Art Auction

Too good to miss !!!

There’s a great free event today Sun 18 May 2008 with buffet. It’s the Burobudur  art auction at Suntec Level 2, Ballroom 2. It is run like Sotheby or Christy. There are many high networth individuals, many of whom are rich Indonesians and their brokers. You have paintings running up to $200K, collectors watches and pens. Best of all they have a free art brochure with colured pictures of every lot.

Sign up as a member. The food is served only at the end, probably 6pm. You can estimate it by the running number. Give 2 mins for each lot. Register early, do your shopping and come back for the food.

Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

12 thoughts on “Art Auction”

  1. The art auction process is fascinating. I developed a keen interest in art auctions whilst studying abroad but lost touch since art auctions are not popular here.

    If you want how to invest in an art auction and how to make money in art, I can hold a talk. Er… only the money part, someone’s got to take the arty-farty part. You can invest in art auctions without knowing the difference between oil and charcoal. I have no commercial interest at all at this stage and will declare any if there is.

    I learned of the art auction only because I was the invited speaker for the World Investor Forum next door. You can still see us at the Al-Falah (Arabic for “Success”) booth. This is ATM’s white label is on the way of becoming the world’s first and only halal compliant algo version for Islamic Trading.

    Don’t come dressed with your normal singlet and shorts. The rest of you come looking like the Tai-Tai’s of your age or favorite Er Nai of some rich tycoons. Whatever you do, do not raise your hand above your head!

    Because I was speaking, I was in suit and tie. Lucky for me. I looked the part. And they gave me the VIP treatment inspite of the fact I was not registered. I got to the food in time. Sometimes you get lucky without trying.


  2. KT, I would be interested to attend your talk on art auction. Would you please kindly schedule it on a Saturday?

    Super busy on weekdays especially the next 2 weeks since I just got back from my trip.


  3. Eleanor @ #2 ; A @ #3

    Looks like you’re the only ones responded.

    Its easy then. What about Thurs 22 May 2008 at 5 pm in Scorebot. Anybody interested in the subject can attend this discussion.

    I will explain how you can move onto art investment worth $5 to $1 mio typically. You don’t have to take delivery but move from auction to auction, selling on catalog. You can do it now in Singapore.

    Auction works for any relatively rare and unique, high value pieces. Art, carpets, vases, antiques, collectibles and etc all can fit.

    You can start out yourself in a small way selling art at the flea market and then move onto an auction. You will target some ticket items typically $50 to $10K. These are display art. Owners will typically display at their house or office; and bear the responsibility for storage and to transport them to the art show. The pieces are sold on a “as is” basis.

    Here’s a typical process. Note the difference between a silent and voice auction; and the combination of both.

    The artwork is displayed for the consumers on Friday and Saturday, where they can bid on the pieces in a silent auction. Pieces with a certain number of bids at the close of the show on Saturday afternoon are then sent to the voice auction Saturday night. The artwork is sold for the artist by the convention and they receive the profits of the sale, minus commission.

    The auction plays an important market valuation exercise. The auctioneer’s commission is typically 20% of the sale value. Art owners use the auction to set higher value over time and hope that eventually its value will be recognised by a real buyer making a nice profit for the owner.

  4. Thank you, KT, for the invite.

    Am watching the American Idol Final with my family on Thursday, 22 May evening.

    Next time, meanwhile would appreciate to receive one-page summary.


  5. KT @ #4

    Weekdays are out for me as I don’t finish work till about 7’ish. Is it possible to schedule it on a Saturday, perhaps?

    If you like a follow-up on your talk, I can help to arrange for a tour to galleries of our local Cultural Medallions Tan Swie Hian and Iskandar Jalil. The Tan Swie Hian Art Museum is worth visiting because he wrote Chinese calligraphy on the cement floor when it was being constructed. It took him 3 days and nights to cover the whole floor. The roof is just as impressively constructed with sculptures of chess pieces. All his paintings in this museum is owned by 1 private individual.

    Iskandar Jalil is also a painter but he specializes in pottery. Also worth visiting.

  6. Yup, Inche Iskandar Jalil had a personal kiln around Jalan Senang area for many years until he was told to remove it for environmental reasons in a private living estate.

    If you can arrange to tour Mr Tan Swie Hian Art Museum, am keen, Eleanor.

    Appreciate your advisory.

  7. Eleanour Chan @ # 6 and A @ #7

    Can we meet at the BBQ this Fri 21 May 2008.

    See the comments below relating to mini-talks Also @#60.

    I will have some material relating to art auction. If you have catalogs on print or DVD etc please bring along for our informal workshop talk on Art Auction. Ask friends intrested in Art Auctions to come along.

    “In an innovative move, Scorebot is promoting ad-hoc talks and presentation in the Social Nite event. Anyone can bring in their presentation / slides on a thumb drive and they can use our presentation equipment. (To be safe, we would appreciate if you can try to bring in your laptop this first time.)

    Small interest groups can meet in separate worshop-like settings. Different small groups can conduct simultaneous presentations, demos and discussions going at different corners. The approach is like a funfair of ideas. You can walk around and join any groups that hold your interest.

    Besides our featured talk, we hope to hold mini-sessions on eg flea market talks on Peruvian jewellery; Virtual Market & Home Entrepreneurship; SGX algo trading; Art Auction (See the Art Auction thread with Eleanor) and, now, Korean History.”

  8. Am interested in Art Museum of Mr Tan Swie Hian, KT.

    Awaiting Eleanor’s response to visit the private individual property.

    This Friday, 23 May evening has Mandarin/Bi-lingual Fellowship; Saturday, 24 May has Tennis Fellowship from 5 to 7pm.

    TY for the invite.

  9. Eleanour @ #11

    BBQ is at Scorebot, 18 Bali Lane on
    7pm Fri 23 May 2008

    All can join. It is a Networking Social night with many interesting mini-talks.

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