Evelyn Tan – Profile

I am a retiree and am interested in participating in a club that "excites" me.  I’ll appreciate your informing me of any coming activities or, share the club’s goals and objectives for my consideration. 

I have read the comments in the silverhairs club and have studied yours – the one below, pretty closely. I must say that everything sounds exciting and I can feel the "vim and vitality" emerging. However, I’m not sure if anything has actually taken place. It certainly would be good to have one/two events to kick off and then, keep the momentum going from there. This is only my opinion, pardon me if I’m too quick in commenting.

Well Terence, it appears that most if not all of your members are silver haired. I’m not sure if I still qualify as one or, would be considered a tad too old. I’m close to 58 and fully retired. No, I’m not sitting around and not knowing what to do or how to pass my time. I’m fully occupied pursuing stuff which I’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t when I was in employment. My interests are manifold. Some being, travelling to non-touristy places and roughing it out if necessary, organising makan makan / pot luck parties for those who love cooking, "makaning" and socialising in a more informal atmosphere, participating in activities for nature lovers like trekking, gardening, nature conservation etc, lots, lots more and finally, voluntary work – paying back to society. Hence, my schedule is really tight.

So, why my interest in joining a club like the silverhairs! Well, I can always do with more friends, new people, new crowd and, participating in other interests like, dancing – no not line dancing please, "clubbing", having a drink or two and laughing the night away. Anyway, I’m game for anything that smells excitment. I am adventurous, daring but cautious at the same time and, always looking out for something new. Would like to try "backpacking" if I have some company/companion willing to do this. However, this will have to be some time from now. Too many commitments at present.

You may wonder why I’ve written so much & not bother creating a profile under the silverhairs website. Well, I’m not that skillful in handling modern day gadget yet. Perhaps, you or someone can start a class teaching us to be more computer savvy. I may be late again in responding should you reply to this. I’ll be leaving for a 10-day vacation to Sabah tomorrow. I love the place. This is my second trip in two months.

George Sng – Profile

It is good to have such a club to keep all the silverhairs buddies actively occupied in meaningful activities that will make our minds and bodies active and strong. Though we may be advanced in age  our minds and bodies should remain young, alert, active and strong. It is through active interactions with peers that we silverhairs clubbers can maintain and remain young in mind, body and spirit.

I am at the moment very busy with my job especially when my colleaques are travelling; I have to "pau suar pau hai".

I will try my best to participate in some of SHC activities whenever possible. Please keep me informed.

Jessie Lu – Profile

Besides tossing on the ideas of summing up the members potential area of involvement.We can look into sub-grouping all the different linkage of the SHC members Ie: those who are fully retired and NO work involvement and those who are still actively working.I am toying with the idea of encouraging the “non-involvement” type of minority group. This group of people who are nearer to 55 and yet has no plan or totally no idea what to do next. We can sell the idea of how To grow old with “rich” enhancment and fulfillment. Rich not in moneytary term. Rich in experience and sharing with each other. Encourage “old” and those not so “old” to walk out of their usual small comfort zone.
I do agree that monthly event is rather important to get SHC members keep in touch and look forward towards some happening. Be it a gathering at coffee shop. It will be a good meeting ground.

Join me for a drive from Chiangmai to Chiangrai and Golden triangle

Fri, Dec 09 to Dec 12.  Start from Chiangmai and drive to the Golden Triangle.  The Golden Triange is where Laos, Thailand and Myanmar meets.  Mae Sai – entrance to Myanmar from North Thailand.  Doi Mai Salong – beautiful drive to moutainous northeast, a countrified Chinatown, settled 50 years ago.  Interested to join, contact Terence Seah at terence@silverhairsclub.com.

Theresa Tan – Profile

I would like to join your club as a member.  I do not support the idea for elderly people to migrate to another country  for retirement.  They will miss their relatives and friends.

At the moment, I am trying to  form a group  of  retired people who are interested in build and create projects using  lego  products.  Such activity  will keep their minds active. They  can  work as facilitators for children groups, which our company is trying to promote in childcare centre primary and secondary schools, youth clubs. The skills they acquire are many : self discipline, mathematical concept, observation power  etc.

Susannah Loh – Profile

Thank you very much for your reply and it was really great to browse through your interesting and informative website. You have definitely done a good job in this field. I salute to your contribution, bright idea and good heart

Hope to meet up with you one of these days when you visit Singapore. However, since i have stayed in Hongkong and Beijing for the past ten over years, i am more familiar with the Singapore, Hongkong and China’s situation and culture, inclusive the attitude towards life of the silverhairs group in these 3 countries.

Thailand, unfortunity, is completely new to me. To be frank, i have not been to Thailand for the past 12 years.

I would think if we are able to work together for this wonderful silverhairs club, i might be able to organise some activities which cater for the special interest of the silver hairs group for the above 3 countries where i am familiar,  just the "in country" events, to promote the close relationships for those silverhairs who will love to spend their silver hairs years in Singapore. So to promote more friendship, more good health, more happiness, and let them feel that life is always young and active until their "last day". This, i am sure,  will l definitely be an added confindence to this group.

Being an event organiser in  Hongkong , Beijing and Singapore, i am sure, as long as these SH group can open up themself, come forward, enjoy themself…everything will be changed easily.

I stressed again,  strickly no profit is to be made, as what you had sugguested, all the cost involved in the events will be  shared equally amongst all the participants.(even the organiser will have to pay their cost, if any, but not letting the other partipants shared and pay for them) . Futhermore,  all the particulars of the cost which incurred in any event, must be OPENED to everybody, there must be totally NO hidden mark up. I am sure only by doing such a way, so the club will be able to do it in a  very successfull and problemless manner.

Will love to see strong grow of the Silverhairs Club.

Meeting of 17 Oct changed to small group meetings on Oct 26 – 28

The Oct 17 meeting is OFF.  This is because many SilverHairsClub members are working during the planned time.  Also, the date is not suitable to many.  Instead, for those who have responded to the meeting, I have arranged individual or smaller group meetings.  To share with members,

1. It is important I express the thinking and objectives of setting up such a group for Singaporeans over 45 years old.  I am 50, singaporean.  I am aware there are a few retirees clubs in Singapore, Community clubs and small social groups.  Overall the last 10 years, I have noticed a change in the living behaviour and expectations of the SilverHairs group. The financial crisis has changed the Asian market conditions and the thinking of companies in general.  Singapore has changed dramatically and while the over 45s are knowledgeable, experienced and financially capable, they have a tougher life ahead, compared to their predecessors.  There are a lot of debates on this, but I feel strongly these group can have a better life ahead.  Some are pessimistic over the future, and resigned to current lifestyles.

2. I feel the SilverHairs has a great future.  I am an optimistic person.  I believe that the wealth of knowledge and experience would put these SilverHairs into a category of society that can benefit themselves further and provide a more stimulating life.  As a group, SilverHairs are in a stronger position to work together a future for themselves. I am a non believer of a “do nothing” lifestyle for over 45s and retirees.  As someone who has seen colleaques retiring and then fading into a aimless lifestyle,  I see mentally sad souls in many of this age group.  But, of course, there are also contented ones. And, we have some very optimistic individuals among us.

3. The objective of the SilverHairsClub is clear.  It will provide a platform for over 45s to meet and make new friends.  Different individuals have different desires and interest.  They could just be looking for regular chit chats, some are looking for jobs, some looking to find small business partners and some just looking for common hobbies and travel companions. So far, we have a number of match makers, event organisers and membership promoters.  Most of the organising and groupings of interest will be managed by these groups of key people.  But, SHC will keep growing its membership so that the newer and different interest groups can have continued or even changing interests. 

There would be monthly meets or activities, but these will be general activities – social, some makan and opportunities to exchange thoughts. At this level, the gatherings are intended to be large.

As the group gets bigger, we will add a new group of key people to generate corporate interest.  But this will be done sometime next year.  The idea is to grow the group, a thousand is the target. And, I believe it can get bigger.

4.  The advantage of this group is the fast communication.   All SilverHairs use email.  I see many as not net savvy though.  I plan to add SMS very soon.  We also  have the services of Ms Pranita, who will manage the database.  She is based in India.

For cost reasons, we avoid the use of printed newsletters and phone calls..

5. Language-wise, I see strong English skills among the group.  But as my Chinese is not strong, I am looking for strong Chinese skills supporters.

6. For a physical club presence, I am not supporting it at this stage, as it will unnecessarily strain the growing organisation, cost wise.

But, a regular place is good, and I am still exploring.

7. Club registration. Once the team is formed, we should register the club.  The club would not support sex, religious, racial, direct sales/MLM and political activities.

Some of the agenda, topics of discussion with individual and smaller groups would include:
1. Areas of cooperation and support.
2. Activities suited to the group – keeping members young at heart.  Special focus on outdoor activities.
3. Use of suggested places for large meetings.
4. Getting to know one another.

Promoting the club (externally)

The Silverhairsclub comprises people who are over 45 years, experienced after having worked a good number of years, have valuable skills and physically/financial active.  There are external organisations who would like to build a relationship with SilverHairsClub, and this is the category.

Starting from 2006, we would like to promote the SilverHairsClub with external organisations.  This will substantially increase the SilverHairsClub membership.

Terence Seah


Life is never all that smooth.  For the lucky ones, they have planned their long awaited retirement.  But, for many, we still have to work, probably till we cannot work.  Then, there are those who just love to work, and cannot reason to themselves how they can spend their Silverhairs years mentally and physically relaxed.

Some may be looking for a job.  Some of us may be able to help. Bear in mind, life is never that simple or that easy.  But, this is the section.

Terence Seah

Outdoor activities

We have all lived a good 45 years.  The desire to feel young still runs in our blood.  We see our children or grand children active in sports and outdoor activities. Some silverhairs have expressed wanting to go camping, track forest and climb mountains.  Others looking for friends to share swimming sessions.

I am game to go camping. Well, this Outdoor activities category is the right area for you.

Terence Seah

Living in Thailand

I have lived in Thailand since 1990.  In Thailand, Singaporeans have two communities, Singapore Club of Thailand and Singapore-Thai Chamber of commerce.

Many Singaporeans are expatriates, though there are also equally long stayers who have lived, worked or have business in Thailand.

As for me, I travel alot in Asia, and so I spend many weekends in Bangkok.  If you are interested to live in Thailand for short periods, join some of our weekend activities.  You might like the culture and way of life.

If you like travelling in Thailand, not the expensive way, please let me know. There are people who can keep you in the looop.

Terence Seah