Hari Raya ketupat,lontong and lampu kelap kelip.

Helo everybody,apa kabar? :)

I have not been in the forum for quite a while now..hhmmm..but now I squeeze sometime to cakap2..hehe

I would like to wish all Muslim members and friends "Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri".
Im sure the ladies must be really busy-dizzy..like me la..now still sewing my curtains!..kekeke..the guys buat apa?

For my non-Muslim kawan2,you might wonder why we fast during ‘Ramadhan’..one month before the big day.You know…tak boleh makan & minum (cant eat & drink) from dawn to dusk!
It is to practice self-restraint and discipline.While fasting,we must also abstain from vain talk,using foul language etc..
Last but not least,fasting month is also about self reflection, spirit of giving and helping the less fortunate.

Ok la, that is all for now..i have to continue with my poor curtains :)