May Monthly Meeting for smartphone users, travelling, food, coins, dancing & singing enthusiasts on Thur 21 May 2015

May Monthly meeting of smartphones user,travelling,food,coins,dancing & singing enthusiasts

Almost everyone of us do have a smartphone nowadays. There are so many features in these phones. For this meeting we can discuss and exchange ideas on the features and on how we can make the most out of the features. We can also share on the various apps available for us to use. Many of these smartphones have so many features, that we rarely use all of them. We can share and indicate what phone we are using and then gather in groups according to the type or brand of phone. Each group sits around a table, and try to show one another what we have, what we know and what applications we have.
Although for this meeting we focus on smartphones but we also welcome everyone to come and meet up with one another and discuss topics of your interest. Lately we have quite a number of members who are keen to talk about coins and currencies collecting and their values. All others who may want to talk about travelling, eating or even dancing and singing are also welcome. Just register your interest and on that day those who like to talk on your subject will know how to look out for each other. I am also looking for 2 volunteers to help in the registration and facilitating of the meeting. Thank you.

Details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: Thusday, 21 May 2015
Time: 5 – 8.30 pm
Venue: The Gallarie Foodcourt 04-101/102 at Marina Square
EO: Bobby Bok

So, if you are interested in maximising your snartphone please let us know your smartphone brand, model, and we will try to arrange you by groups. Each group can have a leader; you can raise your hand later.

A great way to know one another better, and learn something which we may not know.

Registration list
1. Daniel Chan
2. Charlie Wee
3. Frisna Tan
4. Hew Lee
5. Roland Tong
6. Malcolm Chen
7. Susan Tan
8. Susan SW Tan
9. Winnie Tan

Author: Bobby Bok

semi-retired, in real estate, play the ukelele, interest in cycling, stock market, dancing , swimming now senoir citizen.

23 thoughts on “May Monthly Meeting for smartphone users, travelling, food, coins, dancing & singing enthusiasts on Thur 21 May 2015”

  1. Thank you, Terence. I wrote the minutes half in jest but still quite “official” huh? I was the Gen Sec of a CC Youth Group some 30 years ago. Still cannot forget the time when I had to struggle to write minutes factually yet tactfully; keeping in mind a copy had to go to the MP (Adviser mah).
    Cohesively correct, socially correct and politically correct. What a balancing act that was.

    For our monthly meetings, or any acitivity for that matter, it would be nice (for the benefit of all members) if a participant were to write a short summary of the event. Not necessarily the EO but a self-appointed secretary. We are not short of good writers here, honestly.


  2. Hi DanielC,
    We have not had a minutes of meeting done before; and yours is refreshing.
    While it seems very official, I think your initiative may trigger new ideas.

    Thank you. Terence Seah

  3. Minutes of Meeting
    Date: Thusday, 21 May 2015
    Venue: The Gallarie Foodcourt 04-101/102 at Marina Square
    Chairman – Bobby Bok General Secretary – Daniel Chan

    In attendance,
    Charles Wee, Hew Lee, Malcolm Chen, Susan CH Tan, Susan SW Tan
    Dorine Tan
    Tara Senn (new member)
    Minutes of last meeting was not confirmed as it could not be found.
    Chairman called the meeting to order at 6 pm. I ordered Cheng Tng while some ordered beef kway teow soup.

    Main Agenda :
    Why call it a “smart phone” when it cannot do a simple task like changing to a different language? Why is there a delayed response when tapping on an icon? Why does the screen turn white? Why no notification-sound? Hew Lee and Bobby were there to provide the immediate solutions. Meeting then discussed the advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp over other chat-apps, like WeChat, Skype, Line etc. Also talked about costs and cost-savings, SIM-cards, auto-roam, Wi-Fi etc. I wish to register a note of thanks to Bobby, for providing the link to download a Karaoke app. Who needs a DJ now when the finger can do the job?

    When the main agenda was finished, meeting then discussed other matters.
    A new member, Tarra, talked about her experiences in Swiss and other parts of Europe. She highlighted the decorum, discipline and grace of children in table manners – undoubtedly first world in this aspect.
    Malcolm talked about his “Ageless Bicyclist” project, helping children and the short stay in a long house. Hew Lee, Bobby and I are technocrats and quibble endlessly on the technical stuffs. Of course, the meeting will not be complete without mentioning some of the upcoming SHC activities. Meeting noted that 2 major events clashed on June 6th.

    Charles? Never been so near him. Maybe it was the lighting but he has the texture that makes a teenage girl envious. I am sure his topic on “how to maintain that complexion” will garner a good size audience. Shall we?

    The two Susans joined us after work. Very much appreciated, as the long walk from City Hall station can be arduous after a hard day’s work. This is what friends are for. Oh yes, the titbits. Whenever Susan is there, there is food. I gobbled down at least 50 balls of that crunchy crispy cracker she brought along. Best to go with Kopi O.

    Meeting adjourned at 9.40 pm, to a date to be fixed.


  4. Yes, Bobby. See you tomorrow.
    An added remark as far as “smart phone” is concerned :
    Be careful what you buy and ……
    after buying be careful what you install.
    There are FREE apps that can do seemingly marvellous jobs. And the icons are so attractive that you would want to show them to your friends. No reason not to install. No reason? Think again.


  5. Hi Daniel,
    You are right, thank you for the information on Android software & it’s application in smartphones. There are many smartphone imitations of popular brand like Samsung in some countries and I understand that these imitations including some tablets may not have this Google Play Store and they may not be able to install and operate certain app eg Skype etc. Let’s also talk & discuss about this when we meet up this Thursday 21st May 2015. Cheers..

  6. Hi folks…do you know that 4 out of 5 smart phones in use are running the Android Operating System?

    Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005. Why? Because it wanted to do something big for the mobile device platform, otherwise known as the smart phone.

    As of July 2013, there are one million applications (apps) created to run on the Android system. More than 3 BILLION Android phones are now used around the world. Phones employing the Android system include (but not limited to) Asus, Huawei, LG, Motorola Samsung, Sony and Xiaomi, In China 90% of smart phones are on Android while the remainder are shared between iOS (Apple), Windows (Nokia) and others.

    Each phone manufacturer has its own unique applications peculiar to its make or model. Hence, when changing phones, some re-learning may be necessary even for a simple task. However the basic functions of Android remains, such as pinching, sliding, spreading and wiping the screen.

    The Android OS has evolved over the years, with affectionate names from Gingerbread (2011) to Lollipop (2015).

    ” Google licenses their Google Mobile Services software, along with Android trademarks, only to hardware manufacturers for devices that meet Google’s compatibility standards specified in the Android Compatibility. Thus, forks of Android that make major changes to the operating system itself do not include any of Google’s non-free components, stay incompatible with applications that require them, and must ship with an alternative software marketplace in lieu of Google Play Store “.

    If you buy an “Android” phone in another country, you may not get the Google Play Store and other Google “essentials”.

    While technical jargons such as Linux Kernel, Apache Harmony, Nexus and Chrome may sound Greek to many, they are important elements that have had developed and improved Android. Naturally, users are more concerned with Dropbox, Playstore, Whatsapp, Youtube etc

    What has been explained above is about Android smart phones. Android runs other devices too, such as:

    Android Desktop (running on Linux OS)
    Android Laptop (running on Chrome OS)
    Android tablet (an offspring as a result of coupling between a phone and a laptop)
    Android@Home (intelligent control of household applicances via an Android phone)
    Android wear (smart watches)
    Android video box (high quality video)
    Android TV (Smart TV)
    Android Auto (car entertainment)
    Android video game console

    (Statistics by Wikipedia)

    A primary school student was asked by his teacher, what are the 3 most important things to sustain life in this planet. The hint was they start with A, W and F

    The student replied, “Android, Whatsapp and Facebook”


  7. Hi Susan & Winnie,
    Welcome to our monthly meeting both Susan, CH & SW Tan and also Winnie. For those who have the Samsung Note 3, you may like to watch this video which will show you some 10 hidden features of the Note 3 you may not be aware of. Please click to this hyper link to view..
    I look forward to see all of you this Thursday then. Cheers..
    Bobby Bok

  8. Hello Bobby,
    Thank you for organising this gathering. I will be there too with my Samsung Note 3. There is always something new to learn. See you soon.
    Regards, winnie

  9. Hi Susan,
    Thank you for coming, yes we can continue until as late as u want so yes ever late than never. Please note food court is on 4th floor. See you then. Cheers..

  10. Hi Roland & Malcolm,
    Welcome to the meeting. Daniel pointed out to me that if for those that have nothing to ask about smartphones they may not want to register so we have decide to extend this meeting also for those who are keen to talk about travelling, eating out, coin and currencies collecting and those also like dancing and singing. We have lots of information on the above subjects and will give to you for free. Cheers..

  11. Hi Hew Lee,
    Thank you very much for agreeing to come and share your great knowledge on the IPhone and your many interesting apps. We can also show them on how to install karaoke app onto both the IPhone and Samsung or other Android smartphones. We look forward to learn more applications and other features from you soon. Best regards..

  12. Hi Charles/Frisna,
    I will be discussing on Samsung Android smartphone and inviting Hew Lee who is more familiar with Apple IPhone to lead the IPhone group. Look forward to see you all on 21 May 2015 then. Cheers..

  13. Hi Terence

    Thank you for wanting to appoint me as EO for the month of July. I am afraid
    I cannot accede to your request as I don’t feel incline to be EO.
    I prefer be a participant.
    Thank you very much for your kind consideration

    Best regards

  14. Hello Bobby
    Glad you are finally an EO. Would like to learn about the app. Please register me “tentatively” for the time being. thanks

  15. Hi Bobby, DanielC, if there is anything we notice as changing trend, you have both set the trend for more men participating as organsers. Glad you have kicked this off.

    I am looking at more men coming in as EOs.

    Richard Wong has been very active in Club activities. Perhaps, it iis time RichardW gives us some activities and organise a monthly gathering. Richard, we have Bobby and DanielC, how about you doing the July gathering? Last year, you had indicated you were busy to organise the monthly gathering due to extensive travelling. Hope you can this time.

    Terence Seah

  16. Hi Daniel,
    Thank you very much for your support & help. We shall also talk about on how to use app like Skype and watsapp to make free phone call to both mobile and landlines. See you soon. Cheers..

  17. Hi Terence, my apology for not replying soon enough. Was away for the long weekend. Just returned home. Noted that Bobby is the EO. I shall help him. Will surely share whatever I know about smart phones, particularly Android-system phones. Expect some printouts. I shall be at the meeting site around 6 pm.


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