I am a retiree and am interested in participating in a club that "excites" me. I’ll appreciate your informing me of any coming activities or, share the club’s goals and objectives for my consideration.
I have read the comments in the silverhairs club and have studied yours – the one below, pretty closely. I must say that everything sounds exciting and I can feel the "vim and vitality" emerging. However, I’m not sure if anything has actually taken place. It certainly would be good to have one/two events to kick off and then, keep the momentum going from there. This is only my opinion, pardon me if I’m too quick in commenting.
Well Terence, it appears that most if not all of your members are silver haired. I’m not sure if I still qualify as one or, would be considered a tad too old. I’m close to 58 and fully retired. No, I’m not sitting around and not knowing what to do or how to pass my time. I’m fully occupied pursuing stuff which I’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t when I was in employment. My interests are manifold. Some being, travelling to non-touristy places and roughing it out if necessary, organising makan makan / pot luck parties for those who love cooking, "makaning" and socialising in a more informal atmosphere, participating in activities for nature lovers like trekking, gardening, nature conservation etc, lots, lots more and finally, voluntary work – paying back to society. Hence, my schedule is really tight.
So, why my interest in joining a club like the silverhairs! Well, I can always do with more friends, new people, new crowd and, participating in other interests like, dancing – no not line dancing please, "clubbing", having a drink or two and laughing the night away. Anyway, I’m game for anything that smells excitment. I am adventurous, daring but cautious at the same time and, always looking out for something new. Would like to try "backpacking" if I have some company/companion willing to do this. However, this will have to be some time from now. Too many commitments at present.
You may wonder why I’ve written so much & not bother creating a profile under the silverhairs website. Well, I’m not that skillful in handling modern day gadget yet. Perhaps, you or someone can start a class teaching us to be more computer savvy. I may be late again in responding should you reply to this. I’ll be leaving for a 10-day vacation to Sabah tomorrow. I love the place. This is my second trip in two months.