Lost Caution

The much celebrated "Lust, Caution" from director Ang Lee comes across as somewhat a disappointment. Caution is Lost in the Lust. It will be best remember for the most audacious full frontal nudity of any mainstream movie.

The plot is simple enough. The heroine (Tang Wei) tries to kill running dog (Tony "Long") with an overdose of sex. (hee hee that’s not exactly it but close enough). The much awaited 10 mins turn out to be a heavy breathing rendition as old man Leung struggles to do push ups in bed. Ang should stick to portraying gay love or guys breaking backs on a lonely mountain. Don’t worry. If you watch it here, you’ll probably be saved by censorship.

I don’t like the stereotyping of Tony’s  bitchy, elegant wife (Joan Chen) who spends her days shopping and playing mah-jongg with her friends.  Isn’t this what all retirees do? At least it is better than humping in a seedy short-time motel with someone who is prepared to cut out parts from your body.

Lee Ang’s cinematic impact seems to be confined to making heros out of demons.  Ang should stick to portraying gay love or guys breaking backs on a lonely mountain.  This is my last straw. Remind me to give his next movie a miss.   

Author: Wong Kong Thean

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2 thoughts on “Lost Caution”

  1. Haha, KT, KT, how cd that be you ?

    That you’d lose yr pants becomes less unthinkable, less unlikely than you hv lost caution and went to watch “Lust, Caution” even if they topped it up with pop corns & a giant size coke, so…………..?

    If Ang Lee has this devilish power to entice you to lust bluffing you with his advisory caution, Ang Sar Lee will probably make you danz with yr forex computer atop the angsana tree.

    C’mon, that cant be the much celebrated KT I know and to quote you further, “comes across as somewhat a disappointment”.

    Surely, it cant be that you dunno what an overdose of sex is and wanted to find out (I thot the suave handsome you wd hv so many climnbing on you that you wd hv had enough of the dosage?)

    I aint so sure now if i shd bet against you riding Ang Lee as a cowboy…………even if i win, I cant be happy if a hero turns zero………

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