Extract-ST Article “Retooling for Encore Careers”

Hi SHCians:

I would like to share the following extract by Mr Marc Freedman, founder of non profit organisation Civic Ventures in San Francisco:

Many of the most important social and human services needs of the coming decades will require        

  •  fundamental human kindness
  • mentoring children
  • caring for the frail
  • supporting the elderly  

Individuals of any education level are in a position to provide these services.

Even if they dont want to save the world, finding a renewed purpose later in life can be a blessing since many would have otherwise lived out their last years in loneliness.

Ultimately an encore career – whatver it may be put older folks at the intersection of money, meaning and impact, he says.

Its about reaping the maximum returns on experience and paying it forward.

Wow……….. after reading all that we need to tell and constantly remind ourselves that being old still has our own "value added" ness.

Enjoy ………..Seize the day!!!!!           

One thought on “Extract-ST Article “Retooling for Encore Careers””

  1. Fundamental human kindness, mentoring children, caring for the frail and supporting the elderly…….Sadly, this generation has, long ago, said adios to these virtues and it takes the brave but foolish to do even one of them.

    With immediate access to the world via the internet at your fingertips, one knows the success stories of many nouvea riche and how they enjoy their lives now, and one is impatient to climb up to that league too in double quick time.

    So, can one be kind to his neighbours and play the game straight ? Isnt time better spent in finding wealth than caring for the frail, deprived and supporting the elderly ? One has to be selfish, callous, ruthless. With their children seeing their parents slithering up and slitting throats to become boom town Charlie, how much of a mentor can their parents be? .

    If we are the last bastion of values and virtues, so be it. That’s why many SHCians are heartened and uplifted to read of mutual help groups, charity events organized by ourselves…….and, without coaxing, the offer of diverse help have always been spontaneous.

    Yes, we cant change the world but we can slow its degradation even if it means the proverbial praying mantis is blocking the advance of the chariot with its arms…………………

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