“Sunday Rise and Shine”: Sun 0700 – 0800 hr

SilverHairsClub members are creative and have brilliant ideas. Here’s one suggestion which we picked up recently. How about getting up early from bed on a Sunday morning? Quickly tidy the bed, make a cup of hot coffee, squeeze in a small pau and look at the mirror.

It’s already 7am. Quickly, pick up the mobile phone, and let’s meet up on SHC Zoom, and wish those around us “Hi everybody, It’s Sunday Rise and Shine”.  Make sure you have space to swing your hands around your body.

Time for a 10 mins exercise together to stretch and loosen the bones. Everybody is muted, except for the Shifu and video.

Zoom unmutes everybody. Time to relax and cool down. Finish the coffee, with some youtiao. And maybe, share your hot soya bean milk with friends. A quick chat with friends, and off we run to start the day.

8.00am: Event close.

** If you are a Taichi or slow stretch instructor, please contact any senior member, we would like you to co-host this regular event.

** It’s fine to speak Hokkien, Cantonese, Teochew,  Malay or Tamil.  The fun is being together.  Bring your friends.  “Sunday Rise and Shine” is open to non-SHC members.

Join us at https://zoom.us/j/4178525736?pwd=azNDN3ZWWVVwYUhrU3dZb0RTSmR1UT09

**  Latest:  This Sunday event is discontinued,  Feedback:  too early to wait up on a Sunday and not easy to exercise together online.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


2 thoughts on ““Sunday Rise and Shine”: Sun 0700 – 0800 hr”

  1. Good laugh this morning.

    I woke up at 5am Bangkok time, which is 6am Singapore time. Quickly made a hot tea for myself and some bread. Was ready to do morning chat and exercise at 7am.

    Guess how many members turned up. Including me, there were 3 participants. All 3 in exercise shorts and t-shirts. Participants complain that it is too early at 7am on a Sunday morning. The suggestion was to have breakfast together at 7.30am. and finishing at 8.30am.

    Well, we may change the tining, to just have breakfast together. Now, back to bed

  2. Latest:  This Sunday event “Rise and Shine” is now discontinued,  Feedback:  too early to wait up on a Sunday and not easy to exercise together online.

    We shall find something new between 7.30am and 8.30am.

    We will likely have a new event regularly on Mon to Fri. The event will be simply called “Morning Breakfast”. Pop in anytime between 7.30am and 8.30am. It is ok to have your breakfast during this breakfast session. Quickly introduce yourself as not everybody knows you, Share the latest news you heard the night before or any global news early in the morning. If the US market has collapsed, come share a quick brief. Any sudden govt announcements, this is the best time. Update yourself, finish your breakfast and off you go with your day’s work and errands.

    If you are at a noisy food court or dim sum restaurant, just join in. Off your mic or mute, but leave your video on.

    If you are going out shopping, marketing, or out for lunch or dinner, and you are looking for company, this is the best time. “Morning breakfast” is on for 1 hour only. That’s all the time we have. and get to know new and old friends.

    Terence Seah

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