Stories, jokes and quotes

Hi All SHCians,

Since it’s the month of the ghosts!

Anyone has an idea why the skeleton can’t go to the party? emoticon

Have a good week ahead!

19 thoughts on “Stories, jokes and quotes”

  1. Hi Catherine:
    My answer is skeleton is staying inside the cupboard like the saying keeping skeleton in the cupboard so how to go to party?. I dunno maybe wrong just a wild guess, enjoy your weekend.

  2. “Anyone has an idea why the skeleton can’t go to the party? Have a good week ahead!”

    I’ll deal with BbCat’s 2 sentences separately.

    First, without a gender to show, how can it choose a partner? But them hor, Steven’s dog which died last year might hv already gotten its visa & passport to come danzing this 7th moon……….and with SHC gals who hv been complaining not enough males. Must be a sight to watch skeletal doggy doing the bom cha cha with our ah fah. Or Norlinda.

    You wished us a good week ahead. Maureen-L has come to the weekend already……relac lah, rush thru time like this huh, very soon tong tong chiang one hor.

  3. Some more ghost jokes to tickle you…Answers below!

    1. Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
    2. What do you call a ghost’s mother & father?
    3. What is a ghost’s favorite day of the week?
    4. What did the polite ghost say to her son?
    5. What do ghosts drink for breakfast?
    6. What is a ghost’s favorite game?
    7. What do ghosts & demons get along so well?
    8. What do ghosts do when they are in hospital?
    9. What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost?
    10. What did one ghost say to another?
    1. Day-scare centres
    2. Trans-parents
    3. Fright-day
    4. Don’t spook unless you are spooken to
    5. Coffee with scream & sugar
    6. Hide-and-shriek
    7. Because demons are a ghost’s best friend
    8. They talk about their apparitions
    9. You look boo-tiful tonite
    10. “Do you believe in people?”

    Have a boo-tiful week ahead :-)

  4. Yeh! Ginko!#4

    U’re absolutely correct! The skeleton has “No bodY” to go with. Yes, ironically I have nobody to go wif but I’m not skeleton. Someone alredi named me “chubby” leh!

    Sori, Maureen,#1
    We don’t keep the real skeleton in the cupboard unless U’re a Science teacher & kept one dummy in yr cupboard. Ha..ha..

    Tim, #2

    U’re showing sign of old age alredi eh? Getting the Cats mixed up again! What if it’s 10 yrs down the road? Will U remember what SHC stands for? He..he..

  5. Well, did I mix up the Cats? No lah, the first Cat is Bare Back Cat and this one is Bare Backside Cat and, to quote Deng, so long as the Cat can catch mice, it’s a good cat. So if you want to be a better BbCat than the other BbCat, go catch me some mice……..

    SHC……………..Speak Hokien Club? Or Scratch Her C……….?

  6. Tim Liu,

    Not only U’re clever to “liu”(gallivanting) U’re so clever to twist & turn yr words eh? Can’t win U la. But please don’t give me this name!
    My is Ho..Ho.. GD .. ok! “Ho Si /Ho …”
    I’m sure U got mixed up after a few drinks jux b4 U commented!

    SHC …. can be S’pore Hot Climate!

  7. Ok, so you want to be known as the Cat with 1 Ho?

    Honestly, you’re right, I am jumping from 1 thing into another knowing not what I am jumping into………….

  8. Hi Jonathan O:Enjoyed reading ur 10 ghosts qs esp #6 answer.
    I anyhow guess to Cat Ho’s q, wah kanna han tham. Learnt my lesson not to anyhow guess but can let off gas anyhow. Ka ka seow!

  9. Hi JuneL!

    No! No! I’m not BB Cat. Dun be fooled by that drunked Tim.
    I think there’re abt 5 cats in SHC.However, only 3 cats are meowing most of the time. 1 is Catherine Yeo the bubbly/shaking one (dancing), another called herself BB cat (“bare-back” cat) because she’s always like to wear bare back clothes. Since there’re so many cats, it’s easier wif nicknames.
    As for the plain CAT like will remain Cat Ho…Remember Ho>>HO>HO from Santa OK?

  10. Hi Maureen L!

    Please dun say that it’s human to err. Where got “han tham” you. Can’t wait to know more of U all so that we can gang up against naughty Tim!
    At least U response, it’s all jux for the fun of it.

    Hi StevenC!

    Why no response to my comments to the post on “Death?”

  11. SHC has 2 BbCats.

    One goes by the surname Chong “because she’s always like to wear bare back clothes”. So she hares her back.

    The other BbCat with 1 Ho is fully clothed from head to toes but leaves her butt uncovered. For that, she wins the coveted Bare-backside Cat title hands down…………..

  12. Hi Tim!
    Since U like to tease us cats so much! Here U go!

    If you see a cat eating grass, quickly make a wish, then turn away. If your wish is to come true, you mustn’t see the same cat again that same day.
    If you see a cat looking at a fire with its tail away from the fire, make a wish. Don’t ever make a wish on a cat whose tail is toward the fire, or the opposite of your wish may happen.
    If you see a cat washing its face, touch each of your cheeks and then your chin; after that, make a wish.
    If a black cat crosses your path, make a wish.
    If a black cat crosses your path, say ‘Black cat, bring me luck.’
    If you meet a black cat, stroke it three times from head to tail and then make a wish.(This is more powerful than just seeing a black cat.)
    If you see a white cat, make a wish after saying:
    ‘White cat has fur,
    Drinks milk from a dish,
    White cat can purr,
    And bring me my wish.’
    If the cat purrs as you are making your wish, there is a good chance that your wish will come true.
    If a gray cat crosses your path, this is a sign of very good luck; you should strengthen the luck by making a wish for good luck.
    If you see a three-colored cat, make a wish. Repeat it three times.
    Should a calico cat be up in a tree, make a wish and say: ‘Cat in a tree, This wish is for me.’
    The first time you meet any given cat, you should stroke it seven times, repeating your wish with each stroke.
    Jux for fun!

  13. Cat-H, what’s all these mumbo jumbo abt cats? When i see a cat I disposed of it with a mighty kick, whatever color it was………….except for 1 cat which I nursed for abt 2 months then released her into the wild on what appeared to be a vesak day…………she has since grown fat like garfield.

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