SilverHairsClub – Westend Singapore

One suggestion that came out from recent brainstorming ideas on “Bringing SHC to the next level” is to have a regular gathering for members who live in West Singapore.  Reason given was many of our activities are centred around the city or in the East.

We had a couple of gatherings in the West; but this gatherings did not continue due to a lack of follow-up.  Some members would like to continue with Westend gatherings; and I thought we can give this suggestion a kick again.

Past few gatherings were held at JEM or Jurong East, where JE MRT is located.  Please recommend a venue.  It does not have to be at JE, but as long as it is located where a MRT is, I guess the suggested venue will work.

From experience, it is difficult to mix retirees and part-time working members with full time working members.  So, we may need to have two gatherings; one on a weekday for retirees and one on a weekend for working full time members.

Thank you for the members who have met and contributed to this suggestion.  Look forward to suggestions of venues and date/time.

Terence Seah


Author: Terence Seah


4 thoughts on “SilverHairsClub – Westend Singapore”

  1. Clancy, thank you for speakibg up. We have usually few members showing interest for meetups in the west.

    Will be in touch.

    Terence Seah

  2. So far, I only manage to join the event at Parc Oasis for the CNY event since being a a member 5 years ago. It would be great to have some events in the west. Thumb up for me

  3. Yes Jassmine, Good point.

    SilverHairsClub has both working and retired members. And you are right that retirees prefer weekday afternoon meetups. This is also preferred because many F&B outlooks are kind of quiet on weekday afternoons.

    Working SilverHairsClub members always prefer evenings or weekends.

    The date and time depends on the EO who is able to make the date and time.

    We are asking members who live in the West to raise their hands.

    Terence Seah

  4. Retirees and some members, for one reason or another, may prefer a meeting on a weekday AFTERNOON instead of evening. If there’s a separate meeting for retirees, consider holding it in the afternoon and gauge its popularity. Just a suggestion.

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