Patrick Khoo’s observations

Ref to Tim Liu’s comments…

I like the way the way you distort facts…refering to my mother’s private parts in Hokkien cannot be dismissed as simply "silly’…call a spade a spade. 

I like the way you mentioned the showers(cold) of blessing incident with the comment …there was no gives the wrong impression you have mellowed and have matured and walkewd away despite being provoked.

Let me refresh SHC members’ memories…the incident happened at the "Golden Building" in Shenton Way where we were both guests. A famous country and western singer(local version) had a blow up with the honourable TL about "messing with TL’s hair with an umbrella  and there was an outburst and some shouting. One party at my table(I have 3 witnesses who can testify it was not me and the person in question was willing to own up but as my guest I gave advice not to do so) mentioned the word " quarrel" and TL came over in a huff and aggresively challenged me to a fight. In the process he mentioned my dear mum with unsavoury and uncouth language. Some people who pulled him away were  also  challenged to a fight.

A few days later in the forum I explained that it was not me who said the word "quarrel"  and TL even had the termity to say he forgave me and did not even offered a word of apology to this day either in person or in the forum.

On the shower of blessings day I asked him if he was willing to apologise and his reply was "NO".After being blessed I asked him not so politely if he wanted to discuss the matter but he politely(and meekly) declined….so much for the bravado of agressiveness at the Golden Building (I was mindful that I was a guest and did not want to be party to any incident) and refused to follow me for further discussions.

Regarding the blow up between YK and RL  I believe there should be better moderation on personal attacks, insults and disguised four letter words being bandied in the forum. SHC management reluctance to get involved  and "spank" verbally or in the forum the ones who go off tangent is contributing to this fractiousness among the SHC community. I have taken Terence’s advice but did not tie TL to a tree but blessed the unrepentant. Members like TL have provoked and insulted and he has not been checked (at least publicly) and it seems there is one standard of rules for him and one for the rest of the members. This could be my last say in the forum but I hope it open member’s eyes on the current state of affairs. I have seen people who gave investment talks being rail roaded by TL unfairly and nothing is done(at least not to my knowledge) to check this loutish and bullying behaviour.

This could be my last piece for the forum but to YK (not going into specific issues) I say "you dont deserve all the shit (at least in the manner it is hurled at you)you are getting for all the stalwart and unselfish work you are doing for SHC. Patrick Lee is entitled to a different opinion from you( I wont take sides or judge on issues as I dont know the full story) but I dont agree with mention of" skirts"  and cosmetic surgeon"  comments which are  rather personal and insulting and uncalled for and degradatory and smacks of arrogance.

Anybody like Terence would like to play peacemaker/Sheriff and iron out their differences or is it too late?

I believe we need some discipline in the forum or it will become a cowboy town where every "onery"(ordinary) cowpoke can run riot and shoot from the hip on sight at any moving target as fair game) without any regard for decency and fairplay(fair comments).

68 thoughts on “Patrick Khoo’s observations”

  1. Hi PatrickK,

    I like to respond your last paragraph. The thought of a cowboy town within SHC sounds exciting. Suddenly, I imagine seeing myself as sheriff on TV, crashing into a bar and firing a few shot at Black-eye Joe. Then, I see myself walking away and saying to myself, “Glad, it’s all over”.

    Are you serious that SHC needs a Sheriff? Or a few peace-makers? Some years ago, someone asked me why 45 had been chosen to be the minimum age. At that time, I thought 45 represents a good level of maturity.

    Glad to see you back in the club; this time, I see you use paragraphs and fullstops in this thread. A great topic indeed. Stay cool guys and gals.

    Terence Seah

  2. Let me give my three cents worth of say in neutrality.
    I have not met Patrick Khoo.

    I concur with Terence, since it is a mature platform, each and everyone of us should show greater dexerity in our association of fellow SHCs and at least try to show restrain in our posting with demeanour and decorum.

    When we are able to let go of any transgressions and view each posting to us in a light-hearted way, we will never be affected by any insinuations.

    To this day, TimL has always poke fun at me. I find it humorous and amusing that his mood swing can be like the
    periodic monthly flushes of a growing up girl, undergoing
    anatomy changes. I always accept it in good faith and laugh
    it away. My adrenaline rushes stayed rational. My perspective of fun maintained a level of sanity.

    Everyone of us made mistakes along the route to our existence. As long as we are able to differentiate and
    accept changes to our incorrigible ways, we are on the road to self- betterment.

    I am relatively new in SHC. The past is a reverie of experience if one looked back with the courage to change for the better due to the mistakes we had made unintentionally or intentionally. It is magnanimous to forgive and forget. The moral courage to apologise shows a person of true essence. We live for the harmony of co-existing in a club of such magnitude. It will be very monotonous that nothing exciting happens in such setting.

    The onus is in our ability to balance our emotions with our sense of judgement and never be too serious with criticisms or insults. Personal insults should be taboo and refrained.

    Calmness is not weakness. A calm attitude at all times show
    a man of culture. Everyone of us has to adjust ourselves to circumstances. People who are unable to adjust to circumstances are like a corpse in a coffin.

    Silverhairsclub is non hierarchical. We are our own EO.
    We should co-exist as people of 45 years and above. We are
    the source of inspiration as well as degradation. It is all left to us to decide.

    Let us move on to greater heights, bearing in mind :
    A simple good thought is wisdom. Pure and without encumbrances. Let us stay engaging in the right spirit of
    SilverhairsClub. Thank you.

    Lee Patrick (SJ)

  3. Hey Terence,

    May I add ‘Make my day, PUNK!’ with your magnum. Kekkekeeee.

    We are all cool, daddy………..

  4. Patrick Khoo, I did refer to her private parts in my rage at you which wasnt right at all as she was no party to any quarrel. I have no qualms aplogising for that outburst and I do apologise to her for those remarks. It has got nothing to do with me beccoming meek. Simply put, as I continue to add number to my age, I have come to realise that aggression has not served me well. Wrong is wrong and the biggest mistake is not to know it.

    Wish you have a happy life like all of us.


  5. Today is a fine day for our walk to happiness. The greatest personal trait in a person is when we can understand ourself
    in relation to others.

    It is with robust courage that when we make a mistake and we owned up to it. The reason we did not is because many of us still live in tne past.

    “As I continue to add number to my age, I have come to realise that aggression has not served me well.” True to
    the sentiments of regret. Well said!

    Suddenly, everyone has matured overnite and DaisyYeo as
    protagonist mended the broken link with her uncanny rhetorics. An intelligent lady!!

    Let us look forward to more sunny days. I am definitely going to enjoy this walk at Kembangan with a different meaning.

    Leepatrick the Don Juan

  6. Hey, how come all of a sudden came a Post like this? To add more spices to the already exciting life of SHC, is it?

    I’ve never chatted (but talked) with Tim. But from his post to my Profile and other comments of his I read, I found him to be “witty, humorous, spontaneous” which is quite good to up the ooomh of a club/forum.

    As for Patrick Khoo, I played a short scrabble game with him at Ghim Moh. He seemed like quite a gentle person.

    so no matter what the incident was, a gentleman & a witty guy certainly can smooth it out….with humour….and…handshake or BIG HUGS!

  7. Hi Terence,

    You have stayed tranquil and acted on fair ground through out the whole happening which I admired. It was a good argue/verbal fight with YK. It is up to members to read and to differential the rights and the wrongs.

    I am not petty over things and also have told you many times that I am not interested in taking up any role but you can tap on my expertise when need arises. I shall see you and the other members around in future events and functions.

    Hi Yew Kwong,

    It is great to hear of your revised decision. Good spirit!
    Keep it up, MAN. SHC needs guy like you.

    Best Regards

  8. Hooray!!

    The sun is shining on SHC members again!!!

    We got our “MAN” back…let’s celebrate!!!


  9. Refering to Post #2

    Hey Don Juan,

    The real Don Juan will never regard women to be so low as to hurl expletives at another woman let alone directed at her mother, let alone her mom’s privates. I speak on behalf of most women to assure you that we are infinitely classier than that and right though my growing-up days with all my gal pals, we have never acquired such colourful forms of vocabulary.

    Why must erratic/bad behaviour be associated with PMS without any discretionary measure, let alone be likened to an excuse for a man when he does not have the qualifying biological parts in the first place?

    How would men like it if us, women were to make general statements that men who see themselves as great lovers are just over-compensating for their lack of huge appendages? Sounds dreadful right and I do apologize but then again, I was just making nothing more than a General Statement. Get my point?

    Women are rather tired of constantly bearing the brunt of this kind of negative associations even if it was said in a supposed light-hearted way. We may get grumpy and even fiery at times but let us not forget that we have never started any wars (except the Falklands). So there.

    Enjoy your walk with the other members as having my period, I have decided not to go, so as not to run the risk of going rabid on someone…

    Just my 4 cents worth,

  10. Hi Yew Kwong,

    Glad that you are staying. Must meet up on my next trip.

    Hi Ronald-L #8,

    Like your message to YK. Likewise, you wrote in good spirit. Hope to meet you, too. Cheers!

  11. Hey Mad,

    HAHHAHAHAAA…’….as having my period, I have decided not to go….’ TOUCHE. Nice touch, indeed. Men in general tend to put our ‘grouchiness’ down to our PMS. What PMS? Never have this ‘problem’ other than the bloating and minor discomfort.

  12. Hi Mad

    You are so funny and cool! Like your style.

    Hi Geraldine at 12

    I so agree with you :)

    Cheers and have a great weekend

    Caroline Gee

  13. Hello Caroline,

    Thank you. How have you been?

    You know, when you mentioned that you’ve found your A nano on another thread, I laughed out loud because a couple of days ago, my youngest princess called and cried (which scared me to death) telling me she lost hers (on the school bus or so she thought).

    Calmed her down as much as I could and told her to ask the bus coordinator the next day to see if anyone found it and turned it in the school office. I did not hear from her since and yesterday when I saw her, I asked her.

    Guess what she told me? She looked really embarassed and said she found it alright. Naturally I asked her where AND she said she found it in one of her school shoes!! Yes, IN her school shoe!! Laughed to death and asked her how did it get THERE in the first place. Apparently, she had PE that day and simply put the nano in the PE kit (school shoe no less) after changing. Good grief.

    So your finding yours under the bed is really, really fine.

    Take care and have a great weekend, too.

    p/s Hi Patrick-K, hope you don’t mind my using this thread to write to Caroline about something else.

  14. Hi Geraldine

    Thanks. I am fine. From your cheery posting, I assume you are fine too, whats that kekekekeke!

    I am sure your Princess is a happy girl now and i know the feeling cos we have all our favourite songs in it.

    Hahaha talking about things in shoes. Your Princess actually placed it there.

    My tenant was so funny. He went for dinner and rush back to get some dressing for his food cos the restaurant ran out of it and he has it in the fridge. After dinner, he came back all sweaty and he told he he has lost his mobile and he was due to fly off the next day. It was 11+pm and he told me he and his friend traced back the route he took but got nothing so I went with him with this huge torch but turned out nothing after an hour of searching. I promised to help him to look for it the next morning.

    Both of us got up early and was about to leave the apt. He said wait a minute I hear a virbration tone. The he found his mobile in one of my daughter’s Converse canvas shoes hahaha! Guess it must have dropped out from his phone case while putting on his shoes. So relieved.

    So we mustn’t rule out the most improbable places. Like my sister found her missing spectacles in the fridge hahaha!

    Caroline Gee

  15. TIM,

    WHY do you apologise to Patrick’s moether when you know jolly well that she does not log onto the SHC website? Probably she does not read English.

    PATRICK KHOO is the one who feels very offended, and after waiting for almost a year, you apologise to his mother. My toes are giggling.

    “Wish you have a happy life like all of us.” you said.

    This sounds more like a sarcastic remark. If indeed you are sincere that what you said and did on that fateful day was wrong and you genuinely want our friend to lead a happy life, then please apologise to him in an unreserved manner.

    Any other way is but a farce.

  16. Hi Mad

    I have kept my 10 cents worth in view of collecting
    interest in another 100 years of the evolution of humankind back to the neolithic era. The degeneration of the species.

    I thank you for the enlightenment.

  17. Hi Patrick,

    As with all lessons and observations in life, if we accept and learn from them, we will always evolve for the better. Since you are so gracious and receptive, you will probably be lightyears ahead of us in no time.

    (((To infinity and beyond)))

  18. Thank you Mad for your kind words and accolades.
    You are such a powerful woman that as self-proclaimed Don Juan, will have alot to learn from you.

    My observation and association in life journey fall into the very people I encountered everyday – the ordinary people. They are my mentor for the simple dignity of their character. I have learnt much and is still learning. The sky is the limit.

    My meditation years (30 in all) opens up my perspective of thought not to be bias nor judgemental (to quote Geraldine Ting, our beauty from HK) “who are we to judge people”.
    Frequent retreats oversea assist my mental faculty to stay tuned to a mundane world.

    If everything is smooth, will be going to Burma (Myanmar)for
    3 months retreat in Jan or Feb 2010. Had stayed and did business in Burma for almost 2 years in Yangoon then.

    You are a champion of womankind. Keep it up!

  19. Daniel-C, an apology was owed, the apology was given unreservedly. If that has caused yr toes to giggle, it’s yr problem and a big one. One day when an elephant sees more than giggling toes but a sinister intent to instigate, it will danz on yr toes till they teeter and never again giggle.

  20. Tim – I hate to see a desperate chicken kicking the wok cover, just as I feel painful seeing an elephant once on cloud nine trying to wriggle itself out of a pit. I am sorry about the giggling toe remark. That was uncalled for. Now it is painful due to gout attack – for your info, if it makes you feel any better.

    Unreserved or otherwise, let the victim decides.
    Just as you may relish being showered with praises like Funny, Ubiquitous, Clever and Kinky; you should also accept other opinions.

    ALLOW me to be honest – I don’t like the way you inject comments into other people’s post with such crude profanity that would make a prostitute blushed. No I am no purist. I believe that given the correct setting and audience, many of us can be as loud and lecherous, if not more. However, this forum on cyberspace is accessible by young and old, and is thus not the place to extend our contorted drama, never mind if it does give some the mental satisfaction in the process.

    If this site were to have a warning that reads, “Adults Only” or “Viewer Discretion Advised”, I would gladly spar with you in your language and vocabulary. Till then, let us treat this as a family-friendly channel.


  21. Daniel Chan,

    I can see that you’re green with envy that I have received praises time and again. Scroll through all the comments in this forum and you can see again and again that you have received none near to a “not bad”.

    Understandably, and ALLOW me to be honest, it does make you a chicken kicking the wok in frustration and kicking the bucket in final gratification but believe me, you will never be an elephant in a pit or in any armpit however hard you plead. You dont weigh anywhere near an elephant no matter how much you pad yourself on your chest and ask to be kicked on the butt.

    Obviously, you never had the fortune to be accepted by adults – see how you sat lost and unwanted at gatherings? You feel most gifted in a looney town website where you can be that happy chicken pecking at kids and be satiated as a grown up.

    Let me tell you something which might make you jealous.

    Patrick-K once partook in an exhibition and invited me to attend. I attended and he kept a t-shirt and a hat for me to choose. Although he and I are very different in styles, he did treat me as a friend. Rage or not, it was unbecoming of me to use expletives. I owed him an apology which I gave.

    Go through your life slowly – domnt cheat. ALLOW me to be honest again : if you start apologising from now even when you’re in that long box crying, you will have only completed 20% of your apologies.

  22. Wow Tim, your humility knows no bounds!

    As an observor, I can safely say that when an argument stoops to this level, it is quite pointless to continue.

    Hey Daniel, you were EXCELLENT in seeing the possible drama unfolding but got caught up in it nonetheless. I think you can be the bigger man to let all this just flow like water off a duck’s back. Whatever you have to say, I think you have said it all. It is better for you to reserve your energy for something more fruitful hereon. In short, don’t waste your time.

    Sorry to hear about your gout, try to abstain from foods that have too much uric acid like chicken and soya bean products for the time being. One good way to get rid of all that acid is to drink a mugful of water with 1 tablespoon of honey and I tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in. Drink this at the end of the day and early in the morning. For the morning, drink it approx. 10-15 minutes before you eat breakfast.

    Important note: You should used room temperature water for your drink and not hot water as the precious enzymes in the honey will be badly affected and you do not want that. Also use a melamine or ceramic spoon in you preparation and nothing metallic due to the honey. Lastly, remember to rinse you mouth to protect your teeth after the drink. You will feel better in no time.

    Take care and may you be able to hop, skip and jump soon.

    (((Peace n Harmony)))

  23. Thank you Madeline. Indeed, I have spoken what I have to speak, without fear or favour. The rest is for the audience to judge and the Admin to consider what is right for this site. Thanks again, Mad, for the timely gout-care advice. At least I know I am not so “lost and unwanted” after all.

  24. Huh “lost and unwanted”? That should not be in your vocabulary. “Reserved and shy” – perhaps? Anyway, some folks I know need time to get out of their shell but eventually they do with the right company. Call them picky haha!

    Let’s also not forget that “empty vessels make the most noise” hahaha!

    (((Laugh and the whole world laughs with you)))

  25. Hi Mad,

    Thanks for sharing the gout remedy. Have some relatives and friends with this problem, I will let them know.

    With metta,

  26. Hi Guys and Gals,

    Sorry for my tardy reply…I have been busy holding on to my unofficial tag as joint top media tipster with 174 wins from 579 selections…a strike rate of 30.05%.Anybody interested in a day at the races guided by semi-pro advice do let me know by private email at My scores can be verified by SHC members KTW and RW (even though I know they dont bet). I have just completed my 1st draft for my Starstatz Proposal SIngapore Turf Club Project as I am only working on a part time basis at this time. Have to make a living 1st and then attend to SHC matters.

    Thank you ladies Frisna Tan, Daisy Yeo and Madeline Tan aka Maddie(somehow dont see you as A “Mad” person as I admire your comments and the way you admnonish the pesky(on his bad hair day days) TL in an earlier post whose part time hobby is to niggle people in the SHC forum) aka MTv 1(pardon me but I shall share this joke with you later) for your kind thoughts amd observations.

    Thank You Patrick Lee for not taking offence to my casual aad irreverent use of the word “shit” but I liked the way you you responded to the mass outpouring of support for YK
    and toned down from your original ctitique posture and went with the flow. After all YK is the epitome of a genuine Mr Nice Guy…quiet unassuming, unpretentious and goes about his volunteer work without fuss or fanfare in a patient manner. You cannot expect Corporate standards where high fees are charged. You can always provide your feedback to Terence quietly without all the drama in the forum and I am sure that things will improve.I think the more important thing is that the students in his classes appreciate his work. Boy am I glad that YK is back in our midst!

    I am sorry I have indirectly created a mini ruckus as a result of the postulations between the two best supporting actors(Tim Liu and Daniel Chan) in their verbal sparring in my post regarding Tim’s half apology.Let me address the issue directly…as Daniel has pointed out…the apology(half) was Classique Tim Liu style Iif he apologies it must be done on his terms). After close to 8 months the “Immovable Object” aka “Immovable Mountain” a half apology is better than none. Even on that day of the cold(lucky for me it was not hot as the police were called in after responding to Tim’s 999 call than I would have been charged in court) showers of blessing day he was still not contrite and still refused to apologise. I wonder what caused the change? It can’t be because of my “watery “blessings but I can only guess it is because of MTv 2 and I must thank her for inspiring this change in him and look forward to meeting her the next time. Anyway in the spirit of SHC harmony I do formally accept his apology(half or otherwise).

    To be fair to Tim he can be a Dr. Jekyll on his good days and can witty , humourous, spontaneous as Frisna Tan has pointed out. I can even add cute adorable,cheeky(cause no harm),amusing,entertaining,fun,educational,impish,whimsical and even adorable at times. However on his bad hair days(his dark side where he assumes the persona of Mr Hyde) he can be be irritating ,behaving like an insufferable prig, needling, chauvinistic,nefarious, cheesy obnoxious, rude , intimidating(to some as can be seen by his response to Daniel’s critical remarks…was he he hinting that he wants to squash and stomp on Daniel’s toes…what is the underlying tone in this message …an implied threat?), irreverent, ,cantankerous, full of sexual innuendos(refering to nuts,bananas,butts,appendages),cynical,
    impertinent,,callous, full of disguised 4 letter words and racorous to the point of being rancid after repeated doses of his dry brand of humour at people’s expense.
    If I had a chance to play Deputy Sheriff for one day I will request Tim be Dr. Jekyll and supress the Hyde side of his chemistry with the inspiration of MTv 2. I would recommend to apply his humour only to the older members that he knows and have met and to leave the newbies like MTv 1 unmolested(verbal of course). If he continues to rag the newbies and they are not clad in Tim-proof vests like MTv 1 than our new members will run away never to appear again as they suffer culture shock. The same words used on older members who know and understand Tim well will brush aside his comments and some may even give him a playful verbal spanking but the newbies may not cope so well and crumple into dust.

    I would like to elicit comments from members on this issue. I believe the current Sheriff has a laissez-faire and too soft(hard to rein a drinking buddy) an attitude to Tim’s indiscretions as evident by the Golden Building episode and MTv 1’s riposte to Tim’s remarks about her butt. In an argument there are always 2 sides to a coin but with proper investigation the truth will prevail and I was not even guilty of making that quarrel remark. I wonder what would have happened to SHC ‘s reputation if a fight had actually broke out at that government building. We have history to learn from to avoid such potential turmoil and disaster for the club’s reputation in future. Surely a yellow card is in order. I myself have broken club rules more than once and have be forgiven by Terence but I sincerely believe I can contibute in person and in the forum through my early life experiences to the growth of SHC as a Club you could feel at home with warm friends I have met since my introduction by Danz .

    On the point of an apology given unreservedly than it should have been given to me and the khakis at the mahjong table namely Florine Teo, Johnson Tan and Roger Lim and the organisers(knowing Tim I can guess you have already apologised to them much earlier) at the Golden Building. Anyway I rate your apology as a C when it could have been an A if done unreservedly but half a loaf is better than none. I hope Tim that you will take my comments as well meaning although higly critical.

    I hope I do not get shot and sacked by the Sheriff for this piece on his dear friend so that forum is duly moderated with no deterioration on personal aggrieved agendas or Cat Fights(verbal but between women) or a free for all with no hold barred sniper bullets whizzing around . MEOW for now until the next post or when we meet again

  27. Sorry spelling mistakes on “admonish ” “crtique’ , “no holds barred” and “aggressive”(in the original post)

  28. Hi Patrick Khoo, you have summed up all. Fast and on going
    like the horses heading to the finishing line. A accomplished commentator of sort.

    Thank you for your kind words. Personally, I always believe in looking at the othe side of midnight. Hence, I am never aroused by the sinister goings in the dark force. I love the pure light of the everyday without the overcast sky.

    Three things in life if we can forgo we will be able to conquer ourself.

  29. Contd:

    Nothing more , nothing less. We are our own master of destiny. The mind’s perspective is the awareness of self
    in harmony with the elements of occurences.

    We must be true to our being and live to our dictum of understanding our fellow homo sapiens. thank You


  30. Phew! for a newbie, this is too much politics, egoism and immaturity. It’s like tabloid fodder.
    I was in Padang recently and boy-o-boy! certain females have a lot of growing up to do……..

  31. Patrick Khoo,

    Nice of you to see the Dr Jekyll in me altho calling me Mr Hyde takes it all back.

    Yes, the police took a statement from me and was about to go up to where you live when I decided that it’s all over. You did not throw any punch, only soup at me from a distance and all because I used expletives on someeone dear to you and who was not any party to my rage. Did I act right in the first place?

    The police asked me to think through and let them know later. I did but my mind was made. And if you wonder why I have changed, the answer is simple.

    I am influnced by someone I love. And I cant see many more days in my life to do my unfinished tasks. While I still enjoy exchanging barbs on the net, my hoodlum days are long gone and if at all, they only bring back sad memories.

    You’re not a bad fella, just long-winded and pushy.

    Since you’re back on yr racing statistics, I’ll now stake the same challeenge to you. I have alwayss doubted your abilitty there. Do come back to us at the end of this racingg year, not on the strike percentage again, but on how much you actually made from yr tips and investments. That will speak all.


  32. Hey Geraldine,

    You are most welcome. If your friends are winos like mine, they have to abstain from that for a while too. Forgot about the wine until all this drama reminded me of the drinking.

    Hey Boys,

    Could you please leave out the poor, innocent animals in your quarrel. And associating them with unwarranted violent behaviour some more…Tch! Tch! Tch! They may be way down the food chain but in temperament, they are a notch up.

    Huh? Tim and the Sheriff are good buddies ah?

    (((Who let the dogs out – woof, woof, woof, woof!)))


    As you wait in anticipation on how all this will end…will everyone get past all that has been said or will there be more of “see – you got not fren, I got plenty…and I have a good chest…” and more references made of the animal farm and the zoo perhaps?

    Can everyone release their pent up angst in another way next time like bar-top dancing since that has become legal -so as to achieve, happiness, prosperity (won’t kena fined by avoiding future fist fights) and progress for the club.

    Can a less angstful thread get started and wipe this one out and cease the drama? If so, who will be The One to do this…???!!!???

    (((As The World Turns)))


  33. A thousand apologies to you Patrick Lee for mixing you up with Ronald Lee.This bumbling oaf got the two of you mixed up. Are you the same gentleman who plays badminton with Danz and people like K.K? Did we last meet a Ronald Wie’s bungalow at SAFRA Tanah Merah? You make an outstanding moderator and like Maddie aka MTv 1 have a flair with succinct use of the English Language. Both of you are also sane(as opposed to mad…forgive me maddie…couldn’t resist the pun), level headed, objective observations backed by sound arguments. If I ever go to trial in cowboy forum and the Sheriff wants to hang me you can be in the jury anytime…I know I will get a fair trial. Maddie…I do look forward to meeting your hubby as well…he looks like a gentle, swell,sporting,compansionate with a wonderful sense of humour. I believe he is also not fastidious or prissy. Let me know if my Crystal ball is right although I have not met both of you. Patrick Lee…can you rate my apology….hope I get a B at least…Ha ha ha!

  34. Thank you Patrick Khoo. My whole life I have been receiving brickbats more than accolades. You are a rare few who from your heart’s word -with great sincerity. Nothing can beat pretensions. You are a true guy of right and wrong.

    The ‘High Noon’ sheriff (with Gary Cooper) the leading actor. You do not mince words. Love your frankness. Not many people in this world hold a dignified poise of truth and honesty.

    A great man is one who knows his strength and weakness.
    My favorite statement: “No man is great who cannot conquer himself”. A sincere apology is the sincerest form of flattery and it holds strong in moral courage to do so.
    Not many are able to though.

    I am in no position to rate anybody. You are true to yourself and that is what matters. Well, you have given yourself a ‘B’. Well done!

    Let us all be happy and stay connected. Thank you

    LeePatrick the Don 1 (according to Lily)

  35. Ref post #33 Tim Liu

    Responding to your comment “Did I act right in the 1st place?”. How do you account for your actions in the 1st place. Firstly I did not lift a finger or say any word to offend you in the 1st place. Secondly does the comment ” Quarrel” made by one person at my MJ table warrant your outburst and threatening behaviour to challenge people(directed at me primarily because you thought it was me who uttered the word). A fair comment like the word Quarrel has been pounced upon by you to create a scene. Do you have a different version of the events that took place to justify your actions. What have I done to offend you? I merely stood up to defend the people at my table as they were my guests and did not want you to bully them for an innocuous fair comment.

    You have always been biased at anything I do be it EPL Soccer or horse racing. Just because you could not cut it in those fields. For example You tarok (shoot at me) when my horse tips fail(which is fair enough) but when they do well you are strangely silent and muted. Remeber the early days in the forum when you tipped Ace Armada who ran last in the Derby? In his next run I tipped him in the forum and he won at good odds….not a word of compliment from you. Remember the Chelsea vs Man Utd where I tipped a draw and your daughter tipped a Chelsea win . One swallow does not make a summer and there are losses as well.

    To be joint leader among all the media tipsters is no mean fit and I have been consistent throughout the season.I also hold the current record (jointly with Michael Maxworthy)of 9 winners in a day from 12 races. I have also tipped the equivalent of the golf hole in one by tipping the 1st 4 horses in a quartet in the exact order for a return of approximately $500. ie you could spend $2 on a ticket and get this amount. In my emails I have also recommended the winner as banker in tandem with 6 other horses for a jackpot return of $25,000 plus(i did not play as the investmnet requires was $240). I once recommended a play of $48 on a quartet to get a quartet of $1392(I got the tierce on that day).These results can be verified with RW and KTW as I make these claims which are unchallenged so far when I send copies to STC officials and the Press. All these statistics will run off like water on a duck’s bag and you will conveniently pooh pooh them even if proven.

    Even If I show you a winning 4 figure ticket every month(assuming I lose on all other days) it will not satisfy you. The only way to convince you is that I get a job in racing as a consultant/pundit/editor/journalist or appear on TV with my own racing programme that it will convince you that my endeavours have been paid off.

    Personally I am not having the Spring Season yet but I managed to survive so far and take care of the bills with only a part time job(not all the time)because of racing. I still get invited to the Owners stand every week with lunch and all expenses taken care off plus any extras. I must be doing something right or the invitation will be cancelled!

    I know you have been bitten in racing and EPL soccer betting…just because you can’t make a success of it does not mean others can’t. We have proven before in the forum on horse racing that you can’t tip well before the race starts but I have done so previously. I have been taught by the best GURU in the business by now retired Racing Guide Editor Mr Benny Ortega who is my Mentor. My top of the table showing is good enough to impress others but not the cynic in you who chooses to view life through his insular myopic glasses….I rest my case.

    OPEN and ROOKIE category…watch out for main post later tonight

  36. PatrickK and TimL,

    Both of you are engaged in a public quarrel; and your comments on this forum go against the club’s objective. I guess you are not happy with the other fellow SHC member. If for any reason, SHC is not for you, please let me know. I only hope you will enjoy the company and friendship of fellow SHCians for many years to come.

    Please say what you want to say, and tone down your rhetorics. If you really need to take your case further, do it outside the club. And, if you find you cannot access the club’s forum, it means your membership has been terminated.

    Terence Seah

  37. Hey Patrick Khoo,

    As Heidi Klum would say, “One minute you are in, and the next you are out!” – well, hope you remain in so that you can perhaps meet my hubby some day.

    When you were scrying on your crystal ball, did you have your spectacles on? The only thing you got right about my hubby was “sporting” as he is very spontaneous when put to the test of possibly winning a prize or that he cycles cross-country. Gentle…not quite and he likes to touch everything he sees like a kid. He drives me nuts when we enter a crystal or antique shop.

    Compassionate – ok lah you got one more right as he constantly gives money to beggars in foreign lands who may then follow us around (yikes!) but if you cut into his lane when he is driving or I get touchy-feely with my gay friends (gay what!), he will stomp and curse like no other sailor will in town and abroad. I have to take out my whip and chair to calm him down.

    As for not being fastidious – he has to live with the line “You shall eat what I cook!!!” and lastly though not prissy in the conventional sense, he has inherited his mom’s love for shopping. The man can really shop especially collectible toys, Batman watches, movie posters and lap-top bags. I only enjoy shopping the most with other people’s money when I am styling for a commercial, a play or photo-shoot. It will be no holds bar – here I come!

    On the subject of his collectibles (all limited editions), if any of you folks are into that, please sound me out so that I can persuade that Garung Guni hubby of mine to lelong some of his stuff before I hit freak-out point with all that clutter at home.

    I am only writing this in place of an otherwise kosong profile that he is too lazy to provide like quite a few of the male members here I see.

    (((Peace n joy)))

  38. Hi Terence,

    Why are all pictures right on top of men only? Why no char bor picture especially when this club is supposedly female dominant in terms of numbers? Why…all the women shy ah?


  39. Patrick Khoo,

    Out of the blue you came back and resurrected the ‘dead’! The YK and RL saga has just ended and you choose to dig up the past and you think that we have not enough of colourful rhetorics flying in this website.

    Both of you have said your case and I believe that apologies that are express are accepted and this will put an end to any more bickerings!

    Those of us who ‘listen’ in to this quarrel cannot felt but be indignant and wish that prudent should prevail over grievances! Patrick, I have known you for the last 20 years and I know that you are harmless but you have spoken too much and it reflected very badly on your credibility!

    TL to our surprise has carry himself very well and has mellowed from what we all know him to be. Someone, please tell me is there a thing like a woman’s love and acceptance that can change us and give us hope for a new lease of life?

    Move on from here and seek blessing from all those who felt a distaste from your verbosity!


  40. Hi Dan,

    ‘Someone, please tell me is there a thing like a woman’s love and acceptance that can change us and give us hope for a new lease of life?’ Absolutely. Not just a woman’s love; a man’s love also changes and gives a woman hope. It works both ways.

    Hope to go to the restaurant you mentioned at our dinner on my next trip.

    Take care,

  41. All is forgiven(hopefully I am too by Terence).

    Me (singlish with red indian accent)smoke peace pipe…all quiet on the eastern front…hope to meet MTv 2 soon if Tim has no objections!!?

    Let’s play some Mahjong soon on 31 October at SAFRA Mount Faber …10.00am to 6.00pm

  42. Hi Tim and Patrick K,


    Patrick, smoking peace pipe is NICE, keep smoking……..
    Used to play cantonese mahjong here in HK but have not played for a long time. Wonder what kind of mj do you play – Taiwanese, Shanghainese, HK Cantonese or Singaporean? Have loads and loads on Oct 31.

  43. Ahem, I meant have loads and loads OF FUN on Oct 31. Too happy that we have moved on, forward……..

  44. Terence #39

    Thank you Terence for the last said. As a founder you have to step in before the situation becomes uncontrollable. And I believe outsiders should smoke cigar.

    PatrickK, since TimL had apologised, I am sorry you should not rub salt into old wounds. If you think I can make a good jury please hear my advice and let it rest.

    As for credibility, I am worth 10 cents more than nothing .
    Thank you Dan Huang for your kind suggestion. Do leave sleeping tiger alone.

  45. What I do NOT understand was WHY this post of Patrick Khoo’s observation was approved in the first case followed by so many “EXPLOSIVE” comments.

    This is a private “quarrel” affair between Tim and Patrick Khoo and by right it I think this post should be DELETED straightaway after moderation instead of further “encouraging” ALL members and the public to know of this UGLY incident.

    Hope in future, this SHC website forum is used as a platform to get to know more friends and enjoy their company and friendship for many years to come but NOT as a “battle ground” to voice out one’s feelings of deep frustration and hatred in our job/family or against any member of our club.

    It was V.GOOD that finally “Sheriff” Terence steps straight in and fired warning shots to make his stand. :)

  46. Hey Steven,

    You are back!! Do share with us your time with the camels etc.

    I beg to differ about deleting this post or other posts for that matter just because it is personal. Yes, it got totally out of hand at the end and when Terence finally stepped in (giving lots and lots of time for the parties involved to settle), that was finesse on his part to close the matter and what I call delivering his ‘ultimatum’ with class (every right to do so as the founder).

    If he had deleted it after moderation, I think it would be a shame – it’s like saying ‘Here in SHC, all is beautiful, yada, yada……..’ ‘allo, people, welcome to the real world.

    When it got to that stage, he SPOKE and either you are in or out – totally a personal choice. He has been very lenient, so it should be because, I, for one, cannot stand high-handed treatment, whatever, as it is a free country and everyone has a right to voice. It’s a matter of common sense after venting that we make peace and move on.

  47. Steven chan

    Hellooo Mr Giraffe you are back from the desert and did you bring back a camel with you.

    You should look through your Tech Garden post and than sum up everything instead.

    You know what is a dead duck? Two weeks away and you are a dead duck already. The tsunami wretched havoc and you were enjoying the camel’s embrace and the warm milk. Any baby camel on the way. A cross between a giraffe and a camel.
    Named Giramel. A cross bred. Hahahahahaaaa!

  48. Hey Patrick,

    Kekekekeee. It’s been a long time since you made me laughed out loud and still giggling ‘Any baby camel on the way. A cross between a giraffe and a camel.
    Named Giramel. A cross bred. Hahahahahaaaa!’ Very funny, overnight lum peh peh.

  49. #51

    I concur, Geraldine. At our wisdom age, everyone will lock horns sometimes. When each had said their piece,with compromise and apologies if any; any gigantic matters should come to a conclusion and then make peace.

    Making friends are better off than enemies.

    Freedom of speech must also has its limitations. Over indulgence is a vice.

    Nonetheless, knowing when to pull on the brakes is important. Rather than Terence has to step in and silenced
    the protagonists. Sad, but it always happens on SHC posts.

    When will we grown up into our second childhood? Let us not complicate ourselves like a giraffe and a camel. Tsk, tsk tsk.

  50. Hi Geraldine Ting,

    ……I beg to differ about deleting this post or other posts for that matter just because it is personal. Yes, it got totally out of hand at the end and when Terence finally stepped in …

    Well to voice out in our public SHC forum is like washing the dirty linen.

    Why NOT thru private emails cc to those concern eg Tim Liu, Patrick,Terence, Admin,other peacemakers etc. to spare some time in a cafe to do their best to solve the problem “quarrel” amicably .

    I personally think it is a better alternative for FUTURE “quarrels” but you may beg to differ.

    IN fact, some of my friends whom I would like to “recruit” them to join our SHC family were SHOCKED to read about the “QUARREL” among members and refrain from joining SHC.

    Is this our objective????? :(
    Your comments please.

  51. Hi all,

    I too had a long “quarrel” with Patrick Khoo when I was the EO of the Vietnam Tour with SHC grp in 2007 as we disagree upon certain terms and conditions of the tour itinerary and tour fare.

    However, we had let matters rest and even shook hands after our tour at the Raffles Place MRT stn.

    From such an unpleasant experience ,I hesitate to organise further tours for SHC for the time being but may do so in future esp. to Spain n Portugal, South Africa, Brazil, Japan etc. with a small group of SHCians in my future plans. :)

  52. Ref to # 56,

    Within 2 weeks of constant HARASSment comments from Patrick over this SHC forum over his decision to “hard sell” his tour package to us. :-

    It got so BAD to the point that my tour agent complained to his manager and he decided to made an official complaint to Patrick Khoo’s tour agency manager that Patrick is trying to run down their company’s reputation despite my pleas to COOL and STOP him from doing so as NOT to make matters worse as we were looking forward to enjoying our tour to Ho Chih Ming City.

    He went ahead anyway.

  53. Hi all,

    I hope in future, new members join SHC sole objective is for making friends and NOT to try to persuade SHC members to purchase their insurance,land property,tour packages etc…

    Anything they ORGANISE as EOs is through their PASSION to give their BEST,in the INTEREST of SHCians at HEART and NOT for profit making or otherwise. :)

  54. Hi Steven Chan,

    It seems you are another person who cannot forgive and forget, why are you still raking up the past. The episode is over and done with. Why keep hitting a person when he is already chastised?

    If you have the passion to organise any more trips, do it and don’t dictate to SHC how it should run!


  55. #59

    No one understands StevenC better than me. He just came back from Silk Road, but his journey was not smooth as silk.
    He met a rough camel in the desert and the rest is history
    That is why ‘Giramel’ is on the way. Did not get a good shot in a desert setting. Hahahaaaaa!

    Never open old wounds. Can be very contagious.

  56. Shirley #32

    Hi Shirley! I’m a newbie too. However, I am not perturbed by this fracas as human dynamics are expected in any group. In fact, dissention amongst family members and good friends happen all the time, let alone in a club like SHC.

    I hope to meet you soon.


  57. Hi Shirley Yuen at #32.

    Do you need any shoulder to cry on. Don Juan is always around. Or you can email me to share experience. You got my card right. Thank you.

    LeePat the Don 1

  58. I rarely read the SHC forum nowadays, but this one intrigues me enough to post my comments in simple language below:





























    In essence, we the senior citizens should take life as it is and learn to give and take, live and let live. Why so much quarrel when you are already two feet underground before it reaches six? When I received those adverse comments on my forum not meant for those crying out fouls, I chose not to reduce to their lowest level of indignity and remained silent to keep peace. I stay healthier and much happier that way. Perhaps we should emulate Don Juan and stay cheerful too.

    Er….for those Chinese SHCians who don’t understand simple Chinese as above, i.e. you OCBC, it’s time to brush up your primary language.

    Cheers to all!

  59. My dear Chin Boon,

    M I A for so long and pen an inspirational chinese four letter words. Not the English four letter word. Well done!

    Are you referring to me (to emulate Don Juan). Aiyoh! how can I be happy. I have nothing to my name. I do not own a car, I no more living in a condo, given up my corporate country club member when I left the MNC years ago. I am left with a nagging wife of 34 years. I changed ear-pluck
    very often. Because the decibels become louder and louder Hahahaaa!

    Stop golf too. Too old to carry the bags without a transport. Cannot even work as a caddy. Do not have the strength to carry a full bag of clubs.

    Life now is sentient. Ability to let go the impermanence of life is a step to inner solace and happiness.
    Materialism and ostentation of life is transient.

    Let us live a true life of balanced simplicity and debtless.
    A happy life.

    LeePat (Don Juan)

  60. Hi Steven,

    On one hand, you feel strongly that we should not be airing our dirty linen, should keep it private between/among parties involved, make it a point to talk face to face, so on and so forth. Next thing we know, you started to air out the ‘quarrel’ you had had with Patrick K. See the contradiction?

  61. #63 Chin Boon

    During his heyday CB was SHC’s ladies man. Most functions he is the first one to be invited. And alas! he left a trail of beauties shadowing him till his M.I.A. The Romeo is back now.

    Don Juan can never compare to such popularity. Thank you, I will be taking the back seat. CB’s resurrection into his rightful position again. Tsk, tsk tsk.

    Women! Oh! Oh! Oh! women, have you got cheating on your mind, mind, mind. — An appropriate song delegation to Romeo Chin Boon. Hahahahaaaaa!

  62. Wow…..seems like global warming in the guys sector ! Guys guys guys – you need to cool down leh..I remember something about guys being hot-blooded but this is like volcanoes erupting everywhere ! Whew, I am starting to feel very hot (must be the hot flushes..hehe)

    Geraldine, maybe u need to send Typhoon 8 to pay a visit here to blow away all the HOT AIR !!

    I am glad the gals are keeping their cool !!

    Stay cool GUYS !!

  63. Hi Patrick Lee,

    Yes, I agree there are many Patricks in SHC BUT if you were to scroll carefully upwards, the comment is well-explained at #56 and is NOT intended for you when I mention just the word Patrick in 57.

    Pls. do NOT feel offended.

    Next time, DON’T always look down at the ladies till your eyes gets SORE maybe SWOLLEN . Ha! ha! :)

    Learn to look upwards as well.

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