Travelling Tales II

An acquaintance Nickname = BM Tak Mo Yu, many of us were tricked into parting $ 50 to $ 100 for petrol pumped into his BMW. He is How Liang, miser to man but generous towards attractive women; flirtatious; Tua Pian, (many silly women fall for his scheme) Ex golfer – no longer play but pretend to have golf appointment here and there especially where there are women around. A knows all with corrupted mind and uncultured lingo, busy body who rumors. Scolding female as F*cking bitch. He had his day in 2006 July. He paid a heavy price referring Fatkor as pig. This incident happened as detail follow:

 2006 July 21 morning around 11.00 am, a phone call from a Singapore buddy

 Hello Tony, this is Francis, I am in Macau with 2 friends you know, BMW asked me to call to lodge with you for few days in Zuhai. We are at immigration crossing, how do we get to your place?

 What Francis? BMW always give problems. I am leaving for Guangzhou after lunch, you can lunch with me? Want to have fun in Dongguan over the weekend?

 OK,OK. BMW said your office is on the 20th floor Holiday Inn. We wait at the coffee house  OK?

 During lunch, my Shanghai colleague telephone- ‘Bro Ang, My boss and your boss last minute decide to fly in to Guangzhou ahead of Mondays conference, arriving 8.00 pm today. He asked me to get you to go Guangzhou today, Can I check you in the same hotel? He asked me too, but I am going with 4 friends and will stay at Landmark, don’t let them know I am in Guangzhou prior Monday’s Meeting. Can you pick us up at the airport at 3.00 pm?

 ‘Hi 38, I cover you but need a favor from you. Tell boss you cannot get me as I am on half day leave. I have my 3 Singapore Friends with me. I will get Fatkor to fetch your people. I cannot get to airport at 3.00 pm. Reserve rooms for me at landmark.

 After 2 hours drive, we arrived at landmark Hotel at 5.00pm. 38 had collected our room keys and waited at the coffee house. BMW stared at 38 like the “chu Pak Jie”.

She left in a hurry after handling 5 rooms’ key, telling us to signify personal particulars at the reception and informed us to 7.30pm dinner at the hotel’s restaurant where reservation was also arranged.  We thought the girls would be late and arrived at the dinner 10 minutes later to find the ladies were seated leaving a seat in between each. This is the Chinese style unlike in Singapore where all girls will sit close to each other. Four of them appeared to be in uniform dresses – bare back with a heart shaped opening front. One with Landmark hotel’s Jacket exposing nothing. When introduced, the ladies stood up to shake hands and we were shocked to eye the 36-24-36 postures. BMW quickly chop himself in between the two most sexy ladies. I was asked by 38 to sit in between the lady in Jacket and herself. BMW went to deposit payment for the dinner in order to “how lien” before dinner end. The two ladies were impressed and toasted with him. He pretended to be drunk ,took advantage by moving his flirtatious hands ,one right and the other left until the ladies took excuse to leave. 38 told me the lady in Jacket had arranged complimentary stay for me only. I later found out the lady in Jacket’s father is the major shareholder of Landmark Hotel. The dinner was a welcome dinner for her friends but our BMW …….

Fatkor was my company’s stockist and offer entertainment at KTV, I requested Fatkor not to bring any hostess back as we have to breakfast with the ladies. BMW was furious and curious that the hostesses were told not to accept his booking outside the KTV. That night BMW came knocking at my room with his pillow and blanket saying something wrong with his room and wanted to park with me but next moment he left.

BMW was late at breakfast. On seeing Francis and his friend were joking and laughing with the two ladies he offended at last dinner, he gave the “Tak boleh tahanlook.”

Fatkor asked BMW why he left his room without informing him. BMW replied that Fatkor slept worse than a Pig that draw laughter. He then questioned his 2 friends why they did not answer his door knocking and commented they must be having good time with the two ladies. His friends glared. He went on to ask the ladies how well his friends performed and received two slaps, one each from the ladies. He fell with his buck on the chair. The angry women left for an arranged outing without us. We were very annoyed and decided to teach BWM a lesson by leaving him in a woods nearby.

As Fatkor was driving, he received a call from his cousin to visit his Pig farms to see the weeks old piglets. At the Pig farm, BMW pointed to a Mother Pig milking the piglets and told Fatkor is better to sleep with the piglets as the mother pig was silent. This remarks made Fatkor boiled but control. He later asked me any objection if he is to fix BMW and I did not object. Farmhands have early dinner at 5.00 pm. During the meal, Fatkor toasted to MBW wishing him best luck to sleep with piglets. BMW knocked off after only one drink. The farmhands were asked not to spoil BMW’s suit, so they striped him. A used blanket cover BMW and left him to sleep with 3 black and 7 white piglets. We left for the farm’s nearest township Shijie for activities. While we were enjoying ourselves, a call required us to see BMW in hospital. A staff there jokingly told us the piglets mistook BMW’s discharge as milk and suck on it.

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