In praise of coffee

Whilst we wait long, long for tea tasting, I like to suggest coffee tasting. This is my favorite brain food. Latest scientific research has shown a direct beneficial effect to even brain desease such as Parkinson.

I take my coffee black. I have no trouble sleeping. No, I don’t mean Starbucks. I am thinking of tasting different beans straight out of the roasters. No kiddie milky stuff.


Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

47 thoughts on “In praise of coffee”

  1. How does coffee affect memory?

    Memory can be divided in Short Term Memory (STM), working memory (the part that is using active information) and Long Term Memory (LTM). Coffee helps mainly with STM and the working memory when normal amounts of information have to be dealt with

    Coffee helps to improve alertness, attention and wakefulness and by that means it facilitates learning. In other words, coffee helps optimise the energy sources you have for learning**.

    It also compensates fatigue by increasing the level of alertness. The benefits are found mostly during the course of a long exam or test, when you get tired.

    Here are the direct links between coffee and Parkinson. The research is impressive and the evidence points to coffee as a Parkinson buster.

    “Why Should Coffee Reduce the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease?

    Caffeine belongs to the xanthine chemical group. A naturally occurring xanthine in the brain called adenosine is used as a neurotransmitter at some synapses. When adenosine receptors are blocked, levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine increase. Caffeine may protect against Parkinson’s disease by blocking adenosine receptors, thus increasing the amount of dopamine in the brain.”

    “And the more caffeine from coffee the men in the study consumed, the lower their incidence of Parkinson’s disease. For example, men who don’t drink coffee at all were five times as likely to get the disease as were those who drink seven cups, or 28 oz., or more each day.”

    “Women who drink coffee are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than anyone else, research suggests.”

    “researchers have shown that caffeine can prevent the loss of dopamine-producing nerve cells”

    “A Hawaiian study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (May 2000), has shown that of 8,000 Japanese/American men, those who drank 3+ cups of coffee per day were 5 times less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.”

  2. Does the prospect of coffee tasting send your heart pumping? What about side effects? Especially the link to blood pressure. Truth or myth?

    See study

    People who opt for decaffeinated coffee to avoid raising their blood pressure may be wasting their time, research suggests. A Swiss study indicates that the caffeine contained in coffee is not, as was widely thought, responsible for raising blood pressure. The research also indicated that regular coffee drinkers seem to become immune to the effects.

  3. One of the most expensive, discerning and coveted coffee brew is “Kopi Luwak” or “Civet Coffee.”

    This is said to be made from coffee beans eaten, partly digested and then excreted by the weasel-like animals. Some say its scam.
    Others fear the link to SARS. Authorities in southern China have exterminated thousands of civet cats on fears that they carry and spread the SARS virus.

    The story goes like this: Civets live in the foliage of plantations across Southeast Asia. These fussy foragers pick the best and ripest coffee berries. Enzymes in their digestive system break down the flesh of the fruit before the animals expel the bean.

    Workers collect beans from the plantation floor, wash away the dung and roast them to produce a unique drink that devotees might say is good to the last dropping.

    Several US-based Internet coffee traders claim to offer them for up to US$325 a kilogram, placing it among the world’s most expensive beverages. Been trying to get my ally cat to eat coffee beans. No luck yet.

  4. it is always nice someone does the ground work… thanks KT :D

    I have tried certain German, Italian & Brazilian coffee ‘black’light, it is nice but truly, it is a taste yet to acquire. Cant stomach the expresso version!

    Daily, I need 2 cuppa (morning & lunch), the local strong black ‘kopi-O’ with a little sugar from the old kopi-tiam shops. Such good ones are difficult to find as often it is too light and too sweet, like drinking black colored water. Had to compromise :( I suppose; I need the caffeine! :D esp in the afternoons, without it my brain seems to need a longer break than the 1hour lunch! From your info, now I understand.

    I do take a cuppa of tea now & then but 1st choice is coffee… so am I a coffee lover, I believe so :D

  5. Chris, KT,

    I too love coffee. To me, it’s a must have everyday. I have no problems sleeping at night, after a few cups of coffee. After a few years, I have found a great coffee, grown in the ChiangRai province, some 1,200 – 1,800 meters above sea level, I just love it. It’s called the Banrie Coffee.

    And if you or anyone else like to try a small package of instant Banrie Coffee, let me know.


  6. Hi Terence,
    I love my coffee and papers in the morning. Am not much of a tea person myself.
    Would like to sample that Banrie Coffee of yours…..instant or otherwise.
    Tks & rgds…..Jie

  7. PM in ND speech also highlighted Mdm Loke Tai Hoe, the samsui lady, Now 89 years old, she brought up 10 children.

    Samsui ladies work hard labour in construction sites. Besides their trademark red head scarves they are remembered for always drinking coffee from take-away carnation milk cans.

    Coffee may prove to have more to contribute to longeveity and brain healthy life than commonly believed. Remember it is carnation milk which stood the test of time. Not fresh milk and sugar. Fresh milk in fact has been suspected to be at riak at the height of mad cow disease and it is easy to see why.

    How about a return to goodness. Open a coffee boutique to serve original kopi with carnation milk as base. Call it “Carnation Black”

  8. Hi Terence

    I would like to try your instant Barnie Coffee too. :) Just like you, I must have a cup of cofee every morning. Without that, my engine cannot start leh…. ha.ha.. seriously, I will have headache by late morning, if I don’t have it. Just like a hangover feeling and I feel lousy.
    I only need 1 cup in the morning or the most 2 but before 4pm, funny right ? if not I can’t sleep at nite. Same goes for tea. Blame it on the caffeine.


  9. Me, me, Terence. I would love to have a packet of the Banrie coffee, please. Good timing cos you can give it to me when you come to my hotdog stall this Friday, 31st August.
    See you then, Shirley

  10. Good idea.

    Give to Shirley. She can then provide a free Banrie cuppa with every hotdog purchased for SHC members over weekend starting Froi 31 Aug. Until stock lasts. (Tell your kopitiam boss to make it an exception. Its a family affair.)

    As for sleeping on your coffee, one needs training. For next week take a late nite cuppa with a korean drama. You should be black belt by the time drama finishes.

  11. Hey!

    I want Banrie coffee, too!

    Terence, please keep a packet for me… powder or instant also can. Can’t keep my brain working without coffee…



  12. Hi Terence,

    Me too! Would like to try your Thai coffee. Like the others I must have my coffee black one sugar as a pick-me-up every morning and sometimes at lunchtime too.

    Catherine Y

  13. Hi Terence,
    I too love coffee with my morning breakfast meal at Clementi Mc.Donald.

    Strangely, 1st. cup of coffee,OK.but after filling up and consuming the 2nd. cup then I can feel my HEART thumping.

    I thought it was psychological but no after a few sessions of AM breakfast the same thing happens again,

    Ask MC. Don boss what kind of coffee, he show me the packet of Suzuki coffee from Japan.

    I used to drink coffee from Starbucks too and enjoy reading my morning papers but I will NOT suffer from such effect.

    Can any one explain WHY?

    Is it the strong Caffeine or otherwise .

    I cannot take coffee after 4pm becos my mind will be too ALERT and my head will be looking at the ceiling the whole night.

    Btw, Terence, can you pls. get for me 1 sample of Barnie Thai coffee ?

    Steven Chan

  14. Hee hee Steven. Is there a sezy (stealing KT’s word and expanding upon its usage), sweet young thing who serves you coffee each morning at Clementi McDonalds?

    I wonder what sorts of people serve coffee at Bucks Fee (saw this at Suntec yesterday when I went for the Investment Fair. The “Star” and the “Cof” were not lighted up at the outlet there. Something was wrong with the signboard. But I thought Bucks Fee sounds cool for a coffee outlet…Actually, Bugs Bunny Teeth was what first came to mind.)

  15. Dear Coffee fellows(me included)!

    When you say you drink coffee as a regular beverage, please qualify what coffee?

    That morning cuppa from “Ah Ko” followed by the two eggs and “kaya roti” is really an adulterated beverage but named “kopi” and existed throughout asian history! Try sending it to a laboratory for a breakdown of components and you will find that you are drinking more of everything else but coffee! Likewise, 3 or 2 in 1 packages!

    At a branded coffee boutique, the situation is slightly better but still very commercial! So, the best bet, buy, roast and grind your own genuine seeds and then brew it yourself. For me, I still would like to enjoy my “latte” with all the ills!

    Cheers, Edwin Chen

  16. Hi Terence,

    I like to drink coffee also. In fact I drink it everyday. Please give me a packet of the Thai Banrie coffee to sample.

    Thank you so much. Bernie

  17. Hi everybody, who raised their hands,

    I will get you a pack to try. Happy drinking.

    Edwin, I luv local coffee, until I realise there is about a 10% sugar inside Kopi-O kosong. I gave up after that.

    Terence Seah

  18. The aroma made me sick. Tasting it will have severe headache. Like steven said in comments #14,Can any one explain WHY?

    I am very happy with my cuppa of Hot Chocolate :)
    Ah Nee

  19. Looks like a pre-morning queue has formed. On one hand, it feels a bit ks. On the other hand, I feel like screaming

    MEEEEE 2

    Don’t worry if you missed out. After this show of overwhelming demand, I am sure T will be planning to bring in a few container load next time. Meanwhile you can read all about it here

  20. Hi Terence,

    In time to get 1 for me? if not next time.

    Suzhang: me too, 4pm is my last cup of coffee! Everyone told me it is in the mind, I tried several times but the result is the same. Impossible to take a shut eye the whole night though every part of me is screaming ‘go to sleep’ hahhaha

  21. Edwin

    Kopi is more pedigree coffee than you think. All coffees get its taste from the blend and process.

    This is one age old kopi recipe
    This is Tanjung Sepat’s very own brand of local kopi that is prized for its wonderful aroma and full-bodied flavour. The account is by coffee producer Lim Seng Peng.

    Lim sources his coffee beans from the Malay farmers near the village. The beans are of the Robusta variety that grows on the lowlands. Lee’s coffee production process is fascinating, as his machinery dates back to 60 years ago.

    Sacks of newly-picked coffee beans in vibrant reds and greens are cracked open and sun-dried, spread across the ground for several days.

    Then Lim would roast the coffee beans over four hours with sugar and margarine till they are dark brown. This is the most important step, as proper roasting draws out the fragrance.

    The result is a remarkably aromatic coffee with a potent flavour of bitter and golden tastes. The brew can be savoured in most of the village restaurants today, including Hai Yew Heng pau shop, Baywatch and Arowana retail outlet.

    Other local vendors mix corn and the beans together and grind them well to achieve their special local taste. Historically, this is may be an offshoot to scam the weight in the trade. Not a connoiseur’s artistic inspiration. But it has stamped the tradition into the taste of our local kopi.

  22. There is no truth in the tales that kopi gets its signature taste from using used socks as filters. Nor is there any credibility that a popular aphrodisiac version comes from tights.

    These stories were probably floated by jealous tea drinkers. As much as the story that tea ceremonies use tea bags are spread by jealous kopi aficionados.

    Hee hee….

  23. The following are types of coffee. Remember however that the final taste we get today at commercial outlets are the result of both process and blend. Even kopi is just a traditional processed blend. Out of the following coffee types there is almost infinity variety of tastes that can be produced. Such is the wonder of coffee.

    Coffee Families:
    East Africa and Arabia
    Indonesia and Pacific Americans

    Brazilian Santos
    A high quality bean grown in Sao Paulo region. It is smooth, full bodied with only a slight
    bitterness or acidity. Derives its flavour from the iron rich soil – terra roxa – in which it is

    Colombian Medellin Excelso
    Has less acidity than most Colombian coffees. Full of aroma, a light flavourful coffee.

    Costa Rican
    A very mild coffee, full bodied with a nutty background. Very smoooth and satisfying.

    Ethiopian Mocha
    This coffee comes from the name of the original coffee plant. It is a smooth, well-matured
    coffee with a distinctive aroma. Its flavour is reminiscent of a high pheasant, hence the trade
    term ‘gamey’. Excellent after dinner coffee.

    A mellow and pleasant coffee, 100% pure Kona. Only coffee that is grown in the United

    Jamaican Blue Mountain
    The world’s most expensive coffee. 98% of its harvest is exported to Japan. The remaining
    2% is used in blends and in fact, there are many so-called Blue Mountain blends available.
    Beware of imitations! Genuine Blue Mountain beans are certified as such by the Jamaican
    Coffee Industry Board.

    Well matured before roasting. Unigue slightly smoky flavor. Good after dinner blend.

    Rates among the world’s finest coffee. Strongflavour, sharp acidity and fine aroma. Suitable
    for people who like coffee with a bite.

    This coffee is often dark-roasted and heavy mellow flavour with little acidity.

    Tanzanian Kilimanjaro
    A coffee with a distinctive, well-balanced flavour. Strongest than those coffees grown in
    Central America.

    Full-bodied, rich, winy, chocolaty overtones coffee. One of the more popular coffee used in
    most Mocha house blend.

  24. Hey Christina & Steven

    I thought I was the odd one out but looks like we are in the same boat…ha..ha… I don’t think it’s in the mind, but it’s really true for me that caffaine keeps me awake. :)


  25. Steven and Ah Nee #19 #14 refers – why heart pumping and headache.

    Quick take
    Coffee is a stimulant. On a normal person, it normally fires you up in a positive way. You should not feel adverse effect unless you are already on the brink. Then it is like firing an already overworked machine.

    My suggestion is to quickly get a checkup. First for caffine allergy. Second for your general medical condition especially hypertension.

    I too tend towards hypertension. But I believe that a combination of healthy lifestyle and coffee has made me much stronger over the years. It is a questioning of conditioning.

    But see your doctor. Abnormal reaction to coffee or anything else ordinary is not necessarily a good thing for you. You should get to the bottom of it.

  26. Hi Wong,

    Aren’t you GREAT ?

    You started the coffee talk and now almost everyone is making a bee
    line to receive free “pay outs” by our Godfather Terence.Ha! ha!

    Steven Chan
    Btw Thanks so much for your advice and suggestions re: CPF investment and Annuity.
    at the CPF Road Ahow at Maria Atrium.

    Thanks for your coffee treat at Starbucks but the next round will be on me.

    Thanks for spending so much of your time chatting abt investments on CPF and properties.

    I am grateful to find in SHC, a member not only friendly but HELPful too.

    Till we meet again in Sept meeting,

    Steven Chan

  27. Hi Wong K.T.

    Thanks so much for your concern.

    Well,I just drink 1 cup.
    and that will solve the problem.

    No,I am not having hypertension but low blood pressure instead.

    I guess the blood has to travel a longer path throughout my WHOLE BODY and thus,the slightly low pressure.

    Steven Chan

  28. Suzhang, Chris #21 #25 refers
    Why cannot sleep with an after 4 cuppa?

    Have you tried to clutch a Korean drama to sleep?
    Still no effect after one weekend?

    One such recent study showed that drinking up to seven cups during a day is not associated with us enjoying any less sleep (3) and in another survey, involving 760 nurses (4), results showed that other factors such as age and family issues were more important in keeping us awake. In a study involving elderly women (5), there was no difference in caffeine consumption between good and poor sleepers.

    What this means is that coffee makes you alert and think. Which is normally a good thing for most. Except for people who do not like to think too much or are natural worriers. In the latter case, coffee sets your worrying in overdrive. That is what keeps you awake. Your worries.

    So it is a question of attitude. If you are a positive and optimistic person, then a cuppa will paint your rosy world into a burst of kaleidoscope.

    Here’s the science behind the lighthearted look. Drink your coffee before reading on

  29. ha…ha..ha..Steven you so funny, you are not having hypertension due to your height, is that what you mean :) I also don’t have hypertension, but I am not as tall as you leh ha..ha…ha :)

    Ah Nee

  30. Hi

    I am a coffee man myself, consuming at least 5 cups of coffee a day. My preference is the local kopi-o. However, I find the kopi-o in most local coffee shops not satisfying cos they are of low quality (but I will still take in the absence of anything else). One of the best place for good quality kopi-o I can recommend is the coffee shop in old Majestic Cinema, next to the Bee Chun Hiang shop (the home-made kaya there is also very good, they sell at $2.80 for a plastic cup). Another good place for kopi-o is the Yakun Kaya toast shop.



  31. Hi Wong KT,

    You MUST be a CONNOISSEUR of International Coffee.

    Your great knowledge of different kinds of coffee from all over the world ASTOUNDS me from Ali Baba to Zorro .( A to Z )

    However, consuming too MUCH coffee is NOT good for health either.

    Too much coffee means too much caffeine are absorbed and also the POOR KIDNEYS have to work harder to filter away the caffeine metabolic products from our body system.And so our urine will have the strong AROMA of coffee.

    Do NOT believe too much in scientific investigation as the sample they had taken is SMALL and hence not so accurate.

    And so Anything taken in Moderation is better than taking it in EXCESS.

    Goodnight, Zzzzzzz..zz

  32. Terence, yr Thai Banrie cofi will go to waste if it’s served by our very own kopi ah sors ……. imagine them sitting on yr laps peppering you with kisses out of a mouth of yellow teeth instead of the ravishing, TTLs pampering you with teases so pls make sure yr shipment carries that bit more……….

  33. Walau!! Terence your Chanrai’s Banrie coffee really hit the jackpot with the coffee lovers, I for one would not want to miss this opportunity to taste the Thai “essence of coffee”, the reality underlying the phenomenon in coffee drinking. I think I will be sailing the same boat with you, Kopi-O-Koson, che puay..
    kamsia…T, to think of it, better charter a plane to bring in the load of Banrie for the Silverhairs, enthusiastically awaiting….



  34. Edwin, KT, Ron,

    I am not sure how,but yes Banrie instant coffee can be the house drink.

    I just bought a small, but large enough size bottle today. Shall keep it for the next event.

    Terence Seah

  35. Hi Terence,

    I would rather wait for the next round to sample the Banrie instant coffee. Please don’t forget to remember…. my packet, should feedbacks be favourable.


  36. Terence,

    Are you referring to instant coffee powder in a bottle or packet. The type that you just add teaspoons and hot water. You don’t need to filter to make a drink.

    Instant coffee comes in three forms; freeze dried, spray-dried and liquid coffee extract. The powder is simply rehydrated with hot water to provide a drink similar but generally regarded as inferior to conventional coffee. The original taste may be somewhat transformed by the dehydration process. In some cases, the taste is deliberately altered in the process.

    Or are you referring to freshly ground coffee beans that needs filtering. This is the type you would use to test real and original coffee.

  37. HiTerence n Edwin

    If the Banrie coffee is to be the house drink, it has to be 2in1 and 3in1, at least there a variety to choose from. How nice to have your ALOHA cum BANRIE hula hula together.


  38. KT, Ron,

    It’s good social attraction with this thing called Coffee. Maybe we dont have 3 or 2 in 1, but we can put the ingredients ourself.

    Any thoughts on a such a event to appreciate coffee? At the rate we go, the event will be next year.

    Terence Seah

  39. Dear Terence,

    This morning Ron lai showed me a place by the beach along the EC. Lovely place, maybe we could have some of our regular socials there. With a regular kitchen and bar but no air-conditioning. Very breezy and I think should be very romantic in the evenings, really now.. no bragging!!

    So,when you return,Ron,you and myself lets go take a second look. Check the details.

    Edwin Chen

  40. Edwin,

    You mean the bar near the Mcdonald’s by the sea?

    Good place. Only transport problem for some members.

    Here’s an idea. Run commercial parties. Rent a holiday chalet. Host beer/wine/coffee/tea tasting with theme food – party trays/BBQ/catered. With Edwin to entertain us all.

    Do it only once or even twice a week but regularly. Beat the downtime blues. Just like the popular Beer’s dinner event or Zuok out. Do it commercially but event basis. This way you can solve the high rental problem.

    Soon your favorite customers will adapt to your schedule and wait for your event in anticipation.

  41. Hi Terence,

    Are you looking forward to your backpacking in Europe???? I am sure you are……Enjoy it.

    By the way have you coloured your hair blond yet??. Be sure to take a head shot for posterity and post it in SHC on your return.

    Thanks once again for the Banrie Coffee.
    I tried it this morning, but unfortunately put too much water, so unable to give an honest opinion of it.

    Not to worry about the childish bickering going on in SHC…..hopefully it will fizzle out
    Till SHC see you again……Enjoy your holiday.

  42. Jie,

    I am definitely looking forward to the Europe trip. Will definitely enjoy the company of Ann and HK Cheong.

    And, yes, I am doing my hair brown this Saturday. My nephews will do it for me.

    Enjoy your coffee.

    Thank you for the kind words.


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