tGiF!!! hve a roaring good weekend folks

There’s this Jaga Singh who was working for a multi-millionare as a
night guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch
an early morning flight to conclude a business deal, Jaga Singh ran
out from the guard house and stopped the millionaire’s car just right
in front of the gate.

He said ‘Sir..Sir.. are you going to board a plane?’ ‘Yes, why?’
asked the millionaire. ‘You had better cancel the trip. You see, last
night I dreamt about the plane going to crash.’

Curious over the early morning fright that Jaga Singh had given, the
multimillionaire decided to cancel his trip. ‘You better be damn right
for this is a million dollar deal.’

The following day, there were news reports that the plane which the
millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crash landed. ! ‘Thank God
I cancelled the trip,.’ the rich man said. Realising that what Jaga Singh
had said had come true, he called the Singh to see him.

When the guard was called that morning, the millionaire gave him his
salary and FIRED him.


17 thoughts on “tGiF!!! hve a roaring good weekend folks”

  1. I think Ivan gave a good answer. I’ll therefore do what I do best……cut & paste and offer my answer.

    Singh : “……..the plane going to crash.”

    M’aire : “…….You better be damn right”

    News : “………plane crash landed”.

    “crashed” does not equal “crash landed” – in the latter, “no casualty” is not unheard of – so Singh wasnt “damn right” with his prediction.

  2. Ya lah, this one very easy.

    Hi..anyone out there… anymore of the brush or coffin riddle?..:-)…those types really split your brains.:-)

    Btw, Ivan’s reply was really good man!!! Anymore Ivans out there?..:-)

  3. Here’s 2 brain teasers to keep
    your brain cells active :)

    1) At a bus depot, 3 passengers board the bus and sit down.
    After 1st stop, 1 person leaves the bus while 10 more
    ppl come on board. Two stops later, 5 ppl leaves the bus.
    And then on the next stop, 50 more ppl board and sit
    down. After 8 stops, 3 more come on board while one
    leaves. How many ppl are there on the bus ?

    2) Inside a car there was a dead man who was shot in the
    head by another person.
    The car had its windows rolled up tight, the doors were
    locked, the car was not running and there’s no bullet
    holes anywhere on the car.
    How did the suspect kill this man?

    Enjoy your weekend cracking your head!

  4. 1)..60 pax?
    2)same answer as Andrew…
    he and she on way home, and she asked how’s his divorce coming along and he said, he finds it so hard to give up his dearest wife… so in a fit of anger, she snatched his gun from his holster..btw he’s a CID detective on duty…and shot him in the head.

  5. Hi Constance,

    I would like to try on both questions…

    My answer to Q1: 60 ppl on the bus, including the driver.
    As regards to Q2: A man shot dead on the head found within a bullet-proof car…this isn’t an ordinary car, could it be a Convertible,otherwise, how can the suspect reach him!

    Look forward to meeting you at our monthly gathering soon.


  6. Hey Constance

    How come 50 people (!!!) board at this bus stop. Where is this bus stop? Where did they come from? Where are they going to? I sure like to know. Also, does this bus have a bus conductor? No mention of year and country. So how to solve teaser with incomplete info ah.

    As for the killer question, ya lah, like what Andrew said, the suspect is the other person in the car. Beats me why he is still in the car though.


  7. Hello Everyone,

    Answer to #1 is 60 ppl.
    Applause to June & Susan for the
    correct answer.
    Maureen, u forget to add the driver.
    To Joy’s inquiries -(which I found very humurous)
    “How come 50 people (!!!) board at this bus stop. Where is this bus stop? Where did they come from? Where are they going to?” -These ppl are AIA policy holders,going to AIA Towers enquiring about their policies. :)

    Answer to #2
    Again applause to Susan for the correct answer.
    Yes, the man is in a convertible and the top was down.
    I have a good laugh to June’s story telling and offer my version:
    The dead man was followed to the car by “Ah Long” mafia.
    His car is custom made with bullet-proof and damage resistance features.
    Once inside, he pressed all the safety buttons to protect himself. But in his panicky state, he accidentally, also press to have the top down. Alas, what irony & tragedy. :)

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