6 thoughts on “Registration for May gathering”

  1. We have some excellent comments, from the April meeting. One came from Jessie Lu.

    “Glad that I am at last evening’s meeting.
    To continue from last evening’s discussion – Just my two cents worth:

    At this SH stage, more should look at quality life rather than quantity – ie: making monies out of “small” businesses. In any business (I have to emphasize that I am not a business woman – may be because I am too prudent to go into any businesses, I always calculate the % risk factor before I step in) Besides looking at cost factors and what is your holding power? Is the 10K the “blood-sweat money” of some – to fork out this money may be a big sum to many. So the suggestion of grouping 10K each and start a business – I personally think the other risk factor behind it will be too many cooks spoil the broth, putting too many heads into a business is an error step to be taken. There are just too many partnership legal cases on the paper these days enough to cautious us into taking up partnership with someone you just knew.

    I would think, instead of grouping into partnership why not think of how to made good use of the experience and skill of each individual. “Baby – sitting with a different touch” or “Elder care with a different touch” Instead of the working Mum or dad sending their children or vice versus the working children send their age parents to the home. You pick them up from their home.

    Then the next question what can you offer to these people, how to convince the “market’ that their Kins are in good hands? I am throwing the question to the floor, lets see if you have better idea Or something else may crop up.

    Good Day and have a good weekend to All.” Jessie.

  2. Hi Terence,

    Well Done! The photographs are very well taken with good lighting. – Thank you.

    Just too little, can have more, and prepared close up of every one beside the long range photographs of people speaking.

    I like it.

    Gibson Tan

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