Encouraging more men to join SHC

I can really get excited over anything.  Some of you do know that I have always wanted to increase the male population of SilverHairsClub.  I can only say we have been moderately successful.  When I ask around for assistance, the response is "This is very normal iin all social functions in Singapore.  There will always be more ladies than men."  This Post may be provocative, but I think this is a serious issue that require some attention.  emoticon

There can be many reasons. 

1.  The women are very domineering, and this frightens off the men.  As such, men dare  not participate, better let the ladies take the lead. 

2.  The activities tend to dwell on the social side.  Ladies tend to gather in groups, leaving out the men.  Men prefers to just laze around, watch TV, have a cup of coffee and just watch or just stay at home.

3.  Men still like men activities.

So, let’s not give up the idea of bringing more men into SHC.  Maybe more men should think of more men activities.  This is an exciting topic.  Share your thoughts; but let’s not blast the manly views.  We need to encourage more men to join SHC.  emoticon

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


15 thoughts on “Encouraging more men to join SHC”

  1. The dearth in male dominance, and hence their participation, can be traced back to the planets…….that we are from Mars and they, from Venus.

    Martians mature earlier and so start roaming, philandering and plundering this Good Earth at a younger age than the gals who are still learning to shed their skirts for pants in order to climb trees and be more involved in activities.

    By the time we have had enough fun – around this golden age of 45 and older – it’s their beginning to cavort. You can say the same for what occurs in the privacy after lights are switched off at nite. We find the fun and discover nirvana earlier. They are still blurred blurred, with some even ter ter.

    The Chinese have aptly coined “lang hu zi nien” (wolf & tiger years) for them at this riper older age when some of us are already taking the climb down, preferring the sunset stroll than the suck, smooch & roll, watching soccer instaed of playing the sprawled spider.

    And doesnt the fact that generally, women live longer than men sums it all?

  2. Terence – BEFORE we attempt to “encourage more men to join SHC”, try to see how we can DISCOURAGE more of them from leaving (or lying dormant). The number of men actively participating on this site can be counted with a single hand, a far cry from the early days. Is this not a reflection of their allegiance to the club? Don’t blame the ladies. The reason is obvious.

  3. Daniel Chan #2

    Hee hee, well said.

    Oh, there are more than 5 men who actively participate in SHC I’m sure. These are positive, confident men who take matters into their own hands to make life more meaningful and enjoyable.


    My view is, if men don’t change their mindset, then one can ‘encourage’ till the cows come home. They will not join or stay active. It’s easy to put the blame on women, like what’s been happening since time immemorial. They have only themselves to blame.

    Women tend to be more pro-active. We make our own fun and enjoyment. Men must learn from us. Don’t fear rebuff or rejection. Don’t wait around for others to create fun and activities for them. So, step forward men and live. :-)

  4. Terence..
    Daniel is perfectly correct…dont blame us ladies la…we did nothing to scare them away..hmmm

    I want to add..till the cow gave birth also the guys are just guys…v susah to motivate..very egoistic?..ooppss..sori..hehe

    Perhaps..the man are too lazy to socialise?…always too tired to do anything..unlike we girls..very energetic!
    Maybe they busy making the bread,so no time..so kesian la..:)

  5. If I can name one name who regularly brings in male friends to SilverHairsClub, it has to be Sue Chan. Every once in a while, she will bring a few men to join SHC activities. She gets them to register on the website or gets them to write to admin.

    So, I have noticed many of these men staying on with the club and participating in the activities.

    Thanks Sue. There are also other lady SHCians who have done so too. The club is a platform for SilverHairs to meet new friends. Do use it.

    Terence Seah

  6. Hi MaryC #3,

    I see you feel strongly that men are stubborn, and won’t change their ways when it comes to coming up and participate in activities.

    It may be that men just prefers to stick to their TV, books and sofa. Or the male shyness may be that they are sticking too much to the computer or to male company.

    Unlike men, women are ready to come forward and share. Women seem to be able to just get together. I wouldn’t say the blame falls on the women. I feel that SHC women can help to bring in more men to the club, so that we can have a balance.

    And, maybe it is also a good idea for the SHC men to bring in more of their men friends too. Why not?

    Terence Seah

  7. My personal observation and some of our men members ( we maybe wrong ) whenever we have men’s gathering together once in a while and talk among ourselves, we realise that sometimes when men interact with the ladies , we often hear the ladies talking abt their children, latest fashion, cosmetics, botox, complaints abt their maids, cooking, hubby etc…esp.if they kept on elaborating on those issues, some of us are just not interested to listen or some of us get easily “switched” off.

    Perhaps,the kinds of common discussion we men have are different from those of the women. And that is why we are born either as a XY or XX.

    Are men being too egoistic or self conceited ?

    My 8 cts worth.

  8. Do women tend to be more pro-active and the men more passive?

    Society has given men the option to do a lot of things independently with or without friends. They can do almost anything without incurring any resentment or wrath from society. This may not be truth for the fairer sex. Most of them still hold dearly to the expected behaviors that society has imposed on them. This may be the explanation why most women tend to congregate in groups instead of going independently like most men.

  9. ”Do not ask what yr country can do for U.
    Ask wht U can do for yr country.”
    It’s in this spirit tht I hope to continue this thread, to seriously find a way to shore up the men’s numbers. There’s ntg V can’t achieve when V set our minds to it. ( many years ago MM LKY alluded to the Japanese, ” alone they don’t count for much, but when they come & move together, they’re a formidable force” This formidable force created the 2nd largest economy in the world. It’s the ”V” in Team SHC that when V put our minds together, V create that formidable force.

    On Friday’s Freaky night, Renee ( our sporty good looking SHC member) was standing beside me when V both witness some of our SHC ladies quietly leaving ”early”. I looked at Renee & said,” don’t they looked ”disappointed & dejected?, wud they leave early IF there are enuff men to dance with? ” Renee was speechless, my heart sank. I said to Renee ” the Nxt dance party tht V organise must hv at least 50 men & 50 ladies!!”. Renee turn to me & giggled ” Terence wud b very pleased to hear tht” I shrug ”why not”. I thot to my self, wht can’t V achieve, when ”V” the formidable force of SHC collectively put our minds to it.

    So let’s not put off to tomorrow wht V can do today. Hehehe. I volunteer my effort & time here, let’s sit down & discuss wht V can do.

    I admit tht I’m beginning to love this club ( like a wee bit of the sun’s ray cracking the dawn, U can feel it) hehehe
    I want to love this club like I love Arsenal.
    I want to hv passion for this club like my passion for ARGENTINAAAA!!!! Hahaha.

  10. Henry @9

    Thank you for your compliments.
    You blow away my Monday blues.

    With your nothing is impossible mindset, we shall see 50 men and 50 ladies in the coming prom night.


  11. G’day to all.
    I’m gathering material for a ALL MALE DANCE REVUE ( SILVERHAIR EDITION). Ps leave yr serious suggestions here. KamSia!

  12. Hi Henry Yip @ 11,

    Perhaps you can organise a ” Full Monty ” All Male Dance Revue.

    Not to worry. Sure, full house lah . Ha! ha! :)

  13. Hi HenryY,

    I am not sure of your idea of an All Male Dance Revue, but I know one thing for sure. I will support your idea or those ideas that crop out of this Post.

    Are you thinking of a swimwear exposure event or just an All man dance performance? Do we have to slim down first? I have got this mid layer to trim.

    Has anybody heard of a male dance revue?

    Terence Seah

  14. Hi Terence #13 Sorry for the ”slow motion” rely. I read with interest ”women can live alone; men cannot”, esp GeradineT’s quote” These are the men the club should look for.”

    Geraldine’s post is a great train of thought. It seeks to nudge the club towards a desirable direction, it seeks to raise the awareness & desirability of certain group behavior. E.g. Willingness to share, willingness to help, even take initiative to drive events or programs & may I add, a basic respect for one another in words & in deeds.

    In order to achieve Geradine’s great idea of a certain desirable conduct within the club & still maintaining an open door policy of welcoming all Silverhairs members ( Terence’s great intention of inclusiveness), I believe the club needs some sort of a mission statement. Something like ” We strive to build a community where members respect & love one another”.

    Every day when v come to SHC website, v r reminded abt the taboo of ”no politics, no religion…etc.
    I highly recommend that on top of the taboo wordings, v shud place our mission statement e.g. ‘ We strive to build a community where members respect & love one another”.
    To remind ourselves everyday to accord other members basic respects, in words & in deeds. . Between respect & love, if v can achieve the minimum of respect for one another, great!.
    For those who can go on to LOVE, God bless you.

    This mission statement is an idea, I hope fellow SHCians expand on this & define our mission statement together.

    A club is only as great as it’s members. Lets all strive to be good members of a great club.

  15. Hi Henry#14

    Just speaking my mind as to why some male members are not keen to join our activities if their other instinct is not met; something this club should not be concerned with.

    Yes, respect is the foundation in any setting; be it at home, at work, at school and social clubs. Unfortunately, many people do not have this in them yet they expect respect from others. Go figure.

    Love this – “A club is only as great as it’s members.” Couldn’t agree more. Well said.

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