to live in Thailand for short periods, join some of our weekend activities.  You might like the culture and way of life.

If you like travelling in Thailand, not the expensive way, please let me know. There are people who can keep you in the looop.

Terence Seah

Thank you for your interest

Dear SilverHairs,

We have received excellent responses from the advertisements to join the SilverHairsClub.

Many have responded to be match-makers, event organisers and membership promoters.  We are still registering and breaking down the different interest groups with the silverhairs group.  I was hoping to get this done by mid Sept, but the work has been overwhelming.  Please email us your interests asap. Our Ms Pranita shall be sending out a short survey soon.

Some activities have already been lined up and you can see them under “events” in

1.  For Singapore, an informal get-together is planned for Mon, Oct 17, starting 1700 hrs and end 1830 hrs.
The place has not been decided. If you have a place, preferably within MRT reach, please let me know.  It is a casual event.

2. Many of you have requested for an online registration and bulletin board.  I am looking at it. If you are good in this area and can contribute this application, do let me know too.

We have varied interests, and they range from hobbies to simple companionship travelling to small business set.  Hope this will enable individuals to group together, with the assistances of the match-makers.

3. SilverHairsClub Sunday meeting.  For the internet savvy ones, silverhairsclub will have an online conference, once a month for members to chat with one another. Date/time: 1st Sunday of each month from 0900 am to 1000 am. Details in  If you have like to make a presentation, please email me.  Strictly, no topics on sex, religion, politics, direct selling and MLM.

The SilverHairsClub is intended as a social platform to meet new and make more friends.  The objective is simple, and we aim to find meaningful activities among the group as we enter new phases of our lives.

Like many of us, we share concerns about what our lives will be like when we retire.  We have friends who have retired and when they retire, they forgot about their good old friends, and spend the rest of their life on golf, gardening, fishes, taichi and grand children. Then, there are others who live a private life, going to the kopitiam every morning and evening.

For many people, reaching silverhairs have different meaning to different people. Some have exciting plans, while for some, they cannot wait to enjoy the thought of a quiet retirement.  And, for some, the thought of not working can also be frightening, what do we do in the morning when we wake up.

Well, I am one of them.  I am 50 yrs.  I have advertised in the papers to find friends who would like to meet new or more friends.  People who would meet and talk about life with silverhairs.  Of course, some are already in their silverhairs.  

I am determined to form a sucessful social group for SilverHairs. This is not a platform for selling products and services.  But, a group and a place where we can meet one another, talk and discuss plans for themselves and how we can carry on to a meaningful silverhairs stage of their lives.  There is life during silverhairs.

To keep cost down, all communications will be via email.

The key to make this group a success is to bring in other friends.  And if you like to contribute in activities, please let me know.

I shall continue to catch up with those who have offered to be match-makers, event organisers and member promoters.

Please feel free to write direct to me.

Terence Seah
+65 9489-4360