Photos taken at SHC events

We are fortunate to have members who volunteer to be the photographer(s) at most of our events.   Pictures taken are sent to me to make into an album then upload on our website.  Usually, the members are happy to see pictures of themselves cos it remind them of the fun they had.

There are times when members may have requested at the point of taking, that their pictures not be uploaded.   This seems a reasonable request no doubt.   Unfortunately, there are times that such request may be overlooked and the photo made its way on the web.  I request the understanding of members that it is not the intention of the photographer to betray or break a promise.

Members who do not wish to have their pictures on the web, to please bring your own camera to take your personal shots with whoever you wish.

I would also like to remind everyone that the event photographer is there to take pictures of the event and as long as there is nothing offensive, the pictures will be uploaded.  If you do not want to be in any of the shots, avoid the photographer when he/she comes around.   If you want to pose for the photographer, then be prepared that your picture will be uploaded.

Photographers, please do not accede to special request.

Finally, please do not send email with “sh..” word to the photographers or me.   We do not deserve it.

25 thoughts on “Photos taken at SHC events”

  1. Hi everybody,

    I am making a revison on the type of pictures that can be uploaded on the SHC website. In principle, if the events are for SHCians, you are welcome to have the photos uploaded. If the pictures are not, then you may upload the pixs to an external website, and put the URL link within the comment.

    Oi Cheng has been very efficient in uploading the pictures, and we hope to continuously find improvements. Meantime, have fun.

    Terence Seah

  2. This is to ascertain that I meant no malice to the intending party. I appreciate all the supports given to me as one of the photographers!

    My apology if I have unintentionally hurt anyone with the remark I made. I have treated the matter lightheartedly and just want to have a good laugh over it!


  3. I was sent some emails to peruse. Read in perspective, it’s my view that the word “shit” used in there was not meant to insult nor was it a rude expletive but an expression of frustration in the backdrop of what the writer thought was a promise made and was not kept.

    However, the choice of “betrayal” was on harsh as none shd lose sight of the fact that the fotos were taken at a event more boisterous than a hot party, and nobody really cared 2 hoots abt this or that, let alone be bothered with embargos or blank-outs. The mood of letting all hair down was unmistakable.

    We all learn as we get on in years. We will continue to feel – and anger is but one feel which should not be given pole position.

    This incident allows us all to know what SHC volunteers can do and will not do. For participants who ask for a favour or make a request, we ought to bear in mind that sometimes we can be disappointed. Certainly, it’s not “betrayal” at work but the devil is in adhereing to rules which for our own good cannot be exorcised.

  4. Well said & well done miss OiCheng for your sincerity to do the we should close this not-so-nice episode & carry on living our dear precious life..

    Now…i want to go the monthly gathering later fren said i shud register…if not kena kick!…apa macam?..haha

  5. Photographers,

    1. Respect the wishes of members if they do not want to be photographed.

    2. Do not accept special request like sending the photo to their email or not post on the web. This is to prevent unnecessary problems.

    3. If they have a camera or handphone, do help them to snap though.
    Members, bear in mind that photographers have their mind occupied with taking pictures and the on going activity that he/she may not remember who has made special requests.

    4. (newbies) photographers, do not worry, just carry on taking photographs as long as you follow the guidelines.

    To All Members,

    View the photographs, enjoy them, laugh or admire yourself in it. Important thing to note is, do not see or read beyond that and then say something to person(s) which may not be true. Some of these words may upset the person emotionally.

    My post and comments are meant to bring to the open some happenings and I have nothing against whoever wanted me to remove their photos. They have their reasons for sure. I have mine too for not acceding to their requests.

    I appreciate any comments hereafter, would be suggestions how we (photographers and myself) can do better. That will be constructive and welcome.

    We are all here to make friends and be happy so if there is an issue, we talk about it and see how we can make things better.

    Have a nice day!

  6. Hi Oi Cheng / volunteer /official photographers,

    All of you have done a GREAT job shooting/posting the beautiful photos at the SHC album for us to view our activities.

    Do not be demoralise by those sh.. emails.

  7. When I received an email saying that I was the guilty person. My first reaction was how to word my apology!

    This morning the birds have been shitting on my car! Just been to the car-wash and was charge $7.00. I ask why and the answer was obvious!

    Someone literally set the shitting in motiom and I was there to aganize over it. This is an unkind world. The wrath of a woman is hard to bear!


  8. Hi, Oi Cheng #16:

    You wrote: ‘Some of the web albums require a password to view the photos. A guest password will allow you to view only a certain number of pictures’

    This depends on the access limits you place on the album. You can open certain albums to unrestricted public view, which means passwords will not be necessary.

    You can take a look at my picasa albums at to see what I mean.


    Ron Koh

  9. Jane-W, I have failed miserably as a father and have been a very bad husband so I am blessed that none in my family — if there’s a unit I can call family – will not run me down in a lorry. So it’s fat hope that anyone will hang my foto on the lorry head (heeee, I hv no objection if it comes to that day, you’ll hang my foto – a passport size one will do – round yr neck).

    Seriously, where we came,whither we go. I have told my gal not to bother with me. When she starts her own family,h she has a duty & responsibility to raise and love. It’s not for the old fart me to mess up with her family, and already life is so stressful that few have time to pursue their hobbies, interests. For sure, caring for an old invalid isnt a meaningful pursuit.

  10. Thanks Ron for your suggestion.

    I am using a licensed software that Terence paid for. He must have his reason for wanting me to continue using this instead of those free web albums.

    Some of the web albums require a password to view the photos. A guest password will allow you to view only a certain number of pictures then you have to sign up for an account to view the remaining.

    One of these day if we happen to meet at SHC events, you can share with me about these albums. It should be interesting.

  11. Hi Timothy,

    I hv a suggestion for ur ref#7, go pick one of ur favorite photo, frame and display it at a prominent place wher ur family member can see …. of course u hv to change it every 4 yr .. u noe we age more faster this day….. …. n I m sure u got to do this job for at least 6 more times….. hahaha…

    in fact I hv this fear that when the day come, my family pick the ugliest photo of mine to put on the lorry head…. thats really KNS….

  12. Hi Oi Cheng, DanH and JuneL,

    I am glad I put on a wig so nobody recognises me. I had a well of a time, and am slowly beginning to understand why dancing is such a great love for so many people. I luv disco dancing, and will dance with everybody and pose for the camera too, in all angles and positions.

    Dan and OiCheng, I look at the SNF photos a few times, and realise that either you have squash my body or I have put on some weight. Haha.

    Enjoy the photos. They are memories in. 10 yrs time.

    Terence Seah

  13. Hi, Oi Cheng:

    You wrote: ‘To remove even one photo means I have to redo the album before uploading the album on the website.’

    Seems the web album you are using is pretty unuser-friendly. Normally, you should be able to add and remove selected photos from an album without any difficulty, or reorganise entire collections.

    Suggest you consider using something like picasa or something similar. The service is free up to an upload of 1GB.

    Ron Koh

  14. Hi! Member,

    I enjoyed very much viewing all the Picture during any events regards whether I am in those pictures. We should appreciate the efforts & time consume to the photographer to take the pictures & Oi Cheng upload all pictures into the album, so that we are able to remember the fun & joyful.

    Oi Cheng & Photographer, pls keep it up & I belived most of the member will support what are your doing.


  15. And i do wish to add one more exception to wanting one’s foto posted. Yes, among us are folks who are by nature coy and private, and prefer to remain so. That’s fair. Not everyone is like tim the bold & boorish.

    I am sure, to the extent that SHC can, it will accede to the request altho, in fairness to the fotomen & the person tasked with uploading the fotos, the request can sometimes be forgotten.

    Whatever, it is hoped that we SHCians are proud of our association with the Club, and thus if a foto of ourselves does inadvertently slip through despite the request was acceded to, it’s good to shrug it off, smile over it even if it’s a sheepish smile of alamak………

  16. Haha, the herd instinct is at play again and the pendulum is swung to 1 side and stays up there defying gravity.

    Whatever the reason may be, I dont think it was kind of gratefuk of anyone to fault the cameramen and Oi Cheng for taking and uploading the fotos. You signed up for a feverish nite, and you shdnt expect anythg less that “fatt siew” (canto). The cameramen were on the prowl snapping candid shots which means no advanced warning. In short, you went prepared.

    However, let me do uggest some reasons for thoise who took exception to the irfotos being uploaded. Perhaps, the heshe stole a nite out away from hisher companion on the pretext of attending a wake. Or perhaps hisher dancing was like the charkwayteow hawker doing the prata. Whatever, still no excuse to put any blame on OC and the fotomen.

    See, altho he tried hard to look like batman but ended up a black man behind his black glasses and black overall, Charles-W was all sports thru’out the nite.

    Not to be outdone, Dennis-W came as Yeh Fong in his glistening vest and he’s being hunted down by star searchers for the next broadway comedy.

    They both looked extraordinary – some say dashing, some say offbeat – bit we – they & us – all enjoy the fotos.

    Btw, yes, there were 2 intruders that nite. One made it to the door and was turned away. The other actually sat among us and I had to, less than politely, tell him to scoot off. So, folks, esp gals who leave their handbags unguarded, do be careful when you’re away from yr poseesions, for that dance which can turn out o be expensive. batman or blackman cant protect you too much.

  17. Poor dear OiCheng…so kesian :(

    Whoever used that word is not a gentleman or a insensitive!..cannot like that leh, how can?..we join this club is to make frens & be happy..not to belittled!..apa macam?..sigh..

    Members should refrain from using abusive words..Im sure we are all educated & respectable be caution when expressing feelings emotionally..whatever it is..nobody like to be insulted even if we are in the wrong,everybody make mistakes,be forgiving..we’ll look more handsome & beautiful..& younger!

    To whom it may concern..if u are brave enough..want to sort things out..go have a cup of coffee,take a deep breath & cakap lah..hhhmmm…think it works better & all of us will be much happier….tiok bo?…

    So, whoever said that to miss OiCheng…say sori ok..
    & go buy her dinner!…hehe
    sori if i offend anyone..

  18. Yes, if one doesn’t like one’s photo to be loaded on the forum or anywhere else…very easy what…just “siam” the photographer lah.

    OiCheng and photographers for SHC events…u are doing a great job…aja!!! Don’t let one or two sh.. comments get on you.

  19. There’s 1 place i wont like to see my foto put up, on the wanted list where it carries a bounty of 10 rupiah over my head.

    The place where I wont get to choose the foto I wish to load is at the lorry head.

    Anywhere else, isnt it my pivilege that someone sees fit that I am good enough to be seen?

  20. I am not entertaining request to remove any photo from the album unless they are offensive. To remove even one photo means I have to redo the album before uploading the album on the website.

    Can anyone promise that there will not be more of such requests? As of today, I have two such requests from different album. I hope the 2nd request was meant as a joke.

    Let me also take this opportunity to say that I will only upload photos of SHC events. For personal events, please do them yourself and link it to your comments of your post, if you want to share them with other members. If you don’t know how to, then please attend Yew Kwong’s IT class.

    There was an album which I had reluctantly put up, and that album had somehow made me very annoyed with myself even till today. I should have stood by my principles. To my fellow members, I apologise for that mistake. This will not happen again.

    I apologise for the tone in my post and comments but I don’t know how else to phrase it to get my mesage across.

  21. Hi all,

    When I first read the word sh , I thought it meant
    Sheee (Keep Quiet) , but later realise it was KNS which was rather offensive.

  22. Hi all,

    ..pls keep the photographer informed if u dont want ur face 2 be showcased.

    Another suggestion. Wear different MASKS for all the SHC activities that you are attending and you had NO fear that you would be recognised by the whole world.

    My 8 cts.thought.

  23. Hi PhotoShy members

    As Oi Cheng n Lily hd mentioned, pls keep the photographer informed if u dont want ur face 2 be showcased.

    One suggestion one can bring along dark sun glasses n caps n wear them throughout the whole event. Tis will in turn eliminate the chances of being recognised even if u are accidentally photographed.

    Pls refrain from using word like “sh..” They all deserve our respects.

  24. Hi Oi Cheng & fellow photographers,

    As volunteers providing services for SHC activities & events, you definitely do not deserve such insult. The rest of us applaud and thank you for your time and effort.

    To those who do not want their photos appearing in the website, you should avoid the camera. If you pose, we have the right to post.

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