Monthly Walk – Beach, Lake, Woods and Ski Park


ECs for this walk: Serene Low and Christina Chan
Date: Saturday, 2 April 2016
Start Time: 5pm sharp
Duration of walk: approx 2 hrs
Meeting Place: Kembangan MRT, Void facing canal

As current weather is pretty warm, we shall start walk at 5 pm. The route is not exactly new but hopefully for those who have been to this part will still appreciate the matured trees, cool breeze and scenic view.

From the park connector, we head towards the beach where we then explore a lake, part of the woods, ski park before ending the walk at East Coast Lagoon Food Village for dinner. From here, you can have a great variety of hawker fare – rojak, duck porridge, satay, char kway teow etc etc.

So do dress comfortably with hats, umbrella, drinking water, camera, sun block and comfortable walking shoes.

Walk Team ECs: Christina CL Chan, Charles Wee, Veronica Wong, Mary Tan, Alice Seah, Azhari Cuttlian, Serene Low.

1). Gabriella Chua (withdraw)
2). Tony Ang
3). Jimmy Longpoetih
4). David Low
5). Bernie Chung
6). Bobby Bok
7). Judy Lim
8). Christina CL Chan
9). Serene Low
10) Veronica Wong
11) Janis Han
12) Margaret Soo
13) Ronald Lee
14) Lydia Chin
15) Irene Chua
16) Evelyn Ong
17) Andrew Koh
18) Monica Tan
19) Henry See

13 thoughts on “Monthly Walk – Beach, Lake, Woods and Ski Park”

  1. Hi … I would like to join in the walk today! Weather today is cool, and we’re gonna have a great time.

    See u guys/gals later.

  2. Gabriella – noted your withdrawal.
    Welcome Veronica, Janis, Margaret and Ronald to the walk.

    For those who have not yet registered, you are still welcome to come to the meeting point by 5 pm.

  3. Hi Serene & Christina
    Pl incl Jimmy Longpoetih and David Loh. Tks

    Hi Terence
    Jimmy informed that he has lost his password. Can someone help him.


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