Another men’s night – Tue, 02 Sep 2008 evening

Another men’s night coming up.  I am keen to have another men’s night.  There is a time slot for Tue, Sep 2, 2008.   Meeting time:  1830 – 1900 hrs.  Place:  Boat Quay.  I think it is a quieter day of the week.  Suggestions also welcome.  Would you like to join me?

Terence Seah


  1. Andrew Thio
  2. Jeffrey Fong
  3. Terence Seah
  4. Dan Huang – coming to swim too.
  5. Jeffrey Lim
  6. Jonathan Ong
  7. Andrew Koh
  8. Yew Kwong
  9. Tim Liu -likely to join swimming in the Singapore River.
  10. Charles Chua – may join at dinner.
  11. Steven Chan

Author: Terence Seah


25 thoughts on “Another men’s night – Tue, 02 Sep 2008 evening”

  1. Dont think I can make it by the meeting time but will find some time to meet thereafter, will bring my swimming trunks in case Sengh wants to do a Phelps in the spore river.

  2. Danz, when you have Joy, live with Joy, you’re in love and when a person is in love, he can do wonders like walking on water and gliding thru tsunami so you dont need a pair of trunk so long as you keep Joy with you and keep faith with Joy…………….

  3. Gentlemen,

    Looks like we have a solid place. It’s Harry’s Bar. Tues, 2 Sep. Come anytime between 1800 – 1900 hrs. If you cannot make it, just give anyone of us a call. We can decide where to have dinner later, if we become hungry. Keep flexible, no registration needed.

    Terence Seah

  4. Men’s night: For the men who have some time to meet up, dont forget tomorrow tuesday night at Harry’s at Boat Quay. Drop in anytime between 1800 and 1900 hrs. Later, also ok. It’s free and easy. Just buy your own drink when you come.

    Terence Seah

  5. Hi Terence,

    Am keen to join in the Men’s night but cannot make it for drinks. Can I join you for dinner then? Will call/sms on the evening to find out the place for dinner.
    Also on another topic, I am willing to talk about any investment topic to the SHC members and take on a question and answer session to TRY to answer any questions they may have about investing their money. Please not I am only SHARING my limited knowledge about this topic as I feel it is important, both for our ourselves as well as our kids.
    I hope to be able to provide some clarity and experience on this topic from my past experience,\.
    Cheers to all.

  6. Hi Charles,

    Excellent, thank for sharing your investment experience. Will work out the date available. Tell me, are you onto forex, equities, commodities, options, or …. this way, we can get more specific discussion groups.

    And, hope to see you drop in for men’s night tomorrow.

    Terence Seah

  7. Hi Terence again,
    My product knowledge is best for equities. However, as I always say, money is like water and water always finds its own level, I can, without specifics, try to draw the relation between the various aspects, forex, commodities, currencies, options etc and how they interact in the dynamics of the market. Better to let the questions determine the interests level of the SHCmembers than to try to determine them now. This is a wide-ranging topic and I am not trying to attempt a summa principles of investing, only rather explaining some instruments, their risks characteristics, and how ordinary people like ourselves can participate and also choose not to participate in investment.
    Unfortunately my conclusion is that everybody needs to strive to achieve a return better than inflation and this will force them to ‘invest’. So how can we ‘invest’ given our skill sets as a teacher, housewife, banker, corporate executive, marketing executive etc?
    I ponder over this because I know my kids will have this ‘problem’, as will others, and I am trying to communicate what I think is the beginning of a solution. Not everybody will be a professional investor, many will want to live their lives, doing the careers they enjoy best, does that mean their savings cannot be ‘protected’? How then can they work at the jobs they enjoy most as well as protect their savings reasonably well? What is the experience of SHC members thus far? What is the experience of Sgpns so far? Admittedly poor for the general Sgpns if there is any semblance of truth in the past statistics. Eg,over the last few years both the lowest 20% and next 20% of Sgpns have been eating into their savings, ie spending more than they earn. And this was before inflation reached such frightening proportions these last few months, ie in the years before and after 2000.
    I hope I make myself clear. This is not a session to get to know what ‘tips’ are available, how the world economy will turn out, etc but to try to get a refreshing look at this ‘thing’ called ‘investment’ and to ty to cut out the fluff and feathers and see it clinically like an x-ray photo.
    Cheers for now

  8. Hi Terence,

    I’ll be there.

    All you men out there, let’s get together tomorrow night – after all its Men’s Night. We don’t have such outing so often.

    See you.

    Andrew Koh

  9. Men’s nite, I enjoyed it too. Harry’s at Boat Quay is a nice meeting place. Crazy hours beer is $12. I remembered at the last Men’s nite, it was $10. Dinner at Kopitiam @ Central, big portions. We must have been the last customers there last night. Guys, I picked up a number of good suggestions and feedback. Catch up with you next month. I think we can be the nucleus group.

    Terence Seah

  10. Terrence & other guys,
    Enjoyed it too. Thanks.

    Sounds like we are similiar in our investment approach. I also have some thots on insurance again from a consumer rather than practioner perspective. would love to sit down & compare notes with you. Also, if Terrence/you organise something, I’d like to offer my help (maybe help you prepare some slides, etc). Anyway, let me know.

  11. Hi Andrew #22,

    Yes, I shall check with you on a date soon. Meantime, consider a couple of .ppt slides too.

    CharlesC, your offer is also on. I would be pleased to have you share your investment thoughts with other SHCians. Will have a date soon.

    Terence Seah

  12. Butties, sorry that I cdnt join you all last nite……..was busy arranging envelopes and mails under their correct names and for that, I was treated to some jelly fruit juice.

    Wont disappoint the next time……………

  13. Hi Terence,
    I won’t be in Sgp from Sept 13th till Sept 20th.
    Otherwise anytime will be fine.
    Hi Andrew T,
    Good to know we have the same investment philosophy. Does it work for you?
    Cheers to all.

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