SHC June monthly gathering 29 Jun 2019

Hi everybody,

The date for the SHC June 2019 monthly has been decided. I am unable to attend the event in June as my schedules do not permit.

However, if any member wishes to host the June monthly gathering, the Club will help you to inform the members.

Details are:

1. Venue: Pasir Ris Central Hawker Centre, 5 mins walk from Pasir Ris MRT.

2. Date/time: 29 Jun 2019
2pm to 5pm.

3. Cost: free and easy. Buy your own drinks and food

4. Attendance: flexible

We can now confirm the EO Lillian Chua and co-EO Dolly Lim.

Lillian Chua EO


Since the gathering venue is non aircon, I had arranged with the Kopi/Teh (& soft drink) Stall #01-12 at level 1, just beside our siting place, to provide beverage as a treat from my hubby, David Ong. ALCOHOLIC DRINK IS NOT INCLUSIVE.

Just order and tell them under David Ong account will do.

1 Dolly Lim

2 Lillian Chua

3 David Ong

4 Susan CH Tan

5 Annie Seah

6 Lee Ah Nee

7 Richard Wong

8 Susan Tan

9 Pat Oei

10 Linda Chua

11 Lydia Poh

12 Michelle Sim

13 Judy Chia

14 Maria Tan

15 Pauline Khoo

16 Jan Teo

17 Doreen Ho

18 Caroline Gee

19 Tony Ang

20 Andrew Lim

21 Agnes Lim

22 Lydia Chin

23 Vincent Hee

24 Sally Tan

25 Catherine Yeo

26 Thomas Loh

27 Cheng Whye Kee

28 Yap Sew King

29 Ong Chew Teck

30 Theresa Seow

31 Irene Poh

32 Yoong Ching

33 Christina Teo

34 Sherry Wong

35 Hou Chong

36 Lina Ng

37 Gingko Tay

38 Malyne Suen (Catherine Soon)

39 Grace Kang

40 Francis Rajaratnan

41 Frisna Tan

42 Mary Chan

43 Jimmy Yeong Cheng Tsin 

44 Ronald Lam

45 Mega Sundram 

46 Lillian Teo

47 Daisy Yeo

48 Clara Chay

49 Daniel Chan

50 Helen Wong

51 T K Wong

52 Brian Ong

53 Helen Lee

54 Bobby Bok

55 Pow P K


















    Author: Terence Seah


    63 thoughts on “SHC June monthly gathering 29 Jun 2019”

    1. Dear All,
      Thank you for the support given during this monthly gathering – but I am not really a good Co-EO as I was busy with catch-up with old friends and chatting more with those KY tour members instead at the later part of the gathering. I know la.. anti-social lor… Nevertheless, thanks for the understanding given too.

      In my opinion, Lilian is a great and super as a duty of EO… hip hip hurray…another potential EOs listed for SHC events… Others like SusanCH and ANee also had given great support faithfully staying by their side to mark attendances and issuing out the free drink coupons. Thanks to the kind generosity of David Ong too… Also not forgetting others like Lydia Poh, Pat Oei, Richard Wong for photo taking too.. Getting old, so if I had unintentionally left out some VIP names, do forgive ya…

      Though we had a handful of members came in not registered but I supposed that this could be due to the technical issues for this monthly gathering post thus not able to do so earlier. Bottomline, we had a great turnout and bonding.

      Till the next gathering… Cheers… Dolly

    2. CONGRATULATIONS Lilian & Dolly! Both of you are darlings to people who have met you and know you well. And all the lucky ones who got to attend this gathering.
      Have a great week ahead!

    3. Dear Lilian,

      FunSeekers As ONE , as usual . And we were there for you !

      To you, a memorable 1st experience as an EO & To us, we felt proud of your well planned to perfection efforts put into your role with A* result, BRAVO ! !

      We thanked & appreciated David for your genorsity for buying all whom were pesent our beverages ya.

      3 Cheers …..

      1. My dear livewire Lydia.
        Thanks for helping me in bringing full of sparkle to this June SHC gathering.

        The video with vegetable distribution clearly show the cheer you had created to the surrounding atmosphere. Even the hawkers were amused by our SHC activities.

        It is also the effort of Thomas Loh who sponsor the vegetables and the camera man Patrick Ooi, Richard Wong, Daniel Chan and also yourself, Lydia Poh.

        The success in this June gathering also come from Susan CH Tan, Lee Ah Nee and Dolly Lim helping in various administration works.

        Finally a big thank you to the overall success also goes to those SHC members that turn up to support this June gathering in making this event meaningful.

    4. Hi Lilian dear

      You’re an awesome friend.
      and a gift to those around you.
      I like your style.
      I’m grateful to see you light up the monthly gathering.
      You deserve a hug right now from me when I m back.from oversea.
      On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11 .
      Looking forward for your next gathering buddy.

      Cheers !


    5. Hi LillianC,

      Well done for taking the initiative to bring everybody together, to this Jun monthly gathering. And to David for the great gesture to keep the weather cool.

      From the comments, I read many members, guys and gals, have come together to make this event fun and meaningful.

      Members are always free to organise the monthly gathering. Feel free to speak with any of the senior SHC members. At least once in the duration of your membership with SilverHairsClub.

      Tq LillianC and team.

      Terence Seah

      1. Members don’t be shy or afraid you cannot pull through. SHC has a culture of gotong royong, you know. Just shout out and you will not be short of help. More so on the day of the meeting itself – plenty of volunteers around.

        When I first organised the CNY Lohei as an individual, I did not know anybody but then one by one came out to offer their help. That’s the first time I got to know Daniel Chan, Christina Chan and Peri, the 3 pillars of support who gave their all which made the event a great success. We have been very good friends since then, through thick and thin.

        1. Dear Susan

          You are always there for people who need your help. And I am sure there are many who would help you when you need them. And we know you put in your heart and soul in everything you do so we are very lucky to have you around us.
          Till we meet the next time, stay healthy and happy!

      2. Hi Terence Seah,
        Thanks for your encouragement & giving me an opportunity to learn & gain the experience in this June SHC mthly gathering.

    6. Looking at the overwhelming turnout at Pasir Ris Hawker Centre yesterday, it was indeed a great success for Lilian as an EO and Susan CH Tan as an co EO. If not for the hiccup occurred during these few days, surely the crowd will keep coming, the number of attendees will hit record high. Lilian and Susan, what an experience, thank you for your efforts, a job well done!

      3 cheers to everyone who make this fun and enjoyable gathering possible.. making new friends and meeting the old members.

      Ah Nee

    7. Hi Lillian,
      Congrats for a great success and enjoyable gathering today. It”s your first time organising this meeting with your husband David’s great support and your graciousness, and with veteran co-EO Dolly to boost your confidence, everybody was happy mingling around, happy to see some old friends whom we have not met for a while. It”s good to re-connect, thanks for creating this opportunity.

      See you and everybody at next event!

      1. My heartfelt thanks to Susan CH Tan, Dolly Lim, Richard Wong, Lydia Poh,Patrick Oei,Yoong Chin,Lee Ah Nee for contributing their efforts in various roles to make this successful SHC mthly meeting .My special thanks to Susan CH Tan for supporting me right from the start of organising this event . With her helpfulness & guidance gives me a lot of confidence. A BIG THANK YOU to all shc members who had supported this mthly gathering & an opportunity to get know each other better. Finally,Thanks to Founder Terence Seah
        Who encourage & gives me an opportunity to learn & gain experience in this event.

    8. THANK YOU, Lilian and Dolly, for a wonderful get-together. The brief drizzle was a welcome relief to an otherwise scorching afternoon. The place is spacious. We were able to mingle and snap pictures freely.
      Last but not least, thank you David for the Kopi O.


    9. Hi Terence
      I have just managed to get into this post now after the meeting. Could not enter this post before the event.


      1. Hi Gabrielle Chua. Is unfortunate that this technical glitch happen beyond anyone control. I do received a handful of such feedback too. I understand that it had been restored. Hope to see you in the next event.

    10. Hi Lillian,
      Malyne Suen will be attending this meeting. Kindly register her as she will unable to get access to this post.

      Cheers… Dolly

      1. Thanks my dearie Dolly. Looks like the system is restored to normal. Any updating or deleting should now be able to post it here again. See you then. Have an enjoyable weekend.

      2. Hi Dolly, For the benefit of those who are locked out of the Post, I’ll share the tip you gave us, how to unlock the access ie, just do a Login with your userid and password and Hey Presto! it’s back to normal once again!

        1. Hi Lillian, Dolly,

          Some members have reported viewing errors on this monthly gathering post. I have SusanCH Tan to look into this error. Plse wait while we try to resolve this error.

          Terence Seah

    11. Hi Terence,
      Since Lillian is the EO for this gathering, perhaps, you can give her the editing rights so that she can key in the names in the registration list. Any issue on this?

      Regards.. Dolly

    12. After going through the pros n cons feedback, I decided to go down to have a 2nd study of the place.

      The main drawback is no aircon which I am fully aware. I decided to go for a change from the past Aircon foodcourt to non Aircon hawker centre. They are not the same as those popular old traditional hawker centre like Maxwell Rd, Old Airport Rd, Whampoa, Alexandra, Tiong Bahru food centre, etc…, but a hawker centre with new concept located in resorts like retreat ambience, but with no hotels, golf, etc, around…. instead surrounded by neighbourhood HDB flat.

      The hawker centre is semi-circled and is facing directly the Pasir Ris Town Park of about more then 30 times of Football field. In the center of the park is a very huge fishing pond of about 6 to 8 times of football field, with a main fishing pond and is partitioned by many smaller ponds for other type of fishing activities.

      The hawker table and chair seat is widely spread with high ceiling and attached with gigantic fans of about 4 to 5 meters blades in diameter. The ceiling of the hawker roof is about 6 to 7 meters high with wide ventilation facing the Pasir Ris Town Park, with immediate children play ground, walking & jogging track and is surrounded by trees all over the park.

      You don’t feel the noise pollution and is occasionally quite breezy. Again it depend on the weather on the day of meeting itself.

      The hawker centre comprises of level 1 and level 2. Level 1 sell mostly traditional neighbourhood hawker foods at neighbourhood hawker price, Kopi O/ Teh O @ $.070. Kopi/Teh (with milk) @ $0.80. Other hawker foods started from $2.50 onwards.

      Level 2, food are of fine quality (mostly western, Korean, Thai , etc) priced a bit higher but is still within hawker pricing. The whole hawker are managed by NTUC FOODFARE.

      Of course the popular stalls often with long queue at times very well suggested by our SHC Kenneth Tan and Yoong Chin is Wild Olives plus others like reasonably patronised are Prawnaholic, SoulShiok, etc..

      Finally I would suggest we have our meeting on the ground floor just outside Tray Return counter with a lot of back rest chair seats, widely apart with beautiful panoramic view and airy whereby the foods and drinks are easily accessible and of reasonably quality and cheap.

      As for those who prefer better refined food can ordered from level 2 and bring down with few easily accessible lifts within reach.

      For those with NTUC Card or PIONEER Card, please bring it along. You will enjoy discount from certain stalls on the food you ordered.

      After meeting at 5pm, those health conscious SHC Members are encouraged to go for a healthy walking or jogging around the park which is big enough to burn your required calories.

      Level 3 & level 4 of the hawker centre is a reasonable size HDB carpark. Joining the hawker centre is the Pasir Ris Sport Hub for various sport activities. Diagonally opposites is a Pasir Ris Central MRT Station.

      Hope this meeting place is acceptable to our SHC members for a compromise of healthier and graceful choice of happy lifestyle with some exercise .

      Remember to wear casual and put on the right shoes for your exercise especially walking or jogging after meeting hor…

        1. After our SHC meeting ended at 5pm, there is a huge park right in front of you for early evening walk and other activities. So get ready…….

    13. Hi guys
      I’ve been to this food court a few times…and have some suggestions:
      The food court is on two levels and I suggest you go to the second level where there are more “atas” stalls…a bit pricier, but with many stalls run by young aspiring hawkers. I particularly recommend Wild Olives where you can get delectable chicken and pork grilled or Italian pasta sets with soup etc for less than $10.00! There’s burgers, Korean, Thai and more.
      The second level has a better layout and not subject to heat from the cooking…it’s more breezy, in fact, the surrounding view of the pond area is quite scenic.
      I’m sure the EOs have surveyed the food court and can agree to my points.
      A weekday early lunch or dinner is better to avoid the crowd on weekends.

    14. A SHC member who lives nearby commented that the place has no aircon and is very hot. Not sure if it is true.

      Regards to all
      Keng Ngee

    15. Finally, we have an EO for the Jun monthly gathering. EO is Lillian Chua and co-EO is Dolly Lim.

      Place: Pasir Ris Central market centre, 5 mins from Pasir Ris MRT. Lillian says this is a nice place, good view, and open-air.

      Plse register your coming, so that Lillian can put in your name as coming.

      Terence Seah

      1. Registration list for monthly June gathering on 29/6/19.
        TIME: 2-5 PM.

        Since the gathering venue is non aircon, I had arranged with the Kopi/Teh (& soft drink) Stall #01-12 at level 1, just beside our siting place, to provide beverage as a treat from my hubby, David Ong. ALCOHOLIC DRINK IS NOT INCLUSIVE.
        Just order and tell them under David Ong account will do.

        1 Dolly Lim
        2 Lillian Chua
        3 David Ong
        4 Susan CH Tan
        5 Annie Seah
        6 Lee Ah Nee
        7 Richard Wong
        8 Susan Tan
        9 Pat Oei
        10 Linda Chua
        11 Lydia Poh
        12 Michelle Sim
        13 Judy Chia
        14 Maria Tan
        15 Pauline Khoo
        16 Jan Teo
        17 Doreen Ho
        18 Caroline Gee
        19 Christina Teo
        20 Tony Ang
        21 Andrew Lim
        22 Agnes Lim
        23 Lydia Chin
        24 Vincent Hee
        25 Sally Tan
        26 Catherine Yeo
        27 Thomas Loh
        28 Cheng Whye Kee
        29 Yap Sew King
        30 Ong Chew Teck
        31 Theresa Seow
        32 Irene Poh
        33 Yoong Chin
        34 Sherry Wong
        35 Hou Chong
        36 Lina Ng
        37 Ginko Tay
        38 Malyne Suen(Catherine Soon)
        39 Grace Kang
        40 Francis Rajaratnan
        41 Frisna Tan
        42 Mary Chan
        43 Jimmy Yeong Cheng Tsin
        44 Ronald Lam
        45 Mega Sundram
        46 Lillian Teo
        47 Daisy Yeo
        48 Clara Chay
        49 Daniel Chan
        50 Helen Wong
        51 T K Wong
        52 Brian Ong
        53 Helen Lee
        54 Bobby Bok
        55 Pow P K

        1. Re:29/6/19 SHC Monthly Gathering.

          Since the gathering venue is non aircon, I had arranged with the Kopi/Teh (& soft drink) Stall #01-12 at level 1, just beside our siting place, to provide beverage as a treat from my hubby, David Ong. ALCOHOLIC DRINK IS NOT INCLUSIVE.
          Just order and tell them under David Ong account will do.

          1. Hi LillianC and DavidO, thank you very much for the wonderful offer to provide members with coffee/tea or soft drink at this month’s monthly gathering.

            On behalf of the club, TQ again.

            Terence Seah

    16. Tq to member’s recommendation. The June monthly gathering shall be held at Pasir Ris Central Hawker Centre, 5 mins walk from Pasir Ris MRT.

      The date and time have not been decided yet. As this venue is not located in central Singapore, the date will likely be a weekend on a pleasant morning or afternoon.

      Terence Seah

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