Fart Facts

Farting is good for you. I set to correct the  misinformation written on this greatly misunderstood and unappreciated body function.

Those who fart in public usually try to deny it. Some go quickly on the offensive and ask loudly "who farted ?" Others try to cover it up by clearing their throats, scraping their chair or shoes against the ground to make it seem like that had been the sound all along. What do you do?

The gas is mainly CO2 and comes from overeating in general. Carbon dioxide is a component of bacterial action in digestion and bacteria cause gas.  Loud farts require more excessive gas. So there is a scientific basis that fat people fart more and louder. Eat less and you should fart less and lose weight. The farts also tend to be quieter for lack of volume and therefore less noticeable.

The odor of farts comes mainly from sulfur. So the more sulfur-rich your diet is, the more your fart will stink. And the more people will notice. Sulphur-rich foods include eggs, seafood, beef, veal, tongue, liver, chicken, dried apricots and peaches, cabbage, Brazil nuts, peanuts and cheddar cheese. Onions, garlic and leeks are also rich in Sulphur. So eating onions does not necessarily cause more farts. But because they are less stinky, it goes undetected more often.

Sulphur is used to make new substances in the body such as the hormone insulin, which is vital for the control of blood glucose levels. So cutting sulphur from our diet, is not an option either.

Yet not all is hopeless. Here’s something you can do. The way you eat and drink can cause gas as well. Not carefully chewing and chugging a drink can cause you to swallow an excess of air therefore causing farts to emerge. Also, chewing can help the digestive system break down the foods so bacteria can be prevented.

Eating slowly and chewing food for longer allows the enzymes in saliva to break the food. The more that food is chewed, the more it is broken down for the digestive system,” MedicalNewsToday said.

Now you know. We should just accept that, on most occasions, farting is good news for our bodies. Next time, sympathize those who can’t fart to save their life.  So, go ahead, let it rip.

Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

26 thoughts on “Fart Facts”

  1. Not sure how this topic can add value to our life! If every body were to take your suggestion, there will definitely be more noise n air polution!

    Anyway, was told by a surgeon that the most welcome sound after surgery of a patient’s gastro-intestinal system is a good loud fart! it shows operation was a success!

    Why do pple suppress their fart in public? Basically, farting is associated with a rather private n personal matter as it is physically near to our ‘private’ areas which obviously we regard as ‘pte & personal’. As such, society expect one to keep such matter as farting pte and to oneself. Parents also discourage children from such activity in public and so the practice continues…

    any other theories???

  2. Henry @ #1

    Good question. How does it value add?

    Viewing the issue from a philosophical standpoint, not all social norms and constraints are good for you. Do what’s right for yourself first before you do right for others. If letting go is right for you then let go.

    If you are self-concious about farting in public, you are probably self-concious about many things, imaginary or otherwise. You seek public approval and lack confidence to assert your own personality. In fact, you feel that you are just an extension of others expectations.

    So what you have to fart. Do you need to seek approval from one and all. If so, your whole life is just in servitude for others’ approval.

    Knowledge is liberating. So use it to find yourself. You don’t have to feel guilty anymore. You are doing just what comes naturally. The others are the ones harming themselves and acting against the order of nature.

  3. What a load of hot air and it’s all alimentary, dear KT!

    You wanna know the real reason why farts smell? It’s for the benefit of the deaf.

    It’s the likes of you that helped Vikki Carr’s recording “It Must Be Him” become a million-seller. And also prompted the Animals to record “We Gotta Get Out of This Place”.

    Our friendship will no doubt be tested when the lift arrives and whether you remind me not to get in with you.

    I am just thankful that someone invented wind-breaks.

  4. What a discussion on “Farting”! However, here’s a nice definition of a “Fart”
    A “fart” is a cannon shot fired between Fort Arse to announce the arrival of Admiral Shit.
    Hehehehe! How’s that for a definition?

  5. hhhmmm…i wonder, what prompted u to write abt this ‘funny’ topic?…anything happen? or is it to suggest that farting in public is ok?…the answer is NOT OK!..pls try to do privately,not especially in the lift!…aiyo!susah!

    well…im sure all of us know the facts, its bcos we ate too much toxic related foods or too much ‘nonsense’??…but while u released & make yourselves better…its a torture to the ppl around…hv to tolerate the ‘pengsan’ odour lah!..
    alamak i better lari if i see u leh…hahaha

  6. You come of age when you reconcile with your body and not be embarassed by it.

    Shakespeare in his Henry IV has the Chief Justice admonish Sir John

    “CHIEF JUSTICE: Do you set down your name in the scroll of youth, that are written down old with all the characters of age? Have you not a moist eye? a dry hand? a yellow cheek? a white beard? a decreasing leg? an increasing belly? is not your voice broken? your wind short? your chin double? your wit single? and every part about you blasted with antiquity? and will you yet call yourself young? Fie, fie, fie, Sir John!”

  7. Ron @ #3

    It’s Tarnia’s “Tell Me Who” on everybody’s lips when the wind breaks in a crowded lift.

    There you can’t even blame it on the dog. You certainly cannot blame it on the wallaby. Kangaroos don’t fart. Some scientists believe that kangaroos may hold answers to global warming.

    Bet u didn’t know this, Ozzie.

  8. Hi Henry

    What you said #1 is so true. After surgery for gall bladder, my late husband could not break wind at all. His stomach was so bloated like those malnourished African kids. The pain was unbearable. He later had to undergo a bypass to clear the blockage and that did not work either.

    A third operation had to be done. Just imagine one whole year of not being able to pass wind and the pain one has to bear when you cannot fart.

    If it has to stink the lift, be it!

  9. Caroline @ #8

    Sometimes the things we wish most not to happen, happens.

    You should have squeezed your hubbie into a few crowded lifts and see what happens. Could have saved an operation, expensive medical procedures and a lot of pain.

  10. Thanks KT. Should have known you earlier and gotten this advice hahaha.

    Have taken up your advice on the other thread about eating wisely (though I have been practising this for a while) and exercising.

    Have started swimming and watching more carefully what goes into my mouth and stomach. Keep up the good work.

  11. A rountine fart in the morning makes my day bright & cherry.

    In deference to the conservatives who make up the majority, I’ll eject my fart by doing the star-jump in the privacy of my room but with my windows opened so that the aroma & melody is shared with the appreciative perching mynahs as much as my lascivious neighbour aminah.

    The Creator cleverly designed that fart emits from what Henry noted as the private part as it’s not supposed to be in the highest order of things.

    Sadly, many choose to fart from the prominent orifice below the nose much to the embarrassment of the Creator. It hits you directly on the face and you wont find the time to siem……

    So, even if the sophisticated fella comes in a suit or tuxedo, be forewarned, he may be a bigger farter that the low-down delivery man wearing his wind breaker.

  12. Thank goodness, all the fart talk seems to have dissipated. There is nothing more repulsive than someone who thinks nothing of farting openly and expecting people to accept it, simply because it is a “natural bodily function”.
    No doubt that it’s natural to do so, but people who are about to fart, should be discreet and move away.
    Satisfying your sexual libido is also a natural bodily process, but people, normal people that is, don’t do that openly, right under your nose, so why assail people’s noses with your foul odour?
    There is such a thing as self control and courtesy. One should excuse oneself and move to a distant corner to ‘let go’ or offer a simple apology if an accident should happen.
    Another “natural” act is “digging gold” or picking one’s nose, so is defaecation and urination. One does not do them publicly, so why fart indiscreetly???

  13. KT Wong,
    Since you are on a topic related to smell, what about perfumes and colognes and pheromones? Why and how did they come into use? How do some people use them? To hide odours? To enhance one’s appeal? To knock someone out? To turn someone on? To scare the devil away? Care to comment?

  14. Mary @ 13

    IMO. Perfume, in its logical process, is a scam. People pay a lot of money to mask their natural BO. Then they pay even more to put the sex back into the smell.

    Several investigations on human body odour revealed the relevance of olfactory communication in humans and it’s implications for sexual behaviour (for review see: Schaal & Porter, 1991). Human body odour has been reported to influence female mate choice in order to find a partner that possesses fitting immune system components (Wedekind et al., 1995). In this study we focused on the question whether smell could signal general mate quality like other cues in sexual selection. Two well known mate choice criteria gave the possibility to investigate the suspected role of body odour in mate selection: physical attractiveness and low levels of fluctuating asymmetry. Morphological symmetry as well as physical attractiveness are presumed to signal individual developmental stability, i.e. heritable mate qualities (Gangestad et al., 1994; Grammer & Thornhill, 1994).

    So the nose has it. The secrets of Smell and Sex. On your next heavy date, put on some clothes that you have “sensorised” on your last sweatout. If you want a pretty undertone, spray on a scented pesticide. Cheap and good compared to perfumes. And they keep the mozzies away.

    hmmm …. think I should start charging for all these supercharged advice ? ….

  15. KT,
    Happy New Year.

    Regarding perfumes and colognes:

    When I was in France, I chanced upon this chateau, forgot the name though, where they displayed various inventions of perfumes, dating all the way back to Louis the forteenth(?) or whatever number.

    The French back then hardly ever bathed or cleaned themselves, so most of them stank (no offence to anyone with French heritage). Hence the perfume was invented to mask that. Some people still use perfume for that purpose nowadays (gross!), but what they don’t realise is that the intended fragrance is distorted into something close to putrid, by their body odour.

    No doubt everyone has his or her own body exudates which may attract or repel. These are pheromones and shouldn’t be confused with body odours, which actually is the result of the action of bacteria on the sweat and grime.
    Perfumes and colognes, if properly applied to a cleansed body, should react with these pheromones to give a fragrance that is pleasing to both the wearer as well as to someone who is drawn by it. That is why some people get turned off while others are attracted.
    A small dab or spray is enough.

    Incidentally, b.o. can be reduced with the use of Alum, if anyone is interested. It comes in a crystalline slab, but the key to less ‘stink’ is proper cleansing. Alum should also be applied only after a good bath, not on top of the dirt and grime.
    So spray on and attract, not repel. :-)

  16. Hi KT, Mary and all

    KT, there are many opportunities that intentionally or unintentinally Terence has started since the start of SHC that provides ample mating opportunities based olfactory communication (as you mentioned) like cycling and walking.

    KT, Only do not happen to see you in any of these activities at all, afraid you will attract too many, like bees or ants to start a colony ?

    But you do seemed to have a large collection of books or reference from the internet to quote most of what you say ??

    Mary , good to learn new words from you and about the French body and now learn a little more why they make good lovers , the correct use of pheromones, correct cleansing of alum and application of right perfumes. It does sound the French are expert in one of the practice of Kama Sutra, at least in this one area of 6 senses, or there is more about the French to learn ???

    On the other subject or reading, which Mary has proposed to start a Reading club in SHC. I think maybe we convert/supplement it to an eLibrary , and to qualify each member just to have to buy one eBook, creating a library of eBooks, that can then be easily kept(in a website) and easily be accessed by anyone who is a member when the member is given the password.

    With an eLibrary there are many more benefits of not having to worry of books being lost or misplace, dirtied or torn, and convenience that any member can easily read it at any time they want and not having to wait for another member to finish reading it, etc.


  17. Ron @ #16

    See my comments on outdoor sports in #35.
    There is nothing wrong with outdoor sports and I use to be very active in it. I just don’t find a compelling reason to do so now what with the additional risks to accidents, injury and pollution. Global warming and ozone holes has added to the risk factors.

    And for what? One can have the exercise much more efficiently indoors in a controlled environment. Efficiency is important if you want to repeat this as a serious lifestyle routine, practised daily. With outdoor activities a lot of time is wasted just getting there and back. You can still socialize in a gym or club.

    Gym is boring to some but it does all the workout that outdoor can give, and more. You really can’t get injured unless you are suicidal. Or if you walk into a machine being distracted by a leotard fetish or unrestrained mammaries that got into the way.

    We are no longer the spring chickens that we use to be. It is up to us to husband our wealth and health in the face of exorbitant medical costs.

    Let us take this into perspective. A commonplace B1 repair to ligament tear (eg tennis, squash or football) is about $10 K (eg Arthroscopic Meniscus day surgery only) and $30 to 40 K for knee replacement. If you are retired or self-employed you can’t even enjoy your 2/3 weeks of med leave. Add it up to make your own risk to cost schedule.

    It is a very personal thing. I am not recommending this to anyone. It is just what I do.

    Library Club is a very good idea if coupled with discussion and ideas sharing groups. Any interest anyone?

  18. Mary @ #15

    I agree with Ron @ #16. Obviously you know your smells. I am impressed.

    I must be much more careful about the technical language. Allow me to readdress the points with greater precision

    As the French would say
    “Vous ne vous êtes pas lavé pendant une quinzaine de jours, mais je vous aime encore.”
    Even though you’ve obviously not washed for a fortnight, I still fancy you.

    The whole sex cocktail of odourless pheromones and perfume is all there in a uniquely French fashion – and of course the BO. It comes with the territory, or wash to be more precise. If you wash regularly it all goes away. Put in the perfume after a wash and that’s all that is left. Pheromones does not come cheaply packaged in a bottle.

    And if you must wash, watch where you are washing. The most potent pheromone-generating regions of the body are located in the groin, the armpits, and in the narrow strip of skin between the base of the nostrils and the upper lip, which is called the nasal sulcus. Researchers believe that people dance closely with their potential sexual partners in order to get their noses close enough to their partner’s underarms, so that they are in a better position to evaluate that person’s pheromones. Understanding the nasal sulcus’ role in pheromone production may help to explain why people kiss as a prelude to sex. It may be that people kiss their potential sexual partners as a way to more effectively sniff out their partner’s pheromones. Kissing appears to be nature’s way of getting our noses even closer to pheromone-rich regions of the body, allowing for an even more thorough evaluation.

    So unless you make a rule not to wash at less 24 hours before you next tyrst, you are probably getting it all the wrong way round.

    Forget about love at first sight. Pheromones are processed by two tiny organs inside the base of each nostril called the vomeronasal organ or the VNO. When these excitement-generating chemical messengers enter the VNO, and signal the brain, they completely bypass the higher cognitive circuits, and directly affect the hypothalamus, which is the center of the more primitive, emotional region of the brain. This helps to explain why we often get such strong gut reactions about people when we meet them for the first time. It is all in the chemistry.

    Love can be created in a bottle. The development of designer pheromones may soon allow us to create heightened states of sexual excitation and enhanced states of sexual pleasure, as well as entirely new states of consciousness.

    But remember. The science of fatal attraction is with pheromones not perfume. I strongly suspect that it is also the same with aromatherapy.

  19. Hey you guys!

    No sex, please… we’re SHCs!

    From farting to smelling… KT, you’re almost as bad as Tim!

    The Frenchies invented perfume because they couldn’t take regular baths as they had to maintain their coiffured high bouffants. So don’t give us the crap about “pheromones?” please!

    Remember, too, that in the 18th century there was no sewage system and everything was done or dumped in the streets.

    I would certainly hate to meet the next SHC member who farts and hadn’t taken his bath for a week!

  20. “Vous ne vous êtes pas lavé pendant une quinzaine de jours, mais je vous aime encore.” The use of “vous” instead of “tu” shows that they are not close to each other. A one-night stand perhaps?! Thus, it could only be a pick-up line and not a genuine show of affection.

    In your discussion on scent / smell or b.o. you have omitted the cultural, biological & traditional aspects which do not necessarily equate hygiene. For eg. in Zaire (and some other black African cultures), body odor is the norm. That’s why they refer to the white people as “carcass” (body without smell).

    In tropical climate, people washes themselves more often to cool their body temperature. A fervent Muslim washes before each prayer which can be as much as 5 times a day. Muslim women must wash themselves from head to toes after each love-making session.

    The French and the Nordics wash less frequently because the cold climate does not make them feel soiled. (Anyone who had lived in “cold” countries will noticed this.) So when they wash, they would wash only the areas mentioned by KT@#18 – para 5. Especially in ancient times where running hot water was non-existence, coupled with the beliefs that frequent washing is bad of health.

    In China, people with b.o. can have their sweat gland clinically removed from under their armpit and they would be free of body odor whether they wash or not (although smell from other parts of their body or clothing will prevail).

  21. Kenneth,
    All this is not about sex. It’s biology! It’s just getting interesting. Pheromones is not crap. Please don’t equate it to that unwashed smell, b.o.
    It is a “chemical substance secreted and released ny an animal for detection and response by another, usually of the same species.”
    Pheromones are odourless. Like KT said, they are detected by the vomeronasal organs. Pheromones do not “smell” like b.o.

  22. Ya, agreed with Mary, this pheromones subject is getting interesting….hehehe

    Pheromones is not crap…neither nor sex…. anyway….SHCians need sex ( I mean physical and education) too…. so no harm as long as the contents of the discussion is informative and educational….

    Hope the above comments wont get left/right /centre ‘hantum’ by some ppl here…. God bless me….lolsssss

  23. Hahaha, Kenneth, can you count? How many “K” and :N’ in yr name?

    Knn, never greet tim guppy new year but touts him as a baddy (#19) for all to see like that tim sure susah dan mati.

    The Frenchies eat too much french fries so they carry that smell; get them to eat frangipani and they’ll smell like flowers.

    So what nonsense to say that they dont bathe regularly, coiffured high bouffants lah, pheromones lah, armpits lah, groins lah, 1 nite-stand, 2-nite must hv tent lah………..semua salah dan gila.

    “SHCians need sex ( I mean physical and education)….”

    Alright, when you’re ready, Jane, pls buzz me but I aint too much an exhibitionist but will try if you arent shy & want to include education.

    But bathe first hor……………….

  24. Hohoho, my dear Tim

    You’ve already proven what you are; what we’re trying to determine is to what degree.

    I was thinking of the days of Loius XIV and Marie Antoinette, hence the high, powdered wigs and faces, and the poor standards of hygiene at that time.

    I wasn’t alluding to the modern day French. And I wasn’t trying to debunk the pheromones theory.

    Yes, we all need sex… but keep it clean and respectful.

  25. Kenneth, xmas is over, hohoho no pakai liao so start to hang that “kangkong fatt choy” on yr lips like Terence did and get good roughage out of the vegge.

    Read little of amor he-storyLoius but believed Marie Antoinette died in 2 piece……..and whether she had sex b4 that – clean, disrespectful sex – or went thru the motion like a fool still wearing her samfu, you tell me, I dunno……

  26. Ken @#24 / Tim @#25

    Dirty sex in high places, huh.

    The people must have had enough. Little wonder why they finally decided to end it all and sent beautiful Antoinette to Madame Guillotine.

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