Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration on 30 September 2020 8.30pm on Zoom

Come and celebrate this joyous festival which symbolizes completeness, prosperity and family union. Bring your lanterns and mooncakes. Wave to the lovely lady on the moon. Join in the fun and be entertained by our activities and performance.

LIVE recording…

Author: Vincent HEE

SHC808 Reset pw 24jun2017.

6 thoughts on “Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration on 30 September 2020 8.30pm on Zoom”

  1. Appreciation Dinner by EO Vincent Hee on 25 November 2020

    An overdue photo shoot of the 4 musketeers of Mid-Autumn Festival Committee. A grateful and appreciative EO Ah Hee, whom we cordially address, never fail to praise us for our willingness especially our Teamwork in pulling our 1st Festival through…

    A tad too late for posting our happy dinner together… that is the result of a good partnership in whatever we do or share…

  2. Haha, thanks, Terence, for the video. M testing out to see if I can leave a comment too as Gabriella has just done. Thanks to Sally F who patiently guided us through the WordPress session.

    1. You are most welcome, Cheryl – and it’s pleasurable. Helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier, more productive, and meaningful.

  3. Hi Terence,
    We are still waiting till neck long long for this video to be up for viewing leh.. Hopefully, akan datang soon.

    I enjoyed myself very much for the event and sincerely hope that other members that joined in the celebration had the same sentiments as we did… Though there was some hiccups and abit of disorganised but we will take it as learning curve for further improvement. All other comments and pointers of improvement given to us during and after the event are much appreciated and hope that we can put into these for a better planning should Vincent organise another event soon… Another wait till neck long long… maybe..

    Cheers… Dolly

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