2nd Men’s night, Tues 4 Jun 2013

Men’s night, Tues 4 Jun 2013.  Details of 1st 2013 gathering

  • 313 @ Somerset
  • Food Republic on Orchard Road, Somerset MRT.
  • Exact sitting location would be between Toast Box and Soup Guru.
  • Time: 1830 to 2100 hrs.

CLICK here to view PHOTOS
men's night

Our aim is to have a regular place, where SHC men can pop in and get to know one another. There will be no formalities. The Men’s night will be held on a weekday.  We will develop this event as we go along.

In all likelihood, we will not plan for food or drinks. Men will buy their own drinks and pay for the drinks as they are served.  This is to avoid complications of bill splitting.  Let’s make this a habit and procedure.

Please note the date. Thank you.

Terence Seah

Registration List:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. Henry Foo
  3. Tan Sim Seng
  4. Tony Ang
  5. Frankie Chang
  6. David Chan
  7. Jonathan Ong
  8. Steven Goh
  9. David Low
  10. Frankie Chang
  11. Gary Liew
  12. .
  13. .

Author: Terence Seah


13 thoughts on “2nd Men’s night, Tues 4 Jun 2013”

  1. Hi, wld actually like to join to network & a break from my own lousy cooking, but it’ve been on days when my part-time cleaner comes . She’s usu done ard 6:30pm & tt hour MRT-Bus ride in peak traffic, will be ard 8pm to 313 :( … guess it’s too late & too rush. U guys enjoy d evening together

  2. Calling all the men, do let me know if you are comiing to join the men’s night on Tues 4 June. Our numbers are quite small.

    Terence Seah

  3. Its been a long time since I participated in the activity of SHC. I would like to join in this Men’s Night on the 4 Jun 2013 at 313 Somerset !

  4. So far, we have 11 men attending the Tue June 4 Men’s Night. I encourage more men to attend this gathering. It’s for you.

    Terence Seah

  5. Something crossed my mind over the weekend. It might sound odd and strange but I think it can work. To be honest, I have a very tight schedule, and as I have indicated all along, my schedule gets worse and tight after May.

    The Men’s night is an event that we have thought off to generate more interest among the men, for them to talk our own things. The Men’s night is still in the process of developing itself, and I believe it will work will.

    What is this idea that crossed my mind? Every event requires planning, coordination, searching for venues, getting male members to remember to come, finding out their interests and keeping track of the who’s who. Of course, a major task is to encourage more men to come to this event. So, I was thinking of having two SHC ladies to help with this part of the administration. Left to me, the event might be half hearted as I would struggle to find the time.

    Ladies, if you are creative, can handle the administration of what I have indicated above, please write to me at terences@SilverHairsClub.com. Ideas from other members are welcome.

    Terence Seah

  6. Hi Terence, extracted from your posting above, “Of course, a major task is to encourage more men to come to this event. So, I was thinking of having two SHC ladies to help with this part of the administration”. Hmmm…puzzling…just looking at the sentences. Care to elaborate?

    I will be there barring unforeseeable circumstances. I shall take the train. Sardine is more palatable than PIE during dinner time. I have done a fact sheet (draft copy) about SHC. Will share with all present. Comments and suggestions welcome. Please contribute.
    See U !

  7. Tonight, we will have another Men’s night.
    I shall be attending. As I am not able to squeeze in other time, and if you like to learn how to insert photos or pictures into the Post, please come along tonight as I shall bring along my notebook. The insert photo session shall be conducted at 7.15 pm.

    Men’s night, Tues 4 Jun 2013. Details of 1st 2013 gathering
    313 @ Somerset
    Food Republic on Orchard Road, Somerset MRT.
    Exact sitting location would be between Toast Box and Soup Guru.
    Time: 1830 to 2100 hrs.

    Terence Seah

  8. Terence,
    Thanks for organising the men’s meetup last nite. It was nice to meet old friends & make new ones.
    Thanks to all for the free sharing of ideas, knowledge, advice, jokes & food tips. Everyone had a good time ;)

  9. I am equally pleased to see a good attendance during last night’s Men’s night. Good show of participants by new members, Jonathan and our Andrew Koh.

    I took some pointers and it is likely that the next Men’s night will carry topics like CPF, wealth management, working in China.and sex food. The next venue will be the same place at 313@Somerset.

    More announcements soon.

    Terence Seah

  10. Terence

    Your next Men’s night topics sounds exciting. I shall make an effort to attend.
    The subject I am particularly intrigue is SEX FOOD. Recently I read in ST newspaper that Michael Douglas denied he said oral sex cause throat cancer, or is it tongue cancer?, or maybe it is cure cancer not cause cancer. I should read more seriously what is written in the ST in future.
    I look forward to learn from enlightened men in SHC before I try Sex Food..

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