Viewpoint on prostitution

Now that some of us are going to visit a brothel in Karimon, it is good time to get your views on Prostitution.

We are all brought up to shant prostitues. They are  the scorn of almost all societies. They are evil people with no morale. They break up families, spread deceases and are shameless. Many religions forbids protitution as a profession or using this service.

To prostitute oneself is to sell your body in exchange for money or other  benefits. When a parent arranges for a daughter to merry a rich man or when a girl chooses a man for financial security we call them ‘clever girls’.

I can only think of 2 reasons why a women would want to bcome a prostitute. First, There are women who required to sell their bodies because that is the only way they or their family can survive. Secondly there are those who choses it simply because it is a better option than doing ‘proper’ work.

The women in the first category must be honurable. They work is hard for their money. They not only endure dirty old man but also the social disgrace and scorn they receive from proper ladies and men.  They do not resort to stealing or cheating.

The group of people that chooses to be prostitutes, they do it after assessing their own assets and weight their options. This is a same as what we all do when we choose a job or career. You do what you are interested and/or can give you maximum returns in wealth and happiness. It is a job, perfectly legal in Singapore. It is legal because it does not infringe on the rights of other citizens.

If we consider morals, the bankers at Lehman Brothers and corrupt politicians, they are by far much worst. A prostitute can show as much as she/he can to the buyer and the buyer gets what he pays for. A prostitute may transmit a desease to the customer but the customer can avail himself with protections. A banker and politician would deliberately take advantage of people by lies and deceits and yet we regard them with high esteem.

Does prostitution provide a service to the community? I think they must do, otherwise we would not see it florishing in all countries even in those that make it illegal.

I have difficulty figuring out what is so wrong with protitution, but I would not want my children, if I have any to be protitutes because they will pay a high price being marginalize by society. But why?

17 thoughts on “Viewpoint on prostitution”

  1. The author of this Post has raised the subject of Prostitution, and is asking for readers’ views. This post was initially sent into the moderation queue. I have released it. Please discuss the topic openly, and respect each other’s viewpoint.

    Terence Seah

  2. Terence I actually wrote this halfway and was called to do something else. I thought I just save it and continue later. Didn’t know you could read it and post it. HA HA.

    Happy New Year to all

  3. Dear Tian Soo

    Very interesting topic. There never will be an absolute right or wrong for things.

    When I was very young, I had a neighbour who works in a govt department – I am hopeless in remembering things so I cannot remember the name of the centre located on Middle Road. She goes to Desker Road and those dark alleys to seek out the prostitutes to go for their regular tests and check-ups.

    She told us many stories about them. There is much pain behind the beautifully painted faces. Some of them were forced into prostitution but of course there are some who did not have much education but wanted to earn money without having to do menial work. There are even husbands who forced their wives into prostitution. Others who were widowed or divorced young with very young children and cannot find someone who wants to marry them because of the extra baggage.

    I think it must be tough on them, waiting in anticipation for the next customer. Whether they look awful, smell bad, skinny as bean pole, fat and sloppy – if the price is right, they take them in.

    However, my neighbour said that of course there are some who choose to do this kind of work.

    We cannot blame them entirely for family break-up or spread of diseases. It takes two hands to clap.

    Whatever it is, whether they are shameless or immoral, its their choice and if they can live with it, then be it. To each his own.

    Have a nice day :)

    Caroline Gee

  4. All said , this oldest profession exists at all levels of society. Whether among the rich or poor, sophisticated or simple, in substance they are the same. The difference is in the manner of execution and the rationale advanced for it. An arrangement that meets the needs of both giver and receiver ever since man exists.

  5. When I was in my primary, my mum used to nag and scold my dad, and she associated the women he knew as prostitutes. If you were a teochew, you would probably know all the vulgarities used. As I grew up, even into working life, I continued to believe my mum that these women were bad. During those times, I never did understand this profession, as I was never in their shoes nor close enough to understand the why’s.

    Some twenty years ago, I got an expatriate job in Bangkok, and like some young men, my initial years there were spent on drinks, women and songs. It was just good time, spending the hours until 3, 4, 5 or even 6am. That’s how I lost my 1st marriage. I must admit much time was spent with women in bars and karaoke lounges, and slowly understanding this profession. Behind all the drinking and money transactions, there is a sad story. Be it a broken home, a husband who has left or a gambling debt to settle. Of course, many stories are also professionally rehearsed and told, over and over again.

    After my divorce, I am glad to settle down again.

    As I get older, I learn to understand the evils of big cities. This includes Bangkok, Jakarta, Beijing, Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh, and ….. I also learn to respect that this profession may be forced upon the individuals, it may also be chosen too.

    So, Tian Soo, you get to hear from me, now that you have started this topic. I am very open minded on this issue.

    Terence Seah

  6. I pity those women who had to prostitue themselves for providing their family but I have heard stories of very young girls as young as 12 who are being forced into prostition because some man go to the extent of seeking out such poor innocent young girls to satisfy their sexual desire. Such behavior is worse than animal and is not acceptable to society.

  7. Terence. I updated the text of this post and press Post, the text disappear from my screen but this post remain the same.

    Anyway, I was going to correct the spellings and grammers and add the following.

    The group of people that chooses to be prostitutes, they do it after assessing their own assets and weight their options. This is a same as what we all do when we choose a job or career. You do what you are interested and/or can give you maximum returns in wealth and happiness. It is a job, perfectly legal in Singapore. It is legal because it does not infringe on the rights of other citizens.

    If we consider morals, the bankers at Lehman Brothers and corrupt politicians, they are by far much worst. A prostitute can show as much as she/he can to the buyer and the buyer gets what he pays for. A prostitute may transmit a desease to the customer but the customer can avail himself with protections. A banker and politician would deliberately take advantage of people by lies and deceits and yet we regard them with high esteem.

    Does prostitution provide a service to the community? I think they must do, otherwise we would not see it florishing in all countries even in those that make it illegal.

    I have difficulty figuring out what is so wrong with protitution, but I would not want my children, if I have any to be protitutes because they will pay a high price being marginalize by society. But why?

  8. Steven Chan

    You are puzzled by my recent frequent inputs in this forum.

    I cannot find the post you ask the question in so I will answer you here.

    I am the same Lim Tian Soo. Quiet when I have nothing interesting to say. Also the farm is closed this week, so I am free to login and write. I will go back to hibernation next week unless someone write about sex, travel or golf.

  9. I love the 2 CNY holidays where everywhere seems so deserted & empty. The hustle & bustle of a workday, the criss-crossing of human traffic/motor traffic I happily missed.

    Foreigners thronged Geylang but the crowd was thin compoared to a normalite. With few places to go, few friends to visit and not much in the pocket to spend, sighting hookers is perhaps their best past-time.

    Hailde from the dsame motherland, they chatted up a conversation easily but the gals continued to keep a hawkeye for biz.

    “Tchi mah?” one wrapped her hand round the bend of my arm. Go where, I asked but was only interestd if she could lead me to Asat the bangladeshi cigarette peddler who together with his runners had all disappeared since late last year, ostensibly, off to celebrate an early CNY.

    Hard luck for her cos there can be no deal if there’s a willing seller but not a willing buyer. And hard luck for me too cos she didnt know where Asat was……..

  10. Hi KK Loh #7

    You are correct, we should hang the guy by his ‘you know what’. But society also have to ask itself why we than see the 12 year old victim as ‘wasted’. Some families would reject such victims which is worst then the rape itself.

  11. Tian Soo

    The guy may have over-used it and it’s diseased so it most probably dropped off so nothing to hang heee!

    Cheers! He deserved it!

    Caroline Gee

  12. Hi Tian Soo,

    Heard this joke? At a convention, this guy asks a girl, “Can we go to bed for a $100,000?” So the girl oohs and aahs and finally agrees. The guy then asks, “How about $100?” The girl is shocked and exclaims, “What do you think I am, a prostitute?”

    Guy replies, “Of course, it’s only a question of price”

    So in a sense, all of us are capable of being one, it is just the level of our personal threshold.

    So like all things, we don’t judge lest we be judged. But we are intelligent enough to judge for ourselves when we fail to cross the threshold. So I believe we are all responsible for our actions.

    My feeling about society and SHC members is that

  13. To Whom It May Concern:

    I would like to be as objective as possible without being moralising and judgemental. I would like to view issues from different perspectives. Let’s take a very simple example of a knife. Do you say a knife is good or bad per se? We can’t unless we are given a context. It depends on how it is used. If I use it for cutting my vegetables then it is good as it serves a domestic function but if I use it to murder someone, then it is bad. Even then it is controversial. What if I use the knife to protect myself, and my loved ones as a tool for self defence? Some will say it is justified while others like the Buddhists may still maintain that the end doesn’t justify the means as it is still bad karma. So it becomes more complicated as we go deeper into the issue. Here we see a wide range of views, often conflicting. So what do we do then? Argue until the cows come home?

    1 One of the oldest professions in the world surely must be prostitution, among others. It has survived the test of time. Some are condemned, some are condoned and others are encouraged in different societies and at different times. To be able to survive for so long since time immemorial, it only means that the profession has served a social needs.

    2 Nothing is right or wrong per se. Values change through time and culture. We are in the area of subjectivity and relativity. What was wrong before may be right now and vice-versa.

    3 In viewing such a controversial issue as this profession, we see it from two different points of views (levels or perspectives) – from the individual perspectives and from the perspectives of the authorities (legal, social, moral, religious, etc.)

    4 Prostitution serves a social function. If not for prostituion, sociologists assert that the incidence of rape cases may go up many folds. So that is why many governments condone and even legalise prostitution and oversee, monitor and control it.

    5 Lastly, what do we do as individuals. It depends on our own values. For my myself, I will not patronise them partly because of my own values and also because I have no guts even if I am tempted to do so…hehe (pardon me.) I learn over the years to live and let live as long as they don’t come to my place to do their business. As much as I try to sympathise and empathise with prostitues, I do not encourage anyone less so my own children, if I have any, to take up this profession.

    6 The approach to other controversial issues will be the same as above. Just replace prostitution with issues like gays, gay marriage,etc. I hope I have thrown some light and helped some among us to resolve this very controversial issue. Thanks Tian Soo for throwing up this topic for open discussion and Terence for approving it. If I have offended anyone with some of my ideas I do sincerely apologise as it is not intended to be.

    7 Have a nice day everyone and continue to enjoy the rest of the 15 days of CNY celebration.

    Yours truly,
    Robert Quek

  14. Hi Robert.

    Very well said.

    I am not a Christian but I’m not a bigot, a label one ex-SHCian gave me for not wanting to be his friend. ;-) hehe.

    I applaud your comments, especially point number 4.

    With so many migrant workers here in Singapore, I think the prostitutes are indeed doing a social service. I hate to think what will happen to our womenfolk if these workers have no channel of ‘release’, if I may put it that way (sic).

    Everybody has his or her own reasons for doing certain things and who are we to stand in judgement of them? Like everything else, it’s a trade, an exchange of one thing for another… money, favours, flesh (sex)……since time immemorial. For that matter, so is marriage. Oops, this could be a sensitive subject to some people.

    Like you said, as long as they don’t come anywhere near me or anyone close to me, or do their ‘business’ at my doorstep, it doesn’t bother me. Live and let live.

    In my opinion, the people to blame in this scenario, if you want to put blame on anyone, are those men who patronise them, especially those who already have a ‘legitimate’ channel for their ‘release’, already married men, for example.

    In the words of my wise, departed father, said in Teochew,
    “Kor kee l__ hai see ker” If you get my drift? Hahaha.

  15. Thanks for all the wise inputs and I am one that don’t look down on them.
    Besides on all the reasons stated above they have not resorted to crime to make a living and that is commendable.
    Only my resevation is for those who are educated or can make adecent living decided on this high living lifestyle to fund their lifestyle.
    They are there to solve a social problem otherwise our society will have an increase in sexual crimes.
    It is up to individual to decide what they want to do.
    Also I think Prostitue should apply to both gender as the society does not openly accept Male Pros for their female clients.

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