SHC 13th-Anniversary – October Monthly Gathering, Fri 19 Oct 2018

Congratulation!  A new member has won the 1st prize

SHC started in October 2005.  This month is our 13th-anniversary.  We will be celebrating this occasion with members during the October monthly gathering.

This CLAYPOT sign was my first sight when we went to 313@Somerset to have a check.  The previous stall is under renovation.  The seating is still the same.  If you are lost in finding the place, please look for this stall.

The Claypot corner is quiet with a good ambience. We had a monthly gathering here before and it serves our need well. The food court has a variety of food

The SHC Oct monthly gathering is scheduled as follows:

Date:     Fri 19 Oct 2018

Time:    5pm – 8pm

Venue:  313@Somerset

             Food Republic Level 5

Place:   Claypot corner/Pepper Lunch Express

MRT station: Somerset

SHC monthly gathering is a good opportunity for old as well as new members to meet, greet, socialize and encourage everyone to participate in new ideas and share their interests.  This month, we would like to thank our two members, Caroline Gee and Doreen Cady,  who are helpful to volunteer to bake the delicious cakes for us and to play surprise games.

Do not miss this occasion!

EO: Kristy Quek;  Co-EO: Doreen Chan

Please register your attendance here:

  1. Kristy Quek
  2. Doreen Chan
  3. John Howe
  4. Howard
  5. Caroline Gee
  6. Dolly Lim
  7. Michael Tan
  8. Jenny Lim
  9. Margaret Khoo
  10. Rachel Chan
  11. Doreen Cady
  12. Joan Ang
  13. Lydia Chin
  14. Andrew  Lim
  15. & Agnes Lim
  16. Stella Sheng
  17. Daniel Chan
  18. Trudy Lee
  19. Alice Liang
  20. Winnie Tan
  21. Peggy Ho
  22. Charles Wee
  23. Sarah
  24. Cindy Low
  25. Peg Ho
  26. Frisna Tan
  27. Christine Teo
  28. Peter Thia
  29. Steven Chan
  30. Kent Godwin Chan
  31. Richard Lian
  32. Lilian Chua
  33. Kenneth Tan
  34. Thomas Loh
  35. Lee Ah Nee
  36. Lilian Quek
  37. Shirley Lai
  38. Tommy Choo
  39. Nelly Soh
  40. Simon Lee
  41. Pearl Kwan
  42. Jane Tan
  43. Agnes Low
  44. Steven Yuen
  45. Shirley Joanne Wee

This is to inform all members that we have closed for registration.  The Food  Republic, a public food court place,  we have chosen is unable to accommodate more than 45 people.   Furthermore, we are not allowed to make much noise.  Thank you for your understanding

Members on the waiting list:

  1. Bobby Bok
  2. Doris Smith
  3. Graham Smith

PS::  Those who turn up without registering will not be allowed to join us.

Those confirmed members who withdraw from the gathering; the members on the waiting list will be invited

Thank you


Kristy Quek & Doreen Chan

Author: Kristy QUEK

SHC1311 Hobbies are cooking, baking, listening to music, attending concerts and watching channel 8 programmes. Have a son in his mid-twenties. Homemaker for 26 years. Reset pw 10jun2017.

54 thoughts on “SHC 13th-Anniversary – October Monthly Gathering, Fri 19 Oct 2018”

  1. Hi Kristy and committee ,
    Thanks so much for your time and effort
    in organising this auspicious 13th year SHC anniversary celebration. V.Good ! ***
    Keel it up !

    And it was a good time for me too to meet up with old and new members.

  2. Hi members,
    Sorry for the late reply; I fell sick for the last two days

    This 13th Anniversary cum October monthly gathering was a memorable and unforgettable event

    Glad to receive SMS commented from our 4 members after our gathering:
    1) Very successful today. Tks. Wonderful work
    2) The gathering was wonderful
    3) Well done EO, Everyone enjoyed themselves
    4) Very enjoyable monthly gathering

    Another good news:
    Congratulation to our new member, Cathrine Chng, who has won the 1st prize
    Please see above picture

    Appreciate the hardwork and big thank you to Doreen Cady, Winne Tan, Caroline Gee and Stella Sheng
    1. Doreen Cady, with the help of Winnie Tan, played games with excited members.
    2. The most anticipated moment was the cake-cutting. Caroline Gee baked a lovely cake decorated with a beautiful Silverhairsclub logo. The cake was yummy.
    3. Free coffee/tea for the 6 early bird members
    4. Videos taken by Stella Sheng

    I would like to thank Kristy for her courage and precious time as EO

    Thank you

    Doreen Chan

  3. Hi Caroline

    I just have to tell you that the cake  was FABULOUS! and absolutely delicious. 
    Thank you very much for the cakes they were beautiful , nice and fresh.. ..We really enjoyed them..


  4. Thank you to Kristy and Doreen for organising the successful gathering and Doreen Cady for the games sessions. I could see that many, including myself, had good time.

    Thank you all for the compliments on my cake.
    About three weeks prior to the event, Terence watsapped me and asked me if I could bake a cake for SHC’s 13th Anniversary Gathering. I said sure without hesitation. But I did warn him about my under par decorating skills.

    The reason for saying sure immediately is because I have always felt eternally grateful to SHC as I met my best buddy, Dolly Lim here in this Club and also because SHC gave me the platform to make new friends and enjoy the activities organised by its members. And the request is within my capabilities.

    The cake, which was appreciated by most who were at the gathering, made my my baking late into the night and waking very early the next morning to ice it worthwhile.

    p.s. Terence offered to pay for the cake but I told him its on me.

    Caroline aka Carly

  5. Hi members,

    We had a great celebration on 19th Oct 2018. About 45 members turned up for this occasion and we occupied a cosy corner of the food court, decorated beautifully by Doreen Chan.

    Doreen Cady, with the help of Winnie Tan, played games with excited members.

    The most anticipated moment was the cake-cutting. Caroline Gee baked a lovely cake decorated with a beautiful Silverhairsclub logo. The cake was yummy.

    Many thanks to Doreen Cady for the games and Caroline Gee for the cake.

    I would like to thank Doreen Chan for her invaluable help as co-EO. This gathering would not have been possible without her.


  6. Hi Steven and members,

    Dress codes are set by the EO, depending on the event. If dress code is not specified, it’s member’s choice.

    Contrary to your comment, I have not seen any inappropriate dressing at club activities. Do note we do not have a police department. If you like to head a dress code police unit, with members’ support, why not? We can listen.

    Terence Seah

  7. Hi Terence ,

    Besides attendance ; not to target any members how about appropriate dress code for hotels , food court , etc…

    Surely you have noticed this a long time ago ?

  8. Hi DanielC,

    For the last 13 years, our Event Organisers (EOs) have all agreed with the need to register rule, as EOs and ECs see the importance of knowing who’s coming and how many are attending the event. The EO’s role is not easy, as every event requires planning.

    Since the recent monthly gathering, many members have expressed dismay that Bobby Bok has bluntantly disregard the rule despite being not in the registration list. In fact, many members are furious and questioning his behaviour and are insisting for action to be taken, and what special privilege he has to gatecrash into SHC events. Well, I am not aware that Bobby has special privileges. I hope he will respond before the deadline given.

    It’s being 13 years now since SHC started. Many members abide by the rules, despite being a free to join club, with fully supported rules. And are happy to stay within the SHC family.

    SHC does not have a committee, nor has it a police station. We are all volunteers. To continue being a member of SilverHairsClub, we require all members to abide by the rules.

    DanielC, I note your viewpoint. However, as I explain above, Club will continue to require registration in all our monthly gatherings.

    Members are invited to offer comments.

    Terence Seah

    1. Hi Terence,
      Please note that I have registered for the monthly meeting and am the first one on the waiting list and at no occasion did I ever gate crash. I understand some members including Sarah were unable to attend so I went there to wait and was admitted after waiting for more than an hour. Yes there are 10 members who dun even bother to register came earlier than me and they just gate crashed into the meeting. Anyway would like to thank Kirsty for organising & Caroline for the nice cake. Cheers..

  9. Hi Terence. With due respect, we should abide by your decision to have “online” registration prior to an event, since you said so. The question is, “what can you do if the rule is broken?” This is an age-old problem that has not been solved, not solving and will never be solved. At best, we can only pretend it is not happening. The fact remains that members who do not abide by the rule come happily to enjoy themselves while law-abiding individuals stay at home. But before we accuse anybody of “gate-crashing”, let us examine our “gate”.

    We do not have a Club House or our own premises for a gathering, where you can physically forbid anybody from entering, according to your justification. We simply close the gate. It would be a police case if someone were to break the gate. However, at a restaurant, eatery, coffee shop or hawker centre owned by others, anybody can sit in. An officer worker below 45 years old can sit next to me to have a meal. Shall I chase him or her away? Do I have the right to chase him or her away?

    When we make use of other people’s premises to gather, without paying any fee, are we not ashamed to deprive them of potential business? And if a total stranger can sit amongst us, why not our members, registered or otherwise? From a business point of view, the person who “did not register” may be more welcome.

    When I was EO for a few monthly gatherings in Chinatown Point, I stoutly said I did not want any registration. No games, no gimmicks and no gifts. Come and eat to generate business for the place that accommodates us. I would have sat alone to eat if no one turned up. What is the purpose of having an impressive registration list when some who registered do not turn up and some who do not register turn up? And practically nothing can be done on your part. It only makes the EO’s job very difficult.


  10. Thank you to the members who sent me the photos taken at the recent Oct cum 13th Anniversary gathering.

    Definitely, it is a joy to see new members joining the event, and meeting the senior ones. Caroline Gee’s cake makes all the difference too.

    There are 10 members who turned up at the gathering without being in the registration list. This is unacceptable. If you had gate crashed, please whatsapp Terence Seah +65 9489 4360 before 30 Oct 2018.

    TQ Kristy and Doreen for hosting this event.

    Terence Seah

  11. Hi Kristy
    Thank for your cookies
    Doreen chan
    Thank for your early bird tea
    Thank for your delicious hard work cake

    I skip dinner today

    Very enjoyable monthly gathering .

  12. Hi Kristy!!

    So sorry for late reply!!

    We see there are some who pulled out of Fridays’s meeting.

    Can you please!!! Squeeze us in – we are not noisy!! (Ha Ha!).

    Thank You!!!

    Graham & Doris Smith

  13. Hi Terence
    Congrats and happy 13th anniv to shc.

    Wish I could join in the celeb but can’t, cos I tripped, fell and fractured my upper arm.


  14. Hello Kristy & Doreen!
    I have to withdraw tomorrow monthly gathering coffee chat due to an urgent matter!
    I Wish you organizing this event successfully!
    Alan Ang

  15. Tomorrow is SHC monthly gathering, cum our 13th Anniversary. I am glad to see so many members coming to this event. It is our single most important intention to provide a platform for SilverHairs to meet old friends and make new friends, and I hope members get to benefit from this platform, as we have successfully done so in the last 13 years.

    Club takes a firm position not to allow discussions on race, religion, politics, sex, direct selling and MLM at its gatherings. Club hopes that all members will engage with one another socially, even though each of us may have differing interest.

    From time to time, as we are all human, we do quarrel. However, as a Club, we cannot accept anti-social behaviour at its gatherings. Please make my role easy.

    I wish Kristy, Doreen, Caroline and all members, a happy anniversary get-together. Sorry, I am not able to join this event.

    Terence Seah

  16. Hmm, pillar of SHC sounded so old for me.. anyway is ok la.. old is gold these days..

    Caroline said that her home make cake can share around far only 36 registered. Hope to see more attendances coming in soon…

    13years for Pioneer members – must be plenty to catch up

    13years of happening – new members interested to know more.. come to find out yourself lor,,,

    Cheers… Dolly

  17. Hi guys!
    Can’t believe it’s been 15 years…where did all the time go by?!
    Please register me for this meet…it’ll be great to catch up!
    Kenneth Tan

  18. Dear Terence Seah,

    May we wish you a Happy 13th Anniversary celebration of Silver Hairs Club!
    Please include us old member attendees for Silver Hairs Club 13th Anniversary dinner, Richard Lian and myself Kent Godwin Chan, for the joyous occasion on Friday 19th October evening.

  19. Hi Kirsty and Doreen ,
    please register me for this auspicious 13th. Anniversary SHC October gathering. Looking forward to see my friends after a long lapse.

    Thanks to both of you to take the bold initiative to be E.O.s

  20. Hehe! Dont hold your breath! However, I shall try to bake something simple and yummy. My deco skill is limited but will try to make it photo worthy.
    Looking forward to seeing all of you next week.


  21. SilverHairsClub started Oct 2005. This year, the Club celebrates its 13th Anniversay, in conjunction with the Oct monthly gathering.

    For this occasion, Caroline Gee, who joined SilverHairsClub in Jan 2007, will be making for us a cake. Caroline is a great cook and baker. She will create something for us. Do join the cake cutting.

    Dolly Lim is one of SHC pioneers. She joined in 2005 when the Club just started to find its way around. Today, Dolly remains a pillar of the Club.

    Although I am not able to attend, I look forward to everyone coming together for the gathering and anniversary.

    Terence Seah

  22. I am going to miss the Oct 2018 monthly gathering but I can see this regular event will be a huge success without my presence. TQ Kristy and Doreen for volunteering to host this event.

    Kristy Quek, EO for this Oct monthly gathering, joined SilverHairsClub in Nov 2013. A very active member before she had difficulties walking. She had always participated in SHC activities with her husband before he passed away. Today, Kristy continues with her culinery skills, and always enjoys have members at her home for tea. Mind you, Kristy loves entertaining you with quizzes. Indeed, a very nice and pleasant lady, sometimes, she speaks so softly that I can hardly hear her. I am glad Kristy has always the club at heart.

    Doreen Chan, co-EO for this gathering, joined SilverhairsClub in June 2016. I cant tell much about Doreen; but she helped organised one KSL Dinner and Dance, and from there, I saw a very determined and focused person in her. Doreen is in travel, and I hope she can organise more travel activities for SHC. Travelling in a key activity for retirees and SilverHairs our age.

    Thank you for coming up to organise this Oct monthly gathering.

    I look forward to members coming to meet other members. Come find a friend of like minded interest.

    Members, please note: SHC events do not permit discussions on race, religion, sex, politics. No direct selling and MLM.

    Terence Seah

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