SHC Business Networking session 25 Oct 2014

Business network2     Business network1

Update:  The next Business networking meeting is now confirmed for Sat 25 Oct 2014, from 1400 – 1630 hrs at Hans Cafe, Upper Pickering Street

The October Business Networking session is scheduled during the 2nd half October. Date and Time are decided yet. But I am hoping to hear from you.  You are invited to participate.

If you have a business idea which you have started or planning to start, and would like to invite fellow members to participate, please indicate your interest.  If your idea is still at infancy stage, you can indicate that your idea is still being developed.  You can talk about the startup, the idea, the products or services and how your business will involve participants.  It can be funds, staff, jobs, collaboration or brainstorming.

If you like to speak on your business idea, we can allocate you 15 minutes.  However, you have to prepare your own slides and presentation materials.  Please provide a brief of your presentation to  Speaking will be approved depending on the brief.  It is likely approval will be given, as long as the presentaiton is not related to race, religion, politics, sex and MLM.

If you have an idea or issue to discuss, you may write them here or you can whatsapp me at 9489-4360.

Terence Seah

Registration List:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. Leon Lau
  3. Shirley Yeo
  4. Kristy Quek
  5. Maggie Chua


Author: Terence Seah


13 thoughts on “SHC Business Networking session 25 Oct 2014”

  1. To all who attended.

    My apology for being absent. Hope you all have a fruitful session. I was at another committee meeting around the same time on animal welfare campaign for sheltered dogs and dog rescuers. This campaign will keep me occupied through 2015/16. There are close to 4,000 stray dogs and more than 15 such agencies ( each trying to be different but still the same for their love of dogs) not including the AVA. One common trait I observed is the strong personality of all the founders. The drive behind them for the passion of the dogs behind their own successful careers.

    There is a Petas Pet show at Downtown East . Take it as a leisure activity to drop by for those animal lovers.

    Keep your business ideas and dream alive while you continue to ponder how to proceed.

    A little guide called “Whatever it takes” from me: Run through guide using the diaper on line as example. I mentally did that.
    1) Do you know “what it takes” in the business you want to be in? Aso called fesibility study. List it down. Market size, demand, current competitor , pricing and positioning….. etc
    2) Do you have “what it takes” to go into this business ?? Resources planning,
    capability and skill, network and knowledge,..e tc
    3) Most important : Why ? Because it is the final decision and failure is not an option mentality. WILL YOU DO “WHATEVER IT TAKES” TO SUCCEED ?

    This means great personal sacrifice of time, strong commitment, drive dedication,
    adaptabilty, ego dropping. go for learning and certification, …etc.

    Hope to see your business dream come true.


  2. At yesterday’s Business Networking gatherings, a few proposals were discused.

    1. Shirley Yeo has involved herself in policies regarding health and eldercare. She hopes to develop this area of eldercare. In her experience, she reported this need by Singaporeans who had been hospitalized and discharged. Her ideas are still evolving.

    2. Ong Lin Khim plans to see up a dish washing service, and is looking for members who can help market the service to the F&B industry.

    3. Bobby Bok brought up his plan to go into internet marketing. He is looking for like-minded members to go into this area.

    4. There is support for online business, and that adult diapers fall under the need category by Singapore’s elderly.

    The discussion was diversified, as the number of partipants were few.

    Thank you KristyQ for helping in the organising.

    Terence Seah

  3. Hi Terence

    You had your business networking meeting yesterday. Perhaps you may wish to share with us on the success/fruitfulness of your discussions, and hence, learn something from you.


  4. Hi Lydia,

    The product to offer online will be up to the member.If you or anyone has a product in mind, feel free to register here, and join the discussion.

    Obviously, the product must be something that can be sold online. Preferably, it should be collectable or it can be delivered online in Singapore. I think the product should have a demand, I prefer a high value product, light and inconvenient to buy. I chose adult diapers because our population is getting old, so are we. The business owner has to work out his/her own cost. so that you know how much to sell the product for.

    During this Sat session, I shall discuss with participants the structure of how we can sell adult diapers online.

    I am beginning to see the need for adult diapers. In recent months, I have noticed that I myself may need adult diapers During breakfast, I thought that I need to go. But, I said a few minutes more. Half an hour later, I told myself mentally, ta boleh tahan. So I walk home confidently. Just when I was about to open the door, I walk tip-toe to the toilet, only to have a big pour before I sat on the toilet bowl.

    I threw away my underpants, and also threw away my pants. Am now looking to buy a new pair.

    Terence Seah

  5. During the business networking session on Sat 25 Oct 2014, we shall discuss the idea of setting up of selling online. One of the products which I think is useful to the elderlies is adult pampers.

    The process will include advertising and marketing, the website, which will be an extension of SilverHairs Enterprise, payment procedures and delivery. There is a cost involved running an online business; but if you have your product in mind, and you can discuss it next Saturday, your product will be marketed for free, as a member of SHC. You can also tag on the benefits of our plans for advertising and marketing.

    This offer closes on Sat 25 Oct 2014.

    Terence Seah

  6. Hi Terence
    I read with interest your diaper project because I’ll be interested in buying diapers for a relative if there is significant savings buying online. Do start the online diaper selling business asap! :)

  7. Yes, Terence and me has talked about this business networking session.
    Ever heard of the saying ” Your network is your networth” Especially for those already in business, getting some advice or information is only a phone call away if you have extensive network. And I strongly believe you need to have 3 close contacts in these 3 professions, namely a lawyer, an accountant and a doctor who can give you an honest opinion if you ever need help without vested interest on their part.

    I can see 3 group of SHC members that can benefit from attending.
    1) Existing successful SHC business owner to share a bit of your success stories
    2) Aspiring SHC members with some business plan in mind but dont really quite know how to go about it
    3) Currently employed SHC member but would retire in a few years time and looking for the ” elusive passive income stream ” or a secondary self employed career.

    It scare me a bit when my daily meals average above $20.00. It is not far fetched that in not too near future we have to really hunt for meal below $5.00 with all the affordable kopitiam making way for food court. We have just said good bye to Lavender food court which is one of my weekend favourite. It is not far fetched that we can only have a decent meal for $10.00 in not too distant future.

    Why is the above relevant ? To find business opportunities or revenue stream to sustain just our current lifestyle into the future.
    And we hope to have good balance of the 3 group attending. One advantage of net working is opportunity to leverage. No one person has all the resources or knowledge. That is where the power of leverage come in. Most people tends to be apprehensive of what will I gain from attending. I always gain from attending gathering even though I constantly also value my time spent. Terence know I am busy on that date but I have made my available for the session.

    I leverage a lot on my network to get what I need. I am among the first to know what major developments or future plan in Iskandar. Know the difference from
    ” I wish to be successful or rich” and ” I want to be successful or rich”.
    All of you, I believe know the answer.The one who wish sit at home and continue to wish. The one who want make out an action plan to achieve it.

    Coming to networking session is such a “want action”. So it is not what you will gain from attending but you will not gain for not attending. I always go to all session with an open mind and always walk away with learning something interesting or knowing some one interesting.

    See you there.


  8. During the business networking meeting,I shall initiate a follow-up project on online selling. I have been following up on previous discussions by Jassmine Teo, plus other members who are equally keen on online shopping. Then, we had Hew Lee who gave the topic on online selling a further push by conducting a course on the subject. Knowledgeable on the topic is also Yew Kwong, whom I know is familiar with most of the online shopping websites and apps.

    No,I am not thinking of selling used condoms online. I am thinking of offering adult diapers for sale online. My parents, before they passed away years ago, need adult diapers; but they were so expensive. Today, with so many elders at home, and in our aging society, I see a need for adult diapers. Although I am in the business of importing paper from various countries to mainly Asean countries, I am not familiar with adult diapers. Then, I look at Giant, NTUC, Guardian, Tops, BigC, Lotus and other supermarkets, and I see a growing demand for Adult diapers. Daily, monthly, ….

    I made extensive research, and found a few reliable manufacturers from Indonesia, Thailand and other countries including Japan. Linking the manufacturer and the buyers, I thought I shall use adultdiapers as the first product to sell online.

    Going online does not mean totally online. I plan to place advertisements in the major newspapers in Singapore, in both English and Chinese. The advertisements, fortunately, they cost a bomb, will lead buyers to an online website. SilverHairs Enterprise will host the website. Buyers can buy online, and delivery will be done by motorcycles. Of course, buyers can self collect. Payment will be NETs or credit card, before delivery.

    Adult diapers are regularconsumables. They are bulky. I plan to give this a go.

    At the next business networking meeting, if you like to participate in the above project, please feel free to join my table.

    The above is an example, and if you have a business idea which you have kept under the pillow, please be open and share with other members. As long as it is not MLM, you have support.

    Terence Seah

  9. The next Business networking meeting is now confirmed for Sat 25 Oct 2014, from 1400 – 1630 hrs at Hans Cafe, Upper Pickering Street.

    Leon and I share the same objective with this Business Networking session. We believe that a number of SHC members are entrepreneurs, already in business and may have new or existing business ideas which they would like to share with fellow members. Some members may have an idea which they are brainstorming. Others may like to invite like-minded friends to collaborate. Some may just need added network to increase their business. Others may have jobs to offer. Whatever the plan, this business networking session is a good opportunity to share and discuss.

    Leon will try to help bring this opportunities together. It is very much up to you.

    As there has been no request to speak, we have therefore not included speaking into the program. If you like to discuss and share your business ideas, with the aim that others may come in and join you, do indicate here so that members interested can meet you during the networking session. We have allocated 2.5 hours on this, on a Saturday afternoon.

    Thank you Leon for the brainstorming; and let’s hope we can draw more SilverHairs out with business ideas.

    Terence Seah

  10. We have forgotten to consider the requirements of the place to hold a Business networking session. We do need a microphone, a white board and maybe a projector. Thinking back, we used to have social gatherings, and we had new members introducing themselves. Most had to talk at the top of their voice. Then, I remembered someone had to offer to give a free microphone to the Club.

    A suggestion was to hold it in a hotel function room. Likely going to be too expensive, as we may not have the numbers. Interesting while discussing the issue with some members. Many I spoke to feel that they should not be paying for the stage costs eg the use of the microphones, sound system and projectors. The view is the speakers should pay for the costs.

    What do you think?

    Terence Seah

  11. This Business networking gathering is for those members who have an interest in expanding their business, starting a business, seekng collaboration with other members, offering jobs, looking for skills and/or brainstorming a business idea, ideally suited to seniors.

    Typically, and initially, SHC focuses on social events, and these activities are well taken care of by EOs and ECs. However, there are other needs, and that is to realise some income from doing a business. We all know that CPF minimum sum is not sufficient, savings get depleted due to inflation and continued day to day expenses. Children may be big and independent. And companies and the govt sectors find it more tough to employ people. We have a low unemployment rate.

    But, not everybody can enjoy a cruise, regular travel and restaurant eat outs regularly. Even to attend SHC activities cost money, and expenses are transportation, a bowl of noodles or a cup of tea at Yakun.

    SHC has not catered well enough to members with work, job and business interests. Unfortunately, we have no staff, and no income. What we can do is for some of us to organise Business Networking gatherings. This allows members to chat business ideas, formulate and implement. Business ideas can include consultancy, F&B, retail, fleamarts, online buying and selling, office and admin work, eldercare work, unlocking locks, making cup cakes, part time in a hotel, etc. Networking is one way to find out what is available in the market, and among members of the Club.

    Money is important to keep us going through our retirement and quiet part of our lives. But, so is the need for a wider social circle, friends and keep the brains operating round the clock. Fred Flintstones’ closest friend Bunny loves bowling and organises weekend family outings. He gets a fee.

    The ideas are wide. It’s up to you, whether you are thinking of getting some part time work, offering some part time work or starting a small business. We will give you a chance to speak and present too. Let us know here.

    And, of course, if you can help with some admin work, this type of gatherings can grow regularly. We have heard from some members about some ideas, but I see few have the energy to grow their ideas.

    If you are interested in a business idea, start one, take in a few part times, offer part time work, a profit share, you can present your idea to us.

    Terence Seah

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