Interview on BreakFast club 938 LIVE

This morning at 7.10 am, I had a tele-interview on the BreakFast club 938 LIVE radio with presenters Bharati Jagdish and Keith DeSouza.  Some of you have heard the interview while going to work.  As a result, we have a number of new members enrolling to join the SHC membership.  I like to welcome the new members.

Terence Seah

Author: Terence Seah


6 thoughts on “Interview on BreakFast club 938 LIVE”

  1. Alamak Terence

    I only listen to Gold 90.5 leh….. except when they have those cheezy ad, then I will switch channel. You should have announced earlier lah. Then we will all tune in. Now then tell us….. apa ini?

  2. Well, we deseve to be known but…………publicity & basking in the limelight may come with a cost………the need to hv SHC registered as a society…………..

  3. Terence,
    I’ve often listened to both Bharati and Keith as 93.8FM is my favourite channel. However, I’ve never seen them in person and its great to be able to meet them soon. Well done Terence!

  4. Tim,

    On your point of registering SilverHairsClub, we had held it off one year, so that we can review how we can take the club further into future years.

    Let’s look at this issue again in 2008. we would need your advice then.


  5. Terence dear, my advice doesnt come cheap unless you find me in a trance, and 2008 certainly looks like a year of turbulence, trance, trepidation and I am already feeling some tremors building………..

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