Welcome to the SilverHairsClub website
SilverHairsClub, (SHC, in short) was conceived in Sept 2004. SHC was launched in Oct 2005 in Singapore. This is an informal social group; and, the idea aims to form a group of friends who are in their SilverHairs years or are moving onto SilverHairs years.
Many of our working friends have retired, and when they retire, they forget their good old friends, and spend the rest of their lives with their grand children, at the department stores or the coffee shop. Some have started new lives while many are considering new avenues of spending their retirement.
For all of us, reaching SilverHairs have different meanings. Some do have exciting plans, while for some, they cannot wait to enjoy the thought of a quiet retirement. And, for others, the thought of not working the next morning can also be frightening. There is life during SilverHairs.
SilverHairsClub objective
The SilverHairsClub is a platform and venue for us to meet new and more friends. SilverHairsClub has one main objective; and that is to provide a platform for SilverHairs to meet new and more friends.
The Club hopes that this will enable SHCians to:
- Find new and meet more friends.
- Share common interests.
- Exchange knowledge and information on retirement, and
- Enjoying a fruitful and meaningful retirement.
The SilverHairsClub is where our friends are, in Singapore and surrounding countries. We hope to expand this space. In order to meet its objectives, monthly get-togethers, talks, little eat-outs, interests groups gatherings, fleamarts, walking, cycling, travel, whatsapp interest chats and social/business gatherings are organised by members for members.
Out-of-Bounds issues
The SilverHairsClub is an informal social club; we do not promote activities, relating to sex, drugs, religion, race, politics, sex, direct selling, and multi-level marketing.
Members, failing to observe these out-of-bounds issues, will be removed from SilverHairsClub database.
The age criteria is 45 or over.
Monthly gatherings
- The monthly gathering is a key feature of the SilverHairsclub, and an important platform for meeting new and more friends. To achieve the club’s objective, our monthly gatherings are usually free to all members, with the exception of the cost of food, beverages and transport. Food and drinks may be organised in some monthy gatherings.
- We do hold the monthly gatherings in the CBD area after working hours. We hope that these places will be quiet and easy to access via MRT and buses. For certain months, we may try to organise the monthly gatherings during the weekends.
- Our Clubhouse is located at: SilverHairsclub.com website. Here, you find information on events, place, date, time, agenda and the Event Organiser EO..
- Registration for these events is simply done by adding a comment on the appropriate Post, if you are attending the gathering. Please register your participation personally.
- SHC Monthly gatherings are strictly for SHC members only.
Travelling/Eating out with other SHC members
The SilverHairsClub is a Club for seniors; cooperation and sharing are important team spirits.
All group travel and gatherings require pre-registration.
No registration required for private (between members) arrangements.
All expenses for food, drinks, travel, fuel, entrance fees and incidental costs are to be equally shared or as pre-agreed. For drivers, especially those with own cars, please come to an appropriate share to avoid misunderstanding of costs, time and effort. You are encouraged to split your share on a daily basis.
When travelling together, always be on time, to avoid inconvenience to other members.
If you intend to leave the group at any stage of the travel or gathering, please inform the organiser to avoid others members having to look for you.
- Please respect the Event organisers or Event coordinators, as they have put in time, effort and money in making the event possible.
Membership database
The membership database is confidential. Only the names of members and their interests will be published on this site. Ideally, for security reasons, you should not leave your contact information and other personal details on the forum. Members wishing to contact other members with similar interest can do so through the SilverHairsClub.com forum or during the monthly gatherings. Contact information will not be released by the club.
The SHC Jingle
Composer: Ronald Wi; Singer: Clara Chay. Click here to listen to the SHC Jingle.
Using the Forum pages
Members are advised not to leave their telephone contacts, address, bank account, credit card details and other private information on the forum section or any post, page or comments.
No links to other sites or blogs, unless approved. Other than the club’s taboos, get rich fast programs, are not allowed. Small business enterprise discussions among members are encouraged. Posting of non-members names, organisations, commercial events, organised by non-members, are not allowed. If you feel the posting is useful to other members, please check with the administrator.
Before you can write any post or comment, on this website, you need to register yourself on this forum. This means you need an username and a password.
Certain words, classified as taboos, as well as Posts and Comments with URL links, may be deleted or put on a moderation queue. No reasons would be given.
- Event Organisers (EOs) organise events, specifically for SilverHairsClub members. EOs can request for EDIT access to their own Posts, and can also add photos to their posts. All other members have no access to add photos or edit their posts.
How to register yourself on this website? How to participate on this forum?
Browse SilverHairsClub.com. Registration allows you to write a Post or a comment.
You have to be a registered member to be able to participate in the forum.
You received your membership approval, after sending in your membership application.
Go into SilverHairsClub.com.
Go into “LOGIN”. You are now able to participate in this forum. You can write a new Post or you can add your comments to any POST.
How to write a POST or a COMMENT?
First log in to SilverHairsClub.com website.
Click on to “Site admin” which is a shortcut, found on the right column of the website.
Do take note that for members who have never posted before, you may not find the option “Publish”. Instead, please click on “Save” or “Pending review”.
For those who wish to submit comments, in response to existing POSTs, simply log in to SilverHairsClub.com, go the the post itself where you will see eg “11 comments”. Click on that, scroll all the way down to the bottom and that if where you will find a box headed : Leave a reply. This is the best way to communicate with the Event Organiser (EO) or Event Coordinator (EC), and register to participate in the events.
- When writing new Posts, please do not duplicate older Posts. Do not write a new Post when you want to respond someone or register an activity; simply do a comment. Duplicate posts will be put on hold and maybe deleted.
- When writing a post or comment, remove all unwanted characters eg >, ?, /.
How to make the SilverHairsClub nametag?
The SilverHairsClub name tag has the following specifications. Please design and print your name tag yourself, and put the card into a plastic holder, which can be hung around the neck or pinned on the shirt/dress. There is no need to standardize the design.
- Size: 89mm x 51mm (3.5inch x 2inch)
- Paper: Can be of any colour or material.
- Font size: As bold as possible so that others can see your name from far. Any colour, shape or design.
- Content: Your name. Must have the first and last name or first, middle and last name. No abbreviation. Company name not allowed; except when approved as a Corporate member.
This name tag should be used at all SilverHairsClub gathering.
Change of email address and mobile tel.
Your email address and mobile/WhatsApp are ways we identify you as a member.
- When you apply as a member, please give us your email address and mobile.
- When you register in the club forum or website, the email address used must be the same as in point (1).
- When you write a Post or a comment, any email address used must also be the same as in point (1).
When your mobile tel is changed, your membership automatically lapsed, and you may have to re-apply as an Individual member again. So, what to do?
a. Please What’sApp +65 9489 4360 your new mobile no.
b. Pls also change your email address, in your PROFILE, in SilverHairsClub.com.
c. It is your responsibility to ensure you only use your registered email address or registered mobile phone to communicate with club members or the club admin.
Copyright 2004. SilverHairsClub. All rights reserved