Norhayati A Aziz – Profile

Hi folks. My name is Nur, short for Norhayati. I came across SHC website by chance on 7th April 2008 and decided to join the following day, after reading the many activities organised by the club. I take this opportunity too, to thank Terence for his warm welcome.

I’m working in a senior citizens’ home (so, anybody who wants to chope a bed can call me, just kidding emoticon). I’m not a nurse, just working in the HR office.

I used to enjoy reading (thrillers, legal, criminal and of course romantic love stories) but after being ‘diagnosed’ as being long-sighted several years ago, I began to cut down on my leisure reading, as I tend to get headache if I put on my reading glasses for too long. Now, I’ve switched to watching Korean series, travelogue and documentaries on television during my free time.
I used to travel with friends too but after one by one they got married, I didn’t want to be a lamppost and stopped traveling with them.

I’m hoping that by joining SHC, I would be able to make and meet new friends and to join in some of the activities. I may not be able to attend all the activities though, as I’m almost the main caregiver to my 70plus mum (being the only unmarried sibling emoticon).
Another thing I must confess to. I’m one of those hopeless persons with VERY poor sense of direction. If the activity is being held in Tampines, don’t be surprised if I end up in Clementi!! Don’t be surprised too if you find a foreigner in Singapore probably knows Singapore better than I do. emoticon

So, please bear with me OK if I need detailed directions of how to reach a certain destination for the activities.

My other interests include morning walks on Sundays (I work alternate half day on Saturdays). Want to learn to play badminton like a pro. Right now, I can anyhow hit the shuttle. My 10-year-old niece can play better.
So, at the next activity, if you see a tudong-wearing lady, that would be me. I’m looking forward to meet the other members and  join in the activities organized by SHC.

Nur emoticon

Author: Norhayati

Hi folks. My name is Nur, short for Norhayati. I came across SHC website by chance on 7th April 2008 and decided to join the following day, after reading the many activities organised by the club. I take this opportunity too, to thank Terence for his warm welcome. I’m working in a senior citizens’ home (so, anybody who wants to chope a bed can call me, just kidding). I’m not a nurse, just working in the HR office. I used to enjoy reading (thrillers, legal, criminal and of course romantic love stories) but after being 'diagnosed' as being long-sighted several years ago, I began to cut down on my leisure reading, as I tend to get headache if I put on my reading glasses for too long. Now, I’ve switched to watching Korean series, travelogue and documentaries on television during my free time. I used to travel with friends too but after one by one they got married, I didn’t want to be a lamppost and stopped traveling with them. I’m hoping that by joining SHC, I would be able to make and meet new friends and to join in some of the activities. I may not be able to attend all the activities though, as I’m almost the main caregiver to my 70plus mum (being the only unmarried sibling). Another thing I must confess to. I’m one of those hopeless persons with VERY poor sense of direction. If the activity is being held in Tampines, don’t be surprised if I end up in Clementi!! Don’t be surprised too if you find a foreigner in Singapore probably knows Singapore better than I do. So, please bear with me OK if I need detailed directions of how to reach a certain destination for the activities. My other interests include morning walks on Sundays (I work alternate half day on Saturdays). Want to learn to play badminton like a pro. Right now, I can anyhow hit the shuttle. My 10-year-old niece can play better. So, at the next activity, if you see a tudong-wearing lady, that would be me. I'm looking forward to meet the other members and join in the activities organized by SHC.

14 thoughts on “Norhayati A Aziz – Profile”

  1. Hi Nur.
    Welcome. I enjoy walking too, but I’m in Pasir Ris, which to many, is “the other end of Singapore”, so I don’t have much opportunity to walk with many people.
    You are not the only one with a poor sense of direction. I’m one of those too, haha. Would you believe that I can take a wrong turning to my home after having lived there for 20 odd years? It happened a few times, but usually in the night when my sense of direction just went haywire. Hence I never liked to drive at night.
    Hope you can find your way to Han’s. No big deal if you can’t. I’ve been there a few times already and each time I have a hard time finding it, hehe.

  2. Hi Nur

    Welcome to the club. I found many good friends here and Nor is one of them.

    We all “gila” together and be merry.

    Hope to see you at the SHC Gathering tomorrow.


    Caroline Gee

  3. Hi Lisa, thanks for your welcome note. Yes, we’re two of a kind. There’s another problem when I take taxis. When they asked me, “Which route you want to go, CTE, PIE, AYE” I would usually say “Whichever way, as long as I get to my destination” So even if they go on a merry go round, I would not know the difference!
    See you on 17th April, if I don’t lose my way going there! Hehehe

  4. Hi Nur,

    This Sunday our badminton session is at Civil Service Clob at Tessensohn Road.

    It about 5 minutes from Farrer Park MRT. Time: 11.00am-1.00pm.

  5. Hi Lisa and Nor

    Go for topo lessons and practicals, move around confidently and get ingrained, you would be OK after some efforts with directions.


  6. Hi Nur, Welcome on board the SHC family. I’m glad to hear that I’m not alone when it comes to having poor direction. I’m infamous for flagging down a cab to lead me even when I drive, so you can imagine how bad my sense of direction is, so now I have a companion to share my woes and maybe we can help one another to improve this area huh? ha…ha…, hope to see you in one of the SHC functions. Have a great weekend. Rgds, Lisa

  7. Hi DennisH, DanHuang, Nor(linda) and AndrewKuan.

    Good morning to you guys and thank you for the welcoming note. I hope to make it for the gathering on 17th April. By the way Dan, where do you guys have your badminton at?

  8. Helo Nur,

    Welcome aboard! from Nor to Nur..hhmm

    Please come to our Monthly gathering on 17 April, then we all can get together with other members…very frenly & fun people.

    You can also join the walking group,i read from yr post..u love to walk.
    I love to cycle….u boleh join if u like.

    Hope to c u around sometime soon :)

  9. Hi Nur,

    Welcome to the club, I like your sense of humour. Don’t worry, there’s lot of activities here for you,

    Join us for badmintion every Sunday from 11.00-1.00pm every Sunday. How about dancing, we have Rock n Roll n Rumba class ongoing now at only $32.00 for 8 lessons for passion card holder!

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