7 thoughts on “”

  1. Hello Dan and Maria,

    I’m Grace, 2weeks old with the club. I would very much like to join Maria however just realized that I have an imperative appointment on the 6th September. I will attempt to defer it to a later date, meantime could you please pencil me down for the Group Quad?

  2. Good morning Maria and Dan,

    I really like to be onboard as I have never been on one – only watch from a distance; regretfully clinic advised against deferment due to long waiting list.

    Maria – sorry can’t join you this round.
    Dan – Thanks for organizing the cruise.


  3. Dan, good initiative.

    I love cruises but September is tight as I need to prepare for the year-end examination after those jokers hv come up with a new subject banding.

    In passing, the biggest on-board casino for vessels plying this part of the world, arguably, goes to the leisure world.

    But like all casinos, the house wins with only a handful of punters not losing.

  4. Hi Dan!
    Hope I can join in the group. Can’t confirm now till a later date. My work place is organising trip to Kuantan on 1st Sept. However, due to Malaysia National day no more hotels. So they postpone to 2nd/3rd Sept.
    Keep in you inform later. ok?
    Cat Ho

  5. Hi Dan,

    This looks interesting.

    Philip & I are also thinking of going on a cruise in August.

    Please let us have more details.

    Thank you very much for organising it.

    Philip & Priscilla Wee

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