National Day Walk – Saturday, 10 Aug 2024

EO – Cheryl Tiong
Credit: Roy Low

Today, we embarked on a scenic walk from Marymount MRT to MacRitchie via the Lornie Trail, Chemperai, and Jering Boardwalks, ending in a delightful dinner at Thomson Plaza.

We covered an impressive 6.8 km and 10,064 steps, making for a wonderful and active celebration.

Marymount MRT to MacRitchie

Thanks, Walking Team members

Cheryl Tiong


Author: Cheryl Tiong

Cheryl Tiong has been an SHC member since Mar 2020 and enjoys most zoom programmes ever since then. She has met new friends and learned much from them and through the enriching zoom programmes hosted by the respective EOs. Together with Vincent Hee, they are both EOs of the 9 pm Mondays and Tuesdays Karaoke sessions. These sessions are for anyone who loves to listen to songs, regardless of whether they enjoy singing.

One thought on “National Day Walk – Saturday, 10 Aug 2024”

  1. Special thanks to Cheryl for expertly organizing this outing as our Event Organizer (EO)!
    Not forgetting Roy, who enthusiastically showcase his lovely photography!

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